The teams girl

By Orange5sos

290 11 0

Zak has three rules for any guy wanting to join the football team 1•must of had over 5 years of practice 2•... More



30 1 0
By Orange5sos

Noah p.o.v

The next couple of days were hell.

People (namely the whole football team) were looking at me as if I was so fragile I might snap.i swear I wanted to slap a bitch. Or 20. Every one kept acting as if I has some kind of illness. Okay , so I do have an illness but it's really not that big of a deal. Well not to me anyway.

And don't even get me started on Zak. Like seriously, he was constantly monitoring me to make sure I was taking my pills and all that jazz. I swear I'm not a kid. And if any thing if should be mom and dad's problem not Zak's , as much as I loved him looking after me he was even more protective than usual. He treated me like a porcelain doll that could snap at any moment.

Speaking about mom and dad they called once, once whilst I -their only daughter was sick in hospital- parenting of the year awards over here every one.

I'm being sarcastic.

Speaking of people who have failed to care about my well being I need to add Isaac to that list because guess what? He hasn't called or texted me since he left me at the hospital. He ignores my messages like I'm the bloody plague. Jesus Christ talk about best friends. 17 years worth of promises down the drain just like that. Okay maybe I'm over exaggerating a little but It hurts okay? I mean imagine if your best friend was ignoring you - the very same best friend that's supposed to be comforting me right now- and yet he's still able to answer the phone to his fuck buddies? It fucking kills. Like a dagger through the heart.

Currently I'm sitting with Brody and Jacob reclined on the sofa. I'm not supposed to be back at school until next week so they're just filling me in on all the news.

"Caleb and Sadie were caught in the janitors closet ... Again" Brody snickers

"No way they're like two horny rabbits , they can't stop" I add giggling

"I know I heard they're facing suspension or even exclusion , Zak's mega pissed it affects Caleb's spot on the team" Jacob murmured

Caleb and Sadie have been fuck buddies for a strong three years now , Sadie used to be a real bitch but since her and Caleb have been getting along - and not just between the sheets - she seems really nice. I would actually consider her a friend. Her and Caleb obviously like each other but they are both "players" or so they claim but we all know they aren't actually seeing any one else they just don't want to man up to their feelings. If you asked me I think they are way past the crush stage. I see the way they look at each other, or the way they want to rip of anyone's head who so happens to flirt with their "other half" literally they would be perfect together.

I nod In understanding Zak has seemed really pissed lately, with the stress of the team and what not. Speaking of the team I wasn't able to go to any practices because I'm under strict orders from Zak to stay home. I still haven't seen Isaac play.

"How's Isaac doing" I ask in curiosity

He might be ignoring me but I still care he is my best friend after all.

Jacob shifts uncomfortably but Brody just smirks.

" Oh yeah your lad has been fitting right in with the cheer squad if you get what I mean"he said winking

"And by fitting in I'm referring to him having-"
Brody was cut off by Jacob

"Ba ba ba .. I don't need to know details" Jacob screeched, that almost made me smile. Almost.

Ignoring the sharp pain in my chest I put on my best smile,
"No you doofus I mean how well is he playing?"

Zak took this as his cue to join in the conversation.

" He's actually very impressive, I don't know why he didn't join earlier"

I ignored this comment and turned my head back to the episode of friends currently playing on tv.

It was quiet for a while before the knock of the door distrusted the programme.

No one made a move it answer the door.

"Zakkk" I groaned kicking his head with my foot lightly.

"What?"he groaned back.

"The bloody door" Brody snapped for me

Zak got up reluctantly grumbling incoherent curses.

"Hey Isaac man" I heard Isaac's voice drift down the hall and into the sitting room.

My stomach started doing wired flips, Isaac was here. He was here to apologise. He still wanted to be friends. I felt a slither of a smile appear on my lips and I tried to hide it in my ice cream tub.

"And I see you've brought some friends" Zak said motioning to whoever Isaac brought with him.

"Yeah hope you don't mind" Isaac's smooth voice ran through the corridor, it was only then that I realised everyone was silent and waiting to see who Isaac's 'friends' were.

Then the door opened and there stood Isaac in all his glory, a stunning brunette draped on his arm and a very very attractive boy standing behind them.

I thought Isaac was gorgeous but this dude took it to a whole new level. He had light brown hair, that was practically begging for hands to run through it, captivating green eyes full lips and a strong jaw. I noticed a cigarette hanging, unlit, between his forefinger and his thumb. He had a leather jacket and a black Beanie on his head. Every thing about him screamed bad boy, and bored.

I hadn't realised I had been staring when I found every one staring at me.

"What" trying to act as if I hadn't been drooling just a second ago.

"I said I'm sorry" my eyes darted to the owner of the voice and I realised it was Isaac speaking.

It was then I had realised something, this is the longest I have been in the same room as Isaac and not even captivated by him.

I mumbled in response still the gorgeous stranger occupying my mind.

" I'm Adam" his deep husky voice filled the room and I found myself lost in his eyes.

"Noah" I replied , my voice a squeaky whisper.

I saw Adam smirk and boy did he look adorable.

"Like the dude with the ark?" He chuckled his perfect mouth -teeth and all- form into a smile and felt the zoo erupt in my heart as my cheeks turned crimson.

"Yeah I guess" I coughed awkwardly looking down at the ground.

"You're cute when you blush" he whispered In my ear and I realised how close he has gotten.

Then I heard a growl escape from Zak's mouth and realised the whole team were watching.

Talk about awkward.

It was then I was met with a cold hard glare, a pair of familiar green eyes looking at me. But some thing about them looked so unfamiliar to me.

The guy who has been my best friend for 17 years , suddenly seemed like such a stranger.

Whoop whoop I think this is the longest chapter I have written (and it's only the first part)

Adam is played by moeAdams, whom I am deeply and irrevocably in love with.

The girl (whose name you'll find out soon) will be played by Taylor hill :)

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