SwanQueen: A Powerful Weaknes...

RebekahTaylor96 tarafından

70.6K 2.6K 86

When a trail of pixie dust brings Emma and Regina together in an unexpected way, a love blossoms and drama un... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1. Emma
Chapter 2. Regina
Chapter 3. Emma
Chapter 4. Regina
Chapter 5. Emma
Chapter 6. Regina
Chapter 7. Emma
Chapter 8. Regina
Chapter 9. Emma
Chapter 10. Regina
Chapter 11. Emma
Chapter 12. Regina
Chapter 13. Emma
Chapter 14. Regina
Chapter 15. Emma
Chapter 16. Regina
Chapter 17. Emma
Chapter 18. Regina
Chapter 19. Emma
Chapter 20. Regina
Chapter 21. Emma
Chapter 22. Regina
Chapter 23. Emma
Chapter 24. Regina
Chapter 25. Emma
Chapter 26. Regina
Chapter 27. Emma
Chapter 28. Regina
Chapter 29. Emma
Chapter 30. Regina
Chapter 31. Emma
Chapter 32. Regina
Chapter 33. Emma

Chapter 34. Regina

2.6K 94 46
RebekahTaylor96 tarafından

Chapter 34. Regina

When they eventually climbed into bed, Emma insisted that she had to go to work in the morning to catch up on anything that had happened while she was away. Regina attempted to change her mind, that she still needed the rest but after the mind blowing sex she had given her, she realised that she was more than capable of reading a few files, no matter how much she would have enjoyed having her to herself until Henry would arrive back home. Instead of complaining she purposely woke before Emma and ventured downstairs into the kitchen to make her a packed lunch, knowing that she would naturally forget to feed herself, she may aswell make sure she ate something. She dived into the cupboard and pulled out a pan and a cheese grater. Then she grabbed the butter and a knife, two slices of bread and the all important; cheese.
Emma trudged downstairs ten minutes after her alarm went off, having hit the snooze button twice. When she appeared in the kitchen, she was fully dressed and stifling a yawn. Regina had just finished putting the food into a brown paper bag and was twisting the top down when she spotted the savior leaning on the countertop. "Good morning" she stated, "Good morning Sheriff" Regina replied, eyeing up Emma's badge. "Are you sure you have to go to work?" she added, giving it just one last shot at persuading her to stay home. "Yeah, I don't want to get behind, Dad suggested I get on top of it now before it all builds up", "I suppose that makes sense" Regina admitted. With that she lifted the paper bag from the table top and strolled over to the savior. "Have a lovely day Ms Swan", she then pecked her on the cheek, leaving a faint lipstick mark. Emma smiled with her eyes and took the packed lunch from Regina and peeked inside. Inside was a grilled cheese sandwich wrapped in foil, a small tub of pasta, a root beer and an apple. Emma took the apple from the bag and presented it to Regina. "It's not poisoned I promise" she stammered. Emma giggled. "I know. And thank you, I'll see you later" she then kissed Regina back and left the house, happily swinging the little brown bag.

Emma had been gone less than fifteen minutes before Regina got a call from David. "Hello?" she answered, lifting the handset of the house phone, "Hi Regina, It's David", "Yeah I know, caller ID", "Oh- Right of course, um. How do you fancy grabbing a bite to eat with Mary Margaret and I this afternoon, I think there's a few things we need to discuss". Regina looked around the kitchen as she thought of the answer, "Uh, Ok sure yes", "That's great, we'll meet you at Granny's at one", "I'll be there", "Alright, well see you later, bye", "Bye". Regina waited for David to hang up and then watched the little screen turn to black. As it did, she noticed a glimmer of gold light shimmering behind her. She turned to see Tinkerbell at the window again. "Are you going to thank me?" the pixie beamed, cupping her own face with her hands. Regina rolled her eyes, "I suppose, thank you" she mumbled, "Sorry what was that?" Tinkerbell asked making out she hadn't quite caught what Regina had said. "Nice try but that is all you're getting", "So how is... everything?" Tink asked cocking her head to the side, "If you're hinting at what I think you're hinting at you can forget it, I'm not telling you that", "Oh come on", "Absolutely not" Regina threw her hands in the air as Tinkerbell fluttered her eyelashes. Regina groaned, "Alright, it's great, more than great ok" she admitted thinking back to their bathtime. Tinkerbell grinned and suppressed an excited giggle, "Oh, you painted your nails" the pixie pointed out, motioning to Regina's subtle nude fingernails. Regina looked down at her hand, "Oh yeah, Emma did them for me last night" she told. "They look nice, right well I better be off, a pixie's work is never done, catch you later". Tinkerbell flew away, leaving Regina alone in the kitchen. It was now almost 9:30am, with only four hours until her lunch with David and Mary Margaret. She untied her apron and started clearing away the breakfast items, scooping up a few mouthfulls of left over pasta as she did. By time she washed up the dishes and wiped down the surfaces, the time had sneaked around to ten o'clock. With nothing else to do, she returned to her bedroom and grabbed her mobile from beneath her pillow. She lay on her side facing Emma's side of the bed and proceeded to text the savior. 'Everything ok?' she typed, in seconds Emma replied, 'Yep, but I might be a while, there's quite a lot to go through', 'ok, let me know when you're done, I'll come pick you up, if I'm not still with the charming's', 'Huh?', 'I'm having lunch with your parents, apparently they want to talk to me', 'haha, probably going to give you the birds and bees chat, so glad I'll be missing that'. Regina pulled a face as she imagined getting the sex talk from Mary Margaret. 'I'm gonna do some things around the house, don't work too hard x' Regina replied. Emma replied, 'Ok, see you later x'. She then locked her phone and dropped it onto the bedside table.
Regina left for Granny's at quarter to one, hoping to get there before David and Mary Margaret. After slipping on her best high heeled shoes, she jumped in her car and set off on the short drive to the town. After the heart to heart she had had with Mary Margaret at the hospital, Regina didn't feel the same way that she normally did about being around the Charming's. Sure they'd buried the hatchet a while ago but this time she felt completely at ease. Right up until the thought of David talking about hers and Emma's sex life. Surely this wasn't the real reason they wanted to meet? Once she arrived outside Granny's a brisk wind blew, causing her scarf to dance in the breeze. "Afternoon Madam Mayor" Archie chirped as he too made his way down the path to the diner. "Afternoon Archie" she replied with a faint nod. "Here let me get that for you" Archie blurted, reaching for the door. He plunged down on the handle and the gently pushed the door open. "Thank you" Regina smiled, and then she stepped in and took a seat at one of the booths. As she had hoped she was the first to arrive. "What can I get you?" Ruby asked with a cheery smile. "Oh, I'll just have a coffee while I wait please", "Coffee, ok coming right up" Ruby smiled again not needing to jot down the order on her notepad.
David and Mary Margaret must have had the same idea, to arrive early because seconds later they walked in, wrapped up warm in big coats, both their noses pink from the cold. "Oh Regina, you're here already" Mary Margaret addressed loudly. Loud enough to make a few of the other customers look up from their dinner plates. Regina rose from her seat, "Yes, I wanted to be on time", "Well you're early", "Sorry, is that a problem?", "No luckily not" Mary Margaret forced a smile and looked to David for support. "What can I get you Regina?" He asked taking his wallet from his back pocket. "I've already ordered, thank you". David nodded and proceeded to the counter to order tea for himself and his wife. Mary Margaret took a seat opposite Regina and stared nervously into her eyes. David joined them a moment later as Ruby saw to the order. He joined Mary Margaret's nervous gaze. "So?" Regina spoke up starting to feel a little awkward. David bit his tongue and blurted out, "Regina, what are your intentions with my daughter?". Mary Margaret gulped and sat up straight. 'God no, it really is the sex talk' Regina's conscience screamed in embarrassment. For a minute she looked down at the table top, "Um, well, to love her, protect her" she trailed hoping she was giving them the answers they wanted to hear. "If Emma did something, or said something, you don't agree with, how would you respond or, or react?" Mary Margaret muttered. "Well, I'd probably tell her I didn't agree or that she hurt my feelings- sorry, but why are we doing this?" Regina asked, confused. Before she could get an answer Ruby arrived with the the tea and coffee. "Here you go, enjoy" she spoke, a look of wonder in her own eye as she watched the old enemies sitting together. "Thank you Ruby" David said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah" Ruby mumbled as she lingered at the table. She slipped the tray under her arm and sauntered away back behind the counter leaving them to it. "I don't know, isn't this what normal families do when their daughters get boyf- girlfr- partners?" Mary Margaret stammered, looking for the right term. "We're all grownups here, surely we don't need to do this?" Regina uttered. Again an awkward silence rose between them and simultaneously the three of them took a sip of their drinks. Mary Margaret glanced at the clock, it was now 13:15pm. As if it were purposely done on queue, Henry burst through the cafe door, again everyone looked up, this time mostly because the door swung so wide open it bounced off the wall. "Hi" he greeted his mom and grandparents. "Henry why aren't you at school? And come to think of it why aren't you?" Regina asked, first to her son, then to Mary Margaret. "It's Lunchtime" Henry and Mary Margaret spoke at the same time. Regina took another sip of coffee. "You look nice Mom" Henry declared. "Thanks" Regina said with a weary look. 'This is weird' she thought to herself. "Any plans for the rest of the day?" Henry asked another question, "Um, no I don't think so, unless there's something Emma wants to do, if not I'm happy to just go back to bed". David pulled a face. "To sleep, to sleep" Regina insisted knowing what they must have thought she was thinking of. "Mom, do you really love my mom?" Henry questioned, an honesty showing in his eyes. "Yes Henry, I do, very much" Regina grinned happily. As the words left her mouth a familiar voice sounded from behind. "That's nice to know" Emma gloated. Regina blushed. "I thought you were at work? I was going to pick you up" Regina chirped. "Yeah- I lied, I didn't go to work" Emma admitted. Before Regina could ask why she lied, Emma spoke again. "I went into town instead", "This is where we come into it" Mary Margaret interrupted excitedly. Emma glared at her mother. Mary Margaret fell silent. "I'm glad you love me Gina, because I love you too. Now more than ever. See last night I was thinking, 'what exactly is true love?' and I may be wrong but, I came to the idea that true love isn't flowers and chocolates and breakfast in bed. It's so much more than that. True love is continuously fighting for each other's happiness, always being there for the person you love, and not just whenever they need you, and transcending realms through special magic. That's love. Mr Gold once said that love is a weakness. If so, it is a powerful weakness, because Regina, for as long as I have been in love with you, even before I knew it, everything we have ever done and attempted to do, together, has succeeded. There is nothing we can't do as long as we have each other" she paused. Regina stared into Emma's glittering eyes. "I asked my mom and dad, and Henry, to bring you here and keep you busy while I made my way back from town. Because, I kinda needed not to bump into you, I also needed to hype myself up for this, I was nervous as hell, but seeing you here in front of me, I'm completely at ease, and I don't ever want to be away from you again" with that Emma took a deep breath and pulled a small box from her pocket. On one knee, she looked up at Regina and opened the box. An enormous diamond ring now on display. Every single customer at the diner looked over at Emma and Regina and gasped. "Regina Mills, Will you marry me?" Emma asked lovingly.

Was this really happening? Was she dreaming? She couldn't quite seem to tell if her heart was beating faster or slower. As the ring sparkled from inside the pretty black box, it almost lit up as beautifully as Emma's eyes. Regina threw her hands to her mouth in complete shock. This is why Emma insisted on painting her nails. This is why Emma insisted on 'going to work'. Immediately her eyes flooded with warm tears. Her bottom lip trembled as her emotions got the better of her. She nodded her head, slowly and then faster as Emma breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes, YES" Regina cried, throwing her arms around Emma who was still crouched down on the floor. She was so excited to hug her that she almost knocked the ring out of her hands. "I love you" Emma whispered, tears of her own now forming in her eyes. "I love you" Regina mumbled, her voice muffled as her tears sunk into Emma's neck. Henry screamed excitedly, happy for his mom's., fist pumping the air. Mary Margaret was crying with joy, while David smiled, a tear in his own eye as he watched his daughter holding her true love in her arms. The people of Storybrooke were confused, but being the loving, friendly people they were, most of them sprung to their feet and applauded as Emma glided the ring over Regina's finger.
This girl had come from nowhere and changed her entire perspective on life. She'd saved her from the darkness, from villains and more challengingly, from herself. The diner was fit to bursting from the amount of love held in the room.

Life with Emma was constantly changing, getting better and more exciting, each day;

a chapter in a story that will never end.
She had gone from Henry's Birth Mother, to Ms Swan.

From Ms Swan to Sheriff Swan.

From Sheriff Swan to Emma.

From Emma to, My Fiancée.

And in a matter of time, Mrs Mills.

And Regina couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with her one and only happy ending.

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