We Are A Secret (Camren) [Edi...

By _eriiicaaaa_

248K 5.4K 1.1K

Trailer available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/aADcSVTyabQ 18 year old Lauren Jauregui has been heartbroken... More

1. We're Moving
2. Her
3. The Newbies
4. I'm Falling
5. Let's Chill?
6. 'Friendship'
7. They Ship It
8. You Have Me
9. Date?
10. Yes!
11. Last Long
12. We're Trouble
13. There's A 'But'
14. 'Home'
15. Meeting Them
16. Cold
17. We're So Fancy
18. Accent
19. Overreacting
20. What The Hell??
21. Complicated
23. Fucked up
24. The Happening
25. Good or Bad Advice?
26. Analyzing
27. Hottest
28. Same Love
29. Expect the Unexpected
30. Oblivion
31. Vampire?
32. Anonymous
33. Monitor
34. Mini Cabello
35. je t'aime
36. For My Best Friend
37. Making Amends
38. I'll Miss You
39. You're an ass
40. The Little Moments
41. Surprise!
42. See You Soon
43. Envious
44. Not Enough
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
Married To Dr. Jauregui

22. Egged

3.7K 91 11
By _eriiicaaaa_

Lauren's Pov

After my high wore off, I decided to check up on Camila's house which I expected to be empty since the school day wasn't over yet, but what I came to see was a red car in front of it. I decided to check it out and then walked up to the front door.

To my surprise Camila was home and I knew should couldn't drive yet so someone else was here. I entered without her permission and what I saw next broke me heart.

Austin was on top of the stairs looking directly down to me and his face looked like he never got beaten up. I turned to Camila who was looking down towards the ground in shame.

"Camila, why is he here?" I asked slowly through gritted teeth.

She looked up slowly, not making eye contact and said, "We were going to go out."

That was it. She ticked off my last nerve and my tolerance was over. It was done. I was done. I looked at her and him with a hurt expression.

"Camila, I need a break from this. Have fun." I said before walking out the house, not waiting for her response and going to my secret place.


How is she so niëve about this? Does she always have to see the good in people? Did I make the right decision?

I asked myself all these questions while looking at my reflection on the water. I was sitting in front of a small river which was surrounded by beautiful nature. I found this place while exploring around when we first moved here.

I sighed loudly and decided to tell someone about what had happened. I called Mani since I knew Camila would tell Dinah sooner or later.

"Hey Lauren what's up?" She answered on the second ring.

"Um, well Camila and I kinda broke up."

"What do you mean KINDA broke up?!" She suddenly yelled causing me to temporarily lose my hearing in my right ear.

"Well I went to go check on her house knowing it would be empty, but when I got there, there was a red car parked outside it so I went to check it out. I knocked on the front door and surprisingly Camila opened up and I entered knowing she wasn't alone. When I saw who was with her, my heart broke and couldn't take it anymore." I say on the verge of tears.

"Who was with her Laur?" She asked softly knowing I was about to cry.

"Austin." I said finally letting the tears fall.

"Oh Lauren, did you break up with her or something?"

"No, well I told her I needed a break and then I walked out."

"You want me to be with you? I'll go to where you are."

Remembering that it was my secret place and not wanting Normani to see it since I only wanted it to be me that knew of this place, I told her I'd go to her instead.

"I'll see you in ten minutes Mani."

"Okay be careful."

"Will do."

I got in my car and drove back to my house where my siblings were waiting for my arrival.

"Hey Lau-Have you been crying?" Tay asked standing up from sitting on the sofa.

"No." I said in monotone.

"Did you and Camila fight?" Chris asked getting into the conversation.

I stayed quite knowing that it was more than that, but I didn't want to tell them. I lazily climbed up the stairs and changed then went into the restroom to wash my face.

I came back down and walked towards the front door ignoring my siblings eyes on me the whole way there. I drove to Mani's house and rang the door bell. 

"Well hello Lauren." Mani's mom said answering the door.

"Hi Mrs. Kordei, I came to see Mani."

"She's right upstairs, come on in."

I climbed the stairs and went directly to the pink door at the end of the hall. It was slightly open so I went inside without knocking. I came to see Mani lying on her bed with earphones in her ears while having her eyes closed. So I decided to scare her a bit.

I turned off the lights and quickly crawled under her bed as quietly as could be. I heard her quickly sit up and throw her legs over the bed and onto the floor. I took the opportunity and grabbed her feet which caused her to start screaming in mortification and tried to get her feet loose, but I held on.

I finally had enough of her screaming which was going to get me deaf if it continued so I let go. I crawled out from under the bed laughing my ass off.

"Lauren?!" She asked trying to catch her breath.


"What the hell? I actually thought I had a monster under my bed dude!!" She whined.

"Mani you're 18 and you thought you had a monster under your bed?" I asked dumbfounded.

She gave me a glare, "Don't remind me I'm old Laur!" She whined again.

"Hey I'm 18 too and you don't see me complaining." I pointed out.

"Because you already have the white hairs to prove it." she said pointing at my head.

My eyes went wide, "No way!" I exclaimed going to her mirror looking at my hair.

"I'm just kidding! You should've seen your reaction though." she said laughing.

"Whatever!" I said going straight to her bed to lie down.

"So to business, how do you feel?" She asked seriously.

"Hurt and angry."

"It's not even me going through this, but I feel it too."

"I sometimes wonder if she really is this niëve about Austin or if she actually has an interest in him." I mumbled.

"I don't know Laur, but if you asked for a break don't think about it any longer. A break means getting away from the issue and doing other things. Like focus on the game on Saturday, you're our star player we can't win if you have your mind else where." she said nudging me.

"Yeah you're right, so what should we do?"

She smirks, "What comes to mind when I say 'egg' and 'house'?"

"Breakfast? I don't know." I said confused as fuck.

"Egg a house stupid!"

"Ohh! That'd be so fun, let's tell Dinah cause she'll make shit more interesting." I suggested

"You're right let me text her."


It's been an hour since Normani texted Dinah and now the three of us were here on West St deciding on which house would be our victim.

"Well who lives here anyway?" Dj asked

"I don't know, Lauren said here."

"I know a bunch of snobby rich kids that live here. I don't like snobby rich kids." I explained.

"You do know we're rich kids ourselves right?" Dj pointed out.

"Yeah, but we're not stuck up or snobby about it."


"Anyway which one?" Mani asked.

"Hmm well how about that Gabriel guy's house. He's like the snobbiest of them all." I suggested.

"Alright which one is it?"

"The blue one at the end of the street."

On our way towards the end of the block, Dinah asked a delicate question.

"So why isn't Mila here Laur, you guys are like this" she asked while putting her pointer and middle finger together.

I quickly tried to make up a lie, but my mind went blank. Luckily Normani answered for me.

"She was umm busy."

"Busy? Doing what?"

"Well like her parents are here for three more weeks, she went with them somewhere." I replied halfly lying, her parents were here.

"Oh okay well what about Ally?"

"She's most likely with Troy. It's Tuesday, I think they have bible study or something. Plus she'll probably be lecturing us about how this is wrong if she were here."

"True. So who throws the first egg?" Mani asked.


Wednesday Morning

"Guys! Guys!" I heard Dinah yell.

After our fun activity last night we were all tired and just decide to crash at Mani's house which was totally okay with her mom since she loved us dearly.

"Ugh Dinah go back to sleep its five in the morning" Mani groaned.

"But the news!"

"Since when do you care about the news?" Mani asked.

"Our masterpiece is on the news!!"

"What?!" I asked my voice muffled by the pillow.

"Gabriel's egged house in on tv." she explained.

Mani and I looked at each other then at an overly excited Dinah and quickly got up. We followed her downstairs and into the living room where like Dj said, we're the Gonzalez's egged house.

The reporter was saying that about 8:00 pm last night the owners started hearing banging on the walls and at first thought it was their kids, but after being incorrect, they peeked out their windows and saw three teenagers throwing eggs, but couldn't recognize who since it was so dark out.

The screen changed into the reporter interviewing Gabriel's dad who was furious, claiming that if they found out who the teenagers were, he will press charges.

We bursted out laughing then turned off the tv. Realizing that it was now 6, we chose to get ready. Normani had to give us some clothes for school since Dinah and I were too lazy to go to our homes and get clothes for ourselves.

After showering and getting ready, we descended downstairs for the second time that morning and walked straight into the kitchen where Mani's mom was making breakfast.

"Morning girls." she happily greeted

"Morning." we replied in sync.

"Did you guys hear about the house that got egged a few blocks down?" She asked.


"What happened?"

"When?" We all asked at the same time

"Well turns out 3 teenagers about your guys' age egged the Gonzalez's house last night at about 8 pm."

"Wow, I wonder why." Dinah asked.

"I don't know, but good thing it wasn't my girls, that's all I care about." she said flipping a pancake.

"Yeah." We say giving out a nervous laughter.

"Anyway, breakfast is ready. Eat up, it's almost time for school."


"Dinah I want the 1975!!"

"No!! Beyoncé!!"

"Nooo!! I got the aux cord first."

"Soo? I was in here first!"

Currently, Dinah and I were fighting over what we should listen to. We were about to continue, but that was until Normani interrupted us.

"Enough!! You guys are acting like kindergarteners fighting over blocks! We're here anyway." she said turning off her car's engine.

"Are not." Dinah argued.

"Are too." Normani argued back.

"Are not."

"Are t-ugh! Now you got me doing it." she whined.

Dinah and I laughed and high-fived each other completely ignoring the fact that we were just arguing a couple minutes earlier.

We started walking towards the school's front doors when abruptly stops us.

"Aye looks there's Camila!" She pointed.

I turned towards the direction she was pointing at and there she was. Walking off the school bus with dark circles under her eyes and her hair up in a bun, not caring about how she looked today.

"Mila over here!" D yelled and I instantly stiffened.

Camila saw her and made her way towards her best friend not noticing that I was right here. She got here with a forced smile, but as soon as her eyes lied on me, it instantly dropped and her eyes showed nothing, but sadness.

Dinah noticed this and looked between us two. The ground suddenly seemed interesting, since I didn't want to see Dinah's eyes piercing through my soul.
Then I finally heard her speak

"What's going on between you two?"

No one answered.

"What aren't you tell me?" She asks a bit more sternly.




A/N: Hey! Mind commenting why you like this story? Make sure you favorite! :) any question or a suggestion you think should happen? Inbox me! -E

I might just do Lauren's Pov from now on. What you guys think?

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