Tempting the Tycoon

By cerebral_1

724K 29.5K 2.3K

Meet Sydney Hughes. She hasn't had a steady boyfriend since college. She's been too busy tending bar in her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

23.8K 1.1K 123
By cerebral_1

**Adult Content This Chapter**

At the touch of Alexios's palm on her behind, Sydney's desire blasted off like a libido rocket. And when he pressed her against his erection, she fought to keep from jumping into his arms, wrapping her legs around his hips and saying, "Yes, yes, I'm yours, I'm yours!" Since she was sure the guests around them wouldn't approve, she settled for a tiny nod while the butterflies in her stomach took flight.

He didn't hesitate, but clasped one of her hands and pulled her through the throng of dancers, his goal the side entrance that was partially obscured by the floor-to-ceiling draperies lining the walls to deaden noise.

While she stared at his broad shoulders and clung to the warmth of his larger hand, Sydney tamped down the little quakes of anticipation that joined the dancing butterflies inside. Alexios's expression was so forbidding, so intense, yet she knew it wasn't directed at her. She may never have had sex before, but she recognized raw lust when she saw it. And nearly pushed him through the obscured doorway in her haste to be its recipient.

They made it into the dim hallway, and the self-closing door cut off the blaring band and accompanying voices, cocooning Sydney and Alexios in instant quiet. Right away she opened her mouth to speak, but with an economy of motion, he pushed her against the wall, caging her in with his hands braced on either side of her head. He used his lower body to pin her there, and she once more felt the nudge of his hardness through his tuxedo.

His eyes bore into hers like burning lasers, his jaw clenched. His short hair, always immaculately combed, appeared rumpled, as though he'd run his fingers through it.

She only had seconds for these impressions. Without a word he lowered his head and took her lips with frantic force, applying bruising pressure with every hasty contact. Oh, God, he tasted like an angel, yet kissed like the devil himself. Tiny sounds, identical to the whimpers of a pup who'd lost its mother, filled the space around them. Sydney realized with horror that they came from her throat, yet she couldn't control them. Her body bowed into his, her hands crept up his gentleman's shirtfront to dive into the hair at his nape.

He growled into her mouth. She shivered, then jolted when his tongue surged past her lips, carnally advancing and retreating in absolute mimicry of their bodies' urgings. Enter, then recede, over and over, until she was dizzy with need. Her hands dropped to his shoulders and clung there, all the strength of her limbs leeched away by the steady force of his assault. If she let go she would surely drop to the floor, her legs too weak to hold her up.

Just as quickly as he'd started, he stopped. He rest his forehead against hers, holding her still with hands she'd never felt move to cradle the back of her head. His chest rose and fell against hers as if he'd finished running a race.

"I want you, Sydney. I've wanted you since I saw you at Jimmy's. I thought I could keep this strictly business, divorce myself from my desires, but I was wrong. I can't stop thinking about you. Whenever I see you I want to take you in my arms, kiss your lips, your eyes, your nose. Hell, I want to kiss every naked inch of you, and then go back and do it all again.

"I want to be inside you. I want to bury myself so deep in you that you scream my name, that I scream yours. I want to take you in every way a man can take a woman, and drown in your scent, in the sounds you make when you come. I want all of you." He drew a shuddering breath. She trembled from the vibrant picture his words painted.

His voice lowered still more, husky with the staggering passion he'd just admitted. "There are only two ways this evening is going to end, Sydney. First, you tell me no, in which case I call a car around to take you home."

A tiny sound of distress slipped past her lips, past her common sense. Heat flared in the backs of his eyes.

"Or second, you tell me yes, in which case I take you up to my suite and make love to you until the sun rises. And beyond." He reared his head back and searched her face, the warmth of his hands at her nape teasing her already heightened senses.

Dear God, she wanted him! The scenes his words evoked whipped up her desire till caution fled and wanton need filled its void. She'd remained a virgin because of circumstances, because she'd never felt this firestorm building within. Had never met anyone that tempted her to do otherwise. Until now. Now, when her insides quivered at just the thought of his mouth, his body, with her, in her all night...

Her fingers tightened on his shoulders as she made up her mind, no decision at all, really, and pressed her pelvis against his erection in taunting reply. She watched his eyes widen as she whispered just as hoarsely, "Yes."

He blinked once, and then took one of her hands in his and began striding down the hall, towing her in his wake with determined steps. Later she wouldn't be able to remember their journey to his rooms, or the fact that she'd texted her father not to wait up for her; her mind jumped ahead to what would be happening in a matter of minutes. She remained silent on the matter of her inexperience. It wasn't like she was a teenager, after all. She knew enough about sex that she was sure she could pretend a proficiency she didn't have. He might never notice.

It was only when they were in the elevator that common sense intruded. She tugged on his hand that still held hers and said, "Your rooms aren't in the penthouse, are they? We're not going to have to walk by your parents while they watch TV and wave goodnight, are we?" She couldn't control the squeaky tone of her voice.

His face, rigid until now, relaxed into a smile, and he raised a finger to touch her cheek.

"No, agapi mou. My rooms are on a different floor, as are Orrin's. We prefer it that way, and Mama wisely chooses not to know what we do as grown men." The elevator chimed, and the doors swished open. He grabbed her hand and once more brought her with him, until suddenly stopping before an unmarked door near the end of the hallway. Fishing out a key from his pants' pocket, in another second he swung the door inward.

"After you," he said politely, in direct counterpoint to the evening's planned, improper activities. She took a step forward, while he reached around her and hit the wall switch. She gasped and ground to a stop as the room sprung to life.

The curtains on either side of the picture window framed the lighted Strip, making it a one-in-a-million view of all the hotels and their signs. Garish in the daylight like an overly-made-up woman, at night the sight was breath-taking. Drawn to it, Sydney moved over the plush carpet to the window, one hand at her throat as she watched the spectacle that was Las Vegas at night.

But then Alexios's hands dropped to her shoulders, and she started, turned her head toward him. The pads of his fingers stroked down each of her arms, raising goosebumps with his gossamer-light touch. And then his lips were on her neck, beneath her ear, sucking on that sensitive spot till she swayed against him. Her eyelids drifted closed. Could a woman expire from being kissed? Would she collapse, fold in on herself like a house of cards?

His mouth moved to her nape, while his hands sank into her neatly arranged hair. With her entire focus on his lips and what they were doing to her skin, she realized belatedly that he'd removed the pins from her hair and was spreading its length out around her. She heard him inhale just before he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his body. His arousal nestled in the cleft of her bottom. She drew in a breath and whispered, "Don't stop," and felt her face flush. Thank goodness he couldn't see it.

"Oh, I don't intend to, glykia mou. This is just the beginning. A warming up of the engine, if you please." She heard the smile in his voice, as his hands rose from her stomach to the zipper at her back. The metallic rasp of the tab sliding down sounded loud in the quiet room.

He continued leisurely kissing along her shoulders, while his fingers slid beneath the straps of her dress and slipped them down her arms. The dress slithered to the floor, leaving Sydney standing in her heels, lace panty, and strapless bra. The air from the air conditioner drifted over her and she was embarrassed to feel her nipples tighten. His hands moved to her breasts and he thumbed the hardened peaks into aching pinpoints. She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out, but oh, my goodness, it felt so erotic!

He chuckled, his face buried in her hair as he said close to her ear, "Will you come again like this, or can you hold off, love?"

She turned in his arms. Her eyes reached his chin when she stood in these shoes.

"I don't know. Are you a gambling man?" Where in the world had that saucy answer come from? It must be the fact that she stood nearly naked before him, while he remained woefully overdressed.

He laughed outright at her answer, and wrapped her in his arms. He swayed them both for a moment, before lowering his mouth to hers. She met him halfway. Their lips fused together then opened, allowing their tongues to play. Her fingers went to his tie, and his went to the front closure of her bra. Both items of clothing disappeared. She yanked at his shirt studs; he bent his head to lap at one straining nipple. She raced to pull his shirt open.

Eventually he was as bare from the waist up as she was, and in another of his unexpected moves, he lifted her in his arms and carried her from the living area.

"As sexy as you are in stilettos and lace panties, and my God, you are, I think we'd both be more comfortable on the bed."

Sydney had a moment's reservation. She was going to bed with Alexios Verga. She was giving up her virginity to him. This was an irreversible act. He'd slept with legions of women, done who knew what with them, and they to him. How would she measure up? Would he be disappointed that she didn't have the skills his past lovers had? Should she warn him?

While he fumbled with the light switch on the wall in what she figured was his bedroom, she opened her mouth to tell him...tell him what? "I'm a twenty-eight-year-old virgin. Take me, I'm yours"?

She closed her mouth at the same time he got the bedside light on. No, she wanted him to continue so much it was an almost physical ache. She wanted him to be her first. Whether he recoiled in dismay or disappointment, the deed would be done. She could relive these moments, no matter how he reacted when he found out her secret. And she still clung to the hope that maybe he wouldn't find out. After all, he was purported to be a great lover, and she was an old virgin. Perhaps he'd breeze on through, none the wiser. A girl could hope...

He placed her in the center of his bed, which had an ebony-colored, upholstered headboard and was covered with a steely gray bedspread. She lay there looking up at him, and bit her lip again.

"You are so sexy when you do that." He unzipped his tuxedo pants while he spoke, and shucked them and whatever else he wore underneath. Sydney was confronted with her first naked, aroused man. She stared at that prominent part of him, eyes widening. And blushed.

"And so is that. I didn't know women still blushed." He turned to the ebony nightstand, giving her a view of his backside, which was as lean as the rest of him and just as tanned. He must sunbathe in the nude, Sydney thought hysterically. She heard him tear something and realized he was donning a condom. At least he'd thought of safe sex, which was more than she had done!

"It's always been my curse," she responded, attempting a nonchalance she hoped mirrored the Felicitys that he'd been with.

"Well, it's definitely a turn-on for me." Relief began to edge past her growing anxiety until he faced her and she saw he held a remote. Why the heck was he holding that? Was he turning on the TV? Now? What, was he going to check the NASDAQ before they climaxed? After?

He pointed the remote at the window, and the curtains drew back soundlessly, and Sydney choked back a relieved laugh. He just wanted the lights from the city shining in. He left the remote on the nightstand.

"I want to see the glow from the Strip reflecting on your skin," he explained as he clicked the bedside light off and sat beside her. The room sparkled, and she watched his gaze drop to her body. It flicked over her and even in the dim light, she saw it warm. She fought the urge to cover herself. She'd chosen this outcome; she needed to own it.

He reached out and traced her lip with one forefinger, trailed it down her throat, between her breasts. He took it and swirled it around one nipple, watched it pucker and peak. Sydney closed her eyes and held her breath.

"I don't want to rush this, Syd. But I don't know if, once started, that I can go slow. Being here like this, with you, is all I've thought about. It would probably shock you how much I've imagined this." While he talked he drew that same finger down her belly, which she sucked in because it tickled. He skimmed right over her panty and surprised her by cupping her. Oh, damn, his hand was hot through the thin material! She resisted the urge to grind against his palm; it felt so right.

The next instant he'd pulled that little barrier down her legs and tossed it aside. She was totally naked to his perusal, except for those silly skyscrapers on her feet. She had no idea what to do, what he wanted her to do. Should she sit up, grab him to her? Or act nonchalant and remove her shoes? Should she stretch? Touch herself as she'd seen in movies and read in books?

He took the decision away by rising and nudging her legs apart with a knee, centering his body between her legs. Her stomach muscles tightened but she managed to respond to his earlier comment.

"I've thought of this, too. I think we were destined to end up here, like this." Her voice sounded thready, not at all her normal tone. But then, this was not a normal circumstance. At least, not for her.

He gave her a sweet smile that was startling in its very uniqueness. "I like that, being your destiny; you being mine. It sets this, what's about to take place between us, apart from what we've both experienced before," and then he lowered his mouth to hers.

How ironic his words were, Sydney thought as she sank into another of his drugging kisses. Within moments he would take her virginity and become her first lover, new roles for both of them for sure. The question was, would they both want those distinctions?

She didn't have time to formulate any more stumbling blocks, for his mouth had left hers and was meandering toward her breasts, which he seemed to enjoy immensely, much to her satisfaction. She'd always found them adequate, had even exploited them for tips while bartending. And now Alexios was using them to send her skyrocketing.

He found her nipple and took it between his teeth, and she nearly catapulted off the bed. He continued to draw on it, and in response she reached for him. He captured her seeking hands and drew them above her head, spanning her wrists with one hand and holding them in place while he skimmed down the side of her body with his other.

He used that free hand to mold and form her neglected breast, magically erupting tell-tale tingles that signaled she was nearing that precipice she wanted to go over with him inside her. She squirmed under him, felt his lips curve upward against her breast. Still holding her arms captive, he took his other hand, smoothed it over her quivering skin until it reached her center. He slid a finger into her and she cried out at the delicious sensation. Sweet heaven, she wanted more! Needed more!

Her body rose and fell in time to the decadent caress, until his mouth abruptly left her breast. He kissed her hurriedly, whispered as he flicked that wicked digit inside her one more time before withdrawing it, "I wish I could spend longer, but you're ready to burst and I'm a selfish bastard. I want us to come together. Next time, I promise." She closed her eyes, savoring the dazzling sensations that shimmered over and through her, as well as the assurance of a next time. It felt so good...

Iridescent sparkles obscured Sydney's vision so that she could barely make out the smile Alexios flashed her. She raised her newly freed hands to his smooth chest, ran them over his skin and heard him hiss. He bent his head and kissed her hotly, and then she felt him at her entrance. The euphoria of a second ago retreated. It was happening. Now. Suddenly she needed to tell him, warn him to go gently.

She opened her mouth to do so, but it was he who whispered into it. "At last, matia mou. At last. Don't hold back. I want all of you." And then with no more warning, he thrust into her forcefully, one deep stroke that ripped away her inner barrier on a flash of intense pain.

Sydney couldn't control her yelp, but it hurt, damnit! Whose stupid idea was it to keep her virginity a secret? Her eyes popped open just as his head shot up. His whole body froze.

He looked down into her face in absolute horror. Long seconds of silence ticked by. She felt a tear start at the corner of her eye as he finally stammered, "Wh--what the hell?"

A/N: Perfect, perfect stopping point! From my pov, at least! I've tried for a slightly hotter heat level here, if you hadn't noticed. Alexios seemed to be that type of guy. Now we'll have to see what his reaction is to Sydney's secret. It doesn't sound like we're off to a good start, though. Since I didn't receive any sexy music suggestions, you've ended up with my favorite music era: the '80s. I've already got next chapter's music, care of rinergirl. You rock, sweetie!

As always, I'd love to hear from all of you in votes, follows, and comments!

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