Is It Me? Or Do They Seem So...

By SlytherinsSoleHeir

765 20 13


Chapter 1:Insomniated, Ninjary Or Just Plain Goddamn Confused?!
Chapter 2:Life-Long Secrets Reveiled.
Chapter 3:What is this feeling??Hatred or Love??
Chapter 5:WTF Me Like THAT?? No Chance In Hell!!
Chapter 6:Purple Eyes...
Chapter 7:The Sluts Are In The Building!! Oh Gosh Not Her Again!!!
Chapter 8:Needs A Name...!!
Chapter 9:Thought He Had A heart...
Chapter 10:The Devil Has Taste...?! WTF...?! >:[
Chapter 11:...Holy Shit...
Chapter 12:Now That's What I Call Normal!!...Or Not...
Chapter 13:The Return Of-Wait, What's Was My Excuse Again??
Chapter 14:Does He Really Want Decking?!?! Or Not...
Chapter 15:Chest Muscles and Scary-Looking Teeth.
Chapter 16:Move Truths Reveiled
Chapter 17:The Move!

Chapter 4:Feelings Intensified, A New Guy And A Protective Twin!

46 1 0
By SlytherinsSoleHeir

Chapter 4:

"I wasn't trying to kidnapp you. I was simpily trying to--" He started, but I wasnt taking any more of his shit.

"I don't give a shit and I wouldn't even if there were flying purple pigs!!" Okay I'm just gonna go ahead and admitt it that he's pissing me of badly. His serious expression turned amused all of a sudden and replied,

"I can make purple pigs fly for you if you want."

"As tempting as that sounds I'm gonna have to say no."

"Awwhhh, why not??" He whined like a cute little 5 year old with an spine-chillingly angelic--(WAIT!! WHAT DID I JUST THINK?!?! I think im offacilly going crazy! Okay someone point the way to the loony bin because I'm obiviously too dangerous to be on the streets!)

"Because as funny as that would be I think some people would have heart attacks and I don't want to be responsible for the deaths of the elderly, thank you very much!" I lie. It's really so I wont start liking him because of his cute face, voice that melts you, hair you just wanna touch, neon green eyes even deeper than the sea and his so-called abillity to make purple pigs fly. Wait can you even get purple pigs?!?!

Like I said too dangerous to be on the streets.


When I enter maths and sit down I start talking to Abi, Lewis and Charie about how their night was, when I ask any of them if they know any gossip, call me a nosiy bitch but I usually don't listen when they talk about gossip, but something about that mystery dude yesterday makes me feel like I should start listening to the gossip. Charlie, whos is the girl you go to for gossip but still knows how to keep a secret(shocker right?), is the one who answers me with,

"There's this new dude and apparently he's hotter than Tanner!!" She whisper-yells. My eyes nearly pop out of my sockets at the gossip I just heard.

"You're joking right?" I asked just to make sure I heard right and didn't mistake it for something else because Tanner sure as hell anit gonna like it.

"Not. At. All!" Charlie phrased seriously which caused me, Abi and Lewis to stare at her completely shocked because nothing Charlie says is serious even when she gets in trouble with the head."What you guys looking at??" She questions our shocked faces.

"Never in your life have you been the tinyest bit serious, so why start now?" Lewis questions her back in a still shocked tone.

"Because I've seen the guy myself and he--Hey I'm always serious!!" She protested with a pout.

"When the head asked you why you put an open bottle of aluminous pink nail varnish in Mr.Krofts drawer with a giant list, of things that would get you into trouble he was gonna give to the head,  and you just laughed at him and said 'That was funny to watch!' If that isn't proof that you're not serious I don't know what is!" I explained to her. Abi looked thoughtful then turned to Charlie and said,

"What did the dude look like?" She has a glint in her eyes that means she up to something. Uh-Oh!

"That." She pointed to the door a few spaces behind me. Me, Abi and Lewis looked towards the door and when I did I froze, Standing there in the doorway talking to Mr.Gillies was the guy who tried to Me-Kapp me yesterday.

"Guys, this is Blade Samuals. Is there any spare seats anywhere??" He looked around the room and was aboud to send him next to Jessika when he saw me put my bag on the spare seat next to mine. "I saw that Miss.Rider and for that Blade can sit next to you." He said, with amusement clearly visible in his facial expression at the fact he has pissed me off royally.

"Why me?!?!" I whined. Charlie nudged me with her foot and whispherd one of her's and Abi's favourite lines"You should feel lucky having that sex-god sitting next to you!" I look at her expression that just simpily say's 'If you escape this I will come through your bedroom window at midnight and kill Stevie.'

"You wouldn't dare!" I say to her out loud.

"Oh but I will!" She replies just as loud so the class would hear and turn around just to watch us. From the corner of my eye I can see that Blade has the same amused expression as Mr.Gillies.

"You kill stevie and I'll kill pooka!" I threatend.

"Like hell you will!" By now Charlie has stood up and I stand up too. Just as I was about to reply Matt said from across the room,

"How about this, Charlie, you just kill L-J's snake and L-J, you just kill Charlie fish in revenge. There problem solved." He started laughing and soon stopped when I sent a spin-shivering glare right at him.

"I sorry sir but this thing {points to Blade} aint sitting anywhere near me!" I tell Mr. Gillies that in a tone that states an end to a disscusion but in this case the disscusion is still very much alive.


As I sit on the warm square radiator in the hall to eat lunch with my friends I don't seem to notice that Blade isn't with us untill Charlie says,

"Where's your boyfriend??"

I choke on my sandwich as soon as the words have finished leaving her mouth and feel someone pat me on the back and bend to whisper in my ear,

"Boyfriend, eh? What fanticies have you been sharing with them?" He asked in his signiture spin-chillingly sexy voice.

Wait since when has his voice been sexy?!?! Last time I heard his voice I thought it sounded good not sexy?!

Stop having arguments with yourself in you head goddamnit!!


Goodbye, Lucy-Jayne.

Wait! Hello?? Heellooo?? Yep deffinatly too dangerous to be out on the streets. You don't happen to know the way to the loony bin, do you??

I sat up as soon as I finished choking and look up at Blade and said,



What does she say?? Does she say "thank you" or "leave me alone and don't touch me again you prev!" find out in the next chapter of,

Is it me?? Or do they seem so damn werid??

Please comment on what you want her to say and what you want to happen next time and I'll use your ideas and dedicate the next chapter to the person with the best idea or title for Chapter 5.

Love, Love, Love Always L-J x

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