Behind These Violet Eyes

By TaylorAshley

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Everlysia King is a 18 girl from england who's mom makes her move to her boarding school she owns in new york... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

743 17 9
By TaylorAshley


Tori senses and speaks up, "This is Matt Preston Ever's date" i peak out the corner of my eye and see jace looking at us.

"O-oh" he stutters before clearing his throat, "Okayyyy i'll see you later tori" i hug her goodbye "Don't forget to text me on how its going" she whispers in my ear, i grab matts arm before leaving the dorm.

"Hey don't you want to say bye to your boyfriend, he seemed pissed as in jealous that  i was taking you out on a date you to fighting?" i look up at him in horror.

"Jace is not my boyfriend nor will he ever be, and he wasn't jealous. We had a fight so i'm ignoring him for the time being" i say he looks at me for a second before nodding and opening the car door for me.

 After the date matt walked me to my dorm, we stopped infront of the doors and i turned to him.

"Thank you for asking me on this date i really enjoyed it" i say softly, he smiles "Me too", he then slowly leans in and our lips touch.

For some reason i couldn't help but compare matts and jace's kisses. Matt's was soft and gentle as jace's was passionate and tingly.

It made no difference because right now i was enjoying kissing matt, i leaned in closer and he put his hands on my lower back and pulled me in.

As we were kissing i heard the door open i turned and saw that my roomate was looking very pissed and upset at the moment.


My eyes meet Tori's vicious ones, i turn to look at matt who's smirking and i give him a apologetic smile. He nods and i kiss him on the cheek before grabbing Tori's  hand and walking into the dorm. 

As i enter the dorm there pillows thrown around the room, lamps on the floor, ketchup and other stuff on the walls.

I finally take my time to look at Tori, turning my eyes go wide. She's covered in feathers, and ketchup, i shake my head while stifling a laugh and drag her to the bathroom.

Grabbing the towel i help her clean herself off while she explains what happened.

Long story short.....Her and Jace got into an argument about me and how he treated me wrong.

The food came in because she was cooking dinner when he wen't to grab something to she  him with the spoon and he smacked her back and i guess you can figure out what happened next.

After she was finished i was laughing uncontrollably, wow i live with a couple of 5 year olds, Frowning Tori jumped into the shower and i went downstairs to clean up there mess.

Just as i was about to finish Jace grumpily walked in, i took in his appearence. He was still like how tori was but slightly worse.

"Didn't have the decency to shower?" i snicker softly, he groans and starts to walk into the kitchen tracking mud behind him.

I quickly jump and grab the wooden spoon tori left out and smack him before he can get halfway, he jumps and turns to glare at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?" He screams at me going red, i frown and point at the muddy tracks he left.

"Don't you dare curse at me, i just spent 2 hours cleaning up you and tori's mess, so when you walk in tracking mud i find it kind of rude" i say putting my hands on my hips.

He just laughs and continues to walk, so i sigh and walk up to him and grab his arm and spin him around.

"Listen jace take your attitude problems and clean up your mess, because how you've been acting ain't working for me, so in less you wan't me to get angrier i suggest you listen to me" i hiss causing him to flinch slightly at my words.

He looks at me for a second before his face turns into anger.

"Stop being such a asshole okay, god its freaking mud clean it up yourself you freaking bitch" this time i'm the one to flinch at his words.

"Excuse me? Don't call me a asshole and a bitch,  your the one with the bi polar disorder, get your emotions set straight, if you have issues fine then just leave me out of them, you stupid jock" i say with force.

He goes to speak but i quickly but in, "Before you say your not bi polar think again, you can't kiss someone and than say forget it, and that it was a mistake and you wish it never happened, it doesn't work like that" i snap back.

"Hey at least i'm not a whore, after we kissed you wen't out with matt who by the way is a bigger player than me and than you kissed him " he snaps back. 


He flinches and walks closer to me, "Our kiss did mean nothing and i do regret doing it, and kayla will forgive me because i'm all she has" he says sharply.

"Sure she will, she's only with you for the sex you know, your just a man whore who sleeps around with anyone just for fun" i say with force before i turn and walk away.

"You don't know anything about me" he says through his teeth, I stop midway and turn around halfway, "Funny i could of said the same thing about you" i hiss and go to turn but not before i add in, "oh and clean up your mess" i say with a hint of humor in my voice before i turn and walk into my room slamming my door behind me.


I woke up and got out of bed, just as my feet hit the floor i tripped over something and fell on the ground.

"Ow worse wake up call ever" i hear someone groan from under me, i jump up and look to the floor to see tori rubbing her side.

I put out my hand and help her up, and she falls onto my bed and sighs. "Now tell me why you were on my floor" i say smirking.

"You and jace were fighting and i couldn't sleep so i laid down on your bed, then i heard you coming and i got scared and fell on the floor and when i wen't to get up i tripped so i ended up just laying there" she say yawning.

I frown at the jace and me fighting part, "Oh ok" i say before heading into the bathroom and showering.

I get out and throw on skinny jeans with sneakers and a light blue, long sleeve, vneck shirt.

Swipping on mascara, black eyeliner and chapstick i look in the mirror and see my eyes are glowing more than usual. 

Shrugging it off i grab my bag and leave, not stopping for food i scream goodbye and leave the dorm before i could see jace.

I get to class and sit down and lay my head down on the desk . I hear the chair move next to me, knowning it's jace i don't look up.

The other chair move's next to me and i peak up and see tori, she gives me a soft smile and i smile back.

As class starts i feel jace's eyes burn into my side, i use all my will power not to turn and snap at him.

Just as the bell rings i get up and run to gym, i run into the locker room and change into my shorts and tank top.

I see everyone is working out on the weights so i decide to practice my gymnastics on the mats.

I start stretching just as a couple of guys walk up, "Hey there Evie babe you look hot in those shorts" one of the guys say, i raise my eyebrow as they walk closer.

"Be careful you don't wan't to hurt yourself doing tumbles and get a boo boo" one of the other guys say, i shrug and take a step back before running forward and jumping into a front handspring, a double twist, a flip and than ended with a cartwheel flip.

I turn and look at the guys surprised, truthfully i was surprised to, i only planned on doing a cartwheel and a handspring but i couldn't control myself.

I look at my arms than my legs than at the guys, "Hey look at that not one scratch" i say smirking i look around and my eyes stop on jace's wide ones.

I quickly snap my eyes away and walk over to the weights.

I put on 10 on both side, i brace myself and lift them up to my surprise with ease. Bringing them down i add 5's on both sides.

Lifting it up again with ease again, frowning i change the 10's and 5's to 40's on both sides.

Taking a deep breath in i lift them up this time just a little harder, WHAT THE HELL.... last time i lifted weights i could barely lift 20 pounds now i'm at 40.

Going for the big one, i put 100 on both sides to test it out, taking a deep breath in i slowly lift the weights up, it was hard but i was able to lift about 20 of them in 5 minutes.

Putting the weights down i get up and take a deep breath in and than a drink of my water.

Something was off me weighing only at 120 pounds and being 5'6 i didn't think i was able to lift that much.

Sighing i go and change and then walk outside to lunch, just as i'm about to sit down i feel as if i'm being followed so i spin around and standing behind me is a girl with pitch blond hair.

"Yes?" i say she seems startled by my eyes but i shrug it off, "I heard your rooming with my boyfriend?" ahh so this must be kayla i nod slowly and she steps closer.

"We'll keep your grimy hands off him!" she says i just laughing and step backwards.

"1 ever heard of personal space and 2 he's the one who kissed me" i say causing her to frown.

"I can go anywhere i wan't and he told me you kissed him you slut" she screams, my eyes go wide and can feel the tension building up.

"We'll he lied and i really don't like that your blaming me for something you boyfriend did, i don't like him and if i had a choice i would rather not room with him, but since my mum owns the school i have to live with that stupid bloke" i say crossing my arms.

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT LEAVE HIM ALONE" she screams even louder, a crown now forming. I couldn't help it but i laugh, she glares and me "What?!" she snaps. 

"Trust me i would stay away from him but i can't since we dorm together" i say laughing, all of a sudden her hand flies up and goes to slap me.

Just as it was about to reach my cheek i grab her hand, "Listen here i don't like jace, he is a immature twat who has major attitude problems, we all know your only with him for the sex so next time you think about slapping me remember that you'll just make things worse" i hiss before letting her hand go.

I turn to walk away when she goes and grabs my hair and pulls it hard.

"No you listen, no one cares who you are and who your mom is, your dad probably died from looking at your face every day, he's probably relieved to be gone and away from you" she hisses in my ear.

Now i'm not usually one to fight but she brought my dad into it, looking up i ask my dad to forgive me for what i'm about to do.

I turn to kayla and look at her in the eye, "I'm truly not sorry for what i'm about to do" i say calmly.

She looks at me confused but it soon turns to horror as she see's my hand pull back and than snap forward hitting her in the nose.

"Never ever talk about my dad again, you don't know shit about me and my family so get your orange tan and fake boobs off my family's school and go home to were ever the hell you came from" i hiss venom dripping off each and every word.

Tori grabs my arm and pulls me off of kayla, "What are you waiting for? get away" i scream at everyone, they all scatter and i turn to tori.

She stares at me terrified, "What" i say harshly and instantly regret it.

"I'm sorry i shouldn't of said it like that, but you look scared whats wrong?" she nods softly and swallows.

"Eve your eye's are glowing" she says almost in a whisper, "Ya i know it was like that this morning" she shakes her head and pulls me to her bag.

"No i saw you this morning your eyes were fine now th-there.. uh why don't you just look for yourself" she says handing me her mirror.

I shrug and grab it holding it up to my face, i gasp right away. She was right my eyes did look different, now they were glowing even brighter and had little electricity bolts in them.

"Woahhh" i say "I know" tori says as i hand her back the mirror, immediately something clicked in my mind.

"Tori i don't know if i mentioned this but my dad died when i was 6 and i never knew much about him" i pause taking a deep breath in "And now everything i thought i knew about him seems like a lie" i say softly pausing again.

"Tori  i don't think my dad died by accident, and i think it's time we find out the truth about it and if it has anything to do with my eyes", she nods slowly and we sit there the rest of lunch plotting out a plan.

"Who Knows What Lies Behind The Truth, But What Ever It Is I'm Going To Find Out"

- Everlysia King




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