Living Through Mishaps(Avenge...

By Big_turd_blossom

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Living Through Mishaps(Avengers Fan Fiction)
The Call
Sounds Like Fun
Our Team
I Don't Know (Part 1)
You Know You Love Me
The Twins
Suit Up
Panic Attack
Important Author's Note!!
Up All Night
Don't Worry About Him
What have I done?
Telling Austin and My Parents
Taking Back the Ring
In the Morning
Of Course You Are
Sounds Good
He Passed Out
A Natural Stark
1. Denial
2. Anger
The Wedding
Author's Note

Bucky Mission

514 26 3
By Big_turd_blossom

Austin and I were currently in the training room. He was holding the punching while I beat the shit out of it.

Joining us in the training room was mostly everyone; Steve, Natasha, Clint, Jeremy, Harland, Grant, Skye, and Tripp.

I had my earbuds in, listening to some Fall Out Boy while I hit the bag.

Austin took one out and kissed my cheek.

"Come fight me." He grinned.

"I don't want to hurt you, honey." I turned off my music and took the earbuds out.

"Oh I don't think you will." Austin took my hand and pulled me towards one of the mats meant for wrestling.

I took the opportunity to hit the back of his knees, making him fall to the ground. I bent down and kissed his forehead.

"Don't turn your back on your opponent." I stood up and waited for him to stand.

"So we're playing like that, huh?" He raised an eyebrow. I shrugged my shoulders with a grin and got into a defensive stance.

"Call it, Nat." I said, never tearing my eyes away from Austin.

"Go!" Natasha shouted.

Austin lunged first, taking a swing for my head. I grabbed the fist just as it was about to hit me and pulled him towards me. I meant to moved out of the way but he came quicker than I thought and we both fell to the ground.

"Good job, Dani." He landed right on top of me.

"Not even five seconds, guys." Jeremy chuckled.

I pushed Austin off of me and straddled his waist, pinning his hands above his head.

"I win."

"No you don't." Austin threw me off and tripped me as I was about to stand up.

This went on for about seven minutes and there was absolutely no technique behind it, so few were kind of just playing.

In the end, we both sat on our asses, laughing at each other.

"You two make me sick." Jeremy threw his shoe at the back of Austin's head.

"You're just jealous cause Mr. Fantastic hates you." Austin chuckled.

"Oh!" Harland laughed.

"Richards doesn't hate me. He just hates that he walked in on me and Rosie." Jeremy wiggled his eyebrows. Clint came up behind him and smacked the back of his head. "Ow!"

"Quit digging yourself into a bigger hole."

"You're twenty years old and in trouble with your girlfriends' parents?"

"Shut up, Stark." Jeremy threw his second shoe at me. I giggled and held my arms up to cover my face as it hit my shoulder.

"You guys are actually suppose to be doing shit, not sitting around and playing teenagers with each other." Steve nudged Austin on his shoulder.

"Fine." Austin sighed and stood up, then held his hands out for me. I took them with a grin and when he thought he was going to pull me up, I pulled him back down and flipped him over my head. Then I rolled backwards, kind of like a backwards summersault, and ended up straddling his waist.

"I win." I pecked his lips and stood up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Grant watching me. But I brushed it off the best I could and started punching the bag again.


I took a much needed shower after sparing with basically everyone. Jeremy challenged me a while after I started hitting the bag, then Nat wanted me to box with her, and Austin and I challenged Steve and Nat to fight till one got pinned.

Let's just say that we lost- big time. But of course we would. They were Captain America and the Black Widow.

I was currently putting up the blow drier in my bathroom. My hair was dried and I went out to my bedroom. Austin was laying back on the bed, in a t-shirt and jeans, with his hands behind his head.

"Hey." I smiled to him and laid beside him on my stomach.

"Hi." He kissed my cheek and winked to me.

"I'm tired." I threw my leg over his waist and nuzzled my face into his shoulder.

"Then go to sleep. I'll stay here and protect you." His lips kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. "I saw you looking at Ward when he wasn't looking earlier. You did it a lot. You don't have to worry about him hurting you."

"I know. I just...." I shook my head. "I just don't like how everyone's worried about me when there the ones who brought in the twins and him."

"They're helpful to us, even I can admit it. All three of them know HYDRA better than anyone here."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean it's okay to have them around like we are."

"You don't have to worry about any of them, Danielle. I'll protect you."

I didn't reply, knowing he was lying. He couldn't protect me from my own thoughts, from what Wanda could put me through.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Steve in his tight suit.

"Emergency mission. Everyone's attending. Get ready now."

"What? Why? What's wrong?" I asked immediately as we both got to our feet.

"I found Bucky." Steve whispered to Austin. His eyebrows drew together and his lips parted, confusedly. "But I'll explain the rest to you in the jet, Danielle. It's gonna be packed, so be ready."


I took a suit of my own, thinking it would be best to have some sort of protection other than my own skills and a gun.

But I didn't put the suit on while we were in the jet.

There was roughly eighteen to twenty people crowded into the jet. Everyone was either standing of sitting. Austin was siting next to Jeremy and I sat on his lap.

"As you all may know, the Winter Soldier is a very good man I knew from back in my time." Steve began. It was evident in his voice that he didn't feel comfortable talking about this. "His name is Sergeant James Barnes, but most everyone called him Bucky. Nat, Sam, and me have been trying to find him over the course of about six months with the help of Stark. We've finally got a location on him and I want no one to hurt him, or I'll make you regret it, understood?"

There were few nods, some yeses, and some yes sirs from the agents.

"If you managed to get your hands on him.... don't let him have the chance to kill you. I'm not sure how he'll react to us trying to come in and get him back out of HYDRA, but I need this to happen." Steve's tone of voice hurt. His eyes were set on Austin's after he finished speaking.

I looked over my shoulder to him, but he shook his head, his grip on my hips tightened a little.


The jet landed a while later in the snow.

I put my suit on and walked with dad out of it. Everyone gathered outside of the jet, listening to Cap's orders.

"I want to keep the element of surprise on our side. Starks, stay out of sight until they know we're here. Your suits in the sky will blow everything. Romanoff and Coulson's team, head east about two miles then draw back in and hit from the eastern side. Barton, Jeremy, Austin, Thor, and Harland will go to opposite way and take on from the west. Twins, you two stay with the Starks till I cal for you. And Banner and Chris, stay here unless we need a Code Green. Let's move out!"

I stepped out of my suit and into the cold. Austin was quick to yell at me and tell me to get back into the suit.

"You're gonna get pneumonia-," I pulled him in for a kiss, grabbing the front of his suit and pulling him down to me.

"Be careful, okay?" I whispered to him, wrapping my arms around him next in a tight hug.

"I will. You know you need to be more careful than usual." Austin hugged me back and kissed my forehead. "I love you." He mouthed the words.

"I love you too." I smiled and watched as he started to leave with his half of the team. "Kick ass, Rogers!"

"Watch your language, kid." Steve grinned back at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

I quickly got back into my suit and had JARVIS heat it up.

"Forty bucks says you're the first to get hit by something." I looked to dad, talking through the suit.

"Make it a hundred, kiddo, and you're on."

"You're on, old man." I held my hand out for him to shake and he did so, roughly.

I couldn't see his face with the suit's mask, but I knew he was smirking.

"Brucey? How's it feelin in the jet?" Dad asked through the suit. Bruce wore an earbud of his own, and so did Chris.

"Warmer than out there, I can tell you that much."

"We gotta watch out for ol Captain, make sure he doesn't find a lake or somethin to freeze in."

"You're terrible, dad." I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Heard that, Stark." Steve said over the earbuds and the next thing I saw was dad get hit right in the torso with Steve's shield. It flew back to Steve, who stood a couple hundred feet off. He chuckled and saluted me before sprinting back off to catch up with his half of the team.

"Fuck." Dad grunted. "Old man has a hard throw."

"Did it make you shit yourself?" I teased. Dad smacked me in the back of the head. "You owe me a hundred bucks."


The sounds of guns going off through the earbuds signaled our cover was blown.

"Surprise party's over." Natasha said.

"Let's bring in the twins and Stark."

I took off at the same time dad did, flying lower than he was. It took us less than five seconds to get to the location of the action and I jumped in to knock three agents out of Phil's way.

"Thanks." He nodded to me just as I took off again.

"Stark? Dani? I need the doors broken in on the west wing." Steve said. I beat dad to it, crashing through the door with the suit.

I hit a few HYDRA agents with the repulser beams and then left the facility through another set of doors.

"JARVIS? Scan the building and tell me if you see Steve's friend." I ordered, holding my hand up to the building.

"Scan complete. I will get back with you in just a moment."

"Thanks, bud." I then looked around for Austin and made sure he was okay.

Grant had a few too many to my liking on his tail, so I aided him in taking them out. I didn't bother to hang around though, so I took off.

"He is on the lowest level, Ms. Danielle. Would you like me to inform Mr. Stark or Captain Rogers?"

"No, I will." I replied. "Hey, Cap?"

"Yeah?" Steve grunted as he fought off a few agents. I landed next to him, the mask of my suit opening.

"JARVIS found your friend. He's in the lowest level."

"That would be six floors down, ma'am." JARVIS said.

"Thanks. Come with me, Dani and Austin. The rest of you keep doing what you're doing."


I went ahead of the two to make sure there weren't any traps or anything as we went down in levels.

There was no one in any of the first five underground levels.

"Are you sure he's down here, JARVIS?" Steve asked.

"Yes sir. I have reading of a living person down here and it appears to be James Barnes."

"I hope you're right." I could hear Austin mutter under his breath.

"I am always right, sir." JARVIS said, making me chuckle a little.


"Just on the other side of this door, Ms. Danielle." JARVIS said. I was a considerably good ways in front of Steve and Austin.

"Okay. Then let's knock nicely." I took ahold of the door knob and pulled it off the hinges when I opened it. "Oops."

"That was not a nice knock, Ms. Danielle."

"I'm aware of that." I sighed and looked around the room. There was what appeared to be a lab on this area. There were tables, beakers, test tube shit, and a chair with straps on the arms and legs.

"That would be what they used to wipe the memories of the Winter Soldier." JARVIS explained as he scanned it and took it apart, digitally.

"So where's he at?" I shined the light on the chest of my suit around the room, finding a cell in the far corner.

Steve and Austin entered the room, both pulling flashlights from their belts.

"Over here, guys." I told them.

Steve hurriedly went to the cell, stopped when he saw whoever was in it.

"Buck." He choked up a little. I moved closer, along with Austin, and saw the cell only had an old looking bed in it and against the far wall, was a man.

He had shaggy brunette hair and his whole left arm appeared to be metal. He looked threatened, eyes darting from me, to Steve, to Austin, then back to me.

"Bucky, it's me-,"

"That's not my name." The man cut Steve off, hands running through his hair to grip at the strands. "That's not- No. It-It can't be."

"We have to get you out of here, okay?" Steve said.

"No, no. L-Last time I tried to get out, they...." Bucky trailed off, shaking his head. Steve started to pull the cell bars to try to get it to budge, but Austin and I both jumped in to help.

It opened, but Bucky didn't move. He seemed iffy about me. His eyes watched me closely.

I opened the mask and he kind of flinched.

"Would it make you feel better if I got out of the suit?" I asked softly, feeling bad for the man. He didn't reply, but I knew the answer.

"Dani, you're going to get hurt." Austin whispered to me. I ignored him and told JARVIS to open the suit.

I stepped out of it and ruffled my fingers through my hair, giving Bucky a soft smile.

"Will you come out now?" Steve asked. Bucky hesitated before nodding. "Austin, take up the front, I'll get the back."

"No, JARVIS can do it." I shook my head and in the same moment, the suit closed.

"At your service, Ms. Stark."

"Stark?" Bucky repeated quietly, catching everyone's attention.

"Do you remember a Stark, Bucky?" Steve asked. Bucky glared at him for calling him by his name, but nodded slightly.

"I remember the name."

"Howard Stark was a really close friend of our's." Steve said, then nodded to me. "That's his granddaughter."

Bucky looked to me, eyes inspecting my face.

"We need to go, sir." Austin said.

"Let's go. Danielle, stay between me and your suit." Steve ordered.

I nodded and waited for Austin, Bucky, and Steve to leave the room. But as I was passing by a table, I noticed a thick folder labeled 'Winer Soldier'.

"Tuck this into the suit, JARVIS." I whispered to him. The suit took the folder and it's torso opened up so it could be put safely away. "Notify the others that we have him."

"Yes, ma'am."

I then jogged to catch up to the group, the suit staying close to me.

So the next few chapters are going to be fun!

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<3 Kacey <3

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