The Kids From Yesterday (A Pa...

By suicidespark

29.1K 892 486

Suicide Spark was a fearless killjoy. She belonged to no group or zone, nothing could hold the red haired, pa... More

Chapter 1 - Suicide Spark
Chapter 2 - The Fabulous Four
Chapter 3 - Dracs
Chapter 4 - Full Speed
Chapter 5 - The Exterminator
Chapter 6 - Bargaining
Chapter 7 - The Leader
Chapter 8 - The Ghost Of You
Chapter 9 - Dr. Death Defying
Chapter 10 - Recruiting
Chapter 11 - The Triffid
Chapter 12 - Black Out
Chapter 13 - Sparks & Party
Chapter 14 - Dracs pt. II
Chapter 15 - The Ritalin Rat
Chapter 16 - The Future is Bulletproof
Chapter 17 - The Light Behind Your Eyes
Chapter 18 - Unexpected Visits
Chapter 19 - Blood, Blood, Gallons Of The Stuff
Chapter 20 - Welcome To The Black Parade
Chapter 21 - SING
Chapter 22 - Rescue Complete
Chapter 24 - The Industry
Chapter 25 - Confessions & Nightmares
Chapter 26 - Explanations
Chapter 27 - Spark's Base
Chapter 28 - Val Velocity
Chapter 29 - Anobrain
Chapter 30 - So Long & Goodnight
Sequel ||

Chapter 23 - Safe & Sound

856 22 10
By suicidespark

"You left me, sis." Atomic's red eyes stared into mine with hatred filling them. His red hair to match fell in front of his eyes, the beads of sweat on his forehead making the strands of hair stick. 

A lump formed in my throat and it hurt me to speak. Atomic looked different, he didn't look like himself. His once happy face looked sunken and sick. He had dark red circles around his eyes and had numerous scars claiming space on his pale skin.

"I- I couldn't have done anything Oscar, you know that." I accidentally used Atomic Bomb's pre danger day's name, it didn't seem to bother him however.

"YOU FUCKING LEFT ME WILLOW, YOU LEFT ME HERE!" Atomic was now yelling, his rage scaring me. All these years I've never seen him so livid, especially with me of all people. Tears began to form around my eyes, falling gently down my face.

"I'm sorry Oscar I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I repeated over and over again trying to step towards my poor brother. I tried wrapping my arms around his figure, which he's let me done every time I'm sad or scared in the past.

With a great force, Atomic instantly pushed me away, the velocity of the push making me crash against the nearby wall, causing my body to ache, but he wasn't finished yet.

Gripping my throat ensuring bruises would remain on my neck for weeks to come, Atomic begun squeezing my neck, choking me slowly and painfully.

His crimson orbs so similar to mine stared into mine, the pupils dilating rapidly making him look even more crazed.

"It doesn't matter now." Oscar licked his lips, a drop of sweat cascading down his sunken face. "You're one of them- you'll come to us when you're ready."

I jolted awake, panting and feeling oddly cold from the sweat lightly coating my body. I went to wipe my face but also found tears sliding down my pale cheeks. I looked around trying to find clues of where I currently was, but instead I was met with big brown eyes and an eager smile.

"GUYYYYYS SHE'S AWAKE!!" A young girl suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs, running out the door in a hurry. The young girls loud screech made me jump in confusion, where the fuck was I now? My eyes stung and I had a splitting headache. Wiping my eyes feeling somewhat stupid for the excess tears still sliding down my face, I sigh looking at my surroundings.

I wasn't in the city cells as I previously remember; I was in an unknown room. The room seemed like it could be a killjoy base- but I didn't want to get my hopes up. I knew if I did Korse would no doubt have them come crashing down around me. I was so sure I had seen Party Poison before I blacked out back in the cells; again, I couldn't be sure. I've been seeing a lot of illusions of Party Poison in the past while I've been in the hands of BL/I, I didn't want to confuse reality with dreaming.

I was about to get out of bed when an agonising feeling coursed through my whole body, making me hiss in pain. I was about make another attempt in getting out of the bed I was currently lying in, when I heard loud, fast footsteps ring through the place I was currently in.

My body tensed, I honestly didn't know what to expect. Expecting the worse and assuming this is was all a mere trick played by Korse to break me- emotion overcame me when I laid my eyes on who had just sprinted into the room I sat in.

"P-Party?" I choked out, a rough lump forming in my throat making it hard for me to swallow. Within seconds Party Poison was at my side with out one word being said between us two. It's like we shared a connection in which words weren't needed, the fact we were reunited was enough, our actions doing enough speaking, more than words ever could.

Party Poison lifted me slightly in attempts not to hurt me, and moved me onto his lap. I threw my arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder. I sobbed from a mixture of missing the sassy redhead but also the nightmare I had just endured, it was so vivid it almost felt real. 

For a second I began to doubt this whole situation. Was this even real? It had to be. I knew this was real because where as the visions of Party would usually fade my now, this version continued to hold me close, not showing any signs of breaking away.

Despite the throbbing pain in my arm I clung onto Party Poison, scared he may slip through my fingers at any moment. Party Poison's glove – clad hand was buried in my hair, rubbing my head in attempts to soothe me while still not speaking.

I've never seen tears fall from the redhead's eyes. I knew he was capable, but he always kept his emotions hidden deep within. Until now that is, a couple of stray tears slid down his slightly sun kissed cheeks. Leaning back I wiped them away for once, smiling despite the tears blurring my vision.

"You're back oh my god you're back." Party beamed while engulfing me in another tight hug.

"I'm so, so, so sorry Spark." Party repeated, cupping my face gently in his hands. Any previous worries from the nightmare I was woken up from or the events from the past week are all well gone, being with Party Poison was all I needed to feel safe again.

Calming down immensely, I reached for Party's hand, which was placed gently on my cheek.

"I don't regret what I did Party. I couldn't let you all die for me." I spoke softly, my voice wavering slightly.

"I know you don't, sunshine. I'm grateful but at the same time a fool, I promise you now you're never goin' back into that city at Korse's hand. Mark my fucken' words." Party's determined hazel eyes stared into mine. I had missed those beautiful eyes of his- they're all I could think about while in the city. It kept me sane while I was trapped. With mere words failing me, I grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"HONEYYY, I'M HOME." Fun Ghoul burst through the door wearing his usual cheeky grin. I almost fell on the wooden floor with how quick I jumped out of bed to cling onto the mischievous killjoy. Despite the searing pain coursing through my body, I clung onto Ghoul for dear life. Following Ghoul, Kobra and Jet Star walked into the room, with the little girl from before trailing closely behind.

Jumping from Ghoul's arms straight into Kobra's and Jet's so we were in sort of a group hug, I held onto the tall killjoys, glad to be back.

In that moment filled with love and happiness, it was then I realised that these guys were my family. They were all mad, but I loved them to death. I would give my life for them all over again.

Over the next few hours, the killjoy's began explaining everything I've missed out on. We were currently situated in zone 6, in another hide out supplied by Dr. Death Defying (to my dismay). As soon as they got me back, the four re located even further away from Battery City, in hopes The Exterminator would not be tempted to make another journey out here.

The little girl I was woken up to also was introduced to me. She goes by Missile Kid; her and the boys have been friends for ages apparently, she's like extended family to the fabulous four. Her, and two other killjoy's stay in this hide out, they use this base to help out with Dr D.'s radio program and run his errands through out the zones.

Along with Missile, a killjoy who goes by the name of Show Pony also inhabits this safe house. Show Pony is a bit of an oddball- I've heard of the tumbleweed before. He uses roller blades to get around the zones and doesn't really socialise with anyone outside the radio station, unless has to of course. He kind of sounds like me.

 A motor baby who goes by the name of Palma Violence also stays with in the base. I've never heard of her prior to my stay here, which is odd because her love for violence and her shocking purple hair are extremely hard to miss. I've also been informed her and ghoul apparently have an on off thing together, and judging by how all over each other they are- I can see they are very much on at the moment.

After getting acquainted with Missile, Show Pony and Palma Violence, all eight of us killjoy's sat around a countertop, aimlessly talking.

I've noticed killjoys made it their business to avoid any conversations about BL/I to be brought up, or any questions revolving around my time there. It's as if there was an unspoken agreement I missed out on with not mentioning the BL/I. I'm guessing they'll all be questioning me at a later date, which I was grateful for. Every time my thoughts strayed back to being in the dark cell I grew a headache.

Party Poison stayed by my side the entire night, not letting me out of his sights for more than a minute. Every few seconds I'd feel him look down at me as if to make sure I was still here with him, like I was made of glass, readying myself to break into tiny little pieces at any given moment.

"It's time for you to kill the lights Spark, doctors orders." Jet Star spoke up seriously, breaking me out of my current thoughts.

"I think I've slept enough for the past week." I admitted, being in the city I felt all I did was sleep. However, I did feel a bit drowsy after finally being up and moving around again.

Jet Star has taken the initiative to act as my doctor, telling me what to do to ensure my injuries heal quick and efficiently. As it turns out from my time in the BL/I I've developed a broken rip and an awful case of internal bleeding. My shoulder wound from the previous encounter with dracs in zone one was borderline infected, and I had a severe loss of blood. So for the next few weeks basically, I was fucked.

It was a disbelief Jet even let me out of bed today. After he scolded Party for repositioning me in the bed and letting me jump out to hug them all when I first saw them, Jet Star explained that I wasn't allowed to move for the rest of the day. But with some determination, and repeating the point 'I almost died, I wanna' be with my friends', Jet Star eventually gave in.

"I agree with Jet, I think I might head off for the night too." Party said standing up, outstretching a hand to me, which I took instantly. After Party got up most of the killjoy's followed his lead, heading off into different sleeping quarters. Giving a hug to each killjoy in the room before they departed for the night, I eventually joined Party in walking down into the small corridor the base had.

(A/N: The photo i've included is the new base of the fabulous four/five! )

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