Chapter 16 - The Future is Bulletproof

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"Yeah so the full story - we were taking on dracs, heaps of them. Suicide Spark here was shooting out of the trans am window when one of the bullets must have skimmed her right shoulder, thank the fucking lord it was just her shoulder though." I heard Party's passionate voice come into effect.

"ooooOooOo, does THE Party Poison happen to have a thing for this little killjoy?" I heard another unknown voice taunt. Where even was I? The last thing I remembered was shooting that dracs and- oh. My questions were answered when I felt a sharp pain digging into my shoulder. 

I got fucking shot.

"Shut the fuck up, Neon. So what if I do." I heard the familiar flustered tone of Party Poison speaking, silencing my thoughts.

"OOOOOH PARTY POISON'S GOT HIMSELF A MOTOR BABY." Yet another voice began calling out obnoxiously, which was followed with what sounded like a slap.

"Shut the fuck up you're gonna' wake her." I heard Party mumble.

I opened my eyes to see I was lying facing a brick wall. I was lying on some sort of bed. Whatever it was, it was comfy as fuck, I could stay here forever.

I painfully turned my body around the best I could to face the other side, seeing three males in front of me. I begun sitting up but the pain in my shoulder was excruciating, causing me to slump back down on my stomach. Party Poison sat beside the bed, which I lay on, while these other two unknown men stood beside Party.

"Spark!" Party said leaping up from his seat. "You're awake."

I let out a dry cough, staying silent for a few moments. "I don't know about you." I began to speak weakly. "But I think I may have been shot."

The guy with bright yellow hair snorted, laughing at my obvious statement. I suddenly felt small under the gaze of these three men.

The guy closest to party and had just laughed at my awful attempt to lighten the mood had bright yellow-y orange hair. He was tall, thin, and pale, his features making him look almost sick. He wore a black leather jacket and had a cheeky look on his face despite there not being a joke. The guy standing beside the yellow haired man had dark brown hair, which was longer then mine. (Which wasn't hard to beat but still) This guy wore a dark blue leather jacket, however looked a bit more serious then his yellow haired friend.

My mind felt dizzy and my lips were extremely chapped. I felt like there was a lump in my throat and the digging pain in my shoulder wasn't helping me at all.

The room I was in had a small artificial light hanging from the ceiling, emitting a small amount of light compared to the diner I was so used to by now. From what I could see outside the windows, it was pitch black. How long have I been out for?

"Seems like you've got a bad habit of passin' out, sunshine." Party joked, trying to lift the moods. It worked; I smiled, swallowing hard, feeling far too drained to even laugh.

"How you feelin' kid? Looks like you took a heavy blow to the shoulder. Good thing you and tomato head turned up when you did, you were close to bleedin' out." The killjoy with the long brown hair spoke, stepping towards where I lay. Party rolled his eyes and cast a dark glance over to the brown haired killjoy at the hair taunts.

"My name's Neon Burn, and this is Crash Fire." The man known as Neon Burn gestured to him and his yellow haired friend.

"Nice to meet you both." I mumbled out feeling extremely tired. "I've been better. I feel exhausted."

"That'll be from all the blood you lost. You were an extremely lucky case." Crash Fire contributed, nodding to the wound on my shoulder. I nodded, closing my eyes for a few moments trying to regain some energy.

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