Chapter 27 - Spark's Base

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After I had explained to Kobra and Ghoul what I remember from being in the city, word spread quickly. No one asked for information and I would receive the odd sympathetic smile, making it obvious everyone now knows what had happened. Party Poison specifically didn't bother me about it at all, which I was somewhat glad about, talking about it made me feel worn out anyway.

Despite being back with the guys again, I felt insane. It's like they were all talking behind my back about their suspicions revolving around Korse and why he's targeting me. I know they don't want to worry me, I even over heard Jet Star telling the guys not to put extra stress on me so I can recover quicker.

However if anything them shielding me from their suspicions are only doing the opposite. With how they're dealing with this situation was doing nothing but pissing me off, evidently putting me in a worse mood.

Becoming restless being trapped inside the small base 24/7, Party Poison and I had made a plan to head out to my old base today to retrieve the few belongings I had left there prior to me meeting the fabulous four, which included the more up to date version of Battery City's layout. I can see Party growing restless too, he as well was basically under house arrest. If Korse caught wind of Party Poison out and about, it would no doubt lead to me, and the rest of the killjoys within the base.

With a shittone of trying to convince Jet Star to let me go, he eventually gave in, giving Party strict orders to look out for me, which was easy for me to put my trust in. The safest i've ever felt is when i'm around Party.

I was eager to get up and moving again, even though Party and I weren't exactly doing anything exciting, I was glad to be getting somewhat back into the swing of things. It's been almost two weeks after all, you can see how I would be growing restless.

I awoke that morning from another nightmare, they were getting fucking old. The nightmares would consist of different scenarios every time I would fall asleep, the most common being people I love telling me I'm 'one of them'. But what does that even mean? Despite the confusion, I still have the strength of mind to know they're only nightmares, and will never be real.

Or will they?

Shaking off the nightmare I woke from, I looked around the room, seeing the person I would usually share the room with was absent. I wasn't feeling as worried as I usually would if I woke up with out Party, I figured if anything had happened through the night I would have been alerted by now. Party Poison must have been already up and moving.

Throwing on my leather jacket and hopping into my boots for the first time in what seems like ages, I lace them up all the way to the top. Walking out of the room Party and I shared, it seemed early, the sun was barely in the sky and silence was evident in the base as far as I could hear.

Walking into the main room shared by all of us in this hide out, my previous questions were answered when I was met with the usual presence of Party Poison.

He had his head down in concentration, his red hair spilling over his eyes. Party focused on painting a ray gun in his signature yellow and red shades, until he heard me walk into the room, his concentrated look turning into a light grin.

"Morning Sparks." Party said while holding the now brightly coloured ray gun up to examine it. "Like it?"

"Gooooooooood mornin', and I sure do." I said in a singsong voice, walking over so I sat opposite him.

"A few days ago the guys went vend a hacking so we got a heap of BL/I ray guns we can modify as our own. I could really use a hand later on if you're up for it?" Party Poison offered and I nearly jumped out of the seat in excitement. I can't remember the last time I had painted; it must have been well before the apocalypse began.

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