Chapter 30 - So Long & Goodnight

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The sun was currently setting beyond the horizon, beautiful light oranges and pink coating the sky above us. For a second looking at the sky made me feel like everything wasn't as broken and fucked up as it most definitely was.

The sunset was a clear indication of how long Party and I had be following Val Velocity for. It could have easily been several hours now, yet we didn't stop once.

It was obvious we were close to zone 1 by now; from here you could just barely make out the small outline of city scrapers from inside Battery City. Party Poison and I had kept conversation to a minimum, both just thinking to ourselves and trying our hardest not to fall asleep. Following Val Velocity's lead had been a long and boring journey, consisting of quiet music streaming through the radio in the trans am and small conversations to accompany the tunes.

"Where the fuck is this kid taking us." Party Poison lowered the music to speak. I furrowed my eyebrows, Party had a point. I had begun asking questions back in Zone 3 where the hell we were heading.

"No clue." With that we went back to our previous silence, until Val Velocity began slowing down a couple hundred miles later, pointing his hand up for us to see, indicating sharply to the right. With the gesture, Val made a right turn leading on an astray path.

I've never been on this route before, nor would have even known it to be another path until now. The only indications of the road were small markings engraved in the sand where bikes and other vehicles have travelled before. People passing on the getaway mile would barely be able to make out that this was a continuing road.

Party followed Val's lead, just about making the turnoff. We continued on this road, which lead behind various large boulders, a similar set up to my previous base in zone 6.

When Val Velocity finally came to a stop, Party placed the trans am in park, turning the ignition off. I guessed from the main road, the trans am and Val's bike was easily hidden from the sights of dracs and other threats, it was after all well hidden by the desert barren covering us from main sight.

I caught Party's eyes for a second before climbing out of the trans am. We began walking over to Val Velocity who was looking around suspiciously. Now that I could view my surroundings more clearly I noticed that there was another car similar to the trans am a few miles ahead. I wondered momentarily who it belong to, until Val's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Come on, 's just over here." Val whispered.

Val lead us up to a sand dune area, which had small rocks also scattered on the floor. Large strands of grass covered the horizon of which Party and I were following Val Velocity towards.

When the three of us reached the top after a few minutes of intense climbing, we were met with some sort of campsite already set up. The campsite was partially covered by rocks, which resembled a cave, and various BL/I body bags surrounded the floor, a fire pit also situated in the middle. Upon seeing the body bags, I instantly felt uneasy.

"It gets cold out here, we have to keep warm somehow." Val answered the question on Party and I's minds, gesturing towards the body bags. I shrugged, taking a seat on one of the makeshift sleeping bags.

"We? You have a group?" Party pushed the question, taking a seat next to me.

"Had a group is more like it." Val smiled sadly before continuing. "When I began finding out more about who I was and what the better living industries had been planning with the test babies, I snuck into the BL/I towers. There were these twins girls locked up in one of the main cells. They were about the same age as me and weren't drugged like everyone else. I noticed our similar features and realised we were the same kind. Blood Shake and Cyanide Karma were their names, I broke them out and we were kind of a team ever since."

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