
By littlemissgoody

480K 14.7K 272

Book 1 of 3 One powerful, merciless and gorgeous man. One indecisive, intelligent and beautiful woman. When t... More

Check Mate


14.2K 444 12
By littlemissgoody

Ella's POV

I woke up with an urge to go toilet but I felt a heavy arm draped over my body and I was hot. I tried to move but I couldn't
"Where do you think you going"
"Christian I need to go toilet"
"Fine, hurry back!"
He lifted his arm and I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet.
When I returned to the bedroom Christian was still in bed so I jumped back into bed and cuddled up to him.
"Morning baby"
"I'm going into to work late today, I'll ask Charlie to drop you off to work"
"No its okay, I can drive myself"
"I prefer you go with Charlie"
"And I told you I'll drive myself"
"I'm not arguing with you Ella, you will go with Charlie"
"Please Christian your treating me like a child and I really don't like feeling incompetent"
I looked at him using my puppy eyes and sad smile. He looked at me with a slight smile, as if he was amused at my childish way, completely contradicting what I had just said earlier
It was Christian's birthday in a few days and I wanted to get him a gift before work and like him I was also starting late, I had asked Martin last week for the morning off.

I walked from shop to shop and I couldn't decide what to get him, what do you give someone who has everything. It was so frustrating. I was walking past a jewellery store when something caught my eye, I walked in glanced at the bracelets I found one I really liked and asked if they do engraving. I decided to have it engraved lucky for me they did everything there, but it would take an hour, so I decided to leave and return later to pick it up.

I walked into a cafe across the road, I ordered a coffee and sat by the window I had a strange feeling someone was following me. Then I heard my phone ring, damnit it was Christian,
"Why are you screaming"
"Ella you were suppose to be at work and I stopped by to say Hi when to my surprise Martin tells me you have asked for the morning off, so Where are you!"
"Um at a coffee shop"
"Fine I'm coming to you"
He hung up, he was mad Why? And what did he mean he was on his way, geez he was frustrating sometimes.

Sure enough 20 minutes later he was standing in front of me looking like a raging bull seeing red.
"Don't Hi me what are you doing here and why did you take the morning off whats wrong?"
"I had something to do would you like to have a seat, because you are really making a scene for no reason"
"Fine Ella lets play your game" he removed a button from his blazer jacket and sits down and waves for Charlie to order him a coffee. I thought why can't he just order it himself and rolled my eyes.
"So Ella I've calmed down what are you doing here, and what exactly do you need to pick up?
"Umm something"
"What kind of something that you needed a whole morning off for"
"Its a secret"
That was it Christian lost it and leaned forward so that I could the stream on my face
"I swear to God Ella if you don't tell what your doing here I'm going to lose my shit"
I heard my phone ring,
"Hello.... yes.... I'll be right there.... Thank you"
I hung up, I looked at Christian "Well since your going to lose your shit you might as well follow me because I have a feeling your not going to leave me a lone now"
"Lead the way"
Argh if I could punch him in the face in public I so would but there are to many witnesses and he was to well known.
As we walked to the jewellery store I kept my distance I was so mad he was spoiling my surprise. I walked into the store and asked for my gift as she went to the back of the store I watched Christian look around even more confused to why I was here. When the girl returned with my gift her eyes were on Christian, I just rolled my eyes, I don't think I will ever get use to the way females are attracted to him.
"Here, happy early birthday"
"Its your birthday in a couple of days, I'm always with you and so I had to take sometime off work so I could get your gift, so here"
I was pushing his gift at him.
"I I shit I'm such an idiot"
"Really, you think so, I would agree, well I need to get back to work, I'll see you at work"
I walked pass him, as he stood there holding his gift, unsure what to do, I practical ran to my car I was fuming he spoilt my surprise.

I was sitting at a red light when it turned green I drove forward only to see a car driving towards me and I felt it hit the side of my door, the car spun around several times and I was being turned upside down and getting flung about, my head being tossed all over the place. Everything was like a slow motion movie scattered glass pieces flying everywhere, and me tossed around like a rag doll. When the car finally came to a stop, I was upside down hung by my seat belt, I looked around but I couldn't move, everything hurt. Thats when I heard someone approaching, yes someone is here to help me, I saw two polished mens shoes with dress pants walk up to the car and stop by my door.
I tried to say help but my voice was a mere whisper.
Then I watched as the shoes started to walk away.
No! where is he going, I was feeling tired so tired. Thats when I closed my eyes.

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