The Epilogue: 19 years later

By hellbornbrat

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R/Hr story The gang is back Hermione,Ron,Harry and Ginny face new decisions on the future but what will... More

Chapter 1: Beginnings
Chapter 2: That's a nice twist
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: Planing the Wedding
Chapter 6: Pinch me I must be dreaming
Chapter 7: Announcements
Chapter 8: Problem and Solution
Chapter 9: something bothering you?
Chapter 10: I have to tell you something....
Chapter 11: Wedding Bells
Chapter 12: Bloody Hell!
Chapter 13: 3 Words 8 Letters 1 Beautiful meaning
Chapter 14: Homecoming
Chapter 15: An Enchanted Miracle part 1
Chapter 16: An Enchanted Miracle part 2
Chapter 17: History Repeats Itself
Chapter 18: Fighting or Fleeting?
Chapter 19: Grocery Store
Chapter 20: Waiting...Waiting....Waiting....
Chapter 21: Positive or Negative?
Chapter 22: Muggle London
Chapter 23: Where to start?
Chapter 24: Hannah Abbott
Chapter 25: Katie Bell
Chapter 26: Susan Bones & A day off
Chapter 27: What did you get yourselves into?
Chapter 28: Lavender Brown
Chapter 29: Cho Chang
Chapter 30: Michael Corner & Dean Thomas
Chapter 31: The Wrath of a Weasley
Chapter 32: Alicia Spinnet part 1
Chapter 33: Alicia Spinnet part 2
Chapter 34: Luna Lovegood
Chapter 35: Fast Approaching
Chapter 36: Finale
Chapter 37: Breathe
Chapter 38

Chapter 3: Decisions, Decisions

3K 44 7
By hellbornbrat

Everyone read his or her letters over and over again in disbelief. How could this have happened? How could I be this lucky? Hermione thought.

She had of course, immediately sent a reply to professor McGonagall saying she was most definitely coming for her "8th year" and thanked her copious times for allowing them to come back. Ron and Harry on the other hand were still unsure whether they were would attend or not.

"I'm just not sure if I want to go through all that homework again!" Ron exclaimed

"Not to mention NEWTS!" Harry said building onto their list of excuses that went on and on.

"But it's a marvelous opportunity! We're lucky they're even letting us come back!" Hermione scolded. Clearly having her priorities sorted out.

"Yeah it's marvelous for you! The only reason we liked school was for the quidditch. We've told you Hermione, we're just not sure yet." Harry said. With a sigh of defeat Hermione turned and went into the kitchen.

She walked over to Ginny crossing her arms in front of her as a sigh of defeat. "This ridiculous! I'm not the only one that sees that am I? What do you think about it Ginny?"

"I think they're being bloody stupid." Ginny exhaled blowing hair out of her face.

"What are we going to do with them?" Hermione said shaking her head, sitting down next to Ginny. They sat in the kitchen trying to think of some sort of plan when Ginny squealed.

"What?" Hermione asked confused.

"You know what let's make this interesting! I bet you two sickles I can get Harry to go before you can get Ron too." Ginny beamed brightly.

"But that's not fair! Ron's so stubborn! Everyone knows Harry's a pushover."

"Yeah but you practically have Ron wrapped around your finger."

"Well, I at least it'll be exciting... you're on!" and as soon as they shook on it they were off.


Hermione went to find Ron. As she walked up the stairs to his room she thought about how she could possibly get Ron to agree before Harry. How can I get him to break before harry! He's the most stubborn person I know! Then she got a brilliant idea.

I'm just going to have to do something I've never done before! I'm going to have to use my feminine side. Hermione thought but how? I've never done anything like that before. I've used by brains and never relied on being—well a girl! I'll just have to see how it goes! She knocked on Ron's door.

There was a muffled thud. "Who is it?"

"It's –Its Hermione." she stuttered visibly nervous.

"Oh! Hold on." There was a clatter of things falling and then sounds of him picking something up. Hermione grinned, same old Ron.

"Come in" He opened the door. His room was a mess with a bed on either side of the room one for him one for Harry.

"You're room is a disaster zone!"

"Yeah umm... I'm going to clean it up sometime."

"Mhmmm sure." She said in a disbelieving tone, Ron rolled his eyes. Hermione grabbed Ron's hand and pulled him to sit on the bed then sat on his lap.


"Ye—yeah?" Ron looked flustered and nervous already. Maybe this will be easier than I thought Hermione thought.

"I don't think I can bare to go back to Hogwarts if you're not there. It won't be the same with you not there. I don't think I want to go if you're not there! I would miss you to much!" She said coyly while playing with his hair.

"I don't know Hermione all that work again. It's going to be so different after what we went through last year."  Hermione looked straight into his eyes

"Please Ron for me." She batted her eyelashes. She then turned around and kissed him. At first Ron was hesitant or maybe just plain shocked but after a few seconds kissed her back passionately they're mouths moved in perfect harmony and didn't break apart until they needed air staring into each others eyes gasping for air.

"So is it a yes?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"Well..." Hermione looked up at him innocently and in that moment knew she had won.

"Okay." he said reluctantly.

"Thank you so much." she said then kissed him quickly and went down stairs. She found Ginny in the living room looking upset. 

"Guess what!" Hermione said in a singsong voice.


"I got Ron to go!" She felt like she was walking on air.

"Wait what? No way! That's so not fair how can you get your boyfriend to go faster than I can get my fiancé to?" Ginny said confused.

"I don't know but I won the bet! That'll be two sickles." Hermione grinned and stuck her hand out. Ginny reluctantly gave Hermione her winnings.

"Fine you won happy? But now you have to help me get Harry to go."

"Fine, this should be easy once he knows Ron's going."

"Yeah I swear sometimes those two are just as bad as girls. They won't do something unless the other one is doing it."

"Tell me about it!" so they decided to attack the matter at dinner. That way Mrs.Weasley would be there to comment about what she thought and Ron would be there so there would be an extra person to persuade him.

     Ginny and Hermione were sure they're plan would guarantee that by the end of dinner Harry would be going to Hogwarts with Ginny (who had been named Head Girl of the 7th years) Hermione, and Ron 


I usually don't upload this fast but hey I'm uploading! So comment, like, vote <3


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