Percy Jackson, Guardian of th...

By Shadow_Warrior14

54.7K 1.2K 480

They had won the war, but with a great cost. Percy Jackson, the last of the seven, has returned to camp half... More

Champion of Flames
Hero of War
Chaos Agrees...Somewhat
Fighting, Blessing, and now Explaining
Master of Archery

The Winged Demon

8.7K 212 112
By Shadow_Warrior14

Five years since the Olympians had seen Perseus Jackson.

Camp Olympia was in an uproar. War was coming and it was going to hit them hard. They had only been given five years of peace before another being wanted to take over Olympus and the world.

Ouranos, primordial of the sky, had declared war with Olympus because he wanted to rule over the earth once again, ending the fifth age and beginning the sixth one.

Zeus had ordered Hestia and Poseidon to bring Percy Jackson to him so he could lead the Olympian army, but they had lost contact with him about a year ago.

Since then the seas had been restless as Poseidon mourned over the possible loss of his son. There was barely any hope from the hearth as Hestia also mourned for her champion.

The Hunters of Artemis had been sent to the demigod camp to help with defenses, but it was still not enough.

A small army containing around three hundred monsters marched its way up half blood hill, hungry for demigod flesh. Leading this army was the Titan, Kronos himself. His golden eyes seemed to stare into each and every soul before him.

"Children of Olympus, I have come here on behalf of my father, Ouranos. He wishes to give each and every one of you a pardon from this war if you step aside and let us take over Olympus. For the Hunters of Artemis, we shall give you Zoe Nightshade back, but that is only if you step aside as well. Choose wisely young ones."

When no one moved a grin appeared on the Titans face.

"Guess that means I get to have some fun with my new scythe then," Kronos said as he summoned the weapon to his hands and got into a ready position.

Before he could order the attack, a column of orange flames appeared between him and the demigods. Soon these flames turned green.

Both sides had confused looks as they looked at the green column of flames.

Kronos turned back to his army and pointed his finger at an empousa to come forward. "See what that is."

The monster slowly walked to the green flames, but didn't make it three feet before an arrow pierced the monsters flesh. The thing exploded into golden dust as a cloaked figure walked next to the flames.

"Sorry Titan, but it seems not even Ouranos can keep me in his kingdom," said the person as they pulled their hood down.

Standing in between the two armies was none other than Zoe Nightshade, a bow in her hands as she smirked at the Lord of time.

"Impossible, no one can have the power to free you from a primordial."

Fourteen flashes of light appeared signaling the arrival of the Olympians. When Artemis noticed Zoe standing there she almost ran over to her, but stopped herself when she realized who was in front of her.

"What do you want father?"

"Ah, Zeus it's so nice to see you. Are you ready for me to rip everything you have built out from under you?"

Zeus growled in frustration as his father was taunting him.

Kronos was about to say something else when an idea came to mind.

"If my father can't keep you prisoner than I guess we don't have to keep you alive," Kronos said as he charged forward to kill the daughter of Atlas.

Terror spread through Artemis as she was about to witness her friends death for a second time. Before Kronos could get to her, the column of flames shot forward and wrapped around the Titan.

Painful screams filled the air as the Lord of time was burned alive by Greek fire. Soon the flames retreated back to where they were before, leaving a severely burned Titan on the ground trying to get up.

His wounds were healing, but slowly. He would need at least ten minutes before he would be able to even lift his weapon again.

The flames started to shrink until they disappeared, a giant burned circle of grass served as the only reminder of the flames.

Another cloaked figure walked out of the woods with a sword in their hand. This one was obviously male. When he made his way to Zoe, she smiled at him.

"It's about time you got here. I was waiting patiently, but you took too long."

"Well, I was going to let you have all of the fun, but then gramps tried to hurt you and I couldn't let that happen."

Zoe rolled her eyes, but she was really happy he had intervened because she wouldn't have been able to take on the Titan.

"Fine, but be a good boyfriend and kill them all. I hate monsters."

His mouth, the only visible part of his face, formed a smirk. "Yes ma'am."

By now Kronos had been able to heal himself with his self healing abilities and now stood facing the man who had almost burned him to death.

"You will pay for that mortal. I will take that bitch and leave her in Tartarus for the monsters to have."

Wrong thing to say.

Greek fire erupted all over the man's body as he slowly walked toward the Titan. As he walked, the man pulled his cloak off of him and let it drop to the ground.

The army of monsters all took a step backwards in fear. Kronos on the other hand looked like he shit himself. "N-no, not p-possible. You should be dead."

"Wrong again grandfather."

He turned his back to the army of monsters and faced his family.
"My name is Perseus Jackson for those of you who did not know. As champion of Chaos, I hereby declare Kronos guilty of murder and acting against the creator himself. I shall personally make you fade from existence where you will spend your time in eternal torture."

Gasps of shock where heard from the Olympains side as they saw the omega (chaos's) symbol tattooed on his chest as he took off his armour and shirt for the fight he was about to enter.

"Lets get this over with old man. It's about time you retired."

Kronos growled in anger and charged the son of Poseidon, but when he swung his scythe, Percy ducked and stabbed his left leg. Kronos fell to the ground, his leg bleeding ichor like a waterfall.

The Titan looked up and was able to bring his scythe up to block Anaklusmos from cutting him in half, but couldn't defend himself against the knee that was sent to his face.

The Lord of time had been defeated by two moves in seconds from a mere demigod. In his last ditch effort to do some kind of damage to the demigod, Kronos launched a ball of pure golden energy at him that blew Percy back a few feet, but otherwise unharmed.

"I expected more from a Titan. Guess that's why Ouranos sent his weakest first."

The Titans eyes widened as Percy slit his throat with Riptide.

The army of monsters stared at the legendary foe with fear as some tried to run, but walls of fire cut off their escape.

"Now where do you think your going? I believe you are staying here so I can get a good practice in."

Some of the monsters realised that they had no choice, but to engage him. They actually thought they had a slight advantage because they had some griffins that flew over head with archers on their backs.

Percy saw this and grinned. "I see you were counting on those griffins huh? Too bad I prepared for that."

It seemed they were confused and they had every right to be. How could he possibly reach them from where he was? He was the world's worst archer and he only used a sword from what they knew of.

There answers were answered when to two pitch black wings sprouted from his shoulder blades. The darkness itself seemed to be sucked into these two feathery master pieces.

The whole time this was going on the Olympians and their army just stared at their long lost hero in awe. Well, except Zeus who seemed to be a little pissed that this boy had more power than him.

Faster than the eye can see, Percy ran forward and decapitated a dracnea and stabbed a lunging hellhound in the stomach. An empousa tried to stab him in the back with her dagger, but Percy turned and set her on fire that seemed to continue to spread onto other monsters.

Soon water rose up from the lake and began to separate and form humanoid figures that quickly froze.

Around twenty of these ice warriors were made and were released from Percy's hold where they dropped to the ground and charged forward, attacking the army of monsters.

It took Percy and his ice warriors thirty minutes to finish of the monster army.

When they were done, Percy retracted his wings and grabbed his cloak and put it back on and disappeared into a column of flames.

"Where did that insolent brat go? He didn't even bow to me," Zeus shouted as his anger grew.

Over the next hour the demigods did what they could to better fortify their defenses, but soon returned to their activities.

The Olympians flashed themselves to Olympus to discuss what had just happened.

"We need to find him. We all saw that display of power today and we will need him for the fight against the primordial," Athena stated to the council.

"I am not going to help drag my son back here because some of you don't know how to do things for yourself. He has won two wars for us and defeated Kronos and his small army of monsters for us today. I say he has done enough," Poseidon ranted.

"I agree with Poseidon on this. You will not bother my champion or you will face my wrath," Hestia growled which made the other Olympians back up slightly in fear. She had never been an aggressive goddess, but if you hurt those she cares about then you might as well start making your way down to Tartarus.


All heads turned to the center of the throne room where Zoe Nightshade stood.

"This is getting ridiculous. None of you control Percy, not even Chaos himself can. Want to know why? It's because he doesn't like to be restrained, the sea does not like to be restrained and the sea is a part of him. No one will ever be able to control him without his permission."

"Excuse me? We are Olympians and shall be treated with respect bitch. If you will not do so then you will be punished severely. I don't even see him here to defend you right now," Ares taunted as he stared at the daughter of Atlas intensely.

As Artemis was about to get up and attack Ares for his comment and intentions, a green ball of Greek fire flew across the room and hit the god of war in the face.

He screamed from the heat of the fire as it slowly burned the flesh off his face.

When he was finally able to get the flames off of his face, a celestial bronze sword appeared at his throat.

"You better watch what you say war god. You never know who's going to be watching," Percy whispered in his ear as he dug the sword in a little deeper.

Beads of sweat rolled down Ares's face. His skin turned a very pale shade of white.

"I-I didn't mean I-it."

Percy leaned back and removed his sword from the gods neck.

As Ares breathed a sigh of relief, Percy reeled back and punched the god of war in the face. Ichor poured out of the Olympian's broken nose that he was clutching painfully.

A lightning bolt hit the spot next to Percy after he flashed down to the center of the throne room.

"Is there a problem Zeus?"

The Lord of the sky's narrowed his eyes at the son of Poseidon. "Yes there is. You have attacked an Olympian and the punishment for your crimes is to be sentenced to Tartarus for eternity."

"Well, good luck with that uncle," Percy growled as he lunged toward the king of the gods.

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