Seth Rollins One Shot's

By TheShieldImagine

155K 2.3K 68

PLEASE NOTE: This is not one continual story, each chapter is a separate requested one shot. I have just grou... More

Friends with benefits
Are you drunk?
Just good friends?
Who's the daddy?
Teacher's pet
Training session
Moving on
Perfect match
First time
Daddy's little girl
Bubbles of pleasure
Protect and nurture
Stolen moments
To shy to say I love you
Stay away from what's mine
Age gap love
Angry Sex
Seeking approval
Surprise arrival
Kiss of distraction
Friendly competition
Jealous lies
Friends to lovers
Wedding crasher
The son he never knew
Instant attraction

Protective instinct

6.2K 92 5
By TheShieldImagine

Based on this request by anonymous:

Why him. Out of the whole roster, why Seth? you thought. You would have been happy to do an on-screen romance storyline with anyone but him, but yet WWE thought it would be a good idea because you were Dean little sister. The trouble was that you and Seth had never got along. He annoyed the hell out of you and you were dreading having to work with him on such a personal level.

[Monday night raw]  

I'll show him you thought as you made your way towards Seth's locker room. Fake it until you make it right? and If you were going to have any hope in getting through the next through weeks then that was what you were going to do. You made your way inside with as much confidence as you could muster, the camera crew already waiting for you

''Right let's do this''

You had to kiss Seth tonight and you were going to give him the most convincing and passionate kiss you could possible muster

"Looking forward to kissing me that much huh?" Seth said with a smile

"No, not really" you replied

"Oh? Well isn't that a shame" Seth replied "Cos you've got to anyway" 

You decided not to reply, after all he wasn't the only one who could play dirty

[Backstage Segment]

Seth was getting dressed for his match and was looking around his locker room for his championship 

"Hey (Y/N) have you seen my title?" 

You came out of the locker room bathroom and walked up to him wearing his Championship around your waist 

"What this?" you asked seductively as you walked towards him

Seth's face lit up "Yeah that" 

"Well, if you want it're going to have to take it from me" you teased, looking up at him 

Seth reached out for the championship but you moved away from him "Come on, take it" 

Seth laughed as he grabbed you by the waist, lifting you up. You giggled and wrapped your legs around his waist. His expression softened as he looked at you and his lips pressed up against yours. He was being a lot more gentle than you had expected and you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. You pulled back from him and he lowered you down onto the floor, looking slightly stunned as you held his gaze and took his championship off from around your waist, handing it to him

"Here you go Champ" 

Seth didn't say a word and just took the championship from you, throwing it over his shoulder

"You ready to go and kick some ass?" you asked

"I am now" he replied with a smirk

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Backstage after Seth's match]

You and Seth stepped behind the curtain and you quickly broke away from him

"(Y/N) wait a second. Where are you going?"

"We've finished filming for today so I'm going home" you answered

"Oh'' Seth seemed sad all of a sudden ''But don't you want to hang out for a bit? we could go and get a drink or something''

You turned around and looked at him confused ''Why would i want to hang out with you Seth. I mean we're not exactly friends?" 

"Um...yeah well we could know. If you wanted too" 

"We could be what?" You asked confused

"Friend's. I'd like to be your friend" Seth said as he moved closer to you

Well this was new. Usually Seth couldn't stand to be around you and the feeling was mutual

"Where has this come from all of a sudden?'' you asked ''You've been a complete asshole to me since the day i debuted!" 

"And I'm sorry for that i really am'' Seth replied ''Look just give me a chance to make it up to you. I promise I won't bother you again, just give me a couple of hours of your time, please!'' 

''Fine" you relented "but it's not a date! so don't take me to some fancy restaurant or anything"

Seth smiled widely as if he could barley contain his excitement "Great!! we could just hang out at my place then. How about you come round tonight at 8pm? or is that too late?'' 

''8pm is fine, I'll see you there"   

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Later that night at Seth's house]

You approached Seth's house and rang the doorbell, a few minutes passed by and there was no answer. Typical Seth you thought, just as you were about to ring the doorbell again a flustered looking Seth opened the door

"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting, time ran away with me" He said as he pulled a scrunched up t-shirt over his head "Come in" 

You stepped inside and looked around

"Can I get you a drink or something?" he asked as he shut the door behind you

"No I'm fine thanks"

"Um...okay so I've got a movie in and i thought we could just hang out and watch it, eat some popcorn'' Seth said 

"Oh right, what movie did you pick?" You asked

"It's a horror but if you want to watch something else you can choose one from my collection"

If you weren't mistaken you'd say Seth nervous and you had no idea why

"Whatever movie you've chose will be fine" you replied

Seth seemed to be a little offended by your lack of enthusiasm

"What have I said?" you asked, noticing his expression


"I just saw your face drop, what's wrong?" you asked

"You really don't want to be here do you?" Seth asked

"It's not that" you explained "I'm just on edge. You've gone from being horrible to me to inviting me over and doing all of this. Honesty I'm confused as hell"

"I understand" Seth replied "And I plan on making up for my terrible behavior"

"Okay" you said "Fair enough"

"I better put this on then" Seth said as he picked up the DVD, walking towards his flat screen TV

As you sat down on his couch and waited for the movie to start you noticed that Seth had layed out a load of snacks and drinks for you both. You smiled to yourself, thinking how cute is what that he had made so much of an effort for you

"Right, here we go" Seth said as he sat down beside you and pressed play on the remote control

He was sitting quite close to you, closer than you would usually feel comfortable with but at that very moment you didn't mind at all, maybe he wasn't so bad after all

You could see Seth staring at you from the corner of your eye "What are you starring at?" 

"You" he replied unfazed


"Because you're beautiful"

Your cheeks flushed and you weren't sure what to say to him so you just carried on watching the film. Seth's hand lightly touched yours and you jumped at the contact before settling back down, he started to lightly stroke the back of your neck and you lent into him slightly, enjoying the sensation. You looked up at him and he kissed you. It was unexpected but pleasant and before you knew it you were in his lap, deepening the kiss as you ground down on him. You broke off the kiss and you looked at each other lustfully for a few seconds before Seth lifted you up and carried you upstairs.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[The following morning]

You woke up sore but satisfied, yawning as you stretched. Seth felt you move and wrapped his arm around you, keeping you close to him

"Morning beautiful" 

"Morning" you replied "I wish i didn't have to leave''

"Mmm me too" Seth replied

You smiled at him, giving him a kiss as you settled back down beside him

"About last night" Seth said

"What about it?" You replied

''Does it mean you're my girl now?'' 

You recognized the uncertainty in his voice "I'd love to be your girl Seth but..."

"But what?" 

"But Dean would go crazy if he found out" you replied

"Surely Dean would want to see his sister happy?''

''It's not that simple" You got out of bed and began to gather your belongings

"What are you doing?" Seth asked

"Look we both know what Dean can be like'' You answered ''If he finds out about us he will hurt you and i can't let that happen." 

"I can defend myself (Y/N)''

"I know you can but-''

''What are you saying?'' Seth got up out of bed and grabbed a clean pair of boxers, putting them on

''I'm saying that i can't do this. I'm sorry''

"Look (Y/N) wait" He grabbed hold of your arm before you could leave the room "We could tell him together...we could take things slow, break it to him gently" 

"I don't know Seth-" 

"Despite what you might think, you mean the world to me and i'm not going to loose you because of Dean!''


''No i mean it. I want to be with you and if taking a beating from Dean is what i have to do for that to happen then so be it''

"Okay'' you agreed reluctantly ''We'll tell him together" 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[A week later, backstage at Raw]

"You ready for this?" Seth asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist

''Not really'' you admitted as you rested your head on his chest

You were both standing outside of Dean's locker room, planning on telling him about your relationship 


You turned around to see Dean making his way towards you

"Dean wait a second, calm down" you said

Dean ignored you and got right in Seth's face ''MY SISTER!! MY LITTLE SISTER?''

Dean pulled you away from Seth 

"Look Dean...just let us explain" Seth replied

"Nah fuck that i know what i saw'' Dean argued ''Are you fucking him?''

He asked as he turned towards you


''Yes or no (Y/N)?''

''He makes me happy'' You answered

Dean laughed bitterly ''He makes you happy?''

"What's so funny about that?'' You asked

''Because you could hardly stand to be around him a few weeks ago'' Dean said ''You've let the scumbag get into your head''

''He's not a scumbag'' You argued

''Oh really?'' Dean mocked ''So you've forgot sll about what he did to Roman and I then?''

"No, but that has nothing to do with me" you replied

Seth wrapped his arm around you, trying his best to be supportive 

''Get your filthy hands off her!!'' Dean yelled, attempting to pull you away from Seth 

''Look wheather you like it or not (Y/N) and I are together'' Seth said ''So you can either accept it or leave us alone''

''Is that right?'' Dean said staring him down

"Let's just go Seth, we're not going to get anywhere with him." you said, pulling Seth away

You and Seth walked off hand-in-hand, leaving Dean alone with his thoughts

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Two weeks later]

You and Seth's relationship was thriving and neither one of you had ever been so happy. You hadn't seen Dean much since he confronted you and it was secretly eating you up inside. You loved your brother and you hated it when he didn't speak to you

Out of desperation you decided to go to his locker room and attempt to talk to him, you weren't expecting much from him but you thought it was worth a try anyway. You knocked on his locker room door and anxiously waited for him too answer. When he eventually did, he simply sighed and stepped aside to let you in  

"Dean i know you don't want anything to do with me right now but you're still my brother and i miss you" 

His brows knitted together and he seemed to be listening intensely

"I love you and i love Seth and i don't want to choose. All i want is for the two men I love the most in this world to get along, is that really too much to ask?" 

"You know what (Y/N) I've been watching you and Seth for the past few weeks'' Dean said ''And...I've seen how well he treats you and how happy you seem to be around him. So i suppose i could...maybe be alright with it" 

"REALLY!!" you screeched, throwing your arms around him "THANK YOU SO MUCH DEAN" you said as you squeezed him tightly

"Yeah yeah'' Dean replied as he patted you on the back ''But if he ever hurts you i will kill him"

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