The new dawn | Levi x Reader...

By Neeoni

4.9K 191 101

This story is a sequel to One place on Earth. More

The new dawn | Levi x Reader | Zombie AU (part 1)
The new dawn | Levi x Reader | Zombie AU (part 3)

The new dawn | Levi x Reader | Zombie AU (part 2)

1.5K 58 50
By Neeoni

A/N: Warning for violence and gore!!

They knew. You were sure of it. The way those people stared after Erwin, and the rest of you who explored the outside world and talked behind closed doors. You knew how fast gossip traveled inside the walls, and you'd be a fool to think they didn't know that Home was under problems that couldn't be fixed. None you seekers said anything when it was time for you to leave. The true reason behind your trip was meant to remain a secret, but who were you trying to fool, really. The people knew something was up without anyone telling, that this time your leaving meant something greater than just food and supplies.

Tomorrow morning, in 24 hours you'd be returning, that was the plan. You didn't take much with you. Only the needed weapons and your breathing bodies were meant to leave through the gate. The little food you had stored was left in Home. The others needed it more than you. Each of you knew how to survive, hunt and eat whatever you'd find on your way, so you weren't worried that hunger would be the one killing you. Even if you all agreed to leave the food behind, you still ended up having a little something to take with you.

There you were, following the group through the ground floor in the still dusky morning, passing by some people who silently watched you leave. It was still dark, but there were always those who rose early, or didn't sleep at all. Levi was stopped by a man, lured aside from the moving group. The man held a small package in his hands, speaking quiet words to him, and Levi listened patiently. Eren was standing still as well, having an old lady whispering to him and handing something wrapped to his possession. You walked in silence, passing these random encounters that happened around you, wondering if these people were perhaps trying to ask details of your trip.

Your sleeve was being yanked, and now you were the third one standing on the hallway. A gentle pull encouraged you to turn around, and as you did, a peace of bread was placed in your palm. With a confused frown, you looked at the elder one for a brief moment, before blinking your sight beyond her.

Levi approached the spot with steady steps. He had taken the package from the man, keeping it safely in his grip. He spared you a single glance, before his figure went past the two of you. The man gave Levi food, you knew this without asking. They think we need it more than they do. Your eye met the elder one's again. Her gaze alone told you more than words could speak. It was an act of kindness towards those who dared to face the dangers that the rest of them couldn't, a little something to help you out there.

You wanted to refuse taking the precious gift, but you knew she wouldn't be taking it back, no matter how much you insisted you'd manage without it. With a gentle smile and a nod of appreciation, you took the bread from the slim hand that felt so much colder than yours. A quiet 'thank you' left your lips, and you turned around, holding her gift in your palm, bringing it close to your body.

You still saw those old eyes of hers staring at you, long after you'd left her in the dark corridors of your Home. The memory of it forced your hands to grip tightly around the steering wheel. Your eyes followed the road that had already taken you countless kilometers away from Home. Everyone in the car constantly glanced at the woods and bushes that covered both sides of the road, alert for growlers that could storm out from the cover. So far you had only seen three of them, wandering in the foggy fields like living scarecrows. The sight was like a painting, one of those disturbing ones that still remained too fascinating to look away from, leaving you feel uneasy.

"Take the next turn to the right." Mike instructed from the passenger seat beside you.

You glanced at the map he held on his lap. "We're getting close?" you guessed once your focus returned on the road.

"After we take that turn, I'd say it won't take longer than 10 minutes to see the city." Mike began to fold the map, since he no longer saw the need to check on it.

The mentioned crossroad was already closing from the distance. You looked at the rear view mirror, checking if the second car was still following you closely. There it was, right behind you. Eren, who was driving it, was having an intense looking conversation. Probably with Annie and Ymir, you reasoned from the fact that Levi, who was also sitting in the front, only stared into the distance. He looked like he could punch someone. You smiled shortly at the sight, before you slowed down the speed, and made the turn.

Mike was right. The city opened before you after only a couple of minutes of driving. The road lead you to a decayed gas station, where you stopped to have a small break before beginning the job you were here to do. The gas station stood on a hill road, and through the tops of the old pine woods, you could see the city opening wide and clear from the valley it was built in.

The deep forest that dominated the hills around you, added a fresh scent in the air, bringing up an old memory of your childhood's trips to the cabin that you loved so much. The mental image of the happy times with your family brought a sad smile on your face, but it disappeared as you bit off another chunk from your lunch. You sat on the hood of your vehicle, sharing the old woman's bread with Mikasa and Ymir. Not feeling hungry, Eren went to check the gas station with Reiner and Annie. Levi and Mike stood by the parked minivan behind you, watching the surroundings and talking about something that you didn't pay attention to.

"Karanese. The modern city in the heart of the old valley lands." Eren strolled towards the car, reading a tourist brochure that he had most likely found from the gas station. He checked if the three of you were listening, before he continued, putting even more soul into his enunciation. "Great shopping possibilities, top class restaurants, exciting hiking roads, a year-round open camping and many other places you can enjoy with your whole family and blah blah other bullshit..."

Eren gave up with his speech and lowered the text from his sight with a head shake. "I don't know who wrote this, but I think they went a bit over the top with the sugaring image." he joked, earning chuckles and agreeing nods from his audience. His gaze fixed at the said city in the distance, which resembled nothing but a post-war scenery.

"Overrated, just like every city." Ymir chewed the last bite of her bread. "But I guess there might have been nice nightclubs to get shit wasted at." she continued with a longing tone.

"That must've been fun." you mused, remembering how you couldn't wait to become old enough to legally drink and experience all of it yourself. Go crazy and regret nothing, to live your life. All of it was only a matter of months away, when the pandemic came to ruin everything.

Ymir gave you the side eye. "Well, it wasn't that fancy and cool as you think. The noise made your head hurt, the drinks were shit expensive, and there was always vomit somewhere." she underrated the experience, probably to make you feel less sad for not ever managing to live that exiting and fun phase when all the adult's things were finally available for you.

"I guess, but it would've been nice to see how it's like." you shrugged. "The first time I tried alcohol, was at this one quarantine zone where one of the boys in our bunk row, stole a bottle from the soldiers private stash... the label said it was brandy, and shit it tasted terrible." you smirked, shaking your head for the memory.

"I once tried my dad's whiskey when I was thirteen." Eren shared his own memories. "I wanted to taste how its like, so I poured a bit in a glass when dad wasn't home."

"Oh shit I remember that." Mikasa chuckled. "you ran your sorry ass at my place and threw up in my room." she recalled the events.

"Well that sounds like fun." Ymir smirked playfully. "Go on." she wanted to hear more.

Eren rolled his eyes. "Just when I had poured the drink, dad came home all the sudden. I panicked and swallowed the whole thing before he'd look. I started coughing like crazy and that's when dad turned his head and saw the bottle on the table. He started yelling and came at me. I took off through the back door and ran across the street where Mikasa lived...running was not a good idea, it made my stomach hurl." he looked up to the sky in defeat.

"He came smashing our door and yelled me to let him in before his dad finds and kills him." Mikasa continued the story. "I let him in and he went to hide in my room. Then, all the sudden, he started making these odd noises and turned pale...and he puked in my trash, which smelled terrible, by the way." Mikasa crossed her arms, jokingly scolding her friend.

"My stomach felt like burning! I thought I was dying or something, what the hell was I supposed to do?" Eren tried to explain himself, turning red from his ears once you and Ymir started laughing.

While you remained busy chuckling at Eren's tragic story, Levi and Mike arrived to join you. Their sudden presence had you all cut off the laughter. Fun time is over, you read the news from the look in Levi's eye.

"Found anything from inside?" Levi pointed his question to Eren, who shook his head in return.

"No. Just a few dead guys, nothing useful. Annie is still checking the back with Reiner." Eren then looked at the brochure he was still holding, before he let it drop down on the ground and watched the wind carry it away. His focus turned back to the gas station, and he saw Reiner and Annie exiting the building, gesturing that they found nothing.

The teams gathered up, gazing out to the city, preparing themselves mentally for what they might face down there. Levi was the first who had enough of sightseeing, and turned to face the rest of the people.

"We shouldn't waste the daylight." his voice caused everyone to shift on their spots, to focus. "We get back here around sunset. If the other team isn't back, you wait until it gets dark. If no one comes by then, you leave." he checks everyone in the circle, making sure you paid attention to his words.

"Some of us must get back Home to tell what we've found, whether it's something good or absolutely nothing. We can't risk going to find the missing team, not before we check in at Home first." he then added. "No risks, no unnecessary waste on ammo. And, there might be other people camping here, so let's be careful. We all know how fucked up things can get with strangers." Levi's sight locked with yours for a several blinks, before he finished the round.

You swallowed hard, lowering our chin. You knew all too well just how dangerous people can be. The arms that crossed your chest, squeezed in for the flashing memory of the man attacking you, how he nearly killed you. The scars were still there, reminding you of what happens when you let your guard down. With a calming breath, you raised your chin again, hiding your troubled thoughts behind impassive expression. Focus, you told yourself. That's not gonna happen this time.

You all exchanged glances with each other. Forced smiles and meaningful looks were shared as silent goodbyes, just in case some of us wont make it. You knew that the road would separate the teams from now on, and there really was no guarantee that you'll all return safely. The intersection will lead Levi's team right at the heart of the city, while you, Mike, Reiner and Mikasa will leave to search through the outer lines of the area. One by one, people left the circle to sink back in the cars. It was time.

You followed the minivan until you reached the crossroad, window open for the fresh air to keep you focused. The car in front of you slowed down, giving you the chance to drive next to it. Your head turned on your left, and for the brief moment before you'd depart, your eye fixed on Levi. He sat in the passenger seat, elbow reaching over the open window, having his focus on you as well.

Levi gave you a nod, which you took as an act of encouragement. "We'll see in few hours." he announced like it was obvious.

You wanted to smile, but for some reason you couldn't pull yourself to perform the act. The expression on your face remained as it was, unreadable, steady and focused. "Yeah, see you soon." you replied casually, refusing to think your words as the last ones you'd speak to him, refusing to think they wouldn't come back.

That being said, you used your left palm to round the steering wheel far into the right, and the car turned on its new path. Everyone remained silent, minding their own business. Mike checked the ammunition of his weapon, Reiner kept his eye on the view, and Mikasa stared down on her knees. In hope to still see the others, you set focus on the mirror above, but the crossroad was already empty. The mission had officially started.


The time limit of your search was closing up, and damn, you had found nothing. So far, you'd drove through the suburban areas, stopped here and there to look through houses that appeared as ones that could still hold something useful inside. There was nothing much to find. It was like scrapping the leftovers from a plate that someone else had already finished. A few growlers appeared from here and there, as expected, but nothing too threatening came on your way.

And as for the main goal of the trip, you had found no places suitable for the plans to move all your people in. If there was any bigger buildings in here, they were either located in the downtown, or further beyond the living areas. You were driving again, this time a bit further from the settlements. You stretched out from the reach area, risking to only waste time, but it was worth to try.

The time was running out, and everyone in the car was slowly beginning to accept the fact that this was all for nothing, when you suddenly saw something. A large factory set on your sight from the distance. You passed a sign. A worn out one with nothing much left to read, but you all detected a shape of a can, which gave you the impression that the place had probably produced some sort of nutrition.

"Should we check that out?" Reiner spoke from between you and Mike. He had leaned forward to have a better view.

"There might be something in there." you mused behind the wheel, trying to focus on both staying on the road and eyeing the factory that kept closing in. You checked what kind of a face Mike was having, trying to figure out what he was thinking. "What do you say?"

Mike's expression remains solid, pondering, suspicious even. "Whatever they made in there, I'm sure it's been wiped out from anything useful already." he shared his thoughts.

"Are you sure it's not worth checking out? I mean, come on. Look how big it is." you let your gaze visit at the building again. "There's fences around it. Lot's of space...if there's no food or supplies, at least we should see if it would fit for living?" you shifted your attention back to Mike, hoping to see any signs that he'd at least be consider it. You had found absolutely nothing yet, and for you, this opportunity felt too good to pass.

"There might already be people inside, and they might not like strangers trespassing their territory." Mike remained denying.

You restrained the urge to sigh, and only turned your face forward. "I think we should give it a shot. Reiner? Mikasa? What do you think?" you continued, wanting to know if you really were the only one in favor of going in.

"I don't know. We might get lost, or attacked." Mikasa spoke up her mind. "But, I guess we don't know unless we see it ourselves."

Reiner remained quiet for a moment, trying to make up is mind. "I think we should go in. If there's people inside, who knows, maybe they can help us."

Your mood lightened up for hearing their support, and you once again faced Mike. "Come on, Mike. We're missing a good chance!" you tried one more time.

Mike didn't answer right away. He remained in his own thoughts, perhaps forming some plans, who really knew. His nose sounded a deep exhale, and the act hinted you that he was done thinking. "We go in, but only to see the general look of the place. We don't have time to do a proper search through everything it holds inside. We have to get back soon."

With that being said, your grip tightened around the steering wheel and your stomach felt tight, both because you were pleased to hear his approval, and because you felt anxious for what you might find from the building. You drove past the broken gates and maneuvered through the abandoned vehicles, trying to find a good place to park the car. The area looked empty. Trash and empty carton boxes continued to fill the ground wherever you looked at. There were bodies left to rot in the weather here and there, most of them showing nothing but bones and torn pieces of fabric underneath. You imagined the chaos. Fleeing and screaming people who left everything to run away, fight their way out off here, battle to survive.

You circled around the massive construction, trying to see the full picture of this place from the safety of closed doors, before stepping out. Mike pointed at the large doors at the back of the building, and you followed the instructions, bringing the car next to a truck at the loading spot. The truck had a picture of a canned meat taped on its side, and this confirmed your prediction that this place had indeed manufactured provisions.

You killed the engine at the spot and you all took a brief moment to check your surroundings, before stepping out. The air had a strange odor in it, but you couldn't point out the exact word to describe it. Your steps brought you at the back of the truck. It was open for load, but empty from inside. The large vehicle was connected to a platform, standing still and waiting for the load that would never fill it. The massive double doors were open to the inside. You reached out your neck to see deeper into the building, holding your riffle tight in your grip, just in case someone comes out to jump on you.

The sound of Reiner's struggle to get up to the upper walking lever startled you. You watched him walking past your spot from the higher ground, how he took a peek behind the doorway, before taking his first steps inside. Mikasa appeared next to you with Mike, informing that the space behind the truck was clear. Reiner took a quick look around the large space where he was at, and soon turned to signal you that it was safe to follow him, and you did.

The first room was basically just a large hall with nothing but empty shelves covering both sides of the walls. Large double doors stood by at the far end of the hall, which you now approached with caution. Your footsteps echoed against the concrete floor, and you couldn't help thinking it sounded too loud, but still, not a single sound came from the other side of the closed doors. No one knew you were there, or they did, but chose not to reveal themselves. Mike and Reiner were the first to examine the doors. Reiner tried the handles. The doors gave in just a little bit, enough for him to see that the handles were tied up close from the other side.

"You got a knife?" Reiner asked Mike, who was next to him, looking through the small, round window on his eye level.

"Hold on a minute." Mike gestured Reiner to back off a bit. He took his knife, turned his wrist and broke the small glass using the handle of his weapon.

You and Mikasa were keeping and eye on the space behind, and the sudden sound startled the both of you to turn around. The heart in your chest began pounding hard and your breaths came out in puffs. Mike wasn't done making noises just yet. He crouched to the cracked floor, lifted a big piece of concrete, and stood up again to throw it inside from the hole he made. The hard material clacked loudly through the floor on the other side, and you were sure there wasn't a single corner inside that building where that noise didn't reach.

If there were any growlers on the other side, they would've made their presence known already, you all concluded after a moment of waiting.

"Hold the doors apart again." Mike asked Reiner's help, deciding it was safe to cut the door open.

Reiner pushed the gap open again, and Mike worked to cut the knots. One more snap, and the doors flew open from the force Reiner used on them. A heavy breath of thick air escaped from the inside, making your guts twist from the strong stench of whatever was rotting inside.

"This is a bad idea." Mikasa stated behind her forearm that covered her nose and mouth.

You all stood still, alert, staring through the open doors and waiting for something, dead or alive, to storm out. The dark hall remained silent. You saw production lines, the massive structures that had stood unused for years. Empty boxes and remains of wrapping materials covered the cracked concrete floors. Dust particles hovered visible against the rays of light that pierced through the dirty windows up at the high ceiling.

"All right," Mike's voice caught your attention. He stood by the door, keeping his eye fixated before him. "No one wanders anywhere by themselves. We only check the big production halls, leave the smaller rooms be. Keep an eye out for heavy looking doors, they usually hold freezers and stockrooms behind. Look for signs that will give you and idea where they have everything located, there should be floor maps close by the entrances."

"Sounds like you know this stuff." you narrowed your eyes in wonder, following the crew deeper inside.

"I used to work in a factory like this." Mike kept his tone down. "They all have pretty much the same floor plans."

"Seriously? You never struck me as a factory monkey." Reiner commented. "I always thought you were a cop or something."

Mike smirked. "Well, I did serve eight years in the Air Force."

"Oh shit, really?" Reiner was both surprised and impressed. He looked over his shoulder at you and Mikasa, making a face that could translate as can you believe what he just said?. "How come you've never talked about that before?"

"No one never asked."

"Man, you gotta tell me all about it." Reiner was clearly pumped up for all the stories Mike might have stored in his memory.

Mike chuckled. "Maybe later. Remember where we're at." he reminded as he reached out to the second double doors that would lead even deeper into the factory.

"Right, right." Reiner tried to put the topic behind him. He followed Mike through the second doors, checked his right and left, and moved to keep up with the taller male. A short silence, and he failed to hold his tongue any longer. "Did you fly the fighter aircraft? Got to shoot anything?" he whispered in means not to reveal your location to anyone hostile who might be listening.

"Here we go..." Mikasa sighed, knowing as well as you did that this topic wouldn't be forgotten any time soon.

You hummed a short chuckle, watching the two men leading the way and hearing Mike quietly explaining some details for Reiner's great pleasure. To be honest, you were curious to hear more, too. Who wouldn't, really? But further questions would have to wait. You first needed to find out if all this empty space could fit for a new home. So far, it looked promising.


The high buildings and remains of the shopping centers stood quiet and spoiled. Sun burned papers flew across the lonely streets, now dirty and cracked, abandoned for the nature to slowly claim back the soil mankind once ruined. Three figures wandered on both sides of the road, checking the cars and looking for solution. A crack sounded as the bottom of Levi's boot landed back on the street through the broken shop window. The small store had nothing else but dust, darkness and disappointment to offer, which didn't surprise him anymore at this point.

He was more careful with the remaining foot, aiming for a clear spot at the glass covered sidewalk. Attention was the last thing they need. Levi raised his chin. Ymir and Annie were across the street, standing before a crashed bus and a Mercedes, staring at the old blood and filth that's been sitting on the windows for years. They idled, but it was only understandable. They've been walking for hours, searched and observed their surroundings in constants alert. They were all tired, and just like Levi, Ymir and Annie both seemed to have accepted the fact that there was nothing to find. Levi looked for Eren, spotting him on his left. He searched through one of the cars jamming the main road.

The daylight was running low, Levi reasoned from the sun's position. They must head back to the meeting point practically empty handed and without a sight of suitable space for their people to move in. Not good. Levi can only hope for the other team to be more lucky. The failure only means more work in the future. More trips, each time further away. There's no time for that. Levi swallowed the urge to curse out loud, hating their desperate situation. He turned towards the blocked road, setting his eye on Eren again, who currently moved to examine the next car.

Eren pointed his riffle at the broken window. There was a lifeless woman still bound in the driver's seat. He poked the severed head, wanting to make sure she's dead for real before further search. Once being sure it's safe, Eren opened the door to reach in the vehicle. He didn't waste time releasing the corpse from the seat belt. He leaned his weight on the steering wheel and extended his arm to open the clove compartment.

"You see anything?"

Levi's approach was silent, and the sudden question startled Eren. He hit his head against the doorway as he tried to back off, and the supporting arm slipped down from atop the steering wheel, bumping on the surface below. Bad move. A sharp honk rang loud in his ears, scaring Eren for the second time, and he quickly struggled out off the hell hole. A couple of hasty steps, and he gained his balance once he was out. A pair of hands rose up to hold the ache on his head.

"Shit," Eren hissed, eyes wide and burning in pain. "don't sneak up on me like that."

"Be glad it was just me." Levi now faced the high roof tops, wondering. "Let's get back to the car. That noise you made will lure everything dead or alive in here, but not that it really matters, we're done with this dumb anyway." he spared a lazy look for the younger man, and turned on his heels.

"The fuck, Eren?" Ymir snapped from the distance. The honk had lured her and Annie to come closer.

Annoyed, Eren only waved his arm in return to signal that everything was fine, to leave him be. He turned to pick up his back bag, took a couple of leaps after Levi, and then stopped. He swung around, tensing up. "Did you guys hear that?"

Levi, who just reached the rest of his team, turned sideways to frown at Eren's question. The younger one faced the empty block on their left, focused eyes set to stare at the empty street.

Ymir corrected the straps of her back bag, grunting. She was just about to tell Eren that it was just the headache talking, but froze as she heard it herself. A set of violent bangs echoed through the air, mixed with the familiar murmurs of the walking dead. The look in her eye sharpened. "We should go, don't you think?" she suggested to those next to her.

"I agree." Annie's tone was low.

"Eren," Levi called out. "Come on, there's no point staying." he barely managed to finish his sentence, when he spotted few growlers balancing their rotten bodies towards the honk that had caught their attention. "Eren!" Levi's sharp tone cut the air.

"No, wait." Eren gestured them to hold on. "You seriously can't hear that?" he glared at his company. "The bangs, I mean."

"It's them trying to get through a barricaded door or something like that." Annie tried to talk sense on him.

"Do they know how to count?!" Eren snapped, holding his ground. "Use your ears!"

Annie and Ymir glanced each other, and then waited Levi to say his opinion. The oldest of them stood still, listening. Eren was right. Among the roars and random bumps, three separate bangs continued to sound, holding a short pause between the series.

"Those things aren't making the noise." Levi concluded, keeping his eye on the growlers wandering blindly across the street. "There's someone alive out there." his hand set on his shoulder, grasping the riffle strap.

Eren shifted his gaze between the noises and Levi, struggling to decide where to set his restless feet. "What do we do? Someone might be in trouble."

"Or it's a trap." Annie mentioned the other possibility, also bringing her hand near her gun.

More infected wandered past the corner, one by one beginning to fill the street. The bangs kept echoing through the air, and maybe it was just Levi's imagination, but it sounded like the wind also carried a faint cry for help. The mental image of a person being surrounded by the infected made Levi's heart drum in his chest. He knew that going for it might put them all in danger, despite their protection against the infected. Still, the idea of simply turning away didn't sound right to him.

"Ymir, you have the car keys?" Levi asked, seeing Ymir nod. "Go and drive the van as close as possible. Try the next street from here, where those bastards are coming from."

Ymir did as she was told, and left to find the car. Levi told Eren and Annie to prepare themselves, that they'd go check out who made the noise. They approached the growlers, trusting the vaccine's immunity to keep them invisible to those who no longer couldn't be saved. The trio made no sound, keeping close to each other and carefully moving forward between the mindless ones. Once they made it to the end of the street, they saw another pack of the dead ones crowding the sidewalk far up at their right. The growlers were gathered around a door, trying to scratch and push their way through into the apartment complex which entrance was sealed from them. The separate bangs sounded again, and now the 'help' was being heard loud and clear.

"Is someone there!" Eren yelled, gaining few of the dead one's attention, but who soon turned back to the smell of food.

A faint "Yes! Is someone there? Help me, please! I'm stuck here!" reached over the growls of the undead.

The three of them had heard enough. Levi needed someone to back off and make a lot of noise, so the roamers would lost their interest to the meal behind the door. Eren took the job, now backing away, yelling and throwing whatever junk on the buildings near him. The person trapped behind the door most likely hasn't been vaccinated, so those things would spare no time running after the fresh meat once given the chance to it.

As the empty minded started to follow the new noises, Levi and Annie approached the door, taking out their blades to slash a few of those who got on their way. There was one more rotten man still scratching the door once Annie stepped up the few stairs to it. She sunk the knife at the back of his head, sending him fall down the stairs. Levi leaped over the corpse, rushing to help Annie with the door. It was jammed from the other side.

"Open the door!" Levi yelled through the scratched wood. "Are you alone in there?"

"Y-yeah, I'm alone. Ho-hold on, I have to move this stuff." a shaking male voice answered, and a series of clutter and screeching hinted them that something heavy was being removed from the door. A short moment of silence, and the door opened after some effort. The hinges were busted from the pressure of several men trying to push through it.

A startled looking young man with a shaved head appeared from the other side. He was covered in dirt and holding a crowbar in his shaking hand. The man's fearful gaze darted between Levi and Annie. His look screamed suspicion and doubt, while heavy breaths heaved his chest. There was no time for hello's, Eren was getting surrounded and Annie already left to run for his help.

"Oh shit, there's so many of them!" the short man's eyes widened for what was happening at the street.

"Yeah, and more will come for sure." Levi snapped and grabbed the young one from his shoulder to drag him down the stairs, as it seemed he couldn't function to move on his own. "I'm not gonna carry you, you idiot, move!" Levi brought him to the sidewalk and turned to go where Eren was about to have a rough time. "Stay close." he let go of the man, trusting that he'll value his life and do what he says.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," the one with the grow bar had no other choice but to follow.

Levi stabbed the one woman that got too close, and continued forward, focusing on Eren and Annie who tried to get rid of the unwanted crowd that Eren's uproar had lured after him. Another rotten duo made their way towards Levi, no, towards the one they just saved. Levi kicked the first one on the ground, so he had more time to kill the other one first. A single hit in the head with the blade, and he was good to finish the one trying to get up from the ground. He ended another life, and just then, a sharp clack caught Levi's attention. He turned to see the young man hitting a growler who had managed to sneak behind his vision. The next blow hit the bulls-eye, and the drooling man collapsed to the ground with half of his skull cracked from the strike of metal.

"Come on!" Levi hurried the man, pleased to see he's not completely helpless.

"Where the hell is Ymir!?" Eren yelled, moving fast to slay as many infected as he managed. He had made too much noise to fool the infected ones to think he's one of them. They still reacted to sound and hasty movements, and Eren had blown his cover by continuing doing them both for too long.

Annie was doing her part with helping to clear out the street and get Eren freed from the circle he was in, slashing and using her fists to crack some faces. Levi kept the new guy close to him, not wanting to bring him close to the fuss. There was still so many of them, and he had a bad feeling they wouldn't hold them all back forever. The sound of screeching tires caught everyone's attention. The minivan appeared behind the corner far down from the block. The vehicle made a violent turn towards them, and sped up, sending the dirt flying from where the tires wiped the asphalt.

She's driving really fast, too fast, Levi noted, and inhaled his lungs full to shout "Annie, Eren, MOVE!"

Levi punched the nearby growler hastily aside, and yanked the younger male away from the road with him. Annie had a clear way to back off close to the sidewalk, while Eren struggled to push his way through the teeth and nails that tried to skin him alive. He made a decision to duck down and dive through their feet, which worked better in his favor. The growlers failed to keep up with him, and some of them lost their balance as the man in hurry pushed forward. Eren made a leap through the first gap he found, barely dodging the speeding car that flashed right through the clueless growlers.

Many of the undead got under the tires, several crashed against the front and rolled over the windshield. Broken body parts flew in the air and blood painted the street. The minivan made a screeching U-turn, and returned to where the shocked people stared at the massacre. Ymir hit the brakes as she reached up where Levi stood with the stranger, and the two males hurried in. Levi took the front seat, and the younger one buried himself in the back.

Annie and Eren ran towards the car, managing to jump in as the van was already on the move again. The growlers were after them, and one tried to climb in from the opened back door. Annie kicked the ugly face hard from the awkward position of lying on top of the two yelling and panicking guys, failing to get rid off the extra passenger. While Levi was struggling to get his riffle off his back in the little space the car had to offer, Ymir's arm extended through the pile of limbs, and she fired the handgun she was holding. The growler's struggle stopped as the bullet ended his pitiful life, and Annie was finally able to kick him out. She slid the back door close, and the screaming now changed into exhausted breaths and relieved sighs.

"So," Ymir smirked as the silence had set in the car. "Did you kids have fun at school?"

"Shut up, Ymir." Annie and Eren growled in unison.

"For fuck's sake. Just drive." Levi breathed from his seat, setting the riffle lazily between his feet.

"Will do." Ymir let the jokes aside. She looked at the stranger through the rear view mirror. "You sure were lucky we were nearby, buddy."

"Connie." the exhausted young man swallowed hard. "the name's Connie."

Ymir nodded, and set her eye back on the cracked and gut spilled windshield. She casually clicked the wiper on to clear out the vision, and cleared her throat. "So, Connie, what brought you here?"


The headlights of the minivan drew a fade light upon the gas station. Ymir drove to the meeting spot, curling a wide circle towards the already returned team's car, parking beside it. Levi was first to step out, the rest of them exiting soon after. Levi brushed the sweaty locks off of his face, feeling relieved to see the other team back as well. He told his group that they can have a rest now, and made his way towards the second car.

He spotted Mikasa and Reiner sitting on the ground, both resting their backs against the side of the vehicle. Neither of them didn't seem to even notice their arrival, and this had Levi narrowing his eyes. He noticed something off in their appearance. The way their clothes seemed to be covered in something murky, didn't seem right to him.

"Are you guys all right?" Levi tried out his voice, keeping it calm and quiet. He stopped at the sight of Mikasa lifting her chin. She was covered in something that smelled simply rotten, the dirt visible in her hair, face and all over her clothes.

"What the hell?" he quickly checked the surroundings. "Where's Mike and (Name)? What happened to you?" he was suddenly full of questions, having a bad feeling.

"Mikasa?" Eren cut in. He rushed past Levi, and crouched before the girl. "Hey, talk to me." he tried to catch Mikasa's eyes to meet with his.

Mikasa blinked fast, a hard swallow following. "I'm fine. We're both fine." she sounded tired. "Good to see you." she attempted to smile, but failed to put the needed effort to it.

Levi stepped closer, watching at both of them in concern. "Where's (Name)? Is she alright?" he asked more sharply this time.

Reiner rose up on his feet, letting his gaze meet all the people that came back, pausing briefly at the strange person, before he set his focus on Levi. "She's fine." he answered the question, but his gaze wandered down. "No. She's not alright..." he corrected himself. "I mean, she's a bit shaken off. Things got a little ugly for us." he paused. "and, we found nothing useful from out there. Sorry."

"It's fine. You're back here, that's all that matters." Levi's hand landed on Reiner's shoulder in means to tell him that everything's alright. "Where is she?"

"She went back there." Reiner pointed at the gas station on their right. "she wanted to be alone for a moment."

That's all Levi needed to hear, and he turned to go find you. "This city was a shitty plan." he muttered as he marched forward. "We're heading back. Tell Mike to--"

"Mike's dead." Reiner said before Levi got to continue any further.

Levi froze still, like an invisible power had turned his feet suddenly too heavy to move. His head jerked to look over his shoulder. There was no lie in that empty look on Reiner's eyes. That explains things a bit more to him. Ever since the vaccine, they had managed to reduce the amount of casualties for so low that life had begun to feel almost normal again for that matter. Of course it might feel overwhelming to meet the reality again after such a long time, especially when the loss is someone you've known for a long time.

"I see." Levi tried to find the right words to continue. His eye spotted Ymir, and he called her over.

Ymir unfolded her arms as she approached Levi. "What is it."

"Make sure those two are not injured," Levi began. "and start preparing the cars. We have to get back Home as soon as possible. If Connie is telling the truth, we can't waste our time in here."

"Got it." Ymir agreed.

Levi turned to continue his way again. The evening was upon them, coloring the horizon in warm hues, but Levi paid no attention to such beauty. It only reminded him about the light running out. He kept his eye checking the forest around him, moving alongside the cracked side of the building, taking big steps over the blanks, bricks and broken glass. He saw you sitting at the steps of the backdoor, resting your forehead against the palms of your hands.

A sudden crack startled you to reach out for your knife, but as soon as your gaze found the source of the noise, you relaxed. It was Levi, stepping on one of the broken window glass scattered all over the place. You felt relieved to see him, but that didn't last. You folded your arms near your body, not wanting to face him. Levi was the last person you wanted to come asking questions about you, and what happened.

How could you possibly explain what happened? What would he think of you when he hears what happened to Mike? Please, don't come here. Just leave me alone. You lowered you gaze in hope that he would be gone when you raise our head again, but you knew that wasn't going to happen. The corner of your eye saw his feet landing beside you, and with a deep defeated breath, you slid aside to make room for him to sit next to you. Levi lowered himself on the doorstep.

"How was the city?" you talked first, clearing your throat as your voice came out hoarse and weak.

"Empty." Levi knew you only asked that to avoid talking about yourself, but he didn't force the topic on you. "Others had cleaned the streets long before us." he continued. "but, we found a survivor."

You lifted your chin. "Really?"

Levi finally got to have a good look at your face. You looked even worse than Mikasa with all that bloody mess covering your clothes and face, but he didn't comment about it. "Yeah, he said he was looking for supplies with his people, but got separated from them when the growlers came. We took him with us."

"Did you find the rest of them?"

Levi shook his head. "No, just him, but he said there are others, that they have a camp around here. He didn't give anything specific about their location or numbers though."

A suspicion grew inside you. "Are you sure he's not one of those crazy people out there?"

"If he belonged to some gang of robbers, he would've come up with an excuse to try lure us to his people, tell us someone is sick or shit like that." Levi looked at the endless forest. "No, he doesn't want strangers near his group, and it says a lot. We told him why we're here, that we are looking for a safe place to move our people." Levi continued, turning his focus on you again. "We asked if he happened to know any places suitable for that matter, and after that the guy was all talkative. He started to tell a story about how he and his friends met a group of people during their hunting trip a couple of months back."

"They were crossing a road when a line of heavy looking vehicles came by. The people said they were heading to a place called some sort of sanctuary. Connie, that's the guy's name," Levi added the detail. "He said they tried to talk them over to take his group with them, but the strangers said they didn't have room in the vehicles... Instead, they left them a map with instructions, telling that they can follow them in the sanctuary anytime." Levi snorted. "Sounds like bullshit to me, but Connie seemed to believe them."

You narrowed your eyes. "Then, why are his people still here?"

"Some of his group members were injured, and they didn't have a working ride. The sanctuary is a far away from here, and they didn't want to travel the long road by foot. None of his people are vaccinated, so they thought staying here was a safer option."

"Oh," the information shocked you a bit. "but, why did you take Connie with you? Doesn't he want to get back to his group?"

"Connie is convinced that the sanctuary really exist. His group really wants to leave, but they can't make the trip just by themselves... Then, of course, Eren opened his big mouth and said we could help them, practically promising him that we'd do this thing together." Levi shook his head. "The map remains in the hands of Connie's people. He's willing to share it, but he won't take us there before he's convinced that we aren't just going to snatch what we need and leave them behind. He wants to make sure our Home really exists, that everything we told him is true. So, he's coming Home with us."

"That's a brave move." you admitted. "We could be some crazy people who'd chop him to pieces." you mused, knowing you'd never do that, but it could be a realistic scenario with someone less good willing people.

Levi nodded. "He's willing to put himself in danger in order to protect and help his own. I gotta admire him for that." he leaned his forearms against his knees. "I suppose the sanctuary is worth taking as an option. I know Erwin might be interested to hear about all of this." Levi
paused. "I heard Mike is dead." he blurted out and turned to look at you. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

Your breath hitched. You didn't expect him to change the subject like that. You swallowed hard, avoiding to look him in the eye, not really knowing how to put everything in words.

"I...we-" you struggled to begin. "We came across a factory and went to check it out." you paused to form the next sentence in your head. "The place seemed empty, and it was easy for us to move at first, but as we went further, the doors suddenly appeared to be blocked. We found a walkway set for observation that went up against the wall, and it gave us access to the further halls. The thing was made of steel grating, and it kept making this nasty sound, but we kept going anyway." you bit your lip.

"We...we entered another hall that had these big, huge, metal containers lined up beneath us. Mike was the first to notice how they all looked bulky. The metal was bending from the pressure that's kept building up over the years." you made short eye-contact with Levi. "He said it's dangerous, and that we should leave, but I suggested we check one more hall. There must be something in here -I said." you hated your own voice, you hated yourself.

"Mike and Reiner were walking ahead of us, you know, to make sure the rusty walkway can hold the weight. They were the first to turn around to leave, but I remained still, not wanting to give up looking just yet. I forced all to stop, and we started arguing about our options...we didn't realize the weight we put on the single spot."

"You fell?" Levi concluded.

You nodded, closing your eyes. "The whole thing suddenly gave in. The metal parts that fell with us, cracked a hole in one of the containers below, and the thing blew fucking blew up. It turned out they were some waste barrels, filled with guts and whatever." you winced. "The sound was so loud, and the mess that came out off it was even worse. Everything hurt. It's amazing none of us died. Mike hurt his leg though, and Reiner hit his head, but we were still alive...covered in blood and meat that smelled so terrible it made me throw up." you admitted.

"Once we somewhat recovered from the fall, we started looking for another way out. The hall's exit was barricaded with heavy, broken pillars and whatever there was to use. Some of them weighted too much for us to move aside, so we started sorting out the lighter stuff, piling them near the broken walkway. Half of it was still secured against the wall, part of it hanging towards the floor, but it was too high for our reach. We thought about climbing back up, and pray it holds the little time it takes from us to run the fuck out off there...and then we heard the noises." your gaze turned distant.

"There were growlers inside, locked up deep in the factory. They heard the barrier exploding. There was another door in the hall, at the back. We didn't see it at first, because of the other containers blocked the view. The door was tied up from the handles, but the growlers were pushing through with so many numbers that we were sure it wont' hold." you sucked air trough your teeth, trying to fight against the urge to start crying again.

"Reiner was the first to climb up, just to make sure the structure can hold weight. By the time he was up, the doors had given up and all the growlers came rushing in. We thought we were still alright, that they wouldn't mind us because of the vaccine...but then we saw how those things started crawling on the floors, eating whatever guts and blood had messed up the place, and then," you gestured to yourself. "we realized that we're all covered in that mess, too. They all came at us."

"Reiner helped Mikasa up next. I started shooting, Mike was shooting, it was a fucking nightmare, there was so many of them." you stared into the distance, not blinking. "Mike yelled me to go next. I couldn't stop firing. I saw all those jaws coming at us and I couldn't stop until all the bullets were gone, and it didn't even make any difference, the things were right at our feet. I finally turned to reach my arm for Reiner to pull me up. One of the dead ones took a hold of my leg. It bit me." you shifted your right leg and pulled up the fabric, showing Levi the dirty bandages covering the wounds on your calf.

"Is it bad?" Levi breaths out quietly.

"I'll survive." you said with a tired voice. "I managed to land a couple of kicks at the growler's head and it let go of me. Reiner yanked me up a bit more, and then," you sighed. "Mike fired at one of the other containers that had most of the dead ones around it. The blow made those nearby corpses fly all around the place. The blast wave almost send me flying as well. Good thing Reiner had a good hold of me, but Mike wasn't as lucky...he fell backwards and hit the wall." your lip began to quiver.

"The nearby growlers got him. They piled upon him in a blink of an eye and we all started to panic. We tried to shoot them off. Reiner was gonna climb back down to help him, but Mike told him not to. He told us to leave him." you didn't even bother to stop yourself from tearing up at this point. "I heard it, we could hear the growlers biting him, ripping him...we--" your words got stuck half way out as the silent cry painfully blocked your throat.

Levi brought a hand over your shoulder, pulling you gently towards him, and you gladly accepted the invite to lean against him. Your palms grasped the fabric of Levi's jacket, squeezing hard as you gasped for air.

"We left him." you told him. "We left him there. We heard him scream and we couldn't do anything."

Levi held you close. His jaw was set to a tight line and his eyes stared at nothing as the pain of your words bored deep in the bones of his own. The corner of his eye detected movement on his left. Eren stood by the corner of the building, listening you repeating the words 'we left him' over and over again with a choked voice.

Eren shifted his gaze from you to Levi. "I just came to tell we're ready to go." he informed plainly.

Levi nodded in response, but didn't make a move to get up just yet. Eren understood without telling that you still needed a moment, and he left, giving the two of you some peace. Levi didn't have words, nothing to make you feel better for what happened. You had to let it out, that was the only thing he could to; let you cry until there wouldn't be any more tears.

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