Love Struggles (EDITING)

By isthisfatee

57.6K 737 86

The Struggles of love More

Love Struggles
Chapter 1~Teanna
Chapter 2~Just A Kiss
Chapter 3~Moving On
Chapter 4~Say Sorry To This
Chapter 5~The "B" Word
Chapter 6~SKIPDAY
Chapter 7~Georgia
Chapter 8~Memory Lane
Chapter 9~The Army Brat
Chapter 10~Remembering Him
Chapter 11~Forever
Chapter 12~Road Trip
Chapter 13~Happy
Chapter 16~High
Chapter 17~Loyalty
Chapter 18~ Time
Chapter 19~On The Way
Chapter 20~ Leave Me Lonely
Chapter 21~Twitter Fingers
Chapter 22~Forgiven
Silent Treatment
Chapter 24~ Oakland
Chapter 25~ Patient Love
Chapter 26~White Lies
Chapter 27~Games
Chapter 28~Training Day
Chapter 29~To Kill A Mocking Jay
Chapter 30~Calm
Chapter 31~Lost Days
Chapter 32~Truth
Chapter 33~Regret
Chapter 34~Flat Line

Chapter 15~Jealous

364 7 3
By isthisfatee


All I wanted was to come back to my little man and Gina and enjoy some family time together. But what do I receive? Baby daddy taking what is mine, or what was I guess you can say now. I was leaned onto Kai's car watching as the dead beat dad was embracing Aiden and Kali. I just want to know and understand how does a nigga know that he is expecting a child and totally disregards it to leave another nigga to raise HIS child then all of a sudden comes back on some 'I'm ready to be a father' type shit. Like get the fuck out of here! Where were you when he was born? When he first smiled? His first car ride home? What type of nigga disregards their child like that? But what the fuck do I know? I'm just the man that helped raise another man's child. And with all this, the more I look at Gina with him and Aiden the more I regret making the decision I made. I let her go and basically handed her to the next guy. I shouldn't have let my dad get into my head last year. I could've had one of the best girlfriends of all time and we could've had our own little family, but I fucked that up.  But why should it affect me so much now that I have Teanna? She's mad at me and I guess has the right to be, but that fucking Castiel character is who is blowing it. He comes out of nowhere with this mission to take her away from me and I will not stand for it. That is another story I still do not understand and one Tee fails to explain to me. But like an idiot I leave her back at home with him. Well at least I know she'll just be with her girls for this road trip, so I have nothing to worry about.

I picked up my bags and tried to mentally prepare myself to walk inside the house. Deadbeat was standing my the doorway and I just want to keep enough composure that I don't drop all my shit and beat his ass. He better be lucky Aiden is in his arms because I would gladly fuck his ass up for leaving Kali when she was pregnant and not being their when Aiden was first born. I walked in and past him looking straight forward with my jaw clenched. Just passing by him enflamed me. Sad excuse for a man I tell you. I was always going back and forth when coming to see Kali so I had my own room in this home. I was basically family so it was only right. I made my way down the left hall and opened the fourth door on the right. What I saw was an abomination! There are clothes everywhere, pizza boxes open, shoes all over the ground, and trash overflowing in the bin. I don't know whether I want to be mad about the mess, or the fact that someone has been living in my room, or both. I was already upset coming into this shit so Kali better get prepared for the storm coming her way.

I clenched my jaw and shouted, "KALI!"

I knew she heard me and I knew she knew about this. I could hear her small footsteps walking over to me but she was not moving quick enough.


She approached me with a groan following the rolling of her eyes, "Whaaattt?"

"What is this?" I pointed inside my room awaiting an explanation

"Kalen is staying in here" she replied ever so calmly

She said it like it was okay. Like nothing was wrong with her giving deadbeat my room.

"You gave this nigga my room?! Kali I'm going to close my eyes because if I look at you I'm going to say the wrong thing and it won't end well."

She scoffed in annoyance, "I move your stuff upstairs so you could have your space. I don't have time for your anger today McKenzie, I really don't. Just accept it and move on."

I picked up my bags and walked up the stairs to my newly befounded abode. I won't lie it was very nice, much bigger than my old room downstairs. Shows Kali still knows me well with the way it was set up and colored. My room had a color scheme of navy blue with shades of gray and a hint of white here and there. My king sized bed look like a fluffy cloud that I was about to knock out on because I certainly was exhausted. All my stuff was where I would have liked it to be so I commend Kali for that, she doesn't completely piss me off. I plopped myself on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I decided that I would call Teanna just to let her know that I landed safely and because I miss her now more than ever. Seeing Kali with someone else, just made me mad and I thought I put those feelings to rest when I left the last time but I guess you really don't know what you've lost till you see them happy with someone else. I shook off those thoughts and ran through my contacts looking for Teanna. I selected her name and also put it on speaker since I was alone in my room and did not want to bother putting it to my ear. After a couple of rings she answered my call.

"Top of the afternoon!" I heard a deep British voice answer the phone and I just already knew who it was

"Why do you have Teanna's phone?" I questioned

I could've sworn this was an all girls trip, but who am I kidding of course its not!

"She is in the restroom and told me to hold onto her stuff. Why are you so pressed?" he let out a small chuckle

"Who invited you on the damn road trip? You're supposed to be back in Miami doing whatever the fuck it is that you do."

"If you must know Kammeron did. Remember I was friends with them before you even existed."

I groaned in annoyance. Teanna never told me in detail what happened between the two of them. She always got upset and brushed it off.

"Understand that she is still my girlfriend. You have no position."

He laughed and I was really getting aggravated

"I've always had a position. She is only your girlfriend for the time being. She'll be mine just like I promised three years ago."

"You won't get her."

"I basically already have her man. It was an unofficial break-up. No one cheated, no one hurt anyone purposely, I just had to relocate."

I need this whole story and not just bits a pieces

"What happened between the two of you?"

He laughed, "Are you really that threatened by me? If she hasn't told you then you don't need to know yet. And I am pretty certain I gave you a brief synopsis yesterday after her graduation that you failed to attend. If it is not obvious, I don't have to do anything conniving or trifling. You fuck yourself over and I'm just always going to be there when she needs a shoulder to lean on."

I did not even want to agree with him but with the past couple instances I have been fucking up and he has been coming in to comfort Teanna.

"Just give my girlfriend that fucking phone."

"Since she won't be your girlfriend for much longer, sure" he laughed

"She would never leave me for you." I clenched  my jaw in rage.

He got me fucked up if he thinks that I will let him take Teanna from me

"Hello?" her voice was a breath of fresh air I tell you

"Hey baby"

"Oh hey McKenzie.."

"Glad you're so excited to speak to me." I hope she can hear my sarcasm

"What's up Mickey?"

"I just wanted to let you know I landed safely and that I just wanted to hear my girlfriend's voice is all. But I got greeted by her ex-boyfriend who shouldn't even be on this trip with her but he is. Remind me to thank Kammeron for that please."

She groaned, "Please don't start this McKenzie."

"No I am gonna start. I leave with him trying to take you away from me. I come to Georgia with Kali's deadbeat baby daddy trying to take her and Aiden from me, and when I call my girlfriend her ex answers telling me how he will take you from me. I'm over it."

"Why are you upset that Kali's baby's father is with her? Why are you jealous?"

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I need to think before I speak dammit.


"Don't you dare try to call me your baby! I knew you still had feelings for the girl! I just fucking knew it!" She was legit screaming into the phone

"And you don't still have feelings for Cas?!" I retaliated

"Yes I do! I loved Castiel three years ago and I still do but I know who my boyfriend is! I know that Castiel is trying to get me back, he made me that promise three years ago and Cas is a man of his word but I told him that I am with you! I chose you McKenzie and you're just letting him get into your head! Catch a fucking grip! Go worry about Kali since you're worried that she's being taken away from you. Just fuck your girlfriend over!"

Before I could respond she hung up and boom, conversation over.

I spoke out to myself, "Nice speaking to you too babe."

I cannot believe I messed up again. Why did I have to bring Kali up? I was just speaking from my heart and venting so that's what came out. Teanna isn't going to want to speak to me even if she was forced to. Kali is probably embracing her complete family that she wanted since she had Aiden. Lost my two only girls, great job McKenzie; you really did it this time. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I shouted

"Its me loser." her soft voice spoke out

"Come in."

She opened the door and walked in, "No one else wants to come in your room dude. Why ask who is it?"

I let out a small chuckle

"Whatever little lady."

"What's up?" She laid next to me with her feet up and eyes to the ceiling.

"I just got off the phone with my girlfriend. She hates me."

She sighed, "She doesn't hate you."

"I'm pretty sure he does."

"What did you do."

"I told her how I was jealous of her ex."

"That's understandable though." she said confused

I turned to her still looking at the ceiling, "I also told her how I was jealous of Kalen."

She kept her eyes on the ceiling

"Why would you tell her that?"

"Because when I saw you with him and Aiden I just got so mad. I was there with you since Aiden was born, we were that family. All the memories and feelings came rushing back and I just wanted that. I wanted you."

She got on top of me and laid her head in my neck.

She let out a sigh, "You're not losing us Mick. You will always be Aiden's father and you will always have a place in my heart."

It was nice to know Kali was still for me even though I came in here acting up. I put my hand in her head of curls planting kisses on her forehead.

"You are everything that I ever dreamed of..." She mumbled

"...I hoped that it would work out."

I closed my eyes and sighed at the pain I know I put her through. It was never my intention to hurt her and decide not be with her. I had an opinion in my ear and I let it take over. I wonder how it would have been if I never listened; if I followed my true desires.


Why do I even have a boyfriend I tell you?! I'm really coming to conclusions that love is not for me; relationships are not for me. McKenzie is just messing up time after time. Why is it so hard to just leave Castiel alone and focus on me?! Yes I love Castiel and that will never change, but I know who I'm in a relationship with. Castiel knows and respects that I am with McKenzie and if and when Mickey and I don't work out we will give it another try. Castiel will always have a place in my heart and that will never change. Three years ago we were inseparable and I honestly do miss those times. We would do everything together and never got sick of each other. He was my best friend, my boyfriend, and my protector all in one. He's given up so much for me and I can't lie I have been giving him the cold shoulder since he came back, well till now. Dealing with Mickey, its nice to have Cas with me, to have a shoulder to lean on. As far as this Gina girl goes, I'm not too sure of the history she has with McKenzie but it must be that deep for him to be so jealous. I mean he could've at least withheld that fact from me. The last thing I want to know is how he has feelings for a girl he claimed he no longer felt anything for; nice job Mickey! Well I'm on fucking vacation and I can no longer be in my feelings about anyone. -Tee

I was walking around the amusement park with Castiel and boy was it hot!

"I'm gonna melt in this damn sun." I complained

He rolled his eyes, "Don't complain beauty. You know what you signed up for when you decided to come to Universal Studios."

I hate when he's right

"Oh shut up!" I chuckled

"Come here."

He put his arm around me as we continued to walk

"So beauty, tell me what are your plans for college."

"Well I'm living with Kam and Akemi in Tallahassee. Going to Florida State-"

"Your dream school. I would never forget." He interjected

I smiled, "Yes! You already know I'm doing to major in Chem Pre-med."

"What about dancing love. You can't give up that dream so soon."

"I didn't give up that dream Cas.." I let out a small sigh

"I just..I have to be practical. Real job, real money."

He rubbed my shoulder, "You don't have to make a career out of it, but you should do what you do best and that is dancing! You are the best dancer I know. You love to dance and it runs through your veins Teanna. I'm just saying pursue it in college."

I looked down as we were walking. I know he was right but I was just trying to be practical moving forward with life. I may have been a good dancer but I never thought it would be enough to move onto college with. I don't know what level of dancing they're on. But I don't know unless I try right.

"I will give it a shot. Happy?" I looked up at his smiling face


I guess that is one thing I do love about Cas, always pushing me to achieve my dreams and goals. He knows me so well, and he knows how good I am at certain things. It's so hard putting my feelings for him aside for McKenzie. The attraction we have is just so strong, like nothing from before changed. My world that I have to set aside for someone else. -Tee

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