How To Be Heartless? (Book On...

Por RulerOfCats

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Ħɵω Ʈɵ ɮϵ ĦεαяϮհϵςς Theoretically, Itadori Sana should have been an amazing ninja. Top in her class, photogra... Más

Chapter 1: Itadori Sana
Chapter 2: Stalking Sasuke
Chapter 3: Team Seven
Chapter 4: The Bells
Chapter 5: The Bridge Builder
Chapter 6: Target Tazuna
Chapter 7: Naruto's Plan
Chapter 8: Who Are You?
Chapter 9: Preparations For Battle
Chapter 10: Training Begins
Chapter 11: Failure
Chapter 12: Ice Mirrors
Chapter 13: A Hero Shows Up At The Last Second
Chapter 14: Chuunin Exams?
Chapter 15: The First Test
Chapter 16: When Your Best Isn't Good Enough
Chapter 17: Eyes Set To Kill
Chapter 18: The Last Chance
Chapter 19: Sibling Relations
Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 1
Chapter 20: Attack On The Leaf & Gaara's Final Form
Chapter 21: The Third Hokage & The Arrival Of Itachi Uchiha And Sharky
Chapter 22: Broken Silence
Chapter 23: A Regretful Goodbye
Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 2
Chapter 25: Deception
Ninja Profile
Extra::: Christmas Special

Chapter 24: After Sasuke - Sound V.S Leaf

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Por RulerOfCats

"And now his Chakra is abnormal," I said as we ran, Naruto looked over my shoulder to see.

"How can you tell what the hell all the beeps and circles are doing?" He asked.

"Naruto, get back to your position," Shikamaru ordered and Naruto went back to his place in line. I rolled my eyes staring at the machine as we jumped tree to tree. "Sana, what's going on."

"Well, I'm just making a guess, but Orochimaru didn't put that curse seal on him for nothing. He needs Sasuke, and right now the curse seal is unstable. I am sure that if Orochimaru needed him enough, he wouldn't just keep an unstable power. There has to be a way to stable it. Judging by the way the Chakra is flowing, I'm guessing they need to stable it quickly. Something must be wrong with the curse seal as it is, most likely it erodes the body and kills the victim. Their first priority would be to prevent that. There is another Chakra surrounding Sasuke's right now, no doubt a seal," I explained. "That's all I can conclude about this, sadly."

"That's more than enough," Shikamaru said, Akumaru suddenly whined. "What's going on?"

"There's a smell of blood, and close!" Kiba said, looking back at Shikamaru. "I can smell the sent of five ninjas, including Sasuke. I can't detect what direction exactly, but I don't need to. They were fighting two other ninjas, but the five of them are getting further away from the smell of the blood. What's our plan?!"

"I see..." Shikamaru said. "There are people assisting Sasuke, I know that now."

"Well, let's hurry up and chase after Sasuke!!" Naruto yelled.

"Dammit Naruto, shut your trap! It's up to Shikamaru to decide! Don't boss us around!" Kiba exclaimed.

"If you can smell blood then that could only mean that there was some form of combat. If we go there, I bet we can gather some sort of information, but we must approach carefully. We must switch to scouting positions and proceed with caution," Shikamaru explained.

"If we were to do that Sasuke would be crossing the border of the Flame Country," said Neji.

"Alright we'll go after Sasuke!" Said Shikamaru.

"Roger that! That's how it should be!!" Exclaimed Naruto.

"Although," I began and Shikamaru looked at me. "There was a fight, that only means the enemy's alertness has risen. They must be prepared for pursuer Shinobi. We'll be facing lots of traps and ambushes from here on."

"She's right. From here on, use both your eyes and noses to their full potential! We have to find them before they can ambush us!" Shikamaru ordered. "Also, if you detect suspicious movement don't just avoid it, analyze it!"

"Alright!!" Naruto yelled. "If I find them, I'll beat the hell out of them with my new Jutsu."

Stop bragging about that freaking Jutsu, dammit.

"Hey! The stench of the enemy is all over this place!" Kiba yelled and we came to a stop at Shikamaru's command. I looked around.

"Look up there," I said pointing up to a paper bomb.

"Explosive seal..." Said Neji. "I see five more of those. This formation of the 'barrier seal' is placed her."

"Barrier seal?" Chouji asked.

"It's a form of Ninjutsu trap. Seal-type traps are triggered when the enemy enters an area encircled by the trap seals. I read in my dad's book that it's a high class Ninjutsu," Shikamaru explained.

"Damn, we have no other way than to flank it?" Asked Kiba. Or we can throw Naruto into it, I'm good either way.


"Damn it Naruto, don't rush ahead of the group!" I finally snapped before quickly recomposing myself. "I mean, please. I wouldn't want you to step on that trip wire ahead of you."

"I know, I know, watch me avoid it," said Naruto.

"You better not trigger it," Kiba threatened. I analyzed the wire when I saw another one hidden in front of the first. I opened my mouth to say something but Naruto interrupted me.

"I know," said Naruto stepping over the wire.

"Naruto wait!" Shikamaru yelled.


"Stop," Shikamaru ordered, quickly using his shadow possession Jutsu to stop Naruto in mid step. I sighed and grabbed Naruto by his clothes and quickly pulled him back. "Just in time."

"Dammit Naruto! I told you to watch it!" Kiba scolded.

"One of the wires is intentionally made visible from reflecting rays, but the other wire is camouflaged in green. It's difficult to detect with the naked eye," I explained.

"Well made trap for a rushed job, but this only mean," Shikamaru began.

"They are resting, either they are wounded or it's a trap," said Neji before preforming his Byakugan. "Caught them." Ew all those veins are so gross.

"Alright!" Naruto yelled. "Let's go bring Sasuke back!"

"Naruto, sorry, but now it's my turn to show off my trick," said Kiba.

"Mine too," Chouji agreed.

"Don't be hasty, as soon as I get my strategy laid down, we'll engage our target," ordered Shikamaru.

Kiba don't miss the timing when you use the smoke bomb," said Shikamaru, getting a firm "Roger" from Kiba. "Alright, let's split into two squads. Naruto, Chouji, and Kiba. Then Neji, Sana, and I."


"Hmph," said Neji his Byakugan activated. "It seems like Sasuke is within that coffin."

"Is he dead?!" Shikamaru asked.

"Just because he said coffin doesn't mean he's dead," I muttered just at a perfect whisper. "It's a sort of barrier surrounding the coffin, and it's probably difficult for even Neji-san to see through."

"Yes, but I doubt they'd kill Sasuke in such a hurry, considering how much they wanted him," Neji continued, and Shikamaru nodded.

"Yeah, you're right," he said, my eyes widened as I saw the paper-bomb on the tree and I jumped far back as a kunai came at us, diving straight into the paper-bomb on the tree . Neji and Shikamaru caught on barely a little too late but managed to avoid any real injury. I however was perfectly fine on the tree branches.

"Eh, what's this?" Asked one of the ninja, it was a woman with silver hair and a strange outfit with a kind of giant bead belt around her. All of them seemed to be wearing it. "Poked the bush and got two bugs instead of rabbits." Her eyes trailed up to me, "And a bird escaping from danger."

Hey, can't deny that.

"Hey wait! Wait!" Yelled Shikamaru. "We're not here to fight! We came to negotiate!" Shikamaru smirked a bit as Naruto and Kiba preformed their duo ambush with smoke bombs.

"What are these?!" Yelled one of the Sound ninja. His hair was in a pony tail that kinda resembled Shikamaru's. "Haha! Is that a smoke bomb? There's no escape from me. These strings are thinner than wires, but also stronger and harder to detect. I've laid these all over that area." Kiba and Naruto tripped over the wires. I jumped down not feeling comfortable in the trees.

"So you purposely made those two wires visible.... Triple traps, huh?" Said Shikamaru. "What a blunder, I didn't even know there was such a technique." I smirked a little trying to keep my eyes away from Shikamaru's shadow extending to the four ninja.

"You guys are all-" The one in the pony tail stopped talking when he saw that he couldn't move. "What... My body?!"

"Nice job Kiba and Shikamaru! Shadow mimic success!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Well, you should also know that there are these kinds of techniques," Shikamaru said. "Thanks for falling right into our trap."

"Well..." Said a very light haired man who seemed to be wearing lipstick. "But to return your words, I have these kinds of techniques." I jumped back as soon as she spoke, luckily too since Shuriken were thrown directly in mine and Shikamaru's direction. Since I had moved only Shikamaru found himself with a small cut, but it seemed to surprise him as he let go of the Jutsu for a mere second, but that was all the big boned Sound ninja needed to use sound to break the earth in front of them to bits destroying any connection to shadow. The earth suddenly raised higher and a giant dome surrounded us. We were trapped.

"Dammit!" Shikamaru cursed.

"I'll take care of these guys, I wanna recover, even if it's only a little," said the big boned guy from outside.

"Well, catch up with us as soon as you're done eating. We're gonna head out," said the Sound ninja with the pony tail from outside.

"Shit," I muttered, putting my finger on the rock.

"What?" Asked Naruto. "It's just rock."

"No Naruto-san, they said he was going to eat and recover," I said turning to everyone. "I think you should know a little something about earth type ninjas." Naruto interrupted angrily not listening.

"Dammit! Get us out!!" Yelled Naruto banging on the wall.

"Naruto! Move out of the way!" Yelled Kiba before preforming Fang Over Fang and burrowing into the rock. I sighed and sat down boredly, putting my head in my knees so no dust or rock could blind me. As soon as the burrowing stopped I looked up. The big hold that Kiba made started to close quickly.

"Get us out!!" Naruto yelled freaking out.

"Sana what were you going to say before?" Shikamaru asked, I looked up at him. Oh so now you all wanna listen... bastards.

"Earth ninjas have this power, it's pretty common. When injured they can do this to their victims an attempt to heal themselves of all wounds and restore their Chakra. By taking all of ours until we are dead, sucking our force. The rock won't break with anything we do in here. That's why I have the innate ability to transfer my Chakra into another person. It's a stepping stone to this sort of ability," I explained and Neji used his Byakugan only to look at his hand. "You can already see the effect, right?"

"She's right, our Chakra is being sucked dry," said Neji. Your damn right it is.

Naruto began to panic until he couldn't even stand anymore. I was already sitting so I didn't mind the effect. I looked around and saw Chouji was in here with us. I frowned. Was he always here....? Everyone dropped to the ground exhausted.

"I think I'm losing my strength," said Naruto. No duh. Soon it will start to tap into the Nine Tail's Chakra, I wonder if that will have a negative effect on the guy taking all the Chakra.... Probably.

"This isn't looking good, Shikamaru," said Neji. I looked over at Kiba as he began to hold a small pill to Akamaru's mouth.

"Damn! There's no other way! Before we all run out of our Chakra, we have to bust a hole in this wall. Akamaru! Take the Soldier's Pill!" Kiba exclaimed and gave the pill to Akamaru who's fur started to turn red. It won't work... Holes appeared everywhere around the hut. On the ground walls and ceiling from Kiba's stronger Fang Over Fang. "Dammit! The wall repairs itself as soon a damage is inflicted onto it! The ground as well! We can't hold out much longer, we're going to lose all of our Chakra."

"Naruto," I murmured as he held out his hand. "You can't use that in a place where Chakra is being drained. Rasengan is too precise." He nodded agreeing.

"Hey! Listen! I want to talk to your leader!" Yelled Shikamaru. "We won't follow Sasuke anymore! Please let us out!"

"Hey?" Kiba said.

"Shikamaru... What are you saying!?" Exclaimed Naruto.

"Ah, internal dispute? Hah, interesting, but all of you are my meal, I can't let you out," said the Sound nin.

"Then only one is fine. Just let me out. I'm tired of conflicts like this," said Shikamaru.

I stood up, albeit rathe wobbly. "I agree. I never even liked Sasuke. I just can't speak for myself and joined this mission because I'm a doormat."

"Hey!! Do you understand what you just said!?" Kiba yelled.

"Hahaha!" The Sound nin laughed. "Two of your group are already ready to sacrifice everything to save themselves. How poetic. When humans are placed in a situation where their lives are in danger, their true nature appears. Fools don't belong in this ninja life. What a loser. You are giving up on Sasuke and selling out your comrades, eh? And you call yourself a Shinobi of the leaf village. You should die here, I won't let you out."

"I trusted the both of you. I won't make that mistake again, come to the back of the room!" Yelled Naruto.

"What back? We are in a circle. This is why I'm so quick to sell you out," I snapped.

"There is no 'back' to this room idiot! That's why we got into this mess in the first place!" Kiba snapped.

"Everyone shut up!!" Yelled Chouji surprising everyone and making me jump. Shikamaru sat down putting his hands in a thinking position. Chouji suddenly shoved a bunch of chips into his mouth.

"Hey what are you doing eating all of those snacks all of a sudden!" Yelled Naruto.

Um... Energy. Duh.

"Chouji starts eating like crazy when he loses his temper..." Said Kiba. "Man, another useless guy..."

"Damn, it seems like I have to use Kage Bunshin," said Naruto, I rolled my eyes. What good could a hundred Naruto's do? Simultaneously bore me to death?

"Don't," said Neji. Ah the voice of reason. "The walls around us are shielded heavily with the enemy's Chakra. Even if you damage them a little, they will repair themselves just as quickly. This means that if we are to penetrate this wall, we must use a focused physical attack concentrated at one point."

"The only one who's got more destructive power than me is Chouji but," Kiba looked over at the eating boy. "What the hell is he up to?"

"Neji I'm sorry for the trouble, but please examine the wall behind you and Chouji with your remaining Chakra-" Shikamaru began but Naruto interrupted.

"Shikamaru! Shut your trap!" Naruto yelled like the idiot he is.

"Naruto don't you get it!? Remember what Shikamaru said when we took off?!" Chouji yelled.

"Chouji, talk quietly from now on," Shikamaru ordered.

Neji quickly activated his Byakugan and looked at the specified wall, "I see over there."

"Neji, aim your dagger at that place," said Shikamaru. "Chouji are you ready?"

"Okay at anytime!" Chouji answered, the entire thing seemed to confuse Naruto and Kiba, cause they are stupid.

"What's going on?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Like I said before, the wall around us is shielded with Chakra, however, Shikamaru hypothesized that there may be points where the Chakra on the wall is low on concentration," Neji took out a kunai as Choice's body started to expand.

"How does he know something like that?" Naruto asked.

"When Kiba and Akamaru attacked the walls he observed that certain spots had regeneration slower than others," Neji threw the Kunai at the wall. I took my time weakly getting myself off the floor. "This means that the spots with slower regeneration rates have lower Chakra concentration. In addition to that, Shikamaru communicated with the enemy to confirm his position since the position furthest from our enemy is where the wall would most likely have the thinnest concentration of the enemy's Chakra."

I looked at Naruto and Kiba to see they still didn't understand, "In order to deceive the enemy, one must start deceiving his own comrades, it makes it more believable."

"And you were helping?" Naruto asked and I slightly paused.

"Yes." I answered after a small hesitation.

"Why did you take so long to answer?"

"Alright lets go!" Chouji's body completely expanded into a giant ball and he rolled into the spot where Neji's kunai was placed into the stone, blowing a giant hole into the dome. I quickly got the hell out before it might close up.

"So you got out of my blockade, fabulous job," the big boned Sound ninja complemented.

"It's our turn now that we got out!!" Yelled Kiba.

"He's mine dammit, he's mine!" Naruto yelled.

"Stop!" Neji ordered. "It's too dangerous to fight him here, although it's five against one, he's not an opponent we can defeat quickly with our Chakra depleted. If we waste too much time here, Sasuke will cross the territorial border. If that happens, we cannot pursue him any further."

"Then what the heck should we do!?" Yelled Naruto.

"We broke the barrier, we can take care of this guy ourselves," said Kiba, I started to back up when the Sound nin put his hands together.

"Annoying flies, you all are merely my prey, though you wouldn't even be a small snack for me," said the Sound nin destroying the ground under their feet. I however was in the grass thirty steps away... God I am a coward... Better they die than I.

The Sound nin lifted a giant ass rock, like thirty feet worth of earth all on his own. I took a few more steps back as Naruto freaked out before running the hell away next. It is nice to know I'm not the only coward here. Chouji expanded again, destroying the rock and ramming into the Sound nin in a big ball. The Sound nin merely kicked Chouji back.

Neji, Kiba, and Naruto began to attack but Shikamaru's voice stopped them, "Everyone wait! We need to split up from here! We have no time. At this rate, we won't be able to catch up with Sasuke. Neji, you'll act as a co-leader with Sana." Why me? "Take Kiba and Chouji with you to chase after Sasuke. I'll take care of this guy with Naruto!"

"I disagree with your plan. I think that only one of us needs to stay," I said walking up to Shikamaru, and everyone looked at me for a second as Shikamaru began to think it over a bit. "It makes the most sense."

"Are you planning on using the Shadow Bind again?" Asked the Sound nin. "Such a useless move just one glance and I know how to deal with it. You were the squad leader huh, you really think you can defeat me when you split up?" Asked the Sound nin. "Must be tedious to work under such a foolish leader, huh, underlings?" The Sound nin insulted. "Well I'd kill any trash who'd work under such a shadow loving sucker, even before they felt bored."

"Dammit, stop babbling like a foo! I'll-" Naruto was interrupted.

"He's mine!!" Chouji yelled walking in front of Shikamaru. "I'll take care of him." Chouji grabbed a pouch from his weapons bag. "Shikamaru, give these Soldier's pills to everyone else. Sana is right, only one of us needs to stay."

After a lot of unnecessary debate, we agreed Chouji should stay.

Let's get the fuck out of here.

I quickly jumped into the trees everyone else doing the same, getting into our single line file positions. Neji was the first to speak, roping everyone into a conversation about the teammate we left behind. I wasn't really all too interested since I could count on one hand the amount of times I actually talked to Chouji. We weren't exactly close so I kept my opinions to myself.

Instead, I looked down at the tracker seeing the red dot's glow going up and down from weak to weaker. I blinked and shook it, Shikamaru's eyes scanned mine. "What's wrong?" I looked at him shaking the tracker again.

"I think this stupid thing is broken," I murmured and Naruto turned his eyes to me with a slightly irritated expression.

"Well fix it! We can't lose Sasuke now," he complained I frowned irritated at his irritated expression.

"Oh yeah, I'll just whip out my imaginary tools and preform some tinkering while we run," I commented. Ass.

"Then do it," Naruto urges.

"Do you not get sarcasm?" I asked, staring down at the tracker. You can't see it but I'm flipping you off in my head, Naruto.

"What's going on?" Shikamaru explained, and I looked at him biting my lip.

"Well according to this," I said looking down at the tracker with a sigh. "Sasuke is dead."

"That stupid thing is broken, he can't be dead!" Naruto exclaimed angrily. I scratched my head trying to think.

"Quiet Naruto, you aren't making it any better," Shikamaru ordered, and I blinked staring at the tracker. Even after death I can still track someone who has their Chakra trapped in their body, so finding him isn't a problem. The problem was that he was dead according to this stupid device. "Do you have any ideas, Sana?"

"Well I have one," I muttered looking back at him as we jumped from tree branch to tree branch. "That seal coffin thing that Sasuke is inside is doing something to his Chakra. The Saunin Orochimaru was known for forbidden Jutsus and seals, something like this would be easy business for him. I don't know exactly what that seal is doing, or if Sasuke-san is alive. But if we wait this out a bit, I think I'll be able to deduce a bit of it."

"I have no idea what anything you just said means," said Naruto.

And I used small words too...


We ran silently, the conversation on Chouji's strengths had passed. Kiba and Naruto seemed like real asshole's during it. Shikamaru kept making signals every now and then, scraping arrows on the trees so Chouji would know where to catch up from. I stared down at the tracker angrily. I've had just about enough of you.

The machine didn't answer except for the beeps that were transmitted by Chakra into my head relaying messages in Morse Code. Once again it said that Sasuke was alive and then two seconds later it said he was dead. The stupid machine just couldn't pick one could it? I had such an urge to throw it against the tree.

More than that, I was worried. Scared even, that Sasuke might just be dead.

Shikamaru's eyes suddenly widened looking behind him worriedly. I was too busy cursing the computerized Chakra idiotic machine to care. Naruto already asked a firm, "What's the matter?"


I looked down at the tracker, wondering if they wanted me to tell them when we were getting closer.... "Um guys, the Sound nin are just up ahead."

"Shikamaru, what do you think?" Asked Neji.

"We're just being underestimated," Shikamaru answered. "They're thinking that big guy is the only one who would follow them. No one would set traps against their comrades."

"Damn them for underestimating us!" Naruto cursed.

"Isn't that a good thing though. I don't know about you but I don't care about being underestimated," I said and Naruto hissed under his breath irritated.

"Well of course why should you care, you're used to it," Naruto hissed angrily trying to calm himself down.

Bitch. "What I meant was we can preform a sneak attack now. We've got the element of surprise. We can ambush them." Why don't you work the complicated Morse Code tracker big stupid demon fuck-tard.

"Yeah, let's get them while they're vulnerable," Shikamaru said with Naruto eyes as we ran.

"So who's gonna be the one to pretend to be the Sound nin?" I asked and everyone looked at Naruto. Oh crap. He's gonna fail.


"What took you so long?" Asked the blonde Sound Nin. Oh you know, busy, dying and all. Ya know the works. Shikamaru grunted through the body of Jiroubou.

"Sorry... It took some time to take those bastards' Chakra away," 'Jiroubou' answered.

"You fatty, don't be so slow! Hurry up and carry that coffin, that's your job you inferior dick," snapped at him. I sighed to myself. We really should have went over acting a little bit more.

"Yeah," said Shikamaru, quite ready for the coffin. I frowned.

"Hey, Jiroubou..." Said the Sound Nin with the pony tail. "You're so obedient today."

"What?" Asked Shikamaru, feigning confused.

"I'm saying that I can't let you carry this coffin since you're not Jiroubou!" Yelled the Sound Nin turning around in mid air. Shikamaru frowned muttering a loud "Damn" The Sound Nin lifted the coffin and threw it to the other Nin who caught it quickly. "Let me handle it this time. Sakon and Tayuya, you guys go ahead!" The Sound Nin attacked showing that he had six arms like a spider, a fact that kinda freaked me out. "Jiroubou always warns Tayuya for her usage of bad words."

"I see..." Said Shikamaru, the disguise of Jiroubou disappearing. The Sound Nin was quick to pull out a web and stick Shikamaru to the tree. A bunch of Naruto clones came out of the trees and attacked him next. The ninja made a giant spider web trapping Naruto where he was. Kiba attacked next with his fang over fang only succeeding in getting himself trapped at the feet.

"Damn you, it's too early for you to think you've caught us with just this little thing!" Yelled Kiba, the Sound Nin smirked.

"Loser, keep on whining," he said, Neji jumped out next going for a surprise attack only succeeding in surprising the ninja for a second, he quickly retaliated and shot the web at Neji. It quickly wrapped up in a cocoon. Naruto tried cutting at the web that bound him only to find it was as hard as steel. I leaned closer to the tree feeling perfectly fine where I was.

"Dammit! Dammit! What's wrong with this web!? I can't cut it!" Exclaimed Naruto.

"My web is unbreakable, it can even support two elephants," the spider like Sound Nin taunted before making six spikes of hardened web for his all six hands. "You're my prey so I'll make it entertaining. Let's play the 'Guess the Real Body' game shall we?" That is an awful name for a game. It sounds stupid. He threw a quick spear like thing. "The first one will be the one at the end!" I bit my lip in apprehension. A puff of smoke made me let out a relieved breath. "It was a clone eh, well then this one next!" He threw another and there was another puff of smoke. "What a lucky guy, next I'm going to try two at once. It's a fifty-percent chance!" He laughed happily as more smoke raised. "He's so lucky! But this time it's gonna be one of 'em!" More smoke. One left. "Dammit, he made it too the end after all. Well, I guess it was pretty fun to put it off until the end. But the game's gonna end here."

I sighed relieved as I finally noticed that none of them were the real Naruto.

I quickly jumped over to Shikamaru not wanting to be by myself. Neji quickly got himself out of the cocoon of webs and sliced Kiba and Shikamaru free as the Sound guy was too distracted.

Naruto appeared behind the surprised Sound Nin who barely managed to block the punch but was still pushed back. He caught himself with strings of webs tying them around the tree branches. Naruto didn't seem to notice the spider web around his arm only seeing it when it pulled him down. Neji was quick to cut the web surprising the Sound Nin.

"Naruto, thanks for buying me some time," said Neji carrying Naruto over to us. I quickly unraveled the spider webs from his arms to see that the string like stuff cut into his skin. I used his clothes to wipe it off.

"How did you?!" Asked the Sound Nin. Neji looked over at the ninja without turning around.

"Things made from Chakra, are easily destroyed by simply putting Chakra into it. It's meaningless in front of my Jyuuken," Neji answered before speaking lowly to all of us. "Go, I'll take care of him."

"But this guy's stronger than the fatty we fought before, and quite much so," said Kiba. What an asshole...

"If we don't calculate it so one person's responsible for getting rid of their own enemy we won't make it. Sana had first came up with the idea and it's the only one we've got," said Neji and Shikamaru nodded agreeing even though he wished it wasn't. "Also, if you stop here, you won't be able to catch up to Sasuke." Neji looked down with a smirk. "Naruto, you have better eyes than me. Sasuke is currently within the darkness. He is yours and Sana's friend and teammate. Your responsibility." Neji turned around. "Hurry up and go! I'll catch up with you guys later!" I quickly and stealthy slipped a small item on his jacket.

And we were quick to leave... Well I was... They joined me eventually... I looked down at the tracker with a frown, the red dot getting faster. I could practically feel Naruto over my shoulder trying to look at the thing.

"Are we there yet?" He finally asked, I bit my lip swallowing my bitterness for the blonde haired boy. If we were there Naruto, you'd see the enemy... Stupid retard.

"It seems like us four are the only ones left," said Kiba. Doubt count me, I'm not fighting in any of these battles...

"Don't worry, Chouji and Neji will catch up to us soon," said Naruto. I closed my eyes and pressed a single button onto the tracker. The map moved around a bit before focusing on a weak glow, then another. Both Chouji and Neji were dying. "I can tell because Chouji had his trump card, and I've fought Neji in the Chuunin Exam. He is a true genius."

Once again I looked down at the tracker. Say what you want Naruto, but if we don't rush this mission we'll lose three people, including Sasuke.


"Okay guys, they are really close," I said.

"We've got two more enemies, and we've got four so it's three vs two. If we play our hand right, we might be able to finish it in the next encounter," said Shikamaru.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Yelled Naruto.

"No! It's five vs two," said Kiba, referring to Akamaru.

"Aye aye, sorry it's five vs two," Shikamaru corrected. I shook my head.

"No, he was right, four vs two... I'm just the map," I said and they smirked.

"I bet you can fight very well if you weren't a coward," said Shikamaru.

"Yeah, but I guess we'll never know," I told him.

"Next time, we'll finish it quickly with our new techniques!" Yelled Kiba.

"Hey, if things get tight I'll just use my shadow clones, so don't worry," said Naruto.

"That's good to hear, but strategy comes first, got it?" Said Shikamaru. "Naruto, you will preform a shadow clone of all three of us and yourself. Make a bluff of some sort and then Kiba will blow through your Shadow clone and attack the Sound ninja while he is least expecting you. I'll be working in the shadows from there. Sana.... you just do what you do best. Okay." I smiled a bit at that and shot a thumbs up.

We finally saw the two Nins and the coffin in the distance. They stopped quickly, the silver haired ninja turning to us as the other sound ninja just stood there holding the coffin. Before they got a better look at us we had already switched out with Naruto shadows clones of us.

"Now we've caught up!" Naruto grinned, holding up a kunai. Looking at the three on my team I was actually kinda glad I was the only one without a scratch. Well not kinda. I was really glad...

"Yeah yeah. I'll kill them within seconds!" Yelled the silver haired Sound Nin who seemed to be wearing black lipstick... I honestly wasn't sure whether the nin was a boy or a girl... The ninja attacked our small shadow clone group group. Naruto threw the kunai, but he dodged it. I jumped back more as to not be seen. Naruto began to develop a giant ball of Chakra in his hand, the Rasengan. The Ninja quickly grabbed Naruto's hand the Rasengan disappearing as he did. But the way this Sound Ninja dodged was very strange, as if there were more than just two hands. But as fair as I could tell he had two unlike his spidery buddy from before. "If I grab them before you let that thing go it's checkmate!"

Kiba's Fang Over Fang went straight through Naruto, smoke raised as he did and Naruto was gone. The ninja managed to dodge pretty easily. Kiba's Fang Over Fang didn't stop and continued in it's straight line for the other Sound Ninja. Just as she was about to dodge Shikamaru's Shadow possession Jutsu acted quickly upon her. She couldn't couldn't dodge Kiba then.

"Tayuya! What the hell are you doing!?" Yelled the other Sound Ninja running for her and more importantly, the coffin.

"No... It's!" Exclaimed Tayuya. I then decided that the other Sound Ninja was a boy. He quickly pushed Tayuya out of the way forgetting about the Coffin. The two ninjas landed on the tree over. It was actually kinda cute that he thought of comrades before the mission. Cute but pathetic. "Fuckers."

"Those annoying little pieces of trash," said the other Sound Nin.

Naruto quickly picked up the coffin with a smile. I landed next to him but my eyes stayed on the scary Sound Ninja guy who began to lift himself up with a beyond emotionless expression, the worst kind of angry. Strange markings began to cover his body and we tried running faster as he ran at us. Markings that were very similar to Sasuke's but with a few minor differences. "You're not getting away!" He hissed.

I looked over at Kiba with a frown, handing him a bunch of paper bombs which he handed to Akamaru. I then ran faster without a word but not before slipping a small tracker. I didn't have to be a genius to know who was going to stay behind next. Akamaru quickly began setting up traps. "Hurry up when you're done setting the trap!" Yelled Kiba, catching the chasing Sound Nin's attention.

"Stop howling you bitch!" The Sound Ninja angrily yelled. I kept running not daring to look back only wanting to get as far away from the scary Sound ninja as possible. A big explosion shook the ground from behind us.

"Kiba! Akamaru!" Yelled Naruto as he held the coffin. I looked back, still holding my pace to see Kiba pull Akamaru from the explosion. Kiba can get himself blown up, but he better keep that adorable puppy safe...

The Sound ninja and Kiba fell into the large canyon that was connected to the river. Naruto, Shikamaru, and I stopped looking over to where Kiba fell. The other Sound nina, Tayuya came at us next angrily. "You son of a bitch!" She yelled.

"Shikamaru can handle this fight," I muttered and the boy nodded.

"I'll do something about this. Naruto, Sana, you gotta take that barrel and go on ahead!" Shikamaru yelled. Naruto paused.

"Shikamaru..." Naruto said.

"Hurry!" Shikamaru ordered. I felt myself freeze and I quickly jumped back away from the new visiter. It was incredibly convenient that I can sense someone was behind me. A white haired guy jumped from the trees right behind Naruto and Shikamaru, but more importantly, behind the coffin.

"Kimimaro!" Yelled Tayuya. Everyone froze as the words left her mouth. The new arrival kicked the coffin from the tree branch and caught it in mid air before landing on a different tree.

"What the..." Said Shikamaru. "Sorry Naruto, Sana, it seems like I miscalculated."

"You're too late, Tayuya," said Kimimaro. "Also, where are the other three? You, who were once one of the 'five'. This is an important 'vessel' for that dream. But you were a bit too late." His eyes narrowed as her's widened.

"Hey you! Quit babbling senseless things! Give back Sasuke!!" Yelled Naruto rushing sat the enemy without thinking.

"Hey Naruto, wait!" Yelled Shikamaru. Tayuya was in front of Kimimaro before Naruto, she punched the boy roughly back.

"The reason I've yet to kill you yet is," said Kimimaro into her ear. "You still have a mission to accomplish by staying alive. Please take out these three trashes over there." What an asshole. Tayuya began to take out a flute. I looked through my bag quickly finding what I was looking for. I looked down at the small ear muffs with a sigh and put the on my head not on my ears quite yet.

"Dammit! Fuck dammit!" Hissed Naruto.

"Calm down," I ordered and he shut up.

"Naruto, listen from now on, move according to what I tell you," ordered Shikamaru.

"Shit! I'll clean you up in seconds!" Yelled Tayuya as Shikamaru began whispering his plan to us. "Come on trash."

"Got it," asked Shikamaru. I nodded and put on my ear muffs. There was no way in hell I'm going to deal with the incident before the first Exams again. Stupid sound waves.

"Right!" Yelled Naruto, an act I could only understand by reading his lips. I pulled out a kunai.

"It's three on one! We've got the advantage on our side! It's not something we can't take care of!" Said Shikamaru and we attacked quickly.

"You pieces of trash won't make a difference no matter how many there are!" Tayuya taunted back. And we ran at her. I quickly switched myself out with a shadow clone as Naruto side stepped and ran away to the left surprising the girl. I was by Naruto's side shortly as Shikamaru's kunai clashed with Tayuya's flute. I quickly threw my ear muffs to the ground finding no need for them if I was running away.

"Shit! You tricked me! What kind of teamwork is that you damn bastards!" Tayuya yelled, I smiled a little to myself. The Konoha kind.

Naruto turned to look at me before asking a quick, "Which way?!"

"I'm right next to you, you really don't have to yell..." I sighed. "Left," I answered, tucking a piece of stray bangs behind my ears before sighing.

"What did you tell Sasuke before he left the village?" Naruto asked after a little bit of silence, trying to distract himself from how angry he was.

I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, "I was against it of course... I had a similar speech to Sakura-san." He looked at me when I said this.

"I can't see you saying anything that she would say," he said, a stray brach cut my cheek as we ran. I smile a bit to myself. "We'll get Sasuke back, I promise Sana-chan."

"Turn right," I ordered, ignoring his 'promise' looking down at the machine. Naruto nodded and we ran out into the clearing out of the forest. Naruto jumped up and out to the sky while I landed on the solid forest floor which seemed like forever since I've touched. I breathed heavily from running to much. Too much jumping. Kimimaro looked up at the blonde haired boy, the coffin right next to him.

"Now, how should I cook this one?" Kimimaro mused to himself as Naruto landed right in front of him. I closed my eyes and sat down next to the tree before my eyes trailed to the coffin. I stared down at the tracker and saw that the glow had raised a bit. It was getting strong by the minute, very slowly.

"What does Orochimaru want!? Why is he after Sasuke!?" Yelled Naruto, in his anger the Chakra of the Nine Tails began to seep from his skin.

They went on to argue about Orochimaru's plan to use Sasuke's body for immortality, which I began to wonder if Sasuke was aware of before he decided to enter this pact.

"Yes, exactly," Kimimaro answered and a bone extended from his hand, my mouth dropped. I gagged, Sasuke forgotten for the moment. Oh god that is so gross!

"I won't let you do such a thing!" Naruto exclaimed, putting up his hands for a Jutsu. His eye turned crazed as the Chakra of the Nine Tails took over his body.

Biting my lip I took a step from the trees as their battle began, Naruto's clones taken out one by one...

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