How To Be Heartless? (Book On...

由 RulerOfCats

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Ħɵω Ʈɵ ɮϵ ĦεαяϮհϵςς Theoretically, Itadori Sana should have been an amazing ninja. Top in her class, photogra... 更多

Chapter 1: Itadori Sana
Chapter 2: Stalking Sasuke
Chapter 3: Team Seven
Chapter 4: The Bells
Chapter 5: The Bridge Builder
Chapter 6: Target Tazuna
Chapter 7: Naruto's Plan
Chapter 8: Who Are You?
Chapter 9: Preparations For Battle
Chapter 10: Training Begins
Chapter 11: Failure
Chapter 12: Ice Mirrors
Chapter 13: A Hero Shows Up At The Last Second
Chapter 15: The First Test
Chapter 16: When Your Best Isn't Good Enough
Chapter 17: Eyes Set To Kill
Chapter 18: The Last Chance
Chapter 19: Sibling Relations
Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 1
Chapter 20: Attack On The Leaf & Gaara's Final Form
Chapter 21: The Third Hokage & The Arrival Of Itachi Uchiha And Sharky
Chapter 22: Broken Silence
Chapter 23: A Regretful Goodbye
Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 2
Chapter 24: After Sasuke - Sound V.S Leaf
Chapter 25: Deception
Ninja Profile
Extra::: Christmas Special

Chapter 14: Chuunin Exams?

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由 RulerOfCats

"Ibiki-sensei, I didn't need it, here," I quickly handed back the scroll not sure if I shouldn't or should. The scary man merely stared at me through narrowed eyes, making me wanna back the hell away, but that would just get me in more trouble.... "And I didn't lose it, not once."

"Keep it, I don't want it," he murmured going back to his paperwork. I cocked my head to the side before asking a question.

"If I may ask, Ibiki-sensei, um, what was the scroll for?" I bowed to him so he wouldn't get angry at my curiosity. He looked up with a smirk.

"You really wanna know?" He questioned, And I quickly glanced up at his evil looking smirk and shook my head vividly.

"No, no, no, I'm perfectly fine not knowing," I quickly added, and he shrugged, his eyes narrowed on my small figure.

Rule number one of Ibiki-sensei–never make him angry.

"Suit yourself," he went back to his paperwork and I stood there. "Are you entering the Chunnin exams?"

"Mmm," I nodded, not so sure of myself. "Father would hear of nothing other."

"Do you wish to even enter?"

"I would much rather wait till next year," I slapped a hand over my mouth. "Please don't tell father I said that."

"You'll do fine on the test," Ibiki-sensei muttered, making a slight smile appear on my face. "You're excused."

"Thank you very much, Ibiki-sensei," I bowed again.

"Whatever, now get out."

I quickly rushed out of the room before Ibiki-sensei started throwing sharp object–which he has before–and kill me with said sharp objects. The building was built like a maze, and I always seemed to get lost. Just like Ibiki-sensei to live in a building where it's hard to get out from.

"Ah, Sena, your mission is finished," spoke a sudden voice, making me jump.

"Kira-sensei!" I quickly bowed to the Anbu woman, trying not to come off as rude. Kira-sensei wasn't as scary as Ibiki-sensei, but she could still light me on fire.

"How was your mission, Sena?"

"It's Sana.... mam."

"You're so funny Sena."

I swear she does it on purpose, I can see it in those evil twisted eyes of hers.

Kira smiled nicely at me before ruffling my hair. "Now, you be careful on those Chunnin exams, I wouldn't want to see your shriveled up corpse dead with bugs in your eyes and a bunch of knives in your stomach!"

I stopped smiling for a second, genuinely scared.

"Hehe, you're so cute," Kira-sensei patted my head, as if she didn't just describe how my death would be, before walking off.

Crazy bitch...

I quickly walked out of the building before I came into anymore arrivals with my teachers. I didn't need to be tormented by anymore Anbu nin who know everything about me while I dudn't even know their real names...

I looked down at my watch checking the time, I had to meet with Team Seven in fifteen minutes but obviously he wouldn't be their for another hour...

I sighed when I reached the place where everyone was supposed to meet. Figures I would be the first one here. Now I have to wait alone.

"Sana-chan!" Sakura yelled coming into clear from the left. I gave a polite smile and waved, trying to be nice.

Now that I think about it, I kind of missed being alone.

"Sakura-san," I quickly bowed and she came up, taking one of my hands. I looked at her funny.

"Sana-chan, I think Sasuke-kun just might like me back, I can so see it," she gave me a cocky smirk. "He wants me. Isn't that great."

I bite my lip to keep back a smile at her. "That's um, great. Why are you telling me this?"

An unfamiliar sparkle of evil resided in her eyes along with that to big smile. "Well, it means Sasuke-kun is mine. I wouldn't want the only other girl on the team to get like that with him."

My polite smile disappeared for a few seconds before a laugh escaped my lips, before I covered my mouth with a single hand laughing into it.

"Sakura-chan," I smiled. "I don't even like Sasuke-san as a person."

I quickly covered my mouth again unable to believe I said something so mean, but it brought a smile to Sakura's face.

"I don't like you either moron," spoke a cold voice of none other than Sasuke, who was leaning against the wooden gate with crossed arms and looking ahead.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that Sasuke-san." Yes I did.


"Anyways, Sana-chan, now that I know you don't like him that way we can be friends," Sakura stated happily, my smile disappeared and I recomposed my face.

"Yeah, fun," I murmured.

"GOOD MORNING!!!!!! Sakura-chan! Sana-chan!" Naruto yelled rushing over to our little group, but right as he saw Sasuke he got all stiff, and glared at him before turning away from him with a small huff. They had been all weird since returning from the wave country...


"HE'S THREE HOURS LATE," Sakura yelled, almost banging her head against the wall. I looked up at her from my seat on the ground. I knew I should have arrived late today...

"Yo," Kakashi-sensei greeted happily, Sakura and Naruto both pointed an angry finger at him.


"Sorry, I was mugged," Kakashi-sensei happily stated. "...You should have seen the other guy..."

"Stop lying to us with a straight face!" Sakura yelled. "You were supposed to be here at 6:00 am like you told us to!"

"...Did I say 6:00 am," Kakashi-sensei murmured, and I gave him a slight glare from my spot on the ground.

"YES! You said 6:00 am!!" Sakura yelled, Kakashi-sensei's cheery face disappeared into a 'bring it on face' of some sort.

"What are you gonna do? Fire me?" Kakashi-sensei smirked before going back to cheery.

"Hey, hey! Kakashi-sensei! Lately all of our Team 7's missions have been too easy since the Water Country's mission!! I want a more, you know hot one!! Where I can shine! That follows my ninja path!! And my heart like....!!"

"Yea, yea," Kakashi-sensei sighed, slightly annoyed. "I pretty much know what you are going to say..."

"How do you know what he was going to say? He didn't make any sense," I told him.

Naruto trailed off, probably thinking about something stupid.

"Let's go we have another mission, and before you ask, no you won't like it," Kakashi-sensei muttered turning around.

I should have called in sick today...


I smiled a bit to myself as Sakura carried Naruto basically, who was bruised and beaten.

"It's because you push yourself too much," Sakura murmured.

"Pft...can't you take care of yourself?" Sasuke smirked, insulting the blonde haired boy.

"God dammnit Zazugel!!!" Naruto started to yell, but Sakura covered his mouth before he could finish.

"If you don't calm down I'll finish you!!" Sakura yelled, bringing her fist up to punch him.

"Bah...." Sasuke smirked boredly.

"You do that on purpose don't you," I whispered, and Sasuke smirked.

"Not at all."

"Hmmm... Teamwork seems to be suffering lately..." Kakashi-sensei boredly stated. That's because the Iruka-sensei sucks at putting together teams...

"YEA! You're the one ruining our teamwork, Sasuke!! Always hogging the spotlight, you bastard!!!" Naruto exclaimed.

"That's you, you moron. If you want me to stop making you look bad... Then just...become stronger than me..." Sasuke challenged, sure of himself.

"Okay, that's it for today. I have to go submit this mission report..." Kakashi-sensei murmured, moving to walk away.

"Then I'm going home..." Sasuke muttered, turning to get away from all of us.

"Oh," Sakura murmured. "Hey, Sasuke-kun, wait! How about right now...we work on our teamwork, just the two of us?"

"You're the same as Naruto. If you have time to bather me, practice a Jutsu or two," Sasuke monotonously stated, making Sakura's hopeful look start to fade. One more statement and she'll be crushed. "Frankly, your ability is below Naruto."

Oh my.

I covered my mouth a small amused smile under my hand. That must of hurt.

Kakashi-sensei rolled his eyes and disappeared in a puff of quiet smoke, not caring about anything else. After all why would he care about petty teenager problems.

"Sakura-chan!! Forget Sasuke, let's train together!!" Naruto yelled, I shook my head. What a moron. Sakura obviously thought so to.

I turned to walk away.

"Huh?! Sensei's gone? So I could be alone with her?" Naruto grinned. "Okay! I won't lose to Sasuke time to train!!"

I looked down at a rock designed box in front of me. I raised a small eye brow before looking at Naruto.

"Oi?" I pointed to the box. "One of your friends?"

Naruto pointed angrily at the box before yelling, "What kind of rock is square with two holes!! I see right through that!!"

"That's the man I view as my rival!" said a boy coming out from under the box with a small girl and another funny looking boy. I recognized the boy who spoke as kid. His name was not coming to me at the moment.

"Oh, it's you Konohamaru... Huh? What's with the goggles?" Naruto questioned.

"Hehe, we're copying the old you, boss!!" Konohamaru grinned, holding up his goggles a bit.

Boss? Naruto?

"Ahh...." Naruto murmured, but it was obvious he was proud of himself.

"What do you mean 'Ah....' Hey!! Your cold lately, boss!!" Konohamaru replied.

"So... What do you want?" Naruto murmured, and I started to walk away, but Sakura grabbed my hand quickly.

"Um...leader are you free?" The small girl, one of Konohamaru's friends, asked.

"Don't you dare leave me alone with him," Sakura hissed, I gulped and nodded, standing next to her as she looked at Sasuke's retreating figure in despair.

"Nope!! I'm training!" Naruto declined.

"What!? But you said you'd play ninja with us today!!" Konohamaru exclaimed.

"Oh... Haha, oh yeah..." Naruto murmured.

"Why would a ninja "Play" ninja...?" Sakura asked, still looking in despair.

"It's Naruto, why wouldn't he?" I added, looking away. Sakura scared me in this mood.

"I'm below him....?" Sakura whispered falling into a deeper pit of despair glaring at Naruto.

"What is it?" Naruto asked, at the look she was giving him.

"Hey boss, who're these girls?" Konohamaru asked, putting on a thinking face before 'looking' like he figured something out.

"Not bad boss..." Konohamaru slyly spoke, I looked at him incredulously.

I didn't like the look he just gave me.

"Huh?" Naruto asked.

"The pink haired girl is your..." Konohamaru tried to whisper but failed. "Girlfriend."

I laughed slightly at the thought. How did Sakura suddenly become a girlfriend to that idiot.

"Hehe... Wow you brats are very perceptive..." Naruto spoke deep in thought, or imagination. Sakura glared at him hatefully.

"WRONG!!" Sakura yelled, punching the boy in the face and knocking him down.

"Boss!!" Konohamaru yelled along with the other two little kids before running to the fallen Naruto and glaring at Sakura. "No!! Leader don't die!! How dare you, you ugly bitch!!"

I covered my mouth. That's something you cannot say to Sakura.

"Let's go now Sana-chan," Sakura hissed, leaving the beaten Konohamaru and Naruto on the ground.


"Konohamaru-kun, are you alright?" asked the little girl.

"Damn it, that ugly foreheaded... Is that really a girl, seriously boss?" Konohamaru asked, and I stopped before looking at a now angry again Sakura, who quickly turned around to chaise the poor little kids and Naruto. I sighed and walked after her, considering that the Itadori-Complex was in that direction. As was Sakura's house, why she was going the opposite way, who knows.

Naruto and the three kids quickly tried to run away. Konohamaru then ran into a painted face guy with a sand nin headband. No doubt here for the Chunnin Exams.

"That hurt," spoke the Sand nin with the painted face, while another sand ninja stood by him, this one a girl. The painted face guy lifted Konohamaru by his shirt bringing him above the ground coldly. "That hurt you little piece of trash!"

"Don't, we'll get yelled at later," spoke the blonde haired sand ninja girl.

"I'm sorry, I was messing around..." Sakura apologetically stated.

"Hey!! Fat ass, let go of him!!" Naruto snapped, making the painted face guy glare at him.

"Let's play a little before the boss comes."

"Bastard!!" Naruto hissed running at the sand ninja. The sand ninja easily pushed Naruto back with a single hand.

"Oh, Leaf Genins... are weak."

"Let go of me..." Konohamaru gasped, unable to breathe.

"If you don't let him go I'll make you pay!! Fat ass idiot!!" Naruto yelled, causing Sakura to choke him to shut him up.

"You're annoying..." The nameless ninja muttered. "Basically... I hate midgets... especially younger ones that are rude... makes me want to kill them."

"Won't that disqualify you from the exam?" I asked, and the ninja stopped for a moment while Naruto and Sakura both stared at me.

"Oh well... I'm not involved..." The blonde haired sand ninja murmured.

"You bastard!!" Naruto yelled as the painted face ninja got ready to punch Konohamaru.

"Well. After this one I'll take care of that other midget," a rock suddenly was thrown at the ninja from above, where Sasuke sat holding two more rocks.

"What are you guys doing in our village?" Sasuke asked calmly, making Sakura gush.

"Sasuke-kun!!" Sakura yelled happily.

"Why are you sitting in a tree watching us like a pervert?" I asked, breaking apart the mood that made Sasuke look like a hero.

"Yeah, what Sana said!" Naruto agreed.

"Ah, another guy who pisses me off..." The sand ninja murmured.

"Kankuro, maybe we should go now," spoke the other woman.

"Shut up Temari," the Sand ninja, Kankuro, snapped.

"Get lost," Sasuke hissed.

"Kyaa!! So cool!! Get him Sasuke-kun!!" Sakura exclaimed

"Naruto boss, you suck, I believed in you!" Konohamaru cried, pointing at the poor Naruto.

"No dummy!! I could easily defeat that guy!" Naruto defended.

"Hey punk, get down here!! I hate show-offs like you the most," Kankuro hissed.

"If anyone was showing off, it was you," I told him and he scowled at me.

"You leaf ninja are just asking for it," he retorted, tugging near the weirdly bandaged thing on his back.

"Hey, you even going to use Karasu?" Temari asked, as Kankuro started to take off a wrapped mummy thing.

"Kankuro, stop it," hissed a cold new voice making a shiver go down my spine. A boy hung from the tree branch upside down and staring at Kankuro with an icy glare through too much eye liner...I think that was eye liner. I hope so...and if not he should really invest in a nap. "You're an embarrassment to the village.

"Ga...Gaara..." Kankuro spoke terrified of the boy with the brightest red hair I had ever seen.

"Losing yourself in a fight, how pathetic..." Gaara, as Kankuro said his name was, spoke monotone. "Why do you think we came to the Leaf Village?"

"Listen Gaara, they started it and-" Kankuro was cut off.

"Technically we did," I whispered, taking a step away from the red head who was giving me the crazy vibes. I wanted nothing to do with that freak show.
"Shut up, I'll kill you," Gaara spoke, it was then I notice a Kanji symbol for love on forehead, and it seemed unfitting based on his personalty he showed now.

"Okay, I'm sorry..." Kankuro quickly apologized.

"I'm also sorry...really sorry!" Temari joined.

"Sorry to you guys," Gaara emotionlessly stated, his eyes narrowed on Sasuke.

I sighed, the fun in watching this was dying, besides it's not like anything else they say is important. I paused.

Besides, I don't like the vibe from the boy. I quickly turned and walked the opposite way. I'll take the long way home.


"Sana-sama, welcome home," Kana spoke softly with the eyes of a few maids on her she had no choice but to be kind. I nodded.

"Thanks, Kana-san," I murmured, "I was thinking, maybe we can go out. Just the two of us."

"What for?" Kana said in return and I took a step forward, my voice lowered into a whisper.

"I know you train in secret," I said, noticing Kana's bottom lip quivered. "Please, let me teach you a Jutsu I learned."

"You need to stop, sister," Kana warned me, taking a step closer. "Stop meddling. Stop trying to fix this. We are not broken. I am not broken."

"But you're not happy either," after all, I wanted the peaceful life that she had and in suit, she wanted adventure and stories to tell.

"What do you know? You who gets to do whatever she wants and go where ever she wants," she snapped in return and I could easily see hatred in her eyes as she looked at me with a polite smile. The maids had already all left and Kana's smile felt a little too forced before she quickly threw the glass of water at my feet, making it shatter on the ground, the water soaking the floor. I looked at her confused as a bit of the glass cut into my skin. "The only way I ever get favoritism in this house is by acting like this."

She broke out crying.

"I'm sorry sister, I didn't mean to bring you something like this. I'll get you some tea," she cried just as the maids came back in. Kana picked up the glass quickly, cutting her fingers for show. One of the maids picked her up off the floor.

"I'll take care of this Kana, you just go and clean up," the maid said softly. My eyes unwidened and I stepped away from the glass as the other maids cleaned the mess.

"You're hurt miss," spoke one and I shook my head.

"It's from training today, I am fine," I spoke, a little more coldly than I meant to.

"Okay miss," the maids backed off and quickly tended to Kana in the next room, leaving me there alone. I closed my eyes. It wasn't the first time Kana had done something like this, so I shouldn't have been surprised. All she ever wanted was to be loved more than me, it's not like she doesn't deserve that much, even if she had to get it by pity.

I walked closer to the door to the kitchen, opening it just a little.

"Why does she hate me so much?" Kana cried as one of the maids, who I believed to be Risa, hug her. "I try so hard to please her, it's never good enough."

I smiled sadly and closed the door before turning away. It wasn't a surprise at all...

I had to go report to father.

I quickly went up the steps with little noise, father would undoubtedly be in his study.

I paused the door to his study was opened slightly, something that he never did. Privacy was what the Itadori clan was about, so it was strange. I put my hand on the door, opening it a bit more, papers were scattered on the floor. All father's papers were important and always carefully sealed. I looked around the room which was dimly lit and now messy. I could hear the hushed sound of breathing, but it wasn't coming from just one place, but everywhere.

Then I felt it the cold swap of metal on my throat, no doubt a sharp object, but it was on it's side so it wouldn't cut me. The nameless person pressed the metal to my throat harder, constricting my breathing. I could feel the cold metals temperature raise, getting hotter by each second that passed, until I could feel it burning into my skin.

My heart beat got faster, pounding into my chest.

"Ah, there you are, Sana," the person whispered, I gulped, moving my eyes to their corners to see at least a glimpse of the person who just may kill me.

"Who?" I asked, barely able to breath as the heated weapon dug into my skin.

"I've been looking for you for a very long time, my dear. I see, so they did this to you," the person whispered sighing. "Oh my, I guess I should have expected it. You are supposed to be at least...well older, how did they make you look like a child. It's actually quite adorable."

"What are you talking about?" I snapped finally.

"They took so much away from you, Sana," the person, a woman, stated. "It actually makes me sad. I could kill them."

"You're hurting me," I gasped, and she made an 'oh' sound and let me go, closing the door quickly before grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me away from said door.

"I sorry," she laughed sheepishly, I finally got to see her face, which was being masked by black cloth as was the rest of her body. I rubbed my now sore and burning throat. "I forgot."

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked and she cocked her head to the side.

"My name is Arisu, I am here to... find you," she looked down sadly. "It looks like I failed in finding you as well. Kotsu-sama isn't going to be happy about that."

"What do you mean you haven't found me yet?" I asked, and then backed away from her.

"It looks like Chunnin Exams are coming up too," she ignored me. "I can't believe that bastard is making you compete in your sorry state."

Is she insulting me?

"Oh, looks like I made a mess, but I found what I was looking for," she put an object into her pocket with a smirk. "Goodbye my dear Sana, but I'll see you again."

Then it was like her body was evaporating into thin air, before she was gone. I looked around at the mess of the room, papers and items were scattered around the floor.

It was then the door opened rapidly before I could even attempt to get out. My father's face coming into view, and it was if my heart stopped as his cold narrowed eyes fell upon me. I couldn't even run away or begin to.

"What did you do?" His icy remark stung, bringing a sensation of ice coat my body from moving.

"I-I," I trailed off as he walked closer to me his hand colliding with my cheek.

"How dare you," he hissed, and I gulped my hand on my cheek.

"I didn't do it," I defended.

"I know, I can smell the stench of another's Chakra," he hissed. Then why? "You are never permitted into this room without myself in it. Never."

I quickly bowed in apology.

"Forgive me, father," I apologized gracefully.

"Get out."

"Right away, father."

"Sana," I quickly paused from my steps. "Did they say anything to you?"

"Only a name," I spoke, stopping but not turning around. Crying in front of him was not permitted. "Arisu."

I then left as quickly as I could, trying to stop the tears. It was funny, the intent behind the slap always hurt more than the actual hit.


Sakura sighed in defeat, once again Kakashi-sensei was of course late. "Hey! How can this be allowed!! Why does that person ask us to meet and then make us wait!!"

"Yeah! Sakura-chan is right!!" Naruto agreed.

The must be yelling really loud if I can hear them from here.

"What about the feelings of a young girl who overslept and didn't have time to blow dry her hair!!" Sakura yelled.

I tiredly yawned able to see my team from a small distance as they stood on the bridge waiting.

"Yeah! I overslept to! So I didn't wash my face of brush my teeth!!" Naruto cheered.

"That's nasty," Sakura retorted.

"Kakashi-sensei's not here huh," I murmured, Sasuke was the only one to even notice I had arrived. He gave me a small raised eye brow.

"Obviously," he muttered. "What happened to your neck and face?"

I silently raised my hand to the bandage around my neck before looking at him. "Are you saying that cause you really want to know or you are just bored?"

He shrugged and looked away monotonously.

That's what I thought.

"Sana, you're almost as late as Kakashi, what happened?" Sakura asked and I scoffed.

"I don't understand why you all show up on time. He's consistently late. I even wrote a time sheet to figure out how late I can sleep in," I said mid yawn.

"What if he's on time?" asked Sakura, causing me and Naruto to laugh.

"Yo!" Kakashi-sensei greeted. "Sorry I'm late. Aliens abducted me."

"That is the worse excuse I've ever heard," Sasuke muttered.

"I don't know, remember when he said his car wouldn't start," I whispered. "What's a car?"

"YOU LIAR!! YEAH RIGHT! NOW APOLOGIZE!!" Sakura and Naruto yelled.

"Well anyway..." Kakashi-sensei murmured. "This may be a bit sudden, but I've nominated you guys for the Chuunin Selection Exam."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Is that why you were late today?"

"Nah, it was because of the aliens," Kakashi answered me.

"You think that makes up for...!"

"Here are your applications," Kakashi-sensei interrupted handing four tickets.

"Kakashi-sensei!!! I love you!!" Naruto leaped onto Kakashi-sensei hugging him.

"Hey, stop, get off me..."

"Though this is just a nomination, whether you take the exam is up to each of you. Those who wish to take it, should sign those papers and turn them in at room 301 by 4:00 p.m. tomorrow," Kakashi-sensei then teleported away before any of us could say another word.

"Chuunin exam! Chuunin exam!!" Naruto cheered. "There's going to be a lot of strong guys in this thing! Like him! And him!"

Oh yeah, that's specific Naruto...

Naruto ran off chanting, and Sasuke seemed to have left a while ago.

I looked over at the depressed Sakura.

They left me alone with her...

"Hey Sana-chan?" She murmured.

"Hmm?" I asked cautiously, Sakura didn't look up.




"Oh, you got you application I see," Ibiki-sensei murmured, and I nodded. He then gave me a cold glare. "How did you get that wound on you neck and face?"

"I was training," I lied, trying to keep my face straight.

"You are not permitted to lie to me," Ibiki-sensei spoke through narrowed eyes on his scarred face. I gulped. "Your mind is as open as a broken clasp on a journal, easy to read. It's pathetic."

"Forgive me, Ibiki-sensei," I bowed. "There was an intruder in my fathers study, and I foolishly entered. The intruder burned me with a danger of some sort I am not sure of that, before cutting me on the cheek. That is all."

"An intruder you say?" Ibiki-sensei murmured.


"Did they say anything."

"Yes, but none of it made sense, I suspect that whoever it was, wasn't completely sane."

"That may be unwise to suspect, what did they say?"

"It was a woman, Arisu she called herself. She said she was looking for me, but she said I wasn't me. Something like she couldn't find me," I described, and Ibiki-sensei nodded.

"Yes, whoever this was," his eyes narrowed onto me. "Was definitely not sane. Watch yourself Sana, it would be wise to be careful. You may leave."

"Yes Ibiki-sensei," I spoke bowing and turning to leave.

"And try to be careful more, I'd hate to see that your pretty face be slapped once again," Ibiki-sensei muttered, a small smile fell upon my lips.

"Yes, Ibiki-sensei," I murmured walking out the door. I had to meet my team once again.

"Hey! Sana-chan!!! Good morning!!" Naruto yelled; I smiled slightly.

"Good morning, Naruto-san," I murmured, they were waiting for me by the building, how nice.

Sakura looked as down as ever, it was kinda pathetic, but at the same time it wasn't. I walked closer, trying to ignore the pain of the burn on my neck that seemed to come and go like all burns.

"Let's go inside," Sasuke muttered, opening the door his application in his hand, just like all of ours. When we got inside the building was filled with people, crowding the halls. And a loud ruckus past all the people, a fight going on that we couldn't see from this distance with too many people in front of us.

"The Chuunin Exam isn't easy... even we have failed it 3 straight times. Those that take this exam and end up quitting as Shinobis, those that die during the exam, we've seen it all," spoke a voice from the center of the crowd. "And Chuunins often become captains of military teams. The failure of a mission, the death of a comrade....That is all the captain's responsibility. Yet kids like you think you can pass. We are just thinning out those who will fail anyway, what's wrong with that?"

"I agree... but.."

"You will let me pass through...and also remove this surrounding created with Genjutsu," Sasuke interrupted, I smiled slightly. "I'm going to the 3rd floor."

"What's that guy talking about?"

"I don't know?"

"Ah, so you noticed," spoke the two men guarding the door, the more I looked at them, the more I noticed the jutsu they were using to hide what they really looked like.

"Sakura, you must have noticed it first, right?" Sasuke muttered, my eyes widened.

"Huh..?" Sakura murmured.

How nice of you Sasuke...

"Your analytical ability and Genjutsu know how is the most improved on our team," Sasuke smirked a bit looking down.

That was a really nice thing to do, Sasuke.

"Of course, I noticed a while ago, because this is the second floor," Sakura arrogantly stated.

"Yep," Naruto agreed.

We both know that you didn't notice anything Naruto.

"Hm... not bad, but all you did was see through it," the man brought his leg up to kick Sasuke, but another in a green jumpsuit quickly blocked it for Sasuke, and Sasuke's own leg that swung up to defend himself. There was only one thing I noticed about this boy.

His Chakra was odd. It was there, but the way it was flowing was scarce and barely visible.

"What happened to the plan?" said another boy with clear eyes that I instantly recognized. A Hyūga. "You're the one who said we shouldn't draw attention to ourselves."

"Well..." The green jumpsuit boy murmured, making another girl with brown hair shaped as two buns on each side of her head sigh. The jumpsuit guy walked up to Sakura with a blush on his face. "Hi, my name is Rock Lee, so yours is Sakura... Let's go out together!! I'll protect you till I die!!"

"No way, you're lame," Sakura muttered.

"Those high standards is why you're still single," I informed her and she frowned.

"Shut up, Sana."

"Hey you, what's your name?" said the Hyūga, glaring at Sasuke.

"When you want to learn someone's name, you should give yours first," Sasuke retorted.

"Some team you have with you," spoke the brown haired girl, and I smiled nicely.

"They aren't always like this," I murmured.

"Really?" She asked.

"No, they're always like this."

"I'm Tenten," she smiled, I bowed.

"Sana Itadori," I introduced.

"Itadori? Your clan has some of my favorite weapons masters," Tenten excitedly spoke.

"Mmm, yeah, I guess," I murmured smiling.

"You're a rookie right? How old are you?" said the Hyūga.

"I don't have to answer you," Sasuke retorted.

"Hehe, he's cute," Tenten whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Pretty sure he's sexually attracted to Naruto. Spread the word," I whispered back and her eyes widened with the knowledge of new gossip.


"Naruto, Sana-chan, Sasuke-kun! Let's go!!" Sakura yelled, and I sighed but followed none the less after the too cheery girl.

"Hey, guy with the dark eyes!" said the voice of Rock Lee just as we exited the room. I looked up and saw him on the staircase above us looking down.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked, and the Lee looked seriously at him.

"Will you... fight me right here?"

"Can't we just have one peaceful and normal day?" I whispered.


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