How To Be Heartless? (Book On...

By RulerOfCats

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Ħɵω Ʈɵ ɮϵ ĦεαяϮհϵςς Theoretically, Itadori Sana should have been an amazing ninja. Top in her class, photogra... More

Chapter 1: Itadori Sana
Chapter 2: Stalking Sasuke
Chapter 3: Team Seven
Chapter 4: The Bells
Chapter 5: The Bridge Builder
Chapter 6: Target Tazuna
Chapter 7: Naruto's Plan
Chapter 8: Who Are You?
Chapter 9: Preparations For Battle
Chapter 10: Training Begins
Chapter 11: Failure
Chapter 12: Ice Mirrors
Chapter 14: Chuunin Exams?
Chapter 15: The First Test
Chapter 16: When Your Best Isn't Good Enough
Chapter 17: Eyes Set To Kill
Chapter 18: The Last Chance
Chapter 19: Sibling Relations
Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 1
Chapter 20: Attack On The Leaf & Gaara's Final Form
Chapter 21: The Third Hokage & The Arrival Of Itachi Uchiha And Sharky
Chapter 22: Broken Silence
Chapter 23: A Regretful Goodbye
Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 2
Chapter 24: After Sasuke - Sound V.S Leaf
Chapter 25: Deception
Ninja Profile
Extra::: Christmas Special

Chapter 13: A Hero Shows Up At The Last Second

5.2K 141 27
By RulerOfCats

"What a shame now both your arms are useless," Kakashi-sensei gloated. "You can't even preform a seal."

      "You're getting beaten, how disappointing," spoke a new voice from an old small man that kinda reminded me of Mickey Mouse, I don't know why. "Zabuza..."

      "Gatou? Why are you here? What's with all these men?" Zabuza asked, and Gatou let out a small smirk.

"Hehehe... The plan has changed... Well actually, I planned to do this from the beginning," Gatou laughed. "Zabuza, I'm going to have you killed here. I never planned on paying you any money. Hiring a normal ninja from the village is expensive and they may betray me... So I get you missing-nins who are easy to take care of afterwards. I have the ninjas battle each other and once they're weakened I kill them off with numbers. It doesn't cost me anything. Good plan, don't you think?"

Would have been better if he hadn't shown up here in person...

"The only problem in the plan was you Zabuza... The Devil Of The Hidden Mist? What a joke, if you ask me... Hehe, you're just a... cute little baby devil," Gatou taunted, before grinning. "We can easily kill you now!!"

"Who are these guys? So many of them..." Naruto trailed of and I gave him a bewildered look. Wasn't it obvious?

"Zabuza's ex-employer and his pawns," I murmured to the boy, who made an O shape with his mouth. Zabuza looked down.

"Kakashi I'm sorry... This fight is over. Now that I have no reason to go after Tazuna, I have no reason to fight you," Zabuza looked up at Gatou.

"Ah..." Kakashi-sensei murmured.

"Huh?" Naruto confusedly stated, I sighed and turned around hearing a single 'you're right' from Kakashi-sensei. I walked closer to the fallen Uchiha Sasuke, and kneeled down next Sakura, finding no need to get drawn into that battle.

Sakura-san cried next to him, I awkwardly sat down. On the second thought the battle seemed okay from this point.

"Have you checked his pulse or anything?" I asked, and Sakura continued to cry. I blinked down at her depressed state before looking back over at Kakashi-sensei and Zabuza.

"Oh yeah..." Gatou walked closer to Haku's dead body, his arm bandaged. "I owe this one..." Gatou kicked Haku roughly. "You squeezed my arm until it broke..."

I frowned, a small sense of annoyance rushing over me.

"Heh... He's dead," Gatou kicked Haku's dead body even harder as if it were some pebble on the side of the road. My hands clenched the material of my skirt.

"What are you doing!!! You bastard!!" Naruto exclaimed, and my fists unclenched and I stared at Naruto with a smile. It's just like him to voice out exactly how he feels. Naruto never hesitated and was always so unrestrained. The idiot ninja ran to Gatou as if he were ready to kill but Kakashi-sensei held him back.

"Hey! Look at their numbers, don't just jump in!" Kakashi-sensei scolded.

"Say something too! Weren't you friends!?" Naruto yelled to Zabuza, but the masked man didn't even flinch.

"Shut up kid. Haku is already dead," Zabuza murmured, and Naruto snapped.

"Don't you feel anything at all?!! Weren't you two always together!!!" Naruto exclaimed; I looked down slightly.

"As I was used by Gatou, I used Haku. That's all it was. I've said it already... In the world of the Shinobi there are only those who use, and those who are used. We Shinobi are simply tools... What I wanted was his blood, not him. I have no regrets," Zabuza explained.

"Hey... Do you really mean that?" Naruto asked, unsure before he rushed at Zabuza before Kakashi-sensei could stop him.

"Stop Naruto! We are not fighting him anymore, plus..." Kakashi-sensei stopped.

"Shut up!! My enemy is still him!!!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing at Zabuza.

Zabuza gave him a side ways glare while Gatou rolled his eyes.

"Who is this really annoying kid?" Gatou sighed, but was ignored.

"He... He really loved you!" Naruto pointed at Haku with an angry but thoughtful face. "He loved you that much! Do you really feel nothing!Do you really...really feel nothing!" Tears leaked out of Naruto's eyes. "If I become as strong as you... Will I really become like you!?" Naruto's face looked torn. "He threw away his life for you!! Without his own dream to die as a tool... That's...just too sad...."

Naruto's eyes turned red and teary, running down his face. I looked away from it.

"Kid... you don't need to say anymore...." Zabuza looked at Naruto sadly, a few tears leaking from his eyes that I didn't expect.

      "This is so awkward. He's actually crying," I commented with a frown.

Naruto looked up surprised, obviously not expecting it either.

"Kid... It pained him to have to fight you... Haku fought not only for me... He fought for you guys too. He was to kind. I'm glad I got to face you guys in the end," Zabuza's mask ripped from his face. "Yeah kid... you may be right... A Shinobi is still a human... We may not be able to become emotionless tools... I've lost... Kid let me borrow your kunai..."

"Huh?...Oh..." Naruto looked down sadly before throwing the kunai over to him. "Yeah."

Zabuza caught it with his mouth since his arms were useless, before rushing at Gatou who was kind enough to wait...

"WHA!!" Gatou ran back trying to rid of the ninja he so used, before looking at all his pawns. "That's enough!! Kill them!!"

"Sure thing!"


"One badly injured ninja against these numbers!"

"You think you can win!!"

Zabuza ran with a dragon like mist form in back of him made from his Chakra making the attackers back up a bit.

"A...a devil!!"

Zabuza swiftly made his way through the men knocking them down. Attackers plunged swords into Zabuza's back.

"Die Already!!"

"I...If you want to go to the same place as your friend then go..." Gatou yelled, blood dripping from the side of his mouth.

"Unfortunately... I don't plan on going to the same place as Haku..." Zabuza spoke, making Gatou's eyes widen.

"Wha... What you won't survive this... Gah!"

"Heh," Zabuza smirked.

"You and I together are going to hell!!" Zabuza pushed Gatou roughly back. "Even the unremarkable devil of the Hidden Mist... Can die and become a real devil in hell... This will be fun!! We'll have plenty of time to see if I'm a baby devil down in hell!!"

With only his body his jumped up slicing off Gatou's head with the kunai in his mouth. I raised a hand to my mouth in surprise, but to also cover a slight smirk that became upon my face for reasons beyond me.

All it took was one cold glare at Gatou's men for them to be scared for Zabuza again. Zabuza's posture looked wobbly before he fell onto the ground out cold. It was over I guess...

Sakura's cry made me look away and back to the dead Sasuke who Sakura held onto so helplessly.

"Sakura, um, you never answered me, did you check his pulse everywhere?" I asked, and Sakura gave me a glare.

"What kind of question is that?" Sakura sniffed sadly, tears falling from her eyes. "He's dead, and there's nothing we can do about it!"

"Sakura-san," I murmured, unsure of what else to say. I wanted to check Sasuke's pulse again, but telling Sakura to move sounds...dangerous.

"Sa-Sakura, get off your heavy," Sasuke murmured his eyes looking away from the pink haired girl. "You should have... checked my pulse better, like Sana said..."

"SASUKE-KUN!" Sakura hugged the raven haired boy.

"Sakura... That hurts..." Sasuke murmured, I rolled my eyes and stood up, beginning to walk away before Sasuke spoke back in his arrogant voice. "What no, 'I'm glad you're alright' Sana?"

I stopped and turned around as a small smile formed on my face, "I'm glad you're alright...Sasuke-san," Sasuke raised a single eye brow. Maybe I should have called him Uchiha-san.... The smile was gone as soon as I turned away from the boy.

I quickly ran up to Naruto, who was staring shocked at a fallen Zabuza.

"Naruto-san," I grabbed onto Naruto's arm carefully, as if he could brake. "Sasuke-san is alive." I whispered, making Naruto's eyes widen, and tears well up into his eyes. I scratched my head slightly, as Naruto looked at a standing Sasuke Uchiha, who waved without looking at him.

Naruto's hand connected with my own, holding it tightly as tears ran down his eyes in happiness. I winced as he squeezed my hand too hard.

"I've been worried but... Sasuke is also alright... That's great," Kakashi murmured.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You guys are too at ease!!!"

I jumped at the sudden noise of one of Gatou's men.

"Damn ninjas.. you killed our meal ticket!"

"You guys are dead!"

"Now we're gonna pillage this city!"

"And take anything of value!"

"Yeah Yeah!"

"Geez, have they seen this village. They barely have food," I murmured laughing into my hand and Naruto smiled slightly at my comment.

"Let's begin!!"

"Damn this is bad," Kakashi-sensei murmured.

"Kakashi-sensei, don't you have a special Jutsu to defeat them all?" Naruto asked, Kakashi-sensei shrugged.

"I can't... after the lightning edge, summoning, and Sharingan. I used to much Chakra," Kakashi-sensei murmured.

I turned around at the sounds of shouts.

"If you come any further onto our island... The citizens of this country will stop you with everything we've got!!" yelled... um that one kid. Shit I forgot his name...

"Inari?" Tazuna-san murmured.

"Inari!!" Naruto yelled, right, that's his name.

"Hehe, a hero shows up at last second right?" Inari grinned, Naruto happily looked at him. Behind Inari was just as he said, all the citizens of the village...well most of them.

"Okay! I can help you out!" Naruto preformed a quick shadow clone Jutsu, making at least 20 appear next to the two of us. I backed away from him to lean on the bridge railing.

Kakashi-sensei then preformed the same Jutsu, not summoning as many as Naruto, but enough to freak out Gatou's men.

Then even more Kakashi-sensei's appeared, a lot more, like 50, to bad they weren't solid like Naruto's though.

"So want some of this?" All the Kakashi-sensei's taunted, and I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. I can't believe he just said that.

"No we don't!!!"


"We did it!!" yelled the villagers.

What the fuck did they do?

"It looks like it's over... Kakashi...." Zabuza murmured from the ground, not even having the strength to turn.

"Yes..." Kakashi-sensei took a few steps closer to Zabuza, his clones disappearing.

"Kakashi, I have a request..." Zabuza murmured.

"What is it?" Kakashi-sensei moved his head band down, covering his left Sharingan eye.

"I see his face..." Zabuza muttered, barely able to speak.

"Sure," Kakashi-sensei lifted the fallen Shinobi and started to carry him to the dead Haku. As soon as he did, snow started to fall.

A bright smile lifted my features. If there was one thing I loved, it was snow.

"Thank you Kakashi," Zabuza turned his head to Haku. "If I could... I'd like to go... to the same place... as you...."

"He...was born in a snowy village..." Naruto cried, before hugging me. "Sana!"

Why is it always me?

Naruto cried loudly.

"I see... He was a boy as pure as the snow...." Kakashi-sensei murmured.


I really hate my teammates.

"QUIET DOWN NARUTO! Sasuke-kun needs his rest!" Sakura yelled, angrily. Sakura you're yelling louder than Naruto was.

I rolled my eyes and drank a sip of my tea, I happened to be one of the only ones in our team who didn't get a single scratch dirt on my clothes so I had no need for rest, although it does sound rather appealing.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked lowly, unsure. "Were those two correct about ninjas?"

Kakashi-sensei nodded. "A Shinobi isn't supposed to pursue his own goals, becoming the country's tool is most important...That's the same for the Leaf Village..."

"Is that what it really means to become a true ninja....?" Naruto questioned. "You know what? I don't like it!" My god Naruto, didn't your mother ever teach you to use your inside voice?

      Oh right...orphan.

"Will you quiet down idiot!" Sasuke snapped, before laying back down in his bed. I covered up a smile with my hand. "Shut up Sana."

      "I didn't even say anything," what a bitch.

"Do you believe that too, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Well.... Each and every ninja has to live while dealing with that issue. Just like Zabuza, and that boy..."

"Okay, I just decided! I'm going to become a ninja in my own way!!" Naruto exclaimed, and Kakashi-sensei's eyes widened. A hard blunt object was swiftly thrown at Naruto's head. "HEY!"

"I said shut up," Sasuke hissed, laying back down. I looked down at the blunt object was actually a random hammer. Luckily Naruto had a really hard head...


"Thanks to you we've completed the bridge," Tazuna-san murmured.

"It looked pretty complete before," I muttered and Tazuna grinned.

"That's not true, before you guys came here it wasn't painted gold," Tazuna smirked, and everyone glared at him daring him to be telling the truth.

"Um... Just kidding..." Tazuna sheepishly stated.

"Don't worry! We'll come to visit!" Naruto exclaimed to the almost crying Inari.

"You... better...." Inari murmured.

"'re sad right? It's alright to cry!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I'm not going to cry!! But Naruto, you can cry too!" Inari yelled back, Naruto quickly turned around.

"Fine later..." Naruto murmured and I rolled my eyes.

The both started crying as soon as they weren't facing each-other.

What the hell is wrong with you two....?

"That boy changed Inari's heart... And Inari changed the people's hearts... And that boy gave us a bridge to "Hope" called "Courage"." Tazuna-san murmured.


"Bridge... Oh yeah.. We need to name this bridge.... Well I have a super perfect name for this bridge..."

"Oh?! What is it?"

"How about... "The Great Naruto Bridge" Catchy ain't it?"

"I think it's kinda lame."

"Who asked ya!"

"You're just jealous cause you don't have a bridge named after you Sasuke!"


"YAY! Let's get home fast so I can have Iruka-sensei buy me some Ramen!! Oh yeah!! And I have to tell Konohamaru about my legendary feats!!"

"Then I will... Sasuke, how about a date when we get back?"

"No thanks..."


"Hey, hey!? What about me!?"

"No!! Shut up Naruto!!"

At least he said thanks, Sakura...


"You sure about that name?"

"Hehe... This name is in hope that this bridge will never crumble... And will one day become a super famous bridge who's name is known throughout the world...."

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