Avengers: Quicksilver X Reader

By S_Paine

186K 5.6K 2.5K

I do not own any of the music used or the avengers or the characters. And anything other things that belong t... More

1. You
2. The City Where We Met
3. All Just a Dream?
4. Decisions
5. An Undeniable Feeling
6. Misunderstanding
7. Steve
8. Food!.?
9. Smile
10. The Room
11. Good Morning
12. Why?
13. Liar
14. A Friend
15. What I Used to Be
16. Recalling the Past
17. What Am I?
19. Repetition
20. Trust
#2 A/N:
21. It's That Time Again
22. Kiss?
23. I Care
24.Who's There?
25. About-face
26. Outside Is Different Than Inside
27. Outburst
Not an Update Sorry
28. Control
29. Stranger's Story
30. Her

18. Suspicion

4.9K 162 220
By S_Paine

A/N: Hey guys! So I'm hoping to start updating every week again. Might not be on the same day, but I'll do my best to get them in before the week's end. The comments you guys leave bring me so much joy and make me want to write even more for you all. Thanx for sticking around! How you like the new update.



You sleepily recall the past 3 weeks from the time you went to the mall with the others and heard that voice up until now. It went by so fast. You and Wanda have become great friends, since the time you talked. She seems to enjoy having someone other than her brother to talk to, especially about Vision. She constantly talks about him. Good or bad, it didn't matter you still listened to her. You never talk to her about your crush, because you find it to be a bit weird since it's her brother. What person would want to talk about certain stuff about their own sibling?

Then there's Romanoff, who has asked you to stop being so formal and call her by her first name Natasha, is now training you. Of course, you aren't training every day since you prefer to snuggle in bed with a book. The reason you're doing it is due to the fact you would finish a book every 4 days and end up having to buy a new one on Amazon. Sadly it takes the books a while to arrive. So one day, you had nothing to do and sat in on one of Wanda and Pietro's training sessions and thought, "Why not? It could be interesting and prove to be useful later on." You asked Natasha and she agreed. The only problem was you guys never told anyone thinking it wasn't the slightest bit important. Last Thursday afternoon when Natasha was training you, Steve walked in while Natasha had you in a head lock and he completely freaked out. After the misunderstanding was cleared up Steve said he would come to every practice. Natasha allowed it only if he promised to refrain from disturbing your lesson. Steve agreed and hasn't missed any of your lessons since. Now only Natasha, Steve, and you know of your little training sessions.

You lay in bed slowly closing your eyes to relax as you take in a deep breath. The voice hadn't been bothering you lately and you feel calm. What you didn't know is what has been going on while you weren't paying attention. Tony didn't trust you. You gave off that feeling of abnormality or somehow different than a normal human being, then there is so much evidence. He thought you must be lying about something. No matter how normal you have acted so far, he noticed your moments. He constantly watched you noting when you touched your head in pain or whispered something to yourself.

Out of curiosity, Tony hacks into the mall's security to look at the film to check where you had gone the day you got "lost". He doubts his concern for a moment when he sees you just walk away into the store and went straight for a clothing section looking through a specific batch. He starts to feel bad for thinking of you as an enemy, even more at the moment you look up and realize you're alone. He sighs watching the film making sure not to miss anything. Tony wants to be sure. Then he saw it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tony had called everyone: Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Thor, even Vision and the Twins. He gathered them all in one of the many meeting rooms in the facility. Of course you did not attend. No one questioned it, after all you are not a part of the Avengers. You are just a person they are taking care of til they can figure something out. Well that's what they thought. What they didn't realize was how attached they had all gotten to you over the short period of time.

"Tony you better have a good reason for interrupting the training session with the twins," Natasha growled with a stern expression.

"I'm sure he has his reasons." Steve tired to calm her, but he didn't even know why he called everyone. "Why did you call us, Tony? Usually it's Fury or me, who gathers everyone up for meetings."

"Jealous, Cap?" Tony taunts him.

Steve pauses for a moment looking at Tony before responding, "No, I-"

"Okay! Back to why everyone is here." Tony interrupts Steve. "I called you guys here today, because I have been observing our guest, (F/N) and-."

"You've been stalking, (F/N)?" Wanda interrupts giving Tony a glare.

Everyone else is either glaring, confused, or straight-faced.

"Ehm. I have a very good reason for this." Tony raises hands up to his head standing up straighter than usual.

"Go on." Bruce gestures to Tony giving him the chance to explain.

Tony pits his hands down looking at Bruce, " Thank you. I will. Well, you see. When we first found- well more like she found us... but when you guys encountered (F/N), she had gotten shot with several bullet right? Pietro, Barton?"

Tony looks at them awaiting confirmation. They both pause for a moment trying to gather their thoughts. Then hesitantly nod.

Tony continues, "Then you guys said she ran off even though she must have been hit with more than 20 bullets. Am I correct?"

They nodded again.

"When I spoke to the woman who patched her up, she said (F/N) had no bullet holes and should have been in a coma for more than a week. But then that very day the heart monitor made a long beeeeeep! sound suggesting her heart stopped. When we asked Wanda to double-check her consciousness after 6 minutes, she verified (F/N)'s death. You couldn't sense her consciousness at all, right Wanda?"

Wanda paused clenching her teeth and she didn't want to say yes, so she just slightly nodded.

"BUT then you all remember her miraculously waking up. People would call that a miracle, but we stayed in that room with her for about 30 minutes." Tony pauses waiting for everyone to take information, before continuing. "First how can someone even stand after being hit with so many bullets? That is not humanly possible. What happened to the bullet holes? And the nurse didn't mention anything about her losing too much blood. Then her heart stopped and even Wanda checked her consciousness, as I said we stood in the room with her for 30 minutes. Brain cells begin to die after approximately 4 to 6 minutes of no blood flow. After around 10 minutes, those cells will cease functioning, and be effectively dead. Therefore, she had to have been dead. How did she suddenly resuscitate?"

He once again paused waiting for everyone to put the pieces together. Then once again continued.

"I thought maybe I'm wrong, but then I got curious about where (F/N) had suddenly disappeared to the day of the mall. So I hacked into the mall surveillance system to check it out and... I found this." He looked to his iPad and transmitted what he had on it to the t.v. behind him. "Friday, play the video."

"Yes, sir." She responded.

The video:
You notice Hot Topic and stray from the pack. Walking inside, you instantly walking to the clothing section. You look at the shirt you liked trying to find your size. You look up from what you're doing and take a look around you, then look down at the shirts.

"What?" You quickly look behind you and end up making a full circle looking very confused.

You shut your eyes and shake your head, then go back to looking at the shirts. You eyes widen and once again look all around to find not one person next to you. You look down at the floor putting one of your hands on your forehead slightly giggling.

Video end.

"As you can see, it looked like (F/N) was looking for someone. I can't say I know who though since there isn't anyone around her. Something is definitely wrong. So far it looks like she has no knowledge of her power and-"

"It looks as though she has schizophrenia." Bruce ended Tony's sentence.

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain why she can't remember," Tony said getting softer as he looked down to think.

"What is Schizophrenia?" Pietro asks his sister.

Instead, Vision answers, "It means she hears voices in her head."

"Wanda. What's wrong?" Tony asks Wanda making everyone look to her direction. "You look like you want to say something.

She does but she isn't sure she should. She looks away from the crowd contemplating whether she should tell them your story. You are her friend and her first one. Should she say something and risk losing you?

"Well, in any case, it seems she doesn't know, but the worst-case scenario is she lyi-"

"No! Wait... I..." Wanda hesitated, but she didn't want you to be looked at like an enemy, especially after what you've gone through. It will only hurt you right now, you're still getting over everything that happened to you. "I spoke to (F/N) 2 weeks ago in my room. I wanted to know why I had never seen her and why she was there. She doesn't seem to know how and why some things happened."

Wanda stops there, no wanting to say anymore, unless they ask her she doesn't plan to tell them.

"Do tell." Tony looked at Wanda ready to pay attention to what she was to say, so he could see if he could properly understand the information given to him.

Bruce and everyone else wait for Wanda to explain. She looks to everyone and gathers her thoughts.

"There were two things that stood out to me. The first was how she said her parents died. It seems she was fighting with her mother when she suddenly passed out, when she awoke later on, her house was ash. Nothing left. She said her bruises were gone and her parents were burned into the ground. Then she says some strange men grabbed her from behind and drugged her. Before she passed out she heard one of the guys say she had burned the house in a matter of second along with her parents." Wanda pauses once again looking down as gathering her thoughts.

"She could also be suffering from DID, which could be the reason why she can't remember or have any recollection of her powers." Bruce thinks out loud.

"What is DID?" Pietro whispers to Vision.

"Dissociative Identity disorder - A disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states. Otherwise known as multiple personality disorder." Vision explains to him.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks, man." Pietro smacks Visions back playfully, leaving him confused.

"But you see that's where (F/N) lost me. She said Strucker did experiments on her to see if he could find the source of her power, but he didn't find anything. She came out normal in all of them."

"Now that makes things difficult." Bruce comments.

"Argu....ma-Ah!" Everyone looks at Tony. "Has anyone seen her mad, yet?"

"No, can't say that I have." Steve is the first to respond.

"No." Pietro, Vision, and Clint all respond in unison.

Natasha shakes her head as Bruce responds to the question. "No, me neither."

"No, I only just returned the day before last. I returned to consume more of this tart of pop you all feast on for a fast break." Thor responds.

"What?" Pietro looks at him in confusion.

"I believe he said he only came back for the pop tarts." Vision replies.

"I am usually with her. I've never seen her get mad. But I have seen her fall face first countless times. She's not too steady on her feet." Wanda brings back the topic.

"She not that clumsy. She's can keep her stance when she needs to." Steve comments.

"I kicked her in the face once," Natasha adds in.

Everyone turns wide-eyed and looks to Natasha.

"She laughed right after, telling me she thought she saw her life flash right before her eyes. Yes, that girl is something else." Natasha nods to herself.

"Okay..." Tony cuts in before it gets out of hand. "Well, I have a hypothesis that (F/N) needs to get mad to release her power like when Bruce goes hulk."

They all turn their attention to Tony who seems to be going somewhere with this.

"Now like every hypothesis, it must be experimented with. So... Avenger... your mission is to find out what makes (F/N) mad. Report to me by the end of the week. That's when the real fun will start." Tony smirks getting excited like a child that knows Christmas is just around the corner.

As everyone walks to their room with questions in their mind they all get the feeling it's a game. Who will find out first? How will they find out? Will someone take it too far? All they do know for now is that they have 5 days to find out what really makes you tick.

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