2. The City Where We Met

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You finally find your way out and look at the city. Your eyes grew wide in shock becoming speechless. (Not like you were talking much anyway.) You turn in a full circle and no matter where you look you see the same exact thing: Destruction. The houses, buildings, and church. All either partially or completely destroyed. This was weird, but not weird enough to make you have a panic attack. You walk into the city hoping to find at least one sign of life.

After walking a short distance you see a plane shooting at the ground heading in the direction of a man and little boy. You notice a flash of silver going towards them. You should walk away, but you know how it would end. Your legs start running towards the two hoping you could at least do this before you die. Although you know it wouldn't be enough to get rid of the wrong you had done.


The man and the little boy had been pushed out of the way and next to them is a silver-haired man. The man and little boy open their eyes to find they were alive. As for the silver-haired man, he finds that he is next to the man and little boy, he had pushed out of the way having only slight scratches from the shots that had been fired. The man with the little boy looks at him and they both exchange confused looks. They turn to look, probably thinking one of their companions had pushed them out of the way, only to find you bleeding. The Silver-haired man opens his mouth to speak, but before he could manage a single word you run into the city. You didn't want to live anymore and you knew they would try to save you. The men watch you as you run away.

"Get her." The man got up taking the little boy to the aircraft.

"Already on it." The silver-haired man gave a sloppy salute and runs toward you.

He caught up to you in seconds, frightening you when you notice him at your side. You try to turn, but, due to the fact you had lost so much blood, you fall face-first to the ground. You hit the ground hard, but the adrenaline had kicked in, so you didn't really feel it. You quickly move to sit up and look at the silver-haired man that stands before you. He didn't see that coming.

"Come. Let me take you to safety." He looks at you concerned as he gets on one knee extending his hand to you.

You look down ignoring the fact that he is offering you assistance. He would have waited for you to comply, but he notices the aircraft getting ready to leave and the amount of blood you were losing would soon kill you.

"Come now. We don't have much time." He spoke a bit rushed moving his hand closer to you.

"No! Don't touch me!" You look up at him glaring.

Then you look down again mumbling something under your breath. Wondering if he heard you, you glance up at him. He feels rushed, knowing he still needs to go get his sister, and quickly picks you up like a child making sure you don't get the chance to react. Then he pulls you really close to his body and whispers something into your ear. He pulls away from your ear and looks you in the eyes with a forlorn look. You silently stare back, not knowing how to respond.

Within seconds his expression changes, "Now hold on tight."

You blush at his words and open your mouth slightly ready to tell him something when he runs towards the aircraft. Of course, him being all super duper fast, you both got onto the aircraft in seconds. Now on the aircraft, you were slightly hyperventilating, the adrenaline was gone, with your arms wrapped tightly around his torso.

"You can let go now." He assures you until he notices your situation.

You were hesitant about letting go of him. You could feel him breathing heavily. His tone chest pressing against you as his strong arms hold you close. You feel...safe. You begin to relax and lose consciousness as you listened to his heartbeat. You hadn't felt like this in a long time. Your eyes become heavy when finally stop hyperventilating. Your tight hold on his torso begins to loosen as you realize that your time had finally come. You feel groggy and your eyesight begins to blur.

"Don't worry. I'll get your sister."

You hear a voice but couldn't see the face of the one who spoke. They were the last words you hear before you drift off into a very dangerous sleep.

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