1. You

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You lie on the floor looking at a broken piece of glass lying back against the wall. Ironically, it's in the shape of a heart. It had come from the window, way up above you that broke a while back and no one had bothered to clean it up.

You haven't eaten for a while, might have been days, but you can't tell since you're in a cell, underground from the looks of it.

"I tried to keep going, but at this rate, I'm going to die of starvation. Mom...dad...I'm sorry for giving up so easily. I've lost the will to go on. The things I had strived for are now shattered like the glass in front of me. I wish you were here. If I hadn't lost my temper, then... maybe...just maybe...we could have still been together and I wouldn't have to be at the last breaths of my life." You mumble, "They kept me alive, but after the things they did to me, I feel like I am dead. I want you guys here, but I know you've gone and left me alone. I can't feel any of you anywhere. Where did you go? Please take me with you. I don't like being alone. "

You don't know exactly where you are and you don't ask. It had been a few days since the strange men that guard you had disappeared. You recall the day they disappeared, there was a lot of gunshots and yelling, but whoever had come was now long gone and not coming back. It was alright though, you had given up on life since your parent's death, it was your fault they were gone after all. You sigh and notice the noises have returned, except this time the civilians are screaming in fright. "Whatever is going on up there must be horrible." Then, out of nowhere, the ground begins to shake but you stay still, staring at the wall, it's probably just an earthquake.

"I need the other guy," you hear a woman in the distance, then a growl that sounds like it could belong to a monster.

You stand up slowly and feel the need to leave, "Mom?" like something is pulling at you, "Dad?" urging you to leave the cell. You try ignoring it, "I want to come with you." but you don't have the energy to resist and you give in to temptation. "I can't"  You walk toward the cell entrance "I'm sorry. I'm weak." and push it open. It was always open, the people that put you here never bothered to lock the cell door. They knew you wouldn't leave, you had nowhere to go. "Mom, dad?" Before exiting the cell you check left and right, for people.

"Hello!?" You yell down each side of the hallway. "Hello?!"

Up-and-down, for traps and such. You figure it's safe and walk out and look for the exit.

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