How To Be Heartless? (Book On...

Od RulerOfCats

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Ħɵω Ʈɵ ɮϵ ĦεαяϮհϵςς Theoretically, Itadori Sana should have been an amazing ninja. Top in her class, photogra... Více

Chapter 1: Itadori Sana
Chapter 3: Team Seven
Chapter 4: The Bells
Chapter 5: The Bridge Builder
Chapter 6: Target Tazuna
Chapter 7: Naruto's Plan
Chapter 8: Who Are You?
Chapter 9: Preparations For Battle
Chapter 10: Training Begins
Chapter 11: Failure
Chapter 12: Ice Mirrors
Chapter 13: A Hero Shows Up At The Last Second
Chapter 14: Chuunin Exams?
Chapter 15: The First Test
Chapter 16: When Your Best Isn't Good Enough
Chapter 17: Eyes Set To Kill
Chapter 18: The Last Chance
Chapter 19: Sibling Relations
Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 1
Chapter 20: Attack On The Leaf & Gaara's Final Form
Chapter 21: The Third Hokage & The Arrival Of Itachi Uchiha And Sharky
Chapter 22: Broken Silence
Chapter 23: A Regretful Goodbye
Extra::: Naruto Behind The Scenes # 2
Chapter 24: After Sasuke - Sound V.S Leaf
Chapter 25: Deception
Ninja Profile
Extra::: Christmas Special

Chapter 2: Stalking Sasuke

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Od RulerOfCats

      I frowned to myself for the tenth time today. I still didn't have any way of just making Sasuke hear me out or look at my way without having me shove him in a river or something (which he ended up doing to me). I didn't mind if he rejected my request, but if he would just listen without pushing me into the river.

      I had a few stupid plans, but they all seemed to fail in my head. Hell, they didn't even make since in my head...

      Plan number one was to train a lion to scare him into doing what I want. That wouldn't work for obvious reasons, one being, where was I gonna get a lion, and second, if I can't be a ninja what makes me think I can train one. So that idea was pushed out of my head as fast as it came. It wasn't as if I would have enough time to train a lion anyway.

      I sunk my head further into my hands, before looking up slightly more hopeful.

      I could stalk him all around the village until he agrees to tutor me. I sunk down again. I didn't have the stomach for such a stupid idea. I brought my head up again. It might work, Uchiha-san sounds like he likes his privacy, so he wont like some girl being his silent shadow.

      It was the best I had got... I was kind of scared of lions anyway.

      I groaned and threw my head into my fist. It was going to be so embarrassing. I groaned once again. He might file a restraining order against me!

      But I had to do it...I hoped he didn't shove me into a river again...


      Target: Uchiha Sasuke

      Intent: Tormentation

      I sighed to myself. So far I had been following Sasuke for over five minutes, and he hasn't looked at me once. I was bored. I suppose my patience was lacking, but Sasuke was so boring. Did he even have friends. The kid had absolutely no social life. I didn't either, but at least I have a dog.

      "Stop following me," he finally hissed, and I perked up in triumph. Finally. The longest five minutes of my life was over.

      "I'll stop if you listen to me," I mused, and he glared at me over his shoulder. I shrugged.

      "Go away, you annoying pest," he retorted, walking faster away from me. I continued to smile and followed his pace.

      "So where are we going?" I asked, pouting a little to myself.

      He bit back his bitterness and walked faster, but once again I matched his pace.

       He was probably used to stalkers. I really didn't want to annoy him, well, now that I started I wasn't so sure that was still true. I didn't hate Sasuke, but he had never really been that nice to me when we were growing up and was very difficult to work with in group projects.
      I suppose a part of me did hate him, but it was childish and mostly spanned from that one test where he outscored me. My reaction was petty, and I may of started a rumor that he cheated so I guess his dislike of me was justified and returned.


      "I can do this all night you know," I mused, with the smallest hint of a frown, because it was fact, I couldn't do this all night since I would get in so much trouble. Also, he made me want to drown myself, so that was a factor.

      "If you leave me alone for good, I'll listen to your annoying story tomorrow," he finally spoke up, obviously not happy about it. I looked at him suspiciously, as I don't recall him ever keeping promises. He promised to go easy on me one time during taijutsu practice, but he ended up tossing me into the fence. I'll hold that against him until I die.

      "You swear? Pinky promise?" I replied, sticking out my pinky, making him look more annoyed.

      "Go away."

      I took that answer as a pinky promise and walked away. Although, moments later I realized that I never actually thought of a likely excuse to guilt him into helping me. At that thought I felt a sense of foreboding and depression.

       The next day I couldn't find Sasuke anywhere, I sighed to myself, disappointed and sad since I should have known he was lying. This was Taijutsu practicals all over again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...screw you and your big stupid red fan symbol.

      The Uchiha suck anyway and they have stupid hair. I should probably just give up on being a ninja and on trying to please father. I sunk further into my arms, my chin propped up to look ahead of me. Maybe I could live in a tent and live off the land.

      Maybe I could just sell flowers for a living? I'll move to another village and make a living selling flowers and have a husband and maybe a child, but preferably I'd rather have a dog than a child. Who needs fighting or being accepted or family? If I run out of money I can always go begging. Maybe I could live at the side of the road and only eat vegetables and fruit and water.

       "Why are you trying so hard? Can't you train by yourself?" spoke a cold voice, making my head snap up. I gave him a frown.

        "I've tried, I suck, and I need to pass the test. It's important," I defended, he looked away.

      "Weak people like you are a burden to their team," he coldly replied, and as much as I knew that, the statement was still like cold ice upon my skin. I looked down. Assholes are burdens in their own way too.

       "I know, but it doesn't matter if I am a burden or not. When I pass I will spend every moment of my time training. I know I can get better, but if I don't pass..." I paused, and Sasuke looked at me from the corner of his eyes as I looked down. "You're the strongest one in the class, I can't ask anyone at home..." I'm scared. "I don't care if you see me as weak cause..." you're an asshole. "...well, I think you already do."

      I heard him sigh, gazing at me with a harsh stare. I looked away from it.

      "It will just be a waste of time," he replied, before turning away. My eyes widened, but I didn't stop him. It would be selfish. I only asked him to listen.

      "You're right," I stated, with a small sigh. He paused for a second, but then kept on walking.

      "Tomorrow at four," in the morning? Are you for serious? "meet me here, and if you're late even by a few seconds you can forget it," Sasuke murmured, and a grin spread along my pale face, before I got up quickly form my seat and bowed. I'll have to set my alarm...

       "Thank you so much Uchiha-san!" I rejoiced as I bowed to his back. He didn't say anything, and just kept on walking.


      I woke up early the next day, since I didn't quite believe he was kidding when he said he wouldn't wait. It took a lot for me to get him to do what I wanted, and I didn't need to mess it up. So I arrived about thirty minutes before I actually had to, just in case.

      "Lets get this straight, if you annoy me even once, this is over."

      That was the first thing he said when he arrived. I frowned, but quickly covered it up.

      "Okay, Uchiha-san," I replied, bowing to him once again, and he looked at me with his emotionless gaze once again.

      "Another thing, you are not to talk to me again after all this, and don't turn into a fan girl. If I get even one love note I will be pissed," he ordered, and it took a bit more work to keep the glare from my eyes. I had never known someone could be so full of themselves. But his last line made me wonder just how many people are in love with him anyway? It was kind of comical to imagine a girl giving him a love note.

      "Show me a clone," he ordered, and I looked at him sheepishly, actually embarrassed as I put my hands together and preformed the jutsu. A puff of smoke appeared behind me showing one stone white clone, that looked nothing like me, in fact, it had on different clothes and a different hair color. That wasn't even the half of the problems with it.

      It looked high on something. I looked down with a blush. I couldn't strike up the nerve to look up at Sasuke, as I could already imagine his face.

      "...You suck." He was miffed, and I looked down more.

      I had a feeling that I already annoyed him...


      "You're doing it wrong again," Sasuke instructed, and I could have cried right there.

      "I'm sorry, I'm really trying," and it was true. I really was. Trying hard not to kick him that is.

      "Then try harder. Your hand signs are perfect, but you must not be using the right amount of Chakra, do it again," he ordered, I gulped, and once again tried the jutsu. The clone that came up still looked pathetic, not as bad as before, but still damaged and I think it was a man. "Lets take a break," Sasuke suggested, annoyance clearly in his voice. I looked away.

      "I'll keep on going, I still have a lot of Chakra," I interjected, and he threw a look my way, before shrugging.

      "Fine, control it better. Keep it at one level. It keeps on fluctuating," he sternly stated, and I nodded.

      "I'm so sorry Sasuke, I know this must be a bother." He didn't agree or disagree with my statement, so I continued. "I can pay you if you like."

      "If you don't improve, the money doesn't matter," he snapped, causing me to nod as I put my hands together and tried once again, ignoring the pain that started to fizzle in my side. My usual perfectly straight hair had a bit of wavy tangles, and was slightly mangled. My face was a little messed up, but my hands were in the worst shape, completely sore with every move or flick I made with them. Still, I couldn't give up.

      I wanted to show Sasuke that I wasn't completely hopeless and that he wasn't helping me in vain.

      Sasuke watched me from the corner of his eyes. In all honesty, he didn't want to be here, but he wasn't a complete jackass to just abandon the girl completely. Well, he was, but that wasn't the point.

       I put my hands together and moved them with speed, ignoring the pain that settled in them. I tried my best to focus my chakra in the right directions through my arms and to my hands. Once again I pushed away the pain that was exploding through me. It didn't work, and I collapsed to the ground in pain, and Sasuke sighed as I did. He had obviously seen this coming.

      A tear dropped from my eyes no matter how hard I tried to push it back. I couldn't do it... I was so pathetic. I covered my face with my sore hands. Sasuke walked a bit closer to me.

      "It's no use... I'm not cut out to be a ninja." I didn't want to be crying as Sasuke looked at me coldly from above.

      "You're just another spoiled little brat," he said with a tone of disgust, and I looked up at him surprised to see him glare at me. Most would try and console a crying girl, but his look didn't change as my broken form looked up at the Uchiha prodigy.

      "It was a waste of time for me to even try and train you," he continued, more tears slipped out of my eyes at his words. "You don't deserve to be a ninja if you are going to give up so easily."

      His words repeated themselves in my head as he walked away. My gaze strayed after him as he left. I knew he was right, but what could I do about it?

      I stared down at my hands, trying once again to focus my Chakra in one place, it was a failure again. Everything that I tried seemed to get pushed back and made me apply too much into the one single move, making me feel pathetic.

      What's wrong with me? Why can't I preform the simplest jutsu. This is a D-rank jutsu. This is just embarrassing. I put my head in my arms, trying to block out my blinding headache. I pushed away the pain making it feel like a dull throb in the back of my mind threatening to explode at any moment.

      I put my hands together and moved them quickly, focusing my chakra once again, trying to make it evenly reach the ends of my hands at the same time, once again a clone appeared in a puff of smoke similar to before. I looked over at it and burst out crying, ugly, loud tears. It looked like a clown and nothing like me, also it was a man. I had begun to think this was a strange sign of some sort, considering I had made my clone a man twice, but I decided to ignore it on the grounds that I want to.

      "What's wrong with me," I cried, and looked down at my hands, trying to hold my discomfort in my body. My throat felt dry and itchy, in need of water. I ignored my stupid want and put my hands together once again. I had to do this right, not only for my father, but to show Sasuke that I wasn't a spoiled brat. Him calling me that was really embarrassing because he was a spoiled brat. It sucks to be called a name by someone who is also that name.

      "Take a break now," I heard the sound of my consciousness order me, but I ignored it, putting my hands together again. My chakra was spilling out of them as I did, making my eye sight grow slightly dim, but I pushed it away and applied a little more chakra trying to make it perfect. A puff of spoke surrounded me, and I coughed slightly, my vision growing dimmer. I felt my body hit the ground, but right before it went completely black I saw a clone of me, looking like a mirror image of myself and was female. A small and struggled smile came on my lips before disappearing completely, along with my vision.


      I came to school a little late the next day, having been confused as I woke up in the grass, obviously. I rushed to the door, and I had made up an excuse for father saying I had spent all night training and had lost track of time. An excuse that he had been okay with, but either way, tomorrow was the test to rule out all the hopeless cases, and I had already refused to be one of them. It was odd that I was working for this, considering I didn't want to be a ninja, but a part of me really wanted to slap Sasuke with my Hitai-ate. I didn't hate him, but I felt it would do me good.

      I opened the door and rushed to a seat, and the only one open was in between Naruto and Sasuke, but I didn't mind, although it was odd since a seat next to Sasuke was like a prize to some of the students. A seat was a seat. I couldn't find it in me to talk to Sasuke, so I stayed quiet. My hands were all bruised, in a shape they weren't in when Sasuke had been training me, which had caught his attention, but he looked away seconds later.

      "Naruto move, I wanna sit by Sasuke," Sakura hissed, and I sunk into my chair. "Sana, you move too, this is my seat," she continued, not as nicely as she had asked me to move before. I frowned, but stopped moving when Sasuke shook his head at me. An act that Sakura choose to ignore as Naruto jumped up on the desk staring straight into Sasuke's eyes. I sunk into my chair deeper.

      I choose the wrong time to sit next to Sasuke...

      "What is so great about Sasuke?" Naruto hissed, glaring into Sasuke's eyes as he glared back. Sakura harshly stared at Naruto.

      "Naruto move!" Sakura ordered, and a bit of movement from behind the blonde haired prankster appeared, as another student accidentally moved his chair a tad bit to far and crashed into Naruto's butt, making him move forward...into Sasuke's lips.

      My mouth dropped open and I perked in my chair.

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