Kingsman: When Hearts Collide...

بواسطة jetblackheartsx

58.1K 1K 128

Haven Caldwell's life has been a living hell ever since her dad died, but one phone call, one choice, and one... المزيد

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بواسطة jetblackheartsx

I started walking down the street past my work, when I heard muffled laughs. I immediately thought it would be some perverted guys but no. It was Dave, Chuck, and Nori.

"I swear they're everywhere!" I say to myself.

I try to avoid them and walk fast, digging my keys out of my purse and putting them between my knuckles. This is my only weapon. I hear them running and so I do the same. I turn the nearest corner trying to hide in one of the alleys, but they saw me, so I kept going. I soon found myself heading towards a bar, it's the bar where my dad got shot.

By the time I get by the bars entrance, they've already made it there and start surrounding me. I wait until Dave gets near me and block one of his punches just by luck, and hit him with my keyed fist in the gut, but that only added fuel to their fire. Before I knew it I was on the ground covering my head as I was being punched and kicked relentlessly. I scream out a mangled cry for help and I only see two people in the bar. It's the bartender and some man in a nice suit. I cry out again, my lungs hurting with each breathe and yell. This finally gets the man in the suits attention. As soon as he takes in what's happening, he runs towards the door.

Before I know it he has Chuck by his collar and throws him down and then shoots Nori with something, and it knocks her out. Then he starts towards Dave whose still punching me to no avail. I hear the man yell:

"Hey! Get the fuck away from her! What do you think you're doing?!" He says and Dave turns around and punches him.

He staggers backward slightly, but it's not enough to knock him down. After that, Dave tries to punch him again, but he blocks it and hits him in the gut. He doubles over and the man keeps punching him until Dave is begging him to stop. When he does let off he gets up and forces Dave up and pushes him towards Chuck and a now awake Nori who are looking at the man in disbelief. Then he yells at them to get lost and they run. It's nice to see them running scared for once.

I take a deep breath and feel a sharp pain...I think they broke one of my ribs. Great. Then I see the man turn back to me and he comes and crouches down by me.

I can't help but cry, overwhelmed by everything that's just happened, and also because of the pain. He pulls me gently to sit me up and rubs my back trying to calm me down.

"Hey, hey It's okay...they're gone. Are you okay?" He asks, concern lacing his voice.

"Um no...the-they broke one o-of my ribs I think, and my-my head I think it's bleeding." I stammer out, I haven't noticed the pain in my head until just then, it hurts and I feel warm blood trickling down the side of my face.

"Okay...I'm-I'm going to take you to the hospital. Here just grab on to my shoulders." He says and I do as told, and he lifts me up in one swift motion, trying his best to avoid hurting me any further.

After walking for a couple of minutes, my vision starts getting blurry and the next thing I know, everything goes black.

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