Stay - Book two in The Stormf...

By EmmielouKates

262K 9.4K 1.1K

Abby is still recovering from the chest infection she contracted after running away from Gabes mansion in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part One
Chapter 8 - Part 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28

Chapter 27

4.2K 206 41
By EmmielouKates

Joe walked over to congratulate the happy couple, the blonde bimbo hot on his heels.

Abby had to stifle a laugh at the way the woman's eyes were nearly bugging out of her head as she approached Gabe.

Gabe and Joe did the man hug thing with a lot of backslapping. Then Joe turned to Abby and pulled her into a hug.

"Take good care of my boy. I may come across as an arsehole at times, but I've watched these guys grow up and become what they are today. They're like the sons I never had. I wish you all the happiness in the world, you both deserve it."

Abby was so overcome by his words she had to take a couple of breaths to prevent tearing up. She kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Joe. Now can you please rescue my husband from your erm friend."

They both turned towards Gabe who was being verbally attacked by Candy.

"Oh my god, like, I never dreamed I would like, meet you. You're like my all time favourite rock star. I have all your albums. Like wow, I don't know what to say."

Joe took hold of her arm and started to pull her away.

"I think Gabe gets it Candy, lets go and get a drink."

"Looks like you just met your number one fan." Abby joked.

"I don't know what possessed Joe to bring her." Gabe groaned.

"But like you know, like she's just adorable." Abby mimicked her whiney voice.

"Please don't ever speak like that again." Gabe grimaced, which had Abby laughing again.

She was about to wind him up further when Pod appeared.

"Do you two want to go and speak to the reporter guy so that he can leave? I'm fed up with watching what I say and do around him. It's time we all relaxed and let loose."

"Damn, I forgot about him. Shall we get this over with?"

Abby shrugged her shoulders. "I don't suppose I have a choice."

"Don't worry, Joe has already told the guy what he can and can't ask." Gabe reassured her.

"Let's get this over with then." Abby sighed.

They decided to conduct the interview in Gabes study, away from any distractions.

The reporter introduced himself before switching on his recorder.

"So first of all I would like to congratulate you both, the ceremony was beautiful."

"Thank you." They replied.

"Did you organise it together?"

"Not at all, my best friend Helen and a few others did everything. We didn't have to lift a finger." Abby surprised herself by answering.

"Who designed your dress?"

"I did, along with the bridesmaids dresses."

"Really? I had no idea you were so talented."

"She is an amazing designer and is in the process of creating a line of clothes."

Gabe squeezed her hand as he smiled at her.

"I don't know about the amazing bit, but it's what I've always wanted to do. So we all got together and formed a company called Storm child."

"So who else is involved?"

Abby looked at Gabe to see if he was ok with her telling the reporter about it. He just winked at her.

"Well Fiona and Lucy came up with the idea and handle all the business side of things. Helen does the running about for me and makes sure I don't overdo it. It was Fiona's idea to get the guys to invest in the company. So it's like a family business. The one thing I insisted on was that we make it a not for profit organisation, so that all the proceeds can go to charity."

"I'm guessing that the charity will be for Leukaemia research?"

"Yes it will. I may have been lucky to pull through, thanks to Gabe. But there is still a lot of research that needs to be done. I would also like to do something for the thousands of children that are stuck in hospital because of it."

The reporter didn't miss the way one of Abby's hands ran over her stomach as she spoke. His eyes lit up as he realised he had a major scoop on his hands.

"Am I right in thinking that your wedding isn't the only news you've kept secret?"

Abby gave him a questioning look and followed his eyes down towards her baby bump. She blushed and looked to Gabe for help.

"Well it was going to come out sometime. Yes, Abby is pregnant." Gabe replied.

"Wow, that's quite an announcement. When is the baby due?"

"She is due the end of July."

"So you know it's a girl then?"

Gabe and Abby grinned at each other as they both replied. "Yes."

"Well it looks like you will both have your hands full in the New Year. Speaking of which, how is the film score going Gabe?"

"It's finished, we're just waiting to hear back from Hollywood." He confirmed.

"Any plans for another album or tour?"

"Nothing at the moment. I want to stay close to home for a while. I'll always write but whether anything is released is another matter. I want to concentrate on looking after Abby and our baby."

"I can understand that, even if a lot of your fans will be disappointed. Anyway, congratulations again and thank you for letting me into your home."

The reporter started packing his things away as Gabe replied.

"I'm hoping that I can rely on you to be discreet about the location of my house and I still get to see the article before it's released."

"Of course Gabe, you have my word. I would never get an invite back here if I did something stupid."

"Who said we'd want you back." Gabe joked.

"Perhaps I could get an exclusive on the baby pictures?"

"We'll think about it after we've read your article."

"Fair enough." They shook hands and led him back out to the front door.

"Enjoy the rest of your day and thanks again for the exclusive."

Gabe closed the door and leant against it.

Abby closed the gap between them and slid her hands around his waist.

"That wasn't so bad."

"Yeah he seemed like a nice guy. You really don't mind the whole world knowing about the baby?" Gabe asked as he kissed the top of her head and hugged her back.

"It was bound to get out at some point, at least this way we have some control over it."

"Yeah I guess so."

They enjoyed a few minutes of privacy before Pod came looking for them.

"Hey guys has he gone?"

"Yep." Gabe replied.

"So what are you doing out here? Come on it's time to cut the cake and do the speeches."

"I swear Pod you better not say anything stupid."

"Me?" He raised a hand to his heart. "I am your best friend and best man, trust me." The grin on his face only made Gabe groan as he led Abby back to the reception.

Glasses were refilled as Gabe and Abby prepared to cut the cake.

"I hate the fact that we have to destroy all of Mary's hard work." Abby complained, as they held the knife together.

"She wouldn't have it any other way. Don't look now but I think she's tearing up again."

Abby looked over at Mary who was indeed wiping her eyes as she watched them.

There was a round of applause and cheers as they cut the cake. Everyone took more photos and the children raced towards the table when they saw the cake being cut.

Once everyone was settled, Pod stood up and tapped his glass with the side of a knife.

"Ok all you reprobates, as best man it's my duty to make a speech."

Gaz and Phil cheered and whistled at Pod, much to the annoyance of their wives.

"What can I say about the guy I have known since High School? We've been through a lot together, some good, some bad and some, possibly illegal. But we won't talk about that." Pod smirked as he looked at Gabe, who was scowling at him.

"We basically grew up together, along with Gaz and Phil. Just a bunch of kids who wanted to be Rock stars. I don't think any of us would have believed back then that we would be here today. I have to admit that I never thought Gabe would ever get married. He loved the bachelor life too much. Or so I thought. But along came Abby and I think she has stolen all of our hearts." There were a few aaahs around the room as Pod smiled at Abby.

"I would try and give you a few pointers on how to handle him Abby, but I think you've got that covered." There were more chuckles from the audience, which turned into raucous laughter when Gaz stood up and swung his phone, making a whiplash sound. Lucy slapped his arm and made him sit down.

"I just hope that he hasn't brought any of his nasty Tour Bus habits back home with him." He turned to Abby and raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, I'll bite." She replied.

"Now wait a minute." Gabe interrupted.

"Oops, we may have our first marital spat." Pod joked.

Gabe glared at Pod but he just grinned evilly at him.

"So, let me see. Gabe was always running out of underwear so he often went commando. Which was okay, until the night his leather trousers split."

This brought on howls of laughter. Gabe just crossed his arms and fumed silently.

"Then of course there were the mornings after a night on the beer. Let's just say that things got rather windy and had Gaz, Phil and myself running for the door."

"Hey, that wasn't just me." Gabe objected.

"I've had a few of those mornings with you, so I can sympathise with the guys." Abby replied as she wafted a hand in front of her nose.

"Since when did this become a bash Gabe session?"

"When you decided to make me your best man."

"I am so regretting that decision." Gabe huffed.

"I don't suppose I can tell the story about the midget and the transvestite?" Pod asked as he smoothly stepped away from Gabes attempt to punch his arm.

"I guess that's a no then."

"Don't worry Pod, you can tell me later." Abby winked at him and burst out laughing again.

"Oh well, I had better get back to the toast before Gabe attacks me. So firstly, please raise your glasses to Gabe and Abby.

There are four things you must not do: Lie, steal, cheat or drink.

But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love.

If you must steal, steal away from bad company.

If you must cheat, cheat death.

And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.


Everyone stood and raised their glasses to the happy couple.

There was hardly a dry eye in the room after hearing Pods toast.

"Now then, I also want to thank Helen, Fiona, Lucy and Alice for all your hard work in organising such a beautiful wedding and for being gorgeous bridesmaids. I have a little gift for each of you to say thank you. So come on up here ladies, don't be shy."

The four women made their way towards Pod. He gave them each a kiss on the cheek and handed them long thin boxes wrapped in silver paper. They unwrapped them eagerly and gasped at the sight of white gold charm bracelets. They all had musical note charms hanging from them, along with the instrument of each of their partners. Alice hugged Pod when she saw the miniature grand piano dangling on hers. Trust him to remember that Cam was a brilliant pianist, even if he didn't get to play much anymore.

"Finally, I want to make a special toast to the love of my life. The woman without whom, we wouldn't be eating all this delicious food. Mary, come up here."

Mary blushed and walked up to Pod.

"There are no words to describe how special you are to all of us. Just know that we all love you and couldn't imagine our lives without you in it."

Pod hugged Mary, who had given up trying not to cry and then he handed her an envelope.

"What on earth can this be?" She studied the envelope until Pod encouraged her to open it.

When she read the letter inside she let out a gasp and slumped down on a chair.

"Just so you know. This is from all of us. We put our heads together and thought about what we could give you, to say thank you for all that you've done for us."

"But, this is too much Podraig. I can't accept this."

Gabe moved forward and crouched in front of her.

"It's just a small cottage that will be built on the land between my house and Pods. You deserve to have somewhere of your own and I know it's not something you could afford on your own. Plus, we get to keep you close by. Don't for one minute think that we're trying to get rid of you."

"Oh my boys, I don't know what to say." She sniffled and brought out her handkerchief to dab at her eyes.

Abby reached for her hand as she crouched down beside her.

"You get to design it yourself Mary, so it will be exactly what you want. Plus you will have somewhere private to retreat to in the evenings, away from this noisy lot."

"It's too much." She sighed.

"Nothing is too much for you Mary. After the way you have looked after Gabe all these years, keeping him safe until the moment we found each other. I can't thank you enough for that."

Abby looked into Mary's eyes in an effort to show her how grateful she was. It wasn't long before they were both crying and hugging each other.

"I think it's time for a drink mate." Pod put an arm round Gabes shoulder and led him towards the bar.

They glanced over to a corner of the pool house as piano music started to play. Cam had spotted the grand piano and was sat playing away to his hearts content. Alice had joined him and it didn't take long for a few more people to gather around the piano. By the time Gabe and Pod had refilled their drinks Cam was taking requests. He was an accomplished pianist and played everything that was asked of him.

Gabe joined Abby who was swaying to the music. He slid an arm round her waist and kissed her cheek.

"Care to dance Mrs Storm?"

"I certainly would Mr Storm." Abby grinned at him and it took his breath away, she looked so happy and radiant.

Gabe caught Cams eye and gave a slight nod of his head. Cam started playing the first few chords of a new song. Gabe took Abby in his arms and started singing softly as he held her tight. Abby felt her heart jolt as she heard the words to John Legends, All of me. Everyone looked on as the couple swayed to the music, lost in their own little world as Gabe serenaded his wife.

When the last notes faded out, Gabe brushed his lips over Abby's as he said softly.

"I love you so much Abby."

Abby couldn't stop the tears from running down her face, but they were tears of joy.

"I love you Gabe."

There was a round of applause and cheers as Gabe swooped in and deepened the kiss, taking Abby's breath away.

They spent the rest of the afternoon and evening celebrating with their friends. The nannies had finally rounded up all the overexcited children and taken them off to bed. Pod, Gaz and Phil were singing bawdy songs as they propped up the bar. Abby had been sat talking to Helen, Fiona and Lucy when Gabe joined her.

"Are you ok? You're starting to look tired."

"I have to admit that I'm starting to fade."

"Then I think it's time for us to say goodnight to everyone, we have another long day tomorrow. We have a full house for Christmas day."

"I almost forgot it's Christmas." Abby tried to stifle a yawn as she spoke.

"Also, I haven't given you my gift yet." Gabe winked at her, making her blush.

"I wonder what that could be?" Helen scoffed.

"Not what you're thinking, so get your mind out of the gutter." Gabe nudged her shoulder, making her laugh.

It took a while to say goodnight to everyone, especially Pod, Gaz and Phil who seemed to have a fit of the giggles.

"What's up with you guys?" Abby asked as Gabe eyed them suspiciously.

"Nothing at all baby girl, your honeymoon suite awaits." Pod replied, before bursting out laughing again.

"I swear Pod, if you've done anything stupid to our room I'm going to kill you." Gabe growled.

"Oh leave them be Gabe. What's the worst they could do?"

"Let's go and find out shall we?" Gabe swept Abby up into his arms, making her squeal. He walked out of the room and headed for the stairs.

"Gabe put me down." Abby protested.

"Hell no, I have to carry you over the threshold, even if it is only our bedroom." He declared as he strode up the stairs.

They burst through the door into their bedroom and came face to face with a sea of balloons. The room was full from floor to ceiling with hundreds of them.

Gabe swore as he pushed his way through them to the bed. Abby couldn't stop laughing as they finally plopped onto the large bed and heard the tinkle of bells obviously tied underneath.

"Oh for fucks sake. I told them to leave our room alone." Gabe grumbled.

He stomped around, popping as many balloons as he could. Abby leant over the side of the bed so that she could take a look at all the bells tied underneath.

"I think it's hilarious."

"When you've finished laughing, can you check under the covers just to make sure they haven't put anything in the bed." Gabe was still stomping around and waving his arms at the balloons. Abby burst into more laughter at the sight of him.

By the time he had cleared most of them, Abby was lying on the bed clutching her stomach and wheezing for breath.

"Can you make a start on the bells, I need to take a piss." Gabe was trying to keep a straight face, but the state Abby was in finally got to him and he started laughing along with her.

He continued chuckling to himself as he stood over the toilet and unzipped his trousers.

Abby was lying on the floor, attempting to cut off the bells when she heard Gabe turn the air blue with a string of expletives.

"That's it! Those bunch of worthless shits. I should have known they would pull this on me."

"Abby stood up and stuck her head round the bathroom door.

"What's up?"

Gabe turned round and just glared at her.

Abby's eyes moved slowly down his body until they came to rest on his trousers that appeared to be soaking wet. She then looked towards the toilet and realised that the guys had put cling film under the toilet seat.

She tried to sympathize with Gabe and look angry, but her lips started to twitch and soon laughter was bubbling out of her mouth.

"I'm glad you think it's funny. I'm covered in piss now. I'm going to take a shower and I swear if they have done anything else, I will kill them."

"Oh lighten up Gabe, I bet you did the same if not worse to Phil and Gaz on their wedding days."

She didn't miss the guilty look on his face as he recalled exactly what him and Pod had done.

"I thought as much." She murmured as she headed back into the bedroom.

Gabe finished his incident free shower and breathed a sigh of relief. He walked into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. He stopped short when he saw Abby lying on the bed. She had slipped out of her dress and all she had on was her matching bra, thong and stockings.

"Are you feeling better now Mr Grumpy?"

"Hell yeah." He replied as he crawled up the bed and straddled her.

Yes I know it has taken a while for me to write the rest of the wedding. I'm sorry guys, I'm a bad, bad person.

I just hope this makes up for the long wait. I will be walking around in sack cloth and ashes until I have written another chapter. :)

Don't forget to vote and comment. Even if it is only to say, 'at last' lol.

Go Stormers!!!

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