
Від sweetskitz

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Read on and find out ha! Sorry, not sorry. Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 2 Ethan's point of view
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - part 1
Chapter 26 - part 2
Chapter 26 - Part 3 Ethans point of view
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - ethans point of view
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Final chapter

Chapter 6

248 15 2
Від sweetskitz

I'm walking around in my room well Ethan's room trying to keep myself occupied. I look at the phone on the table and contemplate whether to call him... it's been 3hrs since he left not like I'm keeping track but he said he has some things to sort out and I left it as that. I notice a draw under the table and I walk towards it eyeing it suspiciously I never noticed it before.

I slowly open the draw to find it empty not one thing in it I find it really odd this room has nothing personal in it. Not like I'm trying to snoop but this whole house even though it's quite small is very simple having only the necessary things in it with nothing describing anything about him.

I walk back to the couch with my bag in my hand and pull out my phone. I plug the charger into the PowerPoint and attach my phone. I scroll through finding James number and hit dial.

I hear it calling and on the third ring I hear his voice.

"Mia finally!" he answers sounding happy.

"Hey." I say softly.

"So you're ok? What's happened?" He's speaking so quickly.

I softly laugh at his eagerness but I think I'm just happy to hear a familiar voice

"Yea I'm ok, I made it, I'm in fallen moon territory." I say sadly, Having the feeling I want to go back home .. hmm home.

"Has alpha west marked you?" He says full of curiosity pulling me from the thoughts of my life before it was suddenly changed

Well he's just Jumping straight into it.
But now that i think  about it he hasn't even tried too or given me any sign that he wants to mark me

Marking your mate is when they bite into a certain spot on your neck marking you as their own. It changes both of  your scents and it lets others wolves know that you are taken. It also makes your mind connect to theirs and the pack that they belong to, if you both don't belong to the same pack.

"No he hasn't" I frown as I can't seem to shake an uneasy feeling.. alphas are known to mark within the day of meeting their mate no matter what it's an alphas bloodline ehh I feel a headache coming on.

I know what he's thinking that an alpha never waits to mark there mate there mate bond is to strong to ignore. As well as there need to dominate every aspect of their life.

"I'm actually grateful he hasn't" I say as it comes out more angry than I intended

"Has he hurt you?" James says sounding concerned and probably from the way I just spoke


"He said he will never hurt me" I glance around the room feeling distracted but I don't know why

I hear James release a breath

"And you believe him?" He asks and I can tell he's frowning by the sound of his voice

"I think so" Well I hope so

"Where is he? Is he there now? Can I speak with him?" with a hint of his authority coming out in his voice. I sigh and look out the window what I wouldn't give just to go for a run out there and it be back home

"He's not hear he has business to attend too" I say softly trying to calm him before he works himself up

"Who wants to speak with me" 

I jump at the sound of his voice and spin around to come face to face with Ethan. My eyes are wide at the sudden shock as I never heard him enter the room.

He's standing there with his hands in his pockets looking at me with no expression on his face

"Mia" I hear James voice sounding worried

"Yea" I reply cautiously as I look back into Ethan's blank face, I don't know why he looks on edge when he's the one who snuck up on me

"What's wrong Mia, what's going on?" James says sounding all worked up now

I take a deep breath as I turn away from Ethan and sit back down on the couch.

"Nothing's wrong Ethan's here now" I say sounding  annoyed, my senses must be so out of wack I didn't even feel him come in.

"Put him on the phone" James says a little to harsh than what I'm use to

I look up too Ethan walking towards me as he holds out his hand, I place the phone slowly in his hands, he looks down at me with one eyebrow raised

"It's James" he was so listening in to my call

"And James is... " he says stepping backwards away from me

"My brother" I say frowning at why he's backing away, where is he going?

He smiles back at me with a curious look as he than turns and leaves the room with the only words I hear was him saying 'hi James alpha west speaking' in a semi friendly tone.

I stay seated looking down at my ring as I wonder what there talking about, I smile to myself as I think of James acting as the protective brother giving him the talk the same way he did to Jason. The thought causing me to laugh. if he's going to listen in to me I won't feel guilty, I extend my senses to see if I can here there conversation but as I look to the door, Ethan enters the room frowning as he  walks straight up to me and hands me the phone he takes a few steps back watching me as he goes to turn and than stops pausing before he steps the other way and takes a seat on the edge of the bed keeping his eyes down to the ground.

I look down at the phone and see that it's still mid call

"James" I say cautiously as I watch Ethan staring at the ground looking like he's deep in thought

"Mia Jason's here he wants to speak with you" he says with a slight laugh at the end

"What did you say to Ethan" I say slowly frowning at the fact that Ethan is acting odd... I mentally laugh to myself as I think actually he's always a bit odd

"I just gave your dear old alpha something to think about" he says sounding serious "Here's Jason" he says as I can hear his smile through his words

"Mia!" Jason's voice which brings me to smile

"Hey Jason" I say happily looking down to the ground too now

His voice is so comforting I feel more relaxed than what I have since I left

"So I take it things are going smoothly? It's not too hot there?" He says laughing at the end

I roll my eyes knowing he's referring that I now live in hell, that ones getting old jas

"Yea you should come down soon you would fit right in" I say with a smile on my lips

"I know I'm hot Mia but I don't want to be burned" he says as I can feel him smirking

I hear a low growl as I snap my eyes up forgetting that Ethan was even here. His eyes remain on the ground but I know he's heard everything that's been said I slowly shrink back realising we have just called his pack hell right in front of him, can I dig my whole any deeper what the hell mia focus!

"I should go" I say slowly as I watch Ethan look up to me

I hear Jason take a deep breath

"Ok I'll call you tonight.. I miss you Mia" he says softly

I feel my heart drop as I look to the ground not being able to hold Ethan's stare as I know what I'm about to say hoping he doesn't take this the wrong way

"As I miss you" I say just as softly

I end the call

I bring the phone down and play with it in my hands as I feel the tension build around us

"What the fuck was that!?!" Ethan just about yells at me

I flinch back from the sudden loudness in the room and the fact I've never heard him yell before He stands as he steps towards me snatching the phone out of my hand and leaves the room.

I sit there not even being able to look up. Somehow Shame flows over me like I've just betrayed my mate, it wasn't even bad but the feeling of guilt has def shown it's face, he didn't have to take my phone though that's a bit childish Ethan. Now I have no contact to anyone from my pack and I'm not stupid enough to chase after him and demand it back if anything I've learnt over the years maybe he needs time to cool off. All over a fucking phone call.

I'm in the kitchen siting on the stool thinking, it feels like that's all I ever do now, I'm so irritated and anxious and I can't shake the feel. It feels like days ago I was sitting here with Ethan and it's only been hours. I glance at the time as it's now 3 in the afternoon and I haven't seen or heard from anyone since Ethan stormed out of the room.

My wolf has been whining she wants to be let out and I'm starting to agree with her.

Fuck it , I push of the stool and head for the patio. Stepping out into the afternoon sun I make my way down the path past the chair that I refuse to look at and head for the lake.

It's large as its spread across my view hiding the grass on the other side. I look to my right and see some houses continue on down that way, I look to my left and notice we are the last house or first hitting the lake this side, I guess I'll go that way. Wanting to clear my thoughts and go for a run as I feel my wolf pushing me forward i begin to walk at a fast pace around the lake headed for the green peaceful land I saw earlier today.

Taking in the sights along the way I come up to some trees fallen down with heavy moss grown over as I approach the edges of the Forrest. I walk behind a tree throw everything off into a pile and shift into my wolf.

I shake my head and stretch out my legs, It feels like forever since I've shifted. I come out from behind the tree and look back the way I came.

The house looks tiny as I look past over the lake back at it. The view is spectacular as it looks like a cute little town a lot bigger than I Imagine I guess there's a lot of fallen moon I have yet too see.

I turn to the Forrest and take off on a light jog keeping my ears perked up as I don't want to get noticed by border patrol. I'm sure every pack has one and a little fear enters me as I realise I know nothing about there's and that alone is giving them the upper hand. I put those thoughts aside and continue to run listening to the sounds of wildlife all around me as I enter deeper into the Forrest

I stop as I spot a rabbit sitting there wide eyed just looking at me I watch it closely as it's ears turn in different directions but doesn't take it's eyes off me. I sit back just loving the distraction of something so simple. It is cute and fluffy and I don't want to move invade I scare the little creature away.

It's ears than stop, facing away from me as it suddenly sprints off vanishing into the trees.

I stand and throw out my senses I than hear it the snapping of twigs as a dark grey wolf emerges from thick bush growling lowly as it comes to stand just meters from me.


How do they get so close to me without me knowing? I have no time to wonder As I know this isn't a rouge as his scent is familiar to what was all around me back at the house I feel myself backing away as I don't want to fight. I don't want to cause anymore shit between Ethan and I.

He growls louder this time raising his head telling me to submit. I actually consider submitting till a memory comes crashing down on me that fallen moon doesn't treat outside wolves nicely it's probably a trick and I sure as hell don't have fallen moon pack scent on me 'yea cheers Ethan' I sense his power isn't of beta status as I huff out does he not feel I am of beta blood.

He takes a cautious step forward as I mirror him taking one back, he would def think I'm a rouge the thought has me worried, just a bit

Without thinking I turn and in a split second, sprint back the way I came throwing my senses out there concentrating on every step I take, praying I'm headed in the right direction. I make it out onto the clearing just as the dark grey wolf comes out of no where and knocks me to the ground. Bitch

I jump up and face him as he's already slowly stepping towards me, I growl lowly taking a step back to show him I mean no harm but this just makes Him snaps his jaws just before lunging at me as I side step him and he hits the ground rolling than landing back on his feet.

He's starting to annoy me what kind of patrol attacks someone when I've shown nothing threatening towards him. Maybe the stories really are true.. I shudder at the thought

He shakes his head as he faces me and growls again as he does the exact same move I roll my eyes thinking gees Ethan if this is your patrol you have bigger things to worry about

He's mid air with his eyes on my neck as I I jump spinning my body landing on his back and clamping my jaws around his neck as we hit the ground, enough!

He wriggles trying to break free As I let out a loud growl and tighten my jaws around his neck, his body goes still tho I can feel he hasn't submitted, gotta give him credit for that

I hear two fierce growls behind me that give me shivers down my body.

Fuck now I'm out numbered... I slowly let go of the wolf in my mouth and step to the side keeping all 3 in my view.. what to do mia? Think think think

The two standing there look straight at me as the larger one puts his nose in the air as if he's sniffing me

I sense he is of higher power it actually reminds me of the feel I get from Jason but the other two would be of lower ranks as none of them feel like a beta. I see his body still as the one next to him stays staring at me with guarded eyes

I stand there unsure of what there next move is as the dark grey wolf on the ground jumps up and turns to face me almost as if he's glaring at me. Sorry buddy but it didn't have to end that way if you would have just listen to what I was trying to tell you

The large brown wolf that was sniffing the air growls out to the other two as they immediately turn and walk back into the Forrest with not even a glance back, relief washes Over me thank god one of them has a brain.

Just me and browny I chuckle to myself are left standing in the open field as he then nods his head to me as he turns and walks slowly back the way I was headed

I guess he wants me to follow him

We have been walking in silence as he remains one step behind me the whole way. We are headed back to the houses along the lake as I see the trees I shifted behind coming up, I start to walk across to it as the brown wolf growls lowly as a warning, I then realise he probably thinks I'm trying to look for a way out. 'fuck I'm not shifting in front of him how am I going to do this.

I stand there staring at him as he hasn't made a move he's just there watching me. I look back at the tree than at him trying to tell him somethings there.

He cocks his head to the side as I wag my tail that he finally got what I was saying I turn around and walk behind the tree as I hear a low growl warning me again. Gees where's the patients .. I quickly shift throwing my clothes on and stepping out from behind the tree.

I jump back as I fall on my ass i didn't expect the stupid brown wolf to be so bloody close

I look up to him with my hands up trying to show him I'm not a threat. He takes a step back eyeing me as he then runs off into the trees I just came from.

Well that was weird

I get up dust the bits of grass and twigs off me, chuckling to myself as I just wanted a simple run, maybe there's nothing simple in my life anymore and that kinda hurts

I start to walk back to the house I only got a few meters before I hear a deep voice


I do what he says due to his deadly tone, and slowly turn around , He's a large man dressed in shorts and a T, quite a bit older maybe late 40's. he walks towards me cautiously

"Who are you?" He asks stopping a few meters in front of me

"My names Mia" I say holding my head up speaking strongly just as Jason taught me. Quickly Working out this man was the very large brown wolf

He pales instantly, Taking a deep breath and brings both hands rubbing his face.

"Do you have any idea what nearly happened out there" he says in disbelief

I look at him confused

"I'm not sure what your talking about" I say frowning I wasn't going to kill the grey wolf it didn't even cross my mind

He shakes his head with a small smile and walks past me

"You need to follow me" he says still smiling

I'm getting real tired of following people.

I thought I was going to be able to just go back to the house I'm staying in and forget any of it ever happened but big bulky brown wolf man has brought me to the very doors I first entered when I got here. Following his large figure down the long hallway as he stops and turns to me With a small smile and a deep breath he turns back and knocks on the doors.

I stand there not really knowing what to expect, Ethan and I didn't really see each other last on good terms.


I hear his voice from behind the door

Brown wolf man I chuckle to myself as I really should have asked for his name opens the door and walks in as I stand there not wanting to go in.


"What is it Sean" His voice short and clipped sounding not interested

"Ethan ... We found her out past green falls, I'm not sure if you have spoken to her about patrol" he says with concern in his voice

"You found who?" Ethan asks sounding irritated

This is where I mentally put my hand up but I'm also glad I'm not the only one that seems to irritate him.

I hear a pause as 'Sean' steps out of the office in front of me. With a firm look he steps back and gestures me into the room.

I unwillingly step into the office my eyes immediately making eye contact with Ethan

His eyes widen as his face grows angry

Awesome. looks like I have another battle to fight through

"Mia" mr roller coaster moody pants says as he stands from his chair

"She's a quick one Ethan she took Timmy out in 2 moves" Sean chuckles to himself

He looks from me to Sean with a blank face but I can feel his anger around him as if he's not directing it at anyone but himself. I feel like a child the feeling so foreign, I've been independent for so long now.

"Thank you Sean" he says taking a deep breath

"I don't think she realises how close it actually was, if it wasn't for your scent lingering around her ... " his voice trailing off at the end as he then turns to look at me.

I glance at Ethan as he's just staring at Sean with a murderous glare, happy it's no longer me on the receiving end.

"Nice meeting you Mia, but please next time you're out that far let Ethan or myself know" he says as though he's talking to a child... again.

I nod my head and look back to Ethan for the wrath to come

He watches Sean as he leaves the room closing the door behind him.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath preparing myself for what I already know he's going to say

Yet I hear nothing

I open my eyes and find him still standing there looking like he's deep in thought, is he going to explode or implode or.. I dunno but no reaction worries me, I start playing with my ring as I watch him thinking something through. He than looks up into my eyes with an emotion I can't seem to work out and moves around the desk coming to a halt right in front of me.

His hands reach out grabbing my hands and holding them looking down at me with a spark in his eyes

I stand there cautiously but intrigued

I keep eye contact as he searches my eyes before I turn stiff as he gently pulls me closer to him slowly leaning down and stoping just before his lips touch mine.

okay well this is new 

My heart picks up its pace as I suddenly feel very nervous and excited all at the same time. He wants to kiss me?

He's staying there his lips just hovering over mine as he looks down into my eyes as if he's asking for my permission.

I watch his eyes seeing different emotion bounce around in them longing to know what he's thinking. Ignoring the uncertain within them

Without thinking twice

I close the distance between us and feel my lips on his feeling the sparks ignite and light up my body.

It's more overwhelming than what I thought it would be, the desire to touch him as all my concerns and frustration fall to the back of my mind as if forgotten completely

I feel myself completely relax as I move my hands up and round his neck. He still seems unsure but in the moment I'm happy he moves his hands around my waist pulling me even closer and surprisingly

deepening the kiss.

This guy is going to drive me crazy...

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