The boy from Neverland

By zimbardo

123K 3K 1.7K

"You have no idea of what he truly is. That boys promise of eternal youth is not paradise, it's torture." ... More

Intro : T.B.F.N
The New Foster Home - Part 1
The New Foster Home - Part 2
Run Away
The Shadow
Tormented At Night
Count Down From Hell
The White Deer
A Walking Nightmare - Part 1
A Walking Nightmare - Part 2
Ceremonial Challenge
The Red Crystal
Twisted Minds - Part 1
Twisted Minds - Part 2
Run For Cover
A Journey To Death
Fight Of Two
Tears Of Sorrow
Heart Of The Storm
Purple Skies
Electric Hero
A Day Off
The Games - Part 1
The Games - Part 2
Seeing Is Believing
Certain Circumstances
The Cold Truth
Falling Apart
Unknown Punishment
Pass The Breaking Point
Underwater Nightmare
Last Breath
What's Coming
Don't Let Me Fall Asleep
Darkest Fear
Final Hour
The Boy Returns
Suspicion Part 1
Suspicion Part 2
Hidden In The Dark
Hide And Seek
The Favour
Green Waves
The Dream Sequence
Entering Rough Waters
A Dead Man's Tale
High Tides
The Switch
Rivals Within
A Siren's Song

Lagoon and Waterfall

2.7K 81 35
By zimbardo

Just to prevent any confusion. This is not the waterfall from OUAT - zimbardo

Emily's POV

"You should see your face," Will laughed pulling me out of the long grass. 

He ran ahead but I stood shocked and amazed at the view in front of me. There was a huge lagoon with clear blue and green coloured water with giant rocks covering around it and traveling up the cliff, sticking out beside the sides of mountainous cliffs that surrounded the waterfall. The water hit the lagoon creating small waves that spread across the whole lagoon, becoming ripples as they hit the surrounding rocks. Some of the lost boys were jumping off the top of the waterfall while others were swimming or relaxing by the edges. It was truly something I wasn't expecting...not after everything I had seen so far.

"Emily! Are you going to stand there all day or come join us?!" Will shouted waving his hand for me to run over. He was already standing on the large rocks that were surrounding the lagoon. I ran over to him and saw up close how beautiful the water was.

"This is amazing," I murmured looking up at the waterfall again.

"Wait until you jump off it," Will said taking off his brown cloak.

"Boys!" Pan yelled out of nowhere.

Everyone's attention turned to Pan as he had appeared on the rocks standing on a group over us.

"To Emily, our first Lost girl!" Pan announced but I could hear the patronising tone behind my supposedly new title.

I didn't want to be the new lost girl if it meant they would all see me as nothing but a stupid and weak girl.

 The boys let out howls and shouts of approval, as those standing on the edge of the waterfall had jumped from the rocks at the top.

"Are you coming in or what?" Will said stripping out of his top, he's paled chest shining in the sun from the layers that covered his skin.

"Um, I'm not just stripping in front of everyone," I said blankly.

Will looked confused before he looked at my clothes.

"Oh...right," He mumbled, an unnoticed blush covering his cheeks.

I sighed and looked around at all of the boys enjoying the natural oasis and I couldn't help but become jealous then my eyes landed on Pan and the unfazed smirk that curled through his lips, not out of pity but out of enjoyment that I couldn't enjoy this glorious place as the rest of them.

Well, guess what eyebrows.

I rolled up my pants and removed the long shirt that covered as the second layer letting the wind run through the cut shirt underneath and tied it up high from my waist thinking it would suffice. My eyes turned away from Pan's who's smirk was gone and I looked down at Ben who had been watching, now leaning against the rock edge of the lagoon.

"Ben," I said blankly as he stared.

"What's up, pretty lady?" He said casually and I scoffed, "Do you always look this good or is it just...natural?" Ben said before wriggling his eyebrows playfully, only for Will and Ethan to lift themselves from the water and push down on Ben's shoulders forcing under the water. Will and Ethan laughed as he shook his hair out of his face, a gasp leaving his mouth as finally brought himself to the surface. He shook his hair out of his face and splashed Will and Ethan back - or should I say he smacked the water in their faces dramatically with both the same time.

"What was that for!" Ben said wiping the water from his eyes.

"Next time, shutup," Ethan said before playfully slapping him over the head.

Ben winced and rubbed his head.

I chucked and the three then turned their attention to me.

"So are you going to enjoy the water and probably the only time we'll get off, or sit on the rocks all day?" Will questioned before pushing his hands back ready to splash me.

I quickly stood up and held up my hands, "Don't you dare" I said narrowing my eyes at him. 

"Then get in already!" Ben said as he whipped some water at my legs.

I smirked and leaped off the rock tucking my legs up and as I fell into the water managing to splash all of them.  Even in this heat and the humidity of the jungle, the water was still as cold as I had expected it to be, but getting used to it thankfully took less time. I pulled myself under the water finally getting my hair wet and man did I miss that feeling.

As I broke the surface, a fit of laughter filled my ears and I turned, squinting my eyes as the three of them were all jumping on each other making it a competition to who could push who under the water for the longest. I couldn't help but laugh as Ben got dunked under again, his protests turning into gargling as he refused to close his mouth.

I couldn't help but notice Pan talking with Felix, his eyes never leaving the lagoon and the waterfall. He seemed to be listening but-

Why did he look like some kind of lifeguard...

Yeah right, like he would want to save anyone.

My thoughts were interrupted by Will.

"Hey Emily, down below us is a whole bunch of long kelp-weeds," Will said excitedly only to be cut off by Ethan who shared the same excitement.

"If you swim down there and bring one back we'll let you push Ben off the waterfall," Ethan finished. 

"What?!" Ben yelled sounding betrayed as he pushed the other two.

"Deal," I grinned before looking down at the water below me, taking in a deep breath before ducking under the water. I started kicking as much as my legs would let me, pulling and pushing the water behind me. I slightly opened my eyes in case of stinging but there was nothing. That's when I realised, this lagoon was freshwater. I opened my eyes wider and everything became blurry but I could just see the long kelp weeds, still, the depth was something I should have considered a lot more carefully but then again, I didn't expect a lagoon to be this deep.

I let go some of the air I had been holding back needing my lungs to shrink a bit to adjust to the pressure. Watching the bubbles pass my face and tickle my skin, I continued to swim down towards the long weeds that were planted at the bottom. I felt a burning sensation in my lungs telling me to hurry up and get to the surface but I ignored it and grabbed the top of the kelp pulling my self down towards the root.

I let go of the rest of the air I had been holding and my feet touched the soft cold sand as I grabbed the bottom of the kelp trying to pull the weed from its roots. I was stuggling to try and twist it out from the sand but something caught my attention behind it. So much that I abandoned the kelp completely.

I moved towards it, again misjudging the distance as my lungs felt as if they were about to burst. I decided to call it quits when I started to see dark patches filling my vision, fear filling in as I kicked off the sandy bottom of the lagoon and swam furiously to the surface, my eyes open to see the sun's rays shining through the water. I could see the surface, I thought it was so close but my head began to spin and my limbs grew more tired that was until a tight grip held my arm and brought me to the surface, the silence breaking instantly and filled with worried voices.

"Are you alright?!" Will almost shouted.

I shouldn't be thinking about it at all but my thoughts were focused on whatever I had seen down at the bottom of the lagoon. I wanted to know exactly what it was.

"I saw something down there," I said swimming towards the rocks pushing myself up to sit down, letting the water fall from my drenched and heavy clothes.

"Emily, you were under there a long time," Ethan said, his tone rather surprised as though I should be more concerned.

"I know, but there's something down there," I continued to say still trying to remember what the object looked like.

I looked up at their faces and sighed.

"I'm fine," I convinced them enough that she finally relaxed.

 I stood up from the rocks and so did the boys.

Well at least I'm not getting pushed off the waterfall," Ben said, I chuckled lightly.

We heard a boy yelling from the top of the waterfall. One of the other boys had just pushed him over the edge. The rest that were still standing were laughing and cheering as he came up for air.

"See! That could have been me!" Ben said nervously as he watched the boy that had been pushed climb back up the small cliff.

"Ben you have done that plenty of times," Ethan said rolling his eyes. We watched as the rest of the boys up there had all jumped off and landed together creating a huge wave.

"Yeah but of my own free will! No way am I getting pushed off something that height."

I looked towards Felix who was whispering something to Pan, to which Pan smirked and nodded his head. Felix walked off back through the long grass and back into the jungle.

What is he planning this time?

"Boys!" Pan yelled and again everyone's attention turned to him.

"Why don't we have a little fun?!" Pan shouted, looking towards the top of the waterfall.

Cheers and yells of excitement filled the lagoon over the crashing of the waterfall.

Out of nowhere, I felt a pair of hands grab my arms tightly. I turned to see Pan smirking. My eyes widened as he lifted his hand clicking his fingers. As I blinked I was no longer on the rocks but at the top of the waterfall. Fear instantly overcame my body as Pan and I stood massive flat rock that I couldn't see from the ground, the one the boys had been jumping from, the one closest to the edge. Pan let go of my wrist and my legs instantly stilled as I looked down.

"Jump," Pan said, his green eyes glaring me.

I tried to step away from the edge and raised my voice over the falling water.

"Are you crazy!?" I yelled at him.

He gave me a confused and mostly blank look.

"Did you not just see those boys do it?" He said walking closer to me with ease forcing me to stand at the edge.

"Yes, bu-"

"Then jump," Pan said, taking another step toward me.

I could hear the lost boys yelling and cheering from the ground. I slightly glanced down where the water was falling off the edge and looked at the distance down. It was high, really high, uncomfortably high. I've always been afraid of heights but I've never told anyone before. I wanted to be strong in front of all of them, make them think I'm not some scared little girl but doing this...just for the sake of proving myself.

"A jump from our lost girl!" Pan roared down making my body jump a little.

I could hear the lost boy's cheers getting louder and louder. 

"There aren't any...r-rocks down there, right?" I asked, mentally kicking myself for stuttering.

Pan shrugged.

"I guess you'll find out when you get to the bottom," Pan said and with those last words said I felt a firm push and I fell from the edge.

Pan's POV

If she really wants to make a fool of herself, this will be it. All the boys have jumped from this height, afraid or not they are my lost boys...they're not afraid of anything. Of course, they're not a stubborn girl either. 

I grew bored of her taking her time and with one push she fell from the edge. No time for her to react, nothing but a gasp leaving her mouth as she fell to the water. I smirked, quickly appearing back to the ground and taking a step on the line of rock where I was previously standing before catching enough time to watch her fall to the water. The boys cheered and howled flicking water up into the air.

Felix was back. He turned to me my attention never strayed from where she landed in the water.

"I thought you were going to let her jump," Felix commented amusingly.

"She was taking too long. She wouldn't have jumped if I let her which made it all the more fun to push her off." 

I watched as the white water settling and I waited for her to come back up to the surface.

Nothing happened.

Will's POV 
"Hey, wouldn't Emily have come up by now?" Ethan mentioned.

We watched the water become still and my stomach sank.

She was pushed...

"Don't worry, she's probably after that shiny thing she was talking about before," Ben shrugged.

"But we're nowhere near that part of the lagoon," I said, watching for any kind of movement.

We all looked at each other then back to the water. 

Emily's POV

I didn't even have a chance to scream, the air had been knocked out of me and my stomach was sinking from more than just falling. My whole body had gone into shock before I could hit the water, my limbs still until I shot down under the surface. Once I was the furthest down, the air bubbles began to rise and I remained floating still in the silence. I didn't want to swim to the surface and face the embarrassment, I just wanted to stay here where everything is silent. 

What does Pan want from me?

Why does he keep doing this?

I opened my eyes slightly and could see the force of the water falling from the waterfall but as I swam closer I could just see light on the other side. I thought my thoughts were getting the better of me, I thought I was just seeing things but I looked closer to see there really was light on the other side, a sound that was different from the water falling. My lungs started to burn again but I wasn't going to face Pan and the lost boys, not now.

I kicked as much as I could, moving my arms and pushing myself to get under the waterfall. Once I was fully under the falling water it was brought down on my back and eventually pushed my body to the other side. My head broke the surface and I took in a deep breath of air, coughing up the water that remained and rubbed the water from my eyes to see clearly.

My lips remained parted as I stared up at the massive cave that was carved deep into the rock wall. The waterfall was right behind me covering it like a curtain away from anyone to see.

Did anyone know this was here?

I couldn't help but wonder if Pan knows about this place.

I spun around and grabbed one of the flat rocks to pull my self up. I climbed the rocks letting the waterfall from my clothes and hair as I finally stood before the cave that grew darker the further in I walked. The brightness of the sun was shining at the waterfall showing the water ripples inside the cave being the only source of its light. As I started to walk carefully inside the cave, markings on the walls of the cave caught my attention straight away. They were everywhere, running along the walls of either side of the cave. I couldn't read them at all, they were bunched in symbols, some numbers but mostly drawings...of the island.


I turned around to see Pan's chest heaving, his clothes dripping wet, green eyes brighter than I had ever seen them. I instantly backed away from the cave wall. 

"Come with me, now," Pan said through gritted teeth.

He turned facing is back to me ready to jump back in the water but I stood still glaring daggers into his back. He may have an army of lost boys to use at his command but I am sick of this boy controlling my every move.


Pan turned around and glared at me, his brow raised.


"You heard me."

Pan walked up to me his face full of anger as he roughly grabbed hold of my wrist but instead of dragging me back to the waterfall I was stuck to the walls of the cave, Pan's very weight holding me there, his green eyes staring right into mine.

"Listen carefully," He said with a shorted breath, the droplets of water falling from his now pushed back brown hair. "We're either doing this the easy way or my way."

I glared back at him, gritting my teeth.

"I don't care," I said back to which he grabbed his dagger and held it to my neck for I should take another breath.

"And would you care if I cut you?" He said running the blade slightly against my neck cutting the skin slightly.

I knew this was his way of being in control and I had to show him I wasn't. I had to make him see that I'm the helpless girl he thinks I am.

"No," I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"What if I slit your throat," Pan said lifting my chin up with the blade.

I was careful now for I knew that blade was just as unpredictable as he is.

"You won't do it...I know you need me for something," I said, his green eyes darkening as they stared into mine.

"And why would I need a stubborn girl like you?" Pan said his face leaning closer to mine.

"Why would you go to all the trouble to bring me here if you didn't need me."

To my surprise, Pan relaxed and stepped back from me taking the blade away with him, putting it back in his belt.

"You saw something today didn't you?" Pan said changing the subject catching me off guard as I looked to him questionably.

"What do you mea-"

"In the lagoon with the other three, you saw something didn't you."

I nodded my head waiting for him to continue.

"I'm going to make a deal with you. Come back to the lagoon at nightfall. I will tell you all about that shiny object you saw in the water."

"What's the catch?"

I knew Pan isn't going to just give me what I want, not without something in return.

"You have to do as I ask," Pan said.

I thought about it for a moment, maybe I was too desperate to know what I saw but agreed.


Pan smirked and started walking back towards the water. 

"Tell anyone about tonight or the cave and the deal is off and this blade will find its way but to your neck," Pan threatened before disappearing.

What the hell did I just get myself into?

I walked up to the rocks leaving one last look at the cave before climbing carefully back down the wet rocks and into the water. I took a deep breath before swimming under the waterfall and coming up to the surface a few minutes later.

Will's POV

I watched with relief as I saw Emily swimming back towards us. Ethan and I grabbed her arms pulling her up from the water.

"What happened?" Ethan asked.

"Are you okay?" I added.

She was silent for a moment, lost in thought before she turned to us.

"After I hit the water I kind of got caught under the pressure of the waterfall," Emily said removing the water from her hair. 

"And what about Pan, he dived in after you," Ben said in confusion.

She looked towards Pan who stared at her, his thoughts unreadable but it was clear he was pissed off.

"Pan pulled me up to the surface," She said.

"Everyone head back to campus!" Pan yelled.

The boys in the lagoon started swimming to the rocks and walking through the thick tall grass back to camp.

"It's okay I'm fine, let's just head back to campus," Emily said.

I knew something was wrong, Ben and Ethan didn't seem to notice but I could tell. But why wasn't she telling us?

She's been through a lot today so I'll just ask her later.

I followed behind the three as we started to walk back through the long grass back to camp.
What was she keeping from us...from me.


Emily's POV
I knew Will didn't believe my story, I could see it in his face. I also knew he was going to ask later about what happened between Pan and I. We walked into campus and Ben and Ethan had already turned in to their huts.

"I'm going to get cleaned up," I said to Will and he nodded his head. I could tell he wasn't really paying attention.

"Talk later, yeah?" He said finally.

"Yeah, as soon as I change into some fresh clothes." 

I walked quickly up the steps and into my hut instantly changing out of my soaked through clothes. Grabbing a fresh pair
I grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and felt relieved to finally relax. I kept my hut door open watching the sun slowly setting across campus from my bed.


I had almost shut my eyes, ready to fall asleep when I heard a knock on the door.

"It's me," Will said through the door.

"Come in," I called as I sat up.

Will sat at the edge of my bed, an uncertain look on his face and I could tell me was trying to find the words to explain what was on his mind.

"I'm sorry about today," Will said looking down at his hands.

My brows furrowed, "What for?"

"For making you try and get that kelp-weed," He said looking at me his face full of guilt.

"Will it's alright, really, I'm fine. Plus if we're going to live in this place with Pan, I guess we're going to need to be ready for anything"

"Yeah that's true," He chuckled.

"Hasn't anyone ever tried to away?" I asked wondering why all the lost boys were so loyal to Pan.

"They're scared. Some have tried in the past but Pan has punished them badly, some were even killed. Pan makes knows we won't disobey him and follow the rules, it's just how things are. In return he keeps us safe," Will said, his face still looking pale las if remembering what had happened in the past.

"Pan must have some kind of weakness. Everyone does"

"Maybe there is something but trying to find it would mean having to look and we all know Pan won't let us do anything he wouldn't approve of," Will said falling back on the bed frustratedly, rubbing his hands on his face, stretching the skin.

"Who says we need his permission if we don't ask in the first place," I grinned to which Will looked at me through his fingers.

"You're really one to get in trouble aren't you?" Will said sitting up. 

"Why of course," I said, a smirk curling through his lips, "Want to join?" I said, holding my hand out.

Will shook my hand chuckling before a sign left his mouth knowing that I was being serious.

"Oh we're going to get killed..."

There was much discussion of both of our hatred towards Pan but Will did seem a little sensitive about it, I could see it on his face. Something had happened in the past, maybe he pushed Pan a little too far but it wasn't my place to ask.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning," Will said standing up and opening the door. He walked down the steps and onto the gravel path into the night and back to his hut.

I closed the door and collapsed on my bed snuggling up to the sheets.

Then it hit me.

Pan's deal. 

I'm going to make a deal with you. Come back to the lagoon at nightfall and meet me here. I will tell you all about that shiny object you saw in the water.

I got up from the bed and walked towards the window looking outside. It was already dark, no one was around, everyone was asleep. I took a deep breath. I needed to figure out something for my own on this island and if that shiny object was my first clue then I needed to know.

I opened the door and silently walked down the steps trying to avoid any kind of noise. I looked around, everything was silent like the whole island had been put to sleep. I carefully walked around the bonfire trying not to step on any branches and made my way back to the path we walked, following the same corners until I saw the long green grass.

I turned and ran through it pushing away the long stands that towered over me until the last of it was gone revealling waterfall and lagoon. Even though the sun wasn't out the brightness of the moon still lit up the water. 

I stood on the rocks waiting for Pan.

It felt like the whole night was passing along.

"Pan!" I yelled.

"I was starting to think you had lost your way," Pan said suddenly causing my attention to shift to the rocks by my side. 

"I'm here. Now tell me about the object" I said impatiently.

"Did you forget about our deal?" He said arching his brow, his face stiffening.

"You said you'd tell me about the object if-"

"You do as I ask" He finished for me.

I rolled my eyes waiting for him to continue.

"Firstly, you're going back in that lagoon."

"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Why am I going in the water, you said you'd tell me about the object!" I raised my voice in frustration.

"If you want to get the object then go get it," Pan said simply as he gestured towards the lagoon.

I walked over to the rocks and looked at the water, it's blue and green colours were now pitch black. I could see the moon reflecting on the water, lighting up the lagoon. I turned back to Pan giving him a death-glare as he just waited not saying a word. I groaned and removed my boots and socks leaving everything else on.

After I divided into the water and started swimming to the same spot where Will had told me to grab the kelp-weed. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't see anything without the sun. I swam back to the surface to find Pan.

"How am I supposed to see anything?!" I yelled.

"Trust me you'll be able to see," Pan said back.

I groaned but took another deep breath.

Yeah right, I'd like to see him do this.

I swam under the water pulling myself down deeper. I watched carefully as I tried to locate where the shining object was, looking left and right hoping to get one little speck of shine but there was nothing but darkness. I came to the surface and looked at Pan whose eyes were scanning me to find the object.

"I can't find it!" I yelled at Pan.

He rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you can...just believe."

I rolled my eyes.

Woah, there's the boast of inspiration I was missing.

I went back down swimming to the bottom as fast as I could trying to hold as much air as I could. I turned around opening my eyes again trying to see where the object could be. My feet dipped into the sand but I pulled them away instantly as a sharp pain hit my foot. I looked down and finally saw the shining object. I grabbed it and held it in my hand tightly not wanting to drop it again. I swam to the surface and held out the stone to show Pan.

"Bring it here."

Not even a thank you or a 'great job, you didn't almost drown this time.'

I swam to the rocks and pulled myself up to stand.

Pan held out his hand gesturing for me to give it to him. 

"Not until you tell me what it is," I said holding the stone tightly and rushed breaths escaped my lips.

"It belonged to a mermaid," Pan said simply and my eyes widened.

"A mermaid..." I said repeated, my words mumbled.

Mermaids...don't exist. They can't.

"She took something of mine so I brought her here and killed her," Pan said blankly.

He killed a mermaid? For what? What does that have to do with the stone?

"That stone is probably all that's left of her."

I was still trying to understand what Pan had said but he impatiently grabbed the stone from my hand holding it up to his eye level, but a defeated look plastered his face. He looked back to me than the stone before clicking his fingers.

I felt something wrap around my check and a weight drop to my chest. I looked down to see the stone hanging by a plain black string around my neck. 

"Don't you want it?" I asked him wondering why he would just give up something like this. 

"No. It has no use to me anymore," Pan said. "Just think of it as a gift."

I looked up at him questionably but he just sighed.

"Now get back to your hut and go to sleep," Pan ordered.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the grass for what I'm hoping is the last time for today.

"Remember, tell anyone about this and you will be punished," He said before disappearing.

Pan's POV
Once Emily left through the grass I appeared back standing on the rocks before the lagoon waiting. I felt the wind pick up and I turned around to see my shadow.

"Is it done?"

"Yes," I said as I looked out at the calm water of the lagoon.

"Don't mess this up," My shadow warned, its yellow eyes glared at me before flying off into the night sky.

I smirked stepping off the rocks and started walking towards the grass back to Campus.

The game is about to change.

Hey guys!
Sorry it took me so long to update being on holidays and all.
I hope you all liked this chapter.
Please remember to vote and comment ❤️
I love you all :)
- zimbardo

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