Love Won't Help You ✖ Crawfor...

By HeyYoMaria

52K 798 710

LeAnn moves to Los Angeles with her best friend Cece, and she meets the neighbor's. Which so happen to be The... More

Moving To LA
Don't Believe Me Then!
You're Forgiven
Strange Feelings
Acting Weird
You Changed
I'm Bad
The New Neighbors
So Stupid
Cold Hearted
His Secret
Asked Out
Date Night
I Hate You!
I'll Be Back
Job Interview
He's Lying
Can't Change
I Need You
This Is Wrong
I Forgive You Too Much
He Knows
New Gang
His Daughter
The Whole Gang
Those 3 Words
They Want Her
Telling The Girls
For Her
Who Is It?
Telling Kizzy
Lost Her
Forgive Him?
I'll Change
He's Not Dead?
Will You?
You're Mad Now?
Spooky Nights
I'm Stuck Here
It's Time
Meeting Her Family
Getting Accepted
Thanks Giving
Day With Him
Because I Love You
It's For The Best
Let Us Go!
Better Together
I Won't Let Her
It'll Be Over Soon
You're Afraid?
Kill Her
She's Still In Danger
You're Not A Bad Guy
I Have To
Where's He Going?
He's Where?!
Why Would You?
Help Us Please
Getting There
I'll Always Love You
Free Man
Time Together
Picking The Dress
Tell Me
New Secretary
What's She Up To?
Wouldn't Change A Thing
You're All I Need
Dinner Date
You'll Get Through This
They're Here
Life With Babies
Worth It

Friends....Sort Of

599 13 21
By HeyYoMaria

Crawford's POV

"What do you mean you don't know? I told you to take her home!" I yelled at Marco and slammed my hands on the table
"It's just I didn't see her leave." He said
"Fuck Marco, something could have happened to her." I said angrily
"Move!" I yelled pushing past him and walking up to Tyler's room maybe he knows if she left or not

I didn't bother knocking because it's my house. I walked in to see Tyler and LeAnn all snuggled up
"What the fuck?!" I yelled angrily
"Dude!" Tyler groaned trying to sit up
"You're coming with me." I said grabbing LeAnn's arm and pulling her out of the room
"Crawford you're hurting me." She whimpered

I ignored her and walked into my office and pushed her on a chair
"I was fucking worried about you and you were all comfy with Tyler!" I yelled angrily
"What's wrong with you!" She yelled
"Don't you fucking yell at me LeAnn!" I yelled back
"I can yell at you if I want to! You're not the boss of me!" She yelled

"You're in my house!" I yelled
"We didn't even do anything!" She yelled
"I don't give a damn you're mine not his!" I yelled
"I'm not yours! I'm not an object Crawford! I'm a person!" She yelled
"You're mine and that's final!" I spat
"No I'm not!" She yelled standing up
"I'm not yours and I never will!" She spat

"Fuck this." I mumbled walking over to her and kissing her
"Stop." She mumbled pushing me away
"You don't want that." I whispered kissing her neck
"C-Crawford I'm serious." She stuttered
"You're so biopolar." She said pushing me away
"First you're yelling at me and then you start kissing me." She said

"I have problems." I shrugged and kissed her again
"Crawford please stop." She mumbled
"Fine! Leave I'll find a girl who's better than you! I don't need you when I have girls all over me!" I spat angrily
"Then go with your sluts." She said and walked out
"Fuck!" I yelled throwing a vase across the room

Why did I say that?
No other girl could make me feel like LeAnn does
I'm so stupid

"Lee wait!" I yelled following her
"Leave me alone Crawford!" She spat with so much hatred in each word
"Babe." I mumbled grabbing her hand amd making her face me
"Don't cry." I whispered wiping her tears away
"I hate you." She mumbled
"Please don't say that, I didn't mean anything I said Lee no girl makes me feel like you do." I said caressing her cheek

"How? You don't even like me Crawford." She spat
"That's not true, I like you a lot please I'm sorry." I said. She looked at me with tears in her eyes I frowned
"Baby please don't cry." I said to her she shook her head
"I hate...that I'm falling for you again." She mumbled I smiled
"I never stopped actually." She added and sighed

"But I don't want to get hurt again." She said
"You won't." I said caressing her cheek
"Yes I will!" She said pushing me away
"I always get hurt, I'm not meant to be happy." She mumbled looking down
"Babe don't say that." I said lifting her face
"You deserve nothing but happiness." I pecked her lips

"Crawford." She mumbled
"LeAnn please let me show you how sorry I am." I said kissing her softly. She cupped my cheek and kissed back. I couldn't help but smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer
"Jump." I mumbled into the kiss she jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist. I started walking upstairs without breaking the kiss

I walked into my room and closed the door with my foot. I laid her down on my bed and hovered her
"Crawford." She moaned as I sucked on her neck
"You're so beautiful." I mumbled and kissed her
"Crawford." She giggled
"Someone is very ticklish." I teased she hid in my neck I chuckled

"Your hands are cold." She said
"Oh I'm sorry let me warm them up." I said putting them on her belly
"Crawford!" She yelled pushing me off I fell to the floor and burst out laughing
"I hit a funny bone." I laughed she giggled
"Oh my god." She laughed and helped me up
"Who knew the bad boy could be all lovey dovey." She teased

"Shut up." I playfully rolled my eyes
"LeAnn would you give me another chance?" I asked nervously. She looked at me and sighed. What if she says no? I'm falling for her more and more each day.
"Ok." She nodded I smiled
"But just friends..for now." She said I nodded and hugged her she giggled

"God I love your giggle." I whispered in her ear
"I love your hugs." She said I chuckled
I love you I thought. But what if she doesn't feel the same way? I don't want to get hurt either
"Come on." I said pulling away from the hug
"Where are we going?" She asked as I pulled her out of the room
"I'm hungry you're not?" I asked just as I asked that her stomach growled I chuckled

"I'll take that as I yes." I said. She blushed and looked down
"Morning guys." I said to my men as I walked into the kitchen they all replied with a "morning boss"
"You guys hungry?" Mari asked
"No shit." I snapped
"Calm down." LeAnn whispered to me I sighed
"Need help?" LeAnn asked her

"Umm..." Mari looked at me for permission I nodded
"Yea." Mari smiled. LeAnn walked over and helped her make breakfast
"Are you guys back together?" Chase asked as I sat down
"We're getting there." I said and looked at LeAnn
"You really like her huh?" Chase asked. I looked at him
"I think I love her." I mumbled
"Oh shit!" Chase said standing up everyone looked at us

"Sit the fuck down!" I spat angrily
"Shit alright calm down." He said sitting back down
"You ok Crawford?" LeAnn asked I smiled and nodded
"Next time don't flip out." I spat to Chase he nodded
"It's just you love her." He said
"I think." I corrected
"Crawford, you love her." He said sternly I sighed

"She just wants to be friends." I mumbled
"Boss I can tell by the way she looks at you, that she likes you more than a friend." He said
"Maybe, but she doesn't want to get hurt." I said
"Then prove to her that she won't." Chase said. I looked at LeAnn, he's right. I'll prove that she won't.

||Next Day||

"Morning." I said to Laura as I walked in the building
"Morning Mr. Collins." She said trying to sound sexy
"Morning." LeAnn said walking in I smiled
"Morning." I said and kissed her cheek she blushed and looked down
"Well look at you two." Noah smirked I chuckled

"Morning." I said to him as we walked in the elevator
"Morning Mr. Gamez, I have the papers you wanted." LeAnn said giving him a orange file of papers
"Thank you LeAnn." He said she nodded I gave Noah a look and he nodded. Ding

Noah walked out of the elevator and as she was gonna walk out I grabbed her arm and closed the door
"Crawford what are you doing?" She asked confused
"You look so beautiful today." I said to her she smiled
"Thank you, not so bad yourself." She winked checking me out
"Oh I know babe." I winked at her she chuckled

"Black looks good on you." She said touching my chest
"LeAnn don't tease." I said kissing her neck
"I'm not." She whispered
"I want you." I said looking at her
"Well too bad." She said kissing my cheek I groaned
"Aww what's wrong?" She teased
"You're such a tease Lee." I groaned she giggled

"How?" She asked
"You know exactly how." I groaned pinning her softly to the wall she let out a soft moan making me more sexually frustrated
"Crawford I have to work." She mumbled
"You look hot in a skirt." I smirked. She blushed and looked down
"I don't like them." She mumbled

"Why not?" I asked caressing her cheek
"I don't know I'm more of a jeans girl." She bit her lip
"Well you look perfect in anything." I said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear
"Crawford." She sighed
"Sorry...friends." I mumbled getting off of her
"I'm sorry." She mumbled

"Babe you have nothing to be sorry about." I said pecking her lips
Sorry-I'm-She cut me off by kissing me
"Now we're even." She said pulling away and biting my lip
"Damn LeAnn." I chuckled she blushed
"You blush too much baby." I said she playfully rolled her eyes
"Well then stop making me blush." She defended

"Me?" I asked pointing at myself she nodded
"I'm just stating the facts babe." I said to her
"Like when I say you're beautiful." She blusheeld
"Or when I say that you're perfect." She blushed even more
"Or when I say your kisses are the bes-she cut me of
"Ok I get it!" She said covering her face with her hands

"Aww babe." I said
"Crawford." She warned
"What? Just because were friends doesn't mean I'm not gonna call you babe." I smirked
"Ok fine." She said I smiled
"Now can I go work?" She asked
"Shit." I mumbled
How long have we been here?

I opened the door and she walked into Noah's office. I'm gonna admit I'm jealous of him because he gets to be with her almost every day. I sighed and walked into my office

~~Knock Knock~~

"Come in." I said looking at some files
"Hey babe." A voice said I looked up to see Alexa
"What are you doing here?" I asked clenching my jaw
"I never thought I'd see you working, like a real job." She smirked I scoffed and rolled my eyes

"You look hot in black." She said walking over to my desk
"Get out Alexa." I said annoyed she pouted. Can I kill her? I mean nobody has to know I'll just make Marco and Chase hide her bo-
"Are you listening to me?" She asked angrily
"Fuck no." I spat
"Alexa just leave." I said annoyed

"Why so you can go fuck LeAnn? She could never make you feel like I can." She said sitting on my lap
"You're right." I whispered in her ear
"You disgust me while all she has to do is smile and I'm turned on." I spat and pushed her off
"You asshole!" She yelled standing up
"Don't fucking yell at me bitch!" I hissed

"Get out! Or your face won't be so pretty anymore." I spat
"You'll pay for this." She said walking out
"Yea sure." I mumbled
"Crawford?" LeAnn said poking her head in
"What's up babe?" I asked she bit her lip
"Noah said to give you these files." She said

"Oh thanks." I sid grabbing them from her she nodded
"Well I'm gonna go." She said
"No wait." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her towards me she gasped
"What?" She asked
"I'm sorry." I mumbled and kissed her she cupped my cheek and kissed back

"Mr. Co-oh I'm sorry." Laura said walking in I groaned
"No, what's up." I said grabbing LeAnn's waist as she tried to stand up
"Umm someone named Chase is looking for you." She said
"Are you fucking serious?" I whispered
"Let him in, and why can't you just call to let me know?" I asked pointing to the phone

"Because she likes you." LeAnn mumbled I smirked
"Yea I tried but you didn't answer." She explained lie
"Ok well let him in." I said she nodded and walked out
"Are you jealous?" I whispered in LeAnn's ear
"Me? Never." She crossed her arms and shook her head

"Good because I only want you." I said kissing her neck
"C-Crawford stop." She said pushing me away I chuckled
"Ok...god damn." I mumbled covering my private
"What happened?" She asked confused

"Umm nothing." I said trying to hide it
"Oh my god." She giggled I groaned. She stood up and chuckled
"It's not funny babe." I said grabbing some files and covering it
"It kinda is." She laughed
"LeAnn." I warned
"Who knew I could turn on a bad boy?" She teased

"Babe stop!" I whined
"I'm gonna go before you get more turned on." She winked and walked out
"Damn it Lee." I mumbled putting the files back on the desk
I'll get you back Lee

****Back Home****

"I hate work!" I mumbled laying down on my bed
"Boss." Chase knocked on the door I groaned
"What?" I asked standing up and opening the door
"Alec is hurt, he was in a car accident." He mumbled

"What?! The Killers." I mumbled
"We think so I mean his car was brand new I doubt the brakes just stopped working." He said
"We have to stay together no matter what, no way in hell is he hurting another one of my men." I said walking downstairs
"Everyone downstairs now!" I yelled all my men started piling in and sat down at the table
"Now that everyone's here." I said

LeAnn's POV

"Hey." I said to Cece as I walked in the house
"Hey, how was work?" She asked giving me an Arizona
"Good, a lot of work but good." I said opening it
"Why because Crawford was there." She teased I blushed
"No." I lied
"Liar!" She yelled I chuckled
"Ok maybe." I mumbled she smirked

"You're weird Cece." I chuckled
"Oh but you know you love me." She said I chuckled
"Sadly." I joked
"You're mean." She pouted I laughed
"Well I'm gonna go to bed." I said checking the time to see it's past eleven. Today we had to work later because we had to fix all the stuff to start building the other Industry

"Yea me too." She yawned
"Goodnight." I said walking upstairs. I walled into my room and closed the door
"Hey beautiful." A voice said. I turned on the lights and sighed
"Crawford you scared me." I said hitting his chest he chuckled
"Sorry babe." He pouted
"Mhmm." I mumbled putting my bag on my bed
"You tired?" He asked

"Yea." I yawned he chuckled
"I just wanted to say goodnight." He kissed my cheek I blushed and looked down
"You're so sweet." I smiled
"I'm not sweet Lee." He said his eyes turning pitch black
"A-are you ok?" I asked alittle scared

"I'm fine." He spat
"Crawford you're scaring me." I said backing away he chuckled
"Crawford." I said walking closer to him
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Why the fuck do you care!?" He spat
"Because I care about you." I caressed his cheek

He looked at me and relaxed
"I'm sorry, I blacked out." He mumbled grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Alec was in a car accident." He said I gasped
"Is he ok?" I asked him
"Yea just a broken leg thankfully." Crawford said I nodded
"I'm glad he's ok." I said

"Ashton is trying to kill us." He mumbled
"I don't want anything to happen to you." I whispered. He looked at me and smiled
"Nothing is gonna happen to me LeAnn I promise." He pecked my lips I nodded
"Just be careful." I said
"I will." He nodded
"Will you stay with me tonight?" I bit my lip

"I don't know you left me while I was horny." He said I chuckled
"That was really funny." I laughed
"I'm going home." He said
"No please." I said grabbing his hand
"Why?" He teased. Should I tell him?
"Because I umm." I mumbled sitting on my bed he looked at me confused
"Last night." I mumbled

"LeAnn whats wrong?" He asked sitting next to me I looked at him
"Babe?" He asked
"I woke up because I um heard noise I saw a shadow looking at me." I said shaking
"I-I was so scared." I mumbled
"LeAnn." He said and hugged me
"I got up to turn on the light but when I did he was gone." I mumbled

"Babe why didn't you tell me?" He asked
"We weren't getting along till yesterday." I defended
"And I thought it was all in my imagination." I said
"I'll stay with you, I promise no one will hurt you." He assured
"Thank you." I said pulling away from the hug and kissing his cheek he smiled
"Anything for you." He said

"You turn off the lights." I giggled and laid down
"Alright." He chuckled and stood up to turn off the lights
"There." He said and I heard a crashing sound
"Fuck." He groaned I giggled and turned on my light from my phone
"You ok?" I chuckled as I saw him face first on the floor
"Yea, stupid floor." He mumbled standing up and laying down

"Don't blame the floor for your clumsiness." I giggled and turned off the lights he groaned and pulled me closer
"Kiss me." He whispered I cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly he grabbed my face and pulled me closer
He licked my lower lip asking for access, I parted my lips and let him explore my mouth
"Mmm." He moaned as I pulled his hair

"No sex!" Cece yelled from outside the room we pulled away
"Way to ruin the mood Cece!" He yelled back I giggled
"Sorry! I just don't want my best friend pregnant at eighteen!" She yelled back I blushed and hid in my pillow. Crawford chuckled
"Go to sleep!" He yelled back I heard her laugh before it went quiet

"She ruined a perfect moment." Crawford said
"You're so weird." I giggled he groaned
"Am not I just wanted to make out more." He defended
"Well I'm tired." I said turning my back on him. He groaned and pulled me closer to him
"Goodnight babe." He whispered
"Goodnight Craw." I mumbled and closed my eyes

I'm back!
I wrote a longer chapter because I haven't writen in like 2-3 days
I hope you guys liked this chapter
Comment your favorite part


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