Another Bad Boy Story

By nerd_jude_hope

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Emma Carpenter is a classic example of a nerd. She does her homework, gets straight A's, reads all the time... More

Chapter 1- Meeting the Bad Boy
Chapter 2- Detention with the Bad Boy
Chapter 3- Wait... What?!
Chapter 4- The Bad Boy's Room
Chapter 5- The Living Room Argument
Chapter 6- Lunch with the Bad Boys Friends
Chapter 7- The Piano
Chapter 8- The Awkward Dinner with the Bad Boy
Chapter 9- the deal
Chapter 10- the lake house part1
Chapter 11- the lake house part 2
Chapter 12- the lake house part 3
Chapter 13- the lake house part 4
Chapter 14- the lake house part 5
Chapter 15- home
Chapter 16- Back to School
Chapter 17- the fight
Chapter 18- the secret is out
Chapter 19- the plan part 1
Chapter 20- the plan part 2
Chapter 21- iron man? Or thor?
Chapter 22- butterfly stickers and glitter glue, what an awesome combination
Chapter 23- Time To Get Your Party On!
Chapter 24- Yelling in a different language? (The Party Part 1)
Chapter 25- One Shot, Two Shot, Three! (Part 2)
Chapter 27- Unicorns Poop Pretty Rainbows!! (The Party Part 4)
Chapter 28- Remembering The Party (Party Part 5)
Chapter 29- It's Date Time!!
Chapter 30-Let's Get Ready For Dinner.
Chapter 31- Yet Another Awkward Dinner With The Bad Boy.
Chapter 32- Tap. Tap.
Chapter 33- Pay Back
Author note
Chapter 35- Christmas Party!
Chapter 36- Fake Date Time....
Chapter 37- A Little Ice Cream Never Hurt Nobody
The wattys
Chapter 38- The New Years Party
Chapter 39- Waiting
Author Note
Chapter 40- The End

Chapter 26-Tiffany is a class A Bitch (part 3)

1.5K 60 1
By nerd_jude_hope

(The dress above is Maggie's dress. The model is not the person who plays Maggie. That roll belongs to Mia Mitchell.)-author.
This chapter has violence in it so you are warned.

recap: Emma just went to find a bathroom so she can puke since Tiffany made her eat something that was really nasty. So once Emma finds a bathroom she throws up and rinses her mouth out with some mouth wash that she found under the sink. When she is done rinsing her mouth she sees someone come into the bathroom.


And I instantly freeze with terror.

"Hello Emma nice to see you again." He says with a smirk.

He starts walking towards me, but I back away.

"We have some unfinished business." He says.

His voice makes me want to throw up again. It makes chills run all over my body. His voice was just so low and calm and it was freaking me out.

Eventually I run out of space to back away and I end up hitting the wall.

I can feel tears stinging in the back of my eyes but I don't shed any tears.

Not yet anyway.

"You remember the janitors closet don't you sweet little Emma?" He asked me in that sickening voice.

I don't answer him. I just stare at the wall beside of him like its the most interesting thing in the world.

"I have a question for you Emma." He pauses then gets closer to me and asks "Why did you tell Dylan?"

I don't answer him. I try and swallow a sob down my throat.

After a few seconds he realizes that I'm not going to answer him so he wraps his hand around my throat and squeezes a little and slams me into the wall that was only inches away from me and says through gritted teeth "Answer. Me."

You can hear the anger in his voice.

He doesn't have as much pressure on my throat so I can answer.

"I-I d-don't know" I croak out.

He scrunches his face in anger then says through gritted teeth "Well Emma, if he knows what we did then he won't sell me the fake ids, and I need that so I can get into certain places. So.... does he know that it was me?"

Fake ids? Dylan sells fake ids? And Dylan said he wouldn't do anything to this guy. I didn't even tell him his name! Hell, I don't even know his name!

So I get the guts to ask this guy "How do you know that Dylan knows?"

His hands tighten around my throat which causes me to wince and causes me to make some weird noise that sounds like a dyeing turtle.

"Because Emma, he has been glaring at me in school every time I see him. When I confronted him about it all he said was 'I'm done selling fake ids to you, I will sell them to the rest of the team but not you'. So I know that he knows." As he says he spits on me.

But I can barley notice since I can't hardly breath.

"L-let g-go of m-me." I plead.

He squeezes my neck harder for a minute then he lets me go.

I fall to the ground and start grasping for air.

I look up at him and he just rolls his eyes and says "Your being over dramatic."

I just continue to cough and grasp for air.

"Okay well I still have a little unfinished business with you." He says in that creepy voice he used in the janitors closet.

I instantly know what he is going to do so I start to get up and go over to the door.

But before I can make it he grabs me by my hair and pulls me back.

I land on the ground and I land on my left left shoulder.

That will leave a huge bruise.

He starts to pull my dress up and I try to kick him away.

I start to yell at him and I say "STOP! PLEASE!! L-LET ME G-GO!!!"

I didn't even realize that I was sobbing until now.

"STOP CRYING YOU LITTLE BITCH!" he screams at me.

I can't stop crying.

I don't want this guy to take away my V card.

I want someone to take it away on my terms. I want my V card to be given to someone I chose. Someone who I love and care about.

And I sure as hell don't want to give it to this guy.

He is just about to pull my underwear off.

"FOR THE LAST TIME STOP CRYING!!" He yelled into my ear.

I only have one last hope.

Which is to scream and hope for somebody to hear me.

So I scream "HELP ME!!!"

I sound like a banshee.

His face was so red. Saying he was mad would be an understatement.

He slapped me so hard across the face that I see black dots in my vision.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU EMMA!" He screeched in my ear.

I just keep crying.

He keeps hitting me in the face and he even scratches my arms.

"Please stop." I plead with him silently.

"I told you to stop screaming and crying but what do you do? YOU FUCKING SCREAM AND CRY!" He yells at me.

All hope drains from me as he continues to slap me.

But then I hear the door open.

"What the hell do you think your doing Jack?" A female voice says.

So his name is Jack.

I haven't seen the mystery girl yet.

"Jack why are you doing this to Emma?" The girl says.

"Because I have unfinished business with her." He snaps at her.

She sighs then says "hang on."

I hear footsteps walking towards me then I see the girl.....

And guess who she is.


"Okay Jack if she doesn't agree to my terms then you can continue with her. But if she dose agree then you have to pretend this never happened and this will go no further."


Jack then asks angrily "Why the hell would I listen to what you say?!"

Tiffany sighs then says "Because if she dose agree then you have to get off otherwise I will tell everyone at school and the police oh and I can't forget your parents. And when that happens you can kiss your football scholarship goodbye."

"Fine." Jack says. But he doesn't get off of me yet.

I want more than anything to have his hands off of me.

"Okay, well Emma I'll make him let you go if you promise not to tell Dylan what you saw earlier and if you do end up telling him after you promise then I will have Jack come and finish what he started. And you can't tell anyone about what just about happened. Got it?" Tiffany says.

Wow. I didn't think she was this big of a bitch.

I mean I'm on the bathroom floor with cuts and bruises all over me and a guy who is trying to force himself on me. And she won't stop him unless I promise not to tell Dylan about me seeing her and Noah together in bed.

That just tells you how big of a bitch she really is.

I don't really have any other option so I nod my head meaning that I agree with her terms.

"Good. Now Jack run along." She shoos Jack away leaving me on the floor with a bleeding face and my dress so high up along with my underwear half way down my legs.

Tiffany bends down to me and says "Now clean yourself up and go back downstairs and go dance on the dance floor and get drunk. Act like nothing happened. And do not drive your friends home, make sure you walk home since you will be most likely drunk.  Be a normal teenager. And remember, don't tell Dylan." And with that she left.

So I get up slowly and when I finally manage to get up I pull my underwear up and go over to the door and I shut it then lock it.

I slide to the floor and I cry.

I cried till there were no more tears to be shed.

I need to do what Tiffany said. I need to get drunk.

I just want more than anything to forget what just happened. Even though he didn't take my V card, he was going to. So I am thankful to Tiffany even if she is being a bitch.

So I wash the blood from the scratches off and I pull my dress as far down as I can get it. I just feel so exposed.

When I finish I go to the door and unlock it. I take a deep breath and I open the door and I am instantly smell sweat and alcohol.

I go over to where the bar is and order vodka.

He hands me a tall glass that is filled with a clear liquid.

I bring the drink to my lips then I drink the whole glass in a matter of seconds.

The bartender looks at me then asks "you okay miss?"

I feel more tears well back up in my eyes but I don't let them fall.

That's all that I wanted to hear from someone 'are you okay?' But instead I was told to keep my mouth shut.

So I nod my head at the bartender and I ask for another vodka.

As soon as he gives me the drink it's gone in seconds just like the first one.

I ask for two more.

As I finish the last one I feel someone tap me on the shoulder.

I jump.

When I turn around I see Maggie behind me.

"Hey let's go dance!" She shouts over the music.

I think she is to drunk to notice that I have scratches all over my face along with a bruise on my right side of my face.

"S-sure" I slur.

All that alcohol is now taking affect on me.

So I stumble my way over to the dance floor.

I start dancing most likely really badly but I just don't care right now.

Right now I'm to drunk to care.

Everything is slipping my mind.

And over on the other side of the dance floor is Tiffany dancing all over Dylan.

When she sees me she mouths "remember our agreement"

But there is one thing even drinking can't make me forget....

Tiffany is a class A bitch.

****author note****
I know this is a horrible ending so sorry about that.

This chapter was pretty violent so sorry if it was to much.

Okay as usual...

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