Darkness and LIght(Revised)

By AmandaCrabill

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A story of two dwarven women, twin sisters, whom are born with a rare ability of using magic. One sister cho... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Six

60 3 0
By AmandaCrabill

  It had been several days since the return of Thorin, Lydia and Dwalin.   And those past several days, Lydia hardly spoken to Thorin.  Thorin had attempted several times to talk to Lydia to get things worked on between him and Lydia, but Lydia continued to refuse Thorin to talk to her.  One morning, Dis was making breakfast for herself, Vili and Thorin.  "It's been long enough! If you two don't make amends, then I will intervene with this myself!" said Dis.   "What is this whole thing about, lad?" asked Vili.  "Tabitha. She caught me dancing with Tabitha--and I kissed her." said Thorin.  "Thorin! You didn't!" shouted Dis, as anger rose within her.  "Thorin, I never liked this Tabitha woman, and never will!  And you've been told several times to stay a way from her! Why would you go and do that for?" Dis scorned her brother.  "I don't know what came over me--it's just she and I had a good past together." snapped Thorin. 

 "A good past up until she ditched you for several dwarves! And selling her body for money, as well! You've been warned she is into prositution, and you refused to listen!  Thorin, you have someone here that truly loves you, and she is broken because of what she had witnessed at the Inn between you and Tabitha." said Dis.  "I know, Dis." said Thorin, quietly.  "Do you love Lydia, Thorin?" asked Dis.  Thorin remained quiet, deciding not to answer his sister's prodding questions."Answer me, Thorin! Do you love her?!" snapped Dis.  "I don't know, Dis--I just don't know!" shouted Thorin.  "You need to figure out something, and fast, Thorin--or else you will lose Lydia forever." said Dis.  Thorin stood up, as he was getting ready to leave his home. "Where are you going?" asked Dis.  "For a walk." Thorin replied, and he left his house.    Thorin went for a walk and decided he was ready for a drink, so he went to the nearest village pub for a drink.  

 As he walked, he saw Milo walking as he was heading towards home. "Greetings Milo!" Thorin called out to the Dwarf.   At first, Milo ignored him. "Milo, I am talking to you! I said greetings to you!" said Thorin.  Milo turned to Thorin and glared at him.  "I refuse to speak to the dwarf whom broken a heart of my friend! Let me inform you, Oakenshield, that Lydia is like a daughter to me, and she told me what she had witnessed! You are of noble blood, and to hear you behave this way, disgusts me, Thorin!" hissed Milo.  "Milo, about that--It's really a long story, and it won't happen again. In fact, I will no longer see Tabitha---Lydia is the only one I truly love, and I really mean it!" said Thorin. "Then explain why you had left without saying good bye to her?" said Milo, not to be put off. 

 "That will be enough, MILO!" barked Thorin angrily, tired of the prodding questions coming from the older dwarf. "I hope you do some serious thinking before you consider of pursuing Lydia--otherwise, I will kill you myself, if I catch you hurting her again!" Milo warned Thorin, and he marched away.  Thorin sighed, as he continued walking.   It didn't take him long to arrive to the pub, and he entered the pub, and he took a seat at the table.  The barmaid soon came, and Thorin ordered his drink, when suddenly, he saw Lydia sitting in the pub as well, but she wasn't alone.  She was sitting with a young dwarf with ginger hair, and a neatly braided beard, and the two of them laughed merrily.  Suddenly, Lydia leaned over and kissed him, as she sat on his lap.  Seeing this angered Thorin, and he stood up, as he charged towards Lydia and the ginger haired dwarf. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!" Thorin screamed at the dwarf.  "What in the hell do you think you're doing?!" shouted Lydia, angrily.  

 "How dare you allow this good for nothing put his hands on you! You don't belong to others, you belong to me, Lydia!!" fumed Thorin.  "Oh, really?! Says the dwarf whom I caught kissing with a hooker several nights ago? You know what, Thorin? Two can play that game, you know!" shot back Lydia.  Suddenly, Thorin's features softened, soon showing a look of hurt , guilt and sadness in his eyes. "Lydia, we should talk about this like reasonable adults, please!" pleaded Thorin.  Lydia looked at Thorin, and the guilt in his eyes, and the way he looked at her, and she could tell he really meant what he said.  "Very well, let's talk about this! But somewhere else!" said Lydia. 


 And so the two of them sat at a table further away from the large crowd already inside the pub, so the two of them could speak alone.  "Lydia, I wouldn't blame you for being angry at me--I'm angry at myself for my unjust actions.  But Lydia--no other woman can replace you--I never really loved Tabitha, and she's bad news anyway according to my sister, and everyone else that knows her--Lydia, if I spend another moment without you, I will go mad, which will get to everyone else around me as well." began Thorin.  "I'm not sure if I should buy any of that, Thorin." said Lydia darkly. "Lydia, what is it going to take for you to forgive me? Yes, I've done some wrongs to you in the past, and I will make it up to you I swear!" pleaded Thorin.  "I need time, Thorin!" said Lydia, as she stood up, and she left the pub.  Needs time? How much more time does she need?!  thought Thorin.  

 And so after that, Thorin went home, and by the time he arrived, Balin greeted him, as Thorin entered his home. "Well? Did you and Lydia make amends?" asked the dwarf.  "We're working on it.  Lydia told me, she needs some time to think about it." said Thorin.  "Time? Why would she need time?" asked Dwalin.   "I don't know, Dwalin! I can't figure her out! What is it going to take to win her back? I done everything I could, and I apologized to her!" said Thorin, in exasperation.  "Allow me to give you a suggest on ladies, Thorin!" spoke up Vili.  Dis gave her husband, a sideglance.   "Why would I take advice from you, Vili?" asked Thorin.  "Because I'm married to your sister!" the dwarf replied back with a grin.  "Well, out with it then!" said Thorin, impatiently.   "What you should do is plan something big! Something HUGE for her! Go get her a bouquet of flowers! Arrange for a picnic outing! And most importantly, write a poem or a love ballad about her! If I'm not mistaken, she loves your harp music! Play the harp for her!" suggested Vili.

  Balin smiled and he looked at Thorin.  "You should give it a try, laddie." said Balin. "Alright! I will give her a try! I will begin with the first stage of my plan!" said Thorin.  "And what's the first stage of your plan?" asked Dwalin.  "I'm going to write her a letter, inviting her on a picnic outing and go from there! And tonight, I am going to compose a special song for her!" said Thorin.  "There you go, lad! Now that's a start!" said Vili.   And so for the rest of the night, Thorin had been  busy. First and foremost, he started off with his letter to Lydia.

Dearest Lydia,

  I know we had a bad start at the pub tonight, and to make it up to you, I like to invite you on a picnic outing with me this weekend, just the two of us.  Meet me at the large oak tree by the river around noon Saturday.  I hope to see you there!


 Thorin, son of Thrain. 

   After writing the letter, he sealed it, and he walked over to Lydia's house, placing the letter inside her front door, and he walked away.   Once he arrived back at home, he retreated to the parlor room of his house, and he sat down in front of the palace, as he began writing his song for Lydia.   Once he written down the words, he reached for his harp, as he started on the music for his song. As he gently began plucking and strumming the strings, he began to hum at first, and then he started to sing, as the song pulled through, flowing like a river out of his lips, as his voice echoed emotionally throughout the home. 


  Several days had passed,  the weekend came for the picnic outing, as he sat underneath the Oak Tree as he waited for Lydia to arrive.  He brought everything with him, the picnic basket, the food and drink inside the basket, the blanket, and of course, his harp.    Twenty minutes later, Lydia arrived  as Thorin greeted her.  "Wow, you really must went all your way to do all this! I'm quite impressed!" said Lydia, as she sat down on the ground, as Thorin began serving their food and drink.   The two of them ate in silence for a while, and as they ate, Thorin gazed at her.   "We've been through so much for the past few weeks, I wanted to make it up to you, but arranging this outing! Oh, and by the way--these are for you!" said Thorin, as he handed over a bouquet of red roses to Lydia. 

 "Thorin, these are beautiful!" gasped Lydia, as she took the roses and admired them.  "A rose for a rose! And sweets for my sweet!" purred Thorin, as he also pulled out a box with chocolates inside.  "Wow, you've really had been busy have you?" joked Lydia in amusement.  Thorin laughed.  "All for you, Lydia, my imur!" said Thorin softly.  It was then it hit Lydia--Thorin really truly loved her, and he did all of this for her!   And Lydia found herself moved by this, she was almost into tears.  "And this is just the beginning, Lydia!" continued Thorin, as he picked up his harp, placing it on his lap   "I've written a special song about you--in fact I stayed up last night working on it!" concluded Thorin, as he gently struck the harp strings, and he began to sing his song to Lydia.  Lydia felt very moved by the song, she tried her best not to weep openly in front of him.  She felt overwhelmed with joy and different emotions, she almost wanted to leap on the dwarf immediately. 

  And Lydia found his singing voice most mesmerizing now, since she is alone with him--and he looked so peaceful, and handsome.  When the song ended, Thorin looked at her.  "Thorin!" gasped Lydia, as she jumped onto his lap, wrapping her arms around Thorin's neck.  Thorin smiled, as he held her close to his chest.  "I love you, armalime! Let's not let anything go between us again!"  Thorin whispered to Lydia.  "I love you too, Thorin!" Lydia whispered back, as the two of them began to kiss passionately.   

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