Follow The Rules (One Directi...

DreamingOfOreos tarafından

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Follow The Rules (1D Spankfic)
Explaining the Consequences
Being Annoying
Sick but not Immune
Mood Swings
Acting Like a Child
Baby Leprechaun
Bar Fight
Feeling Betrayed & Sabotage Part 1
Feeling Betrayed & Sabatoge Part 2
Being Mean
Bad Boy Down


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DreamingOfOreos tarafından

It was a Sunday and the boys had nothing special planned. It was a lazy day. It was 11am and Zayn was still sleeping. Liam was working out. Louis was making lunch and Niall was trying to steal food, earning him a glare from the browned haired boy. Niall kept trying until Louis bent him over the counter and pulled down his boxers and gave him five swats on his bare bum. He pulled the boys boxers back up, gave him a quick hug, and sent him of into the living room with a pat to his bottom.

Harry was in the living room in nothing but his boxers. He has a habit of either being half naked or completely naked. Harry was always hot, probably all the hormones coursing through his veins. He was always trying to get away with wearing the least amount of clothes possible. At the house it was fine, but in public well not so much.

"Harry wanna play FIFA?" Niall asked. Nobody could say no to that boy. He could get you to do pretty much anything that wasn't illegal. "Sure Ni. Go put it in." Niall popped in the game and soon enough the game turned intense. "Hey boys breakfast is ready!" Louis shouted from the kitchen. Just in time, any longer playing Harry probably would have killed Niall because he was winning and taunting the curly haired boy.

All the boys ate breakfast making small talk. Once they finished they all went to the living room to watch a movie. "What movie should we watch?" Zayn asked looking through their selection of movies. "How about Toy Story or Batman?" Liam asked hopefully. "But he picked lase time," Louis whined mockingly. "Seriously Lou?" the raven haired boy chuckled lightly. "What I was just beating these to two to it," the blued eyed boy said pointing to the two youngest. Of course they were thinking that but they weren't going to admit it. "How about... The Avengers?" "Yes!" Everyone yelled in unison.

The movie was over and they were just sitting. Liam on the love seat with Niall curled up next to him. Louis on the floor. Harry's head was sprawled out on the couch with his head on Zayn's lap. "What so you guys want to do?" Zayn asked while playing with Harry's curls. "ICE CREAM!" Niall yelled enthusiastically. "I could go for some," Liam contributed. "Alright then everyone get decent so we can go out," Louis joked while standing up and heading to change. Niall and Liam followed suit.

"Come on Harry, go get ready," Zayn told the younger boy on his lap. "I think I'm going to stay behind." "Are feeling ok? Do you want me to stay with you?" Zayn question while feeling the younger boys head for a fever. He didn't want a repeat of what happen before. "No, I'm fine. I just don't want to get dressed." "Ok then I'm going to go change." He said, getting up and putting a pillow under Harry's head.

They all dressed quickly and were standing at the front door waiting for Zayn. "Hurry up Zayn!" Louis shouted at the boy who was still fixing his hair. "I'm coming!" He replied. They all sighed heavily knowing he'll probably take another 5 minutes.

"Are you sure you don't want to go Harry?" Louis asked him for the 10th time. "I'm sure!" Harry replied slightly annoyed at being asked so many time. "Ok no need to get snippy. Do you want us to bring you back some ice cream?" "Yes. Honeycomb please." Finally Zayn came down the stairs,"I'm ready!" he announced. They all started clapping sarcastically. "Alrighty let us go! We'll be back in and hour don't trash the house." Louis told the teenager giving him a kiss on the cheek. With that they left

What was he to do for a whole hour by himself? He thought about jumping of the roof into the pool. Or putting the trampoline next to the pool and jumping in. But he thought better of it. If he was caught doing those thing he'd probably not be able to sit for a week. 'What to do? What to so?" He thought. 'How about a twitcam?' He thought. Yeah, it had been a while since he'd done one and it would be a treat for the fans.

He went upstairs threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a shirt. Grabbed his laptop and opened up twitter.

"Hey guys I'm going to do a twitcam and here is the link!"

He went started the twitcam, "Hey everyone! Why don't you ask some questions and I'll answer them!"

@narrycake: Are you excited for the new album? xx

"Extremely we can't wait for you to hear it!"

@oneandonlyniall: what do you look for in a girl? xx 13

"Someone whose attractive and ambitious."

It went on like this for awhile him answering question and telling then what trouble he's gotten on, leaving out the spankings of course. All of sudden he started feeling hot. "It's warm inside the house right now!"

@nakedharry: why don't you take of your clothes? ;) xx

"Very cheeky @nakedharry, I bet you would like that! Maybe I will." He said cheekily with a wink.

He did take of his shirt though and continued with the twitcam. Ignoring those comments about wanting him to f**k them and follow them. The fans are an odd group. He then took of his shorts because he was getting really hot.

@chocolatenarry: stop being such a tease and take everything off! ;)

"Maybe I will," he replied with a wink. Of course he wasn't actually going to, he wasn't stupid. But they didn't know that. He was to busy teasingly pulling his boxers down, when the boys came in to hear them.

It was weird to the boys that Harry didn't immediately come down the stairs. He always did. Louis decided that he would tell him his cream was here. He climbed up the stairs and he could hear talking. He thought maybe he was on the phone so he tapped on the door and started pulling it open and what he saw left him dumb founded. "Harry what do you think you are doing?" Louis asked in a strict voice. "Twitcam?" He answered unsure of him self. "I think it's time you logged off." he said giving him a pointed look and walked over to the laptop. "Sorry guys but Harry has to go. We'll see you guys soon! Bye!" Louis chirped. Harry was surprised that Louis was so nice to the fans. "Bye," Harry said halfheartedly. Louis shut off the camera. He started scrolling through the feed. "Seriously Harry?!? You were stripping!?! Are you mad??" He was pissed. "No! I was just having fun! I wasn't actually going to strip!! I'm not stupid!!" Harry defended. "I'm not saying that. But what if your grip slipped and you flashed the camera! You would have never been able to get rid of that! It would haunt you forever!" "It didn't happen!" He exclaimed. "What if it did?" He asked calmly. "I don't know. But it didn't, so who cares." "I care! You may think that just because it didn't happen that it's no big deal, but it is. We want what's best for you and we want you to make responsible decisions. I'm not saying you can't joke around but you need to think about what's appropriate. There could have been 10 year olds watching." Harry sighed and kept starring at his hands. He knew Louis was right, he didn't think that there could have been little kids watching. How could he be so stupid. He was deep in thought that he hadn't noticed that Louis had left. When he came back he sat next to Harry. "You're grounded for a week and you're getting two spankings one now and the other at the end of the week." "No! Please don't spank me! Ground me for longer but please don't spank me!" "I'm sorry buddy. But you have to learn." He started reaching for his arm but Harry shot up," Please Lou! Don't spank me!" He begged shamelessly. "Harry you're getting a spanking and that's that! Now over my lap." The boy stomped his foot in protest. Louis sighed in frustration and pulled the boy over his lap. He positioned him in a way so his bottom was up in the air and easier to spank and secured him so he couldn't get away. Harry was squirming violently he didn't want to be spanked. But who does? "Harry stop moving!" Louis scolded and spanked his thigh. "Ow! That hurt!" Harry barked while kicking the bed frame. "It's supposed to hurt. Now stop unless you want lose your boxers." He wanted to stop but he couldn't it was like his teenage hormones took over and he had no control over his actions. "Alright then," with that Louis pulled down his boxers and started an onslaught of smacks to the boys bottom. Harry started screaming bloody murder it didn't hurt but he was angry. Louis was a bit afraid that he was hurting the boy but he wasn't even spanking him that hard. Then Zayn came through the door and Louis stopped. "What's going on in here?" He asked upset. "He was pretending to strip during his twitcam and I explained to him why it was wrong and that I was going to spank him. He protested but I pulled him over my lap and when I started to spank him he started screaming then you came in," Louis explained exasperated. Harry was still over Louis's lap breathing heavily. "So he's just throwing a tantrum?" Louis nodded. "Use the brush." Zayn said leaning against the door. Harry went wide eyed. "No!" He screamed. "No! Please,no!" He kept repeating. Louis spoke," I'm sorry bud. But you should have thought about that before you threw a tantrum like a five year old." He nodded at Louis to begin and he did. He started peppering the boys bottom, it went from a pale color to pink. Harry was regretting what he did he but he couldn't help it and now his arse was going to pay. Why did he have lose it? 11 smacks in and Harry was sniffling the burn slowly building. He knew what he did was stupid. 20 smacks and he was crying. Louis didn't like hurting the boy but he had to learn. Then he started on his sit spots and Harry started sobbing,"I'm sorry!" he cried. "For what?" Asked Louis. "For str-ip-ping a-a-an-nd for th-thr-throwing a tantrum!" He choked out through sobs. 12 spanks later and Louis tossed the brush and stood Harry up he was going to pull him into a hug but Zayn stopped him. "Harry go into the hallway and put your nose in a corner and don't come out till we get you. Don't rub your bum." Harry looked broken. But he did as he was told. "Zayn isn't that a bit harsh?" "He'll be fine."

They walked out into the hallway and Louis heart broke the boy was standing in the corner with his hands over his head sobbing and his angry red bum on display for everyone to see. He wanted to run over and hug him. Zayn noticed because he whispered in his ear,"Don't pull him out of the corner before the 10 minutes or you'll be over my knee. Got it?" Louis was annoyed, he rolled his eyes and walked into his room.

Once the ten minutes were up he went and pulled Harry's boxers up and pulled him into a tight hug. Harry had calmed down but when Louis hugged he fell apart, sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm s-so(hiccup) so-rr(hiccup)y!" "It's ok baby. You're forgiven. Shh, calm down." Harry felt better now he couldn't explain it but he felt lighter now. "Do you want you're ice cream?" Harry nodded his head. They started walking down the stairs. Harry stopped his but burning from trying to walk down the stairs. Louis seeing his discomfort asked,"Do you want a piggy back ride?" "Mhm." So Louis he climbed on Louis back and set him down in the kitchen. Even though his bottom was on fire he enjoyed his ice cream.

A/N this dedicated to Stylinson4EverAlways! Hope you liked it!

I really would like feedback :)

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PS I LOVE comments!! Also it's not edited.

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