Abducted || Omeeka

By YmcmBarbie

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ab·duct abˈdəkt/ verb 1. Take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap. - Abducted: An Omeeka S... More

Abducted • Chapter 1
Abducted • Chapter 3
Abducted • Chapter 4
Abducted • Chapter 5
Abducted • Chapter 6
Abducted • Chapter 7
Abducted • Chapter 8
Abducted • Chapter 9
Abducted • Chapter 10
Abducted • Chapter 11
Abducted • Chapter 12
Abducted • Chapter 13
Abducted • Chapter 14
Abducted • Chapter 15
Abducted • Chapter 16
Abducted • Chapter 17
Abducted • Chapter 18
Abducted • Chapter 19

Abducted • Chapter 2

3K 155 15
By YmcmBarbie

Onika "Nicki" Maraj

"Marriage? I can give you money. How much money do you need? I'll have it for you within a few days, please," I begged as I looked at him intently.

"Nah, I don't want money, I got enough of that. I'd rather have you."

"There has to be something I can give you. If you let me go, I won't even tell anyone about this, I'll act like it never happened," I pleaded once again with the slightest bit of hope.

"I'm really convinced you're deaf or some shit. Didn't I say I don't want anything? I said I want you, and that's exactly what I'm gonna get."

I sighed, "But, why me? Why am I the one that has to pay the price?"

"What's the one thing, or person, should I say, that Travis loved most in this world?"

I put my head down, it was true. There's no other thing, nothing else that Travis loved more than me. He didn't have any family. He loved and cherished me to the fullest.

"Exactly," he grinned.

"Well, ya ass is gonna end up in jail once my people back home call the police and report me missing."

He chuckled, "Not exactly." I watched as he brought out his gun, cringing as he placed it against my head. He handed me a phone. "Dial ya people up and let them know that you good. Tell
Them not to bother you or worry about you. Tell them you married and livin' with ya husband. They better not call the police either, make sure they know you're good."

"Please don't make me do this. I'm sorry for whatever Travis did, please just let it go," I looked up at him.

He pressed the gun even harder into my head. "You got two choices, you know what they are."

Tears filled the rims of my eyes as my hands shook while I dialed Sherika's number. I would dial my mom's, but I know she would give me a harder time.

I placed the phone to my ear, listening to it ring, hoping she wouldn't answer...at least not on these terms.

"Hello?" I heard her say on the other end and my voice got stuck in my throat as I tried to find the right words to say.

"Hello?" she said once again. He gripped my shoulder tightly, whispering in my ear, "Answer the fucking phone."

I took a deep breath, "H-hey Sherika, it's me."

"Nicki?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's Nicki."

I heard her take a sigh of relief. "I've been worried sick about you Nicki, I haven't heard from you in three days, I went to your condo and you weren't there...what's up, what's going on?"

"I'm fine Sherika, I'm okay."

"You sure?"

I wanted so badly to say no, tears clouded my vision and spilled down my cheeks as I looked up into his eyes. "You know what to do," he mouthed.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm good, Sherika."

"Okay, then. Well, when are you coming home?"

"Well actually, I moved."

"Moved? Okay, well what's your new address, I was thinking we can watch movies tonight and chill. Marcus and I are going through it again," she laughed.

"Sherika, I moved...out of New York."

"W-what do you mean Nicki?"

"I didn't tell you, but I was seeing this guy, and we got...married. I moved in with him."

"Nicki? What the fuck do you mean? How could you keep that away from me? We've been best friends since diaper days and this is how it is?"

"Sherika, please, just calm down. I'm sorry, it was sorta last minute."

"Last minute my ass. Does your mom know or did you keep your marriage from her too?" I stayed silent. "Wait, you're kidding me Nicki, you've gotta be kidding me...you hid your so-called marriage from your mother too? Who the fuck are you?"

"I was gonna tell her Sherika, but it's complicated. I can't really explain it. Just let my mom know I'm good, and I'll see her soon."

"Of course you can't. You really can't explain shit, but I'll let her know. I can't believe you. You really abandoned your family and friends, people that have been there for you your whole life, for some nigga that you just randomly fell in love with?"

"Please stop it, Rika. Don't be mad at me, I'm sorry. I-" I listened to the dial tone, realizing that she hung up, "I love you," I whispered.

I sat there, not even caring that he removed the gun from my head.

"You did a great job, Nicki. You should really consider acting some day," he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "Fuck you," I mumbled.

Onika "Nicki" Williams
3 months later
Saturday, August, 18
Miami, FL
It's been 3 months since I had been abandoned. I was now the wife or Mr. Robert Williams, or "Meek," as most people call him. Each day that went by, I lost a piece of the smallest bit of hope I still had left. It was hard to adjust into a life that you were forced to live. I missed my family so much. I hadn't spoken to Sherika ever since. I wish I could've told her that I had been abandoned, that I was forced to marry a man I didn't even know...but I didn't want to lose my life. If this was the only way I could keep living, I'd have to make the best of it.

Being married to Meek was interesting to say the least. We barely talked. Whenever he spoke to me or asked me questions, I kept my answers short. I honestly wanted nothing to do with him. I don't love him, never will. We haven't fucked yet, but I knew sooner or later he was gonna want to. I didn't want to, but I guess that's one of my duties as well.

"Yo," he said walking into our bedroom.

"It's Nicki," I replied.

"I don't recall saying I forgot your name. Anyways, get up and be ready in an hour."

"For what?"

"I'm taking you out. You gotta find something to wear for this dinner tonight."

"I'm not going, I'm just gonna chill tonight."

"It wasn't a question. Get ya ass up, you got less than an hour," he said, walking out of the room.

I kissed my teeth. "I swear, I can't fucking stand him."



I was downstairs waiting for Nicki to come down. I ain't have a woman in years so these long ass waits were unfamiliar to me. I looked down at my Rolex once again, checking on the time, seeing that we were now over 30 minutes late.

"Yo Nicki. How long does it take ya ass to get ready? Hurry up!" I yelled up the stairs.

"I'm coming, chill," she responded back.

I sighed, waiting a few more minutes before I finally heard heels clicking in the direction of the stairs. "Finally," I mumbled, getting up and waiting by the door.

I watched as she came down the stairs. "Damn," I said under my breath as I scanned her body.

"You look good," I complimented her.

"Thanks," she murmured.

I looked at her once again, before continuing. "Aight, let's go. We already late."

I waited for her to exit the house, before locking the door. I entered the garage, deciding on bringing the Rolls Royce out for the night. Tonight was a big event, it called for the occasion. 

I waited until she got in the car before starting it, and driving away. We drove for a few minutes in an awkward silence, I mean, I wanted to break it, but I'on know what to talk to her about. I don't really be having conversations with women like that, most of them are just a quick fuck. They know what's up.

"What's this shit about anyways?" she spoke quietly.

"What you say?"

"I said, what is this shit about? Where are we even going?" she glanced at me.

"It's an event for my business. We have one every year."

She chucked.

"What you laughing for?" I questioned her.

"You call that little drug trade you have, a business?"

I scrunched my face up.

"Yeah, I know about that illegal bullshit you run, 'one of the biggest drug lords in America, Mr. Robert Rihmeek Williams,'" she said sarcastically as she put quotations up using her fingers.

"How the fuck you find all that shit out? Who told you my government and shit?"

"Don't worry about it. We're husband and wife right, aren't I supposed to know?"

"You have a smart ass mouth on you."

"That's nothing I haven't heard before."

I shook my head, staying silent for the rest of the ride. I pulled up to the hall, parking in the driveway. I got out and handed the valet my keys.

"Keep my shit the same way you got it."

"Yes sir," he replied.

I went over to the passenger's side, opening the door for Nicki.

"Oh, he's a gentleman now? Who would've ever thought?"

I rolled my eyes. I grabbed her hand, shutting the door as we began walking inside. I ignored the stares from the people outside. "You better chill out with all them fucked up comments, you hear me? Remember who's hands your destiny lies in. You understand?" I looked over at her. She nodded her head. "Good, I'm glad to see we're on the same page. Look, when we go in here, you stick by me. Don't go anywhere without letting me know. Niggas is dangerous in here. Don't speak unless spoken to and keep ya answers short."

We entered the building and then went over to the guest list. I scanned it, looking to see what table we were at.

"Alright, you ready?" I looked at Nicki.

"Yeah, let's go."



We had been at this banquet for just over an hour now. I must admit, it was a big event, nicely decorated too. We were waiting on dinner to be served. I decided this was a good time to go use the washroom since there wasn't really anything going on.

I tapped Meek's arm, interrupting his conversation with his friend.

"Wassup?" He looked over at me.

"I need to use the washroom." I couldn't even believe that I was basically asking a man for permission just to empty my bladder.

"Aight, you cool going by yaself?"

"I'm a grown ass woman, Meek."

"You take too long and I'm comin' lookin' for you. It don't matter where you go, I'm always gonna find you," he smirked.

I looked around for the washroom symbol, before standing up and making my way towards it. I entered the washroom, looking around, before entering a stalk. I did my business, wiped, and exited the stall. There was a woman standing in the mirror, looking over herself. I looked over at her nonchantly, before washing my hands. She walked out of the washroom. I dried my hands then looked over myself in the mirror, fixing my hair. I threw the paper towel in the garbage, heading for the door, in which a man was standing in front of.

"Excuse me," I spoke.

"You're not going nowhere."

"Look, I don't got time for these games, please."

I tried walking around him, when he grabbed me by my waist pulling me back towards the sink. I tried fighting him off, but he overpowered me.

"HELP!" I screamed, hoping someone would hear me. Of course they wouldn't when there was loud music playing in the hall.

Tears filled my eyes as I felt a stinging sensation fill my left cheek.

"Look. We could do this the easy way, or the hard way. It's your choice."

He sat me on the counter and pushed my hair back, as he began placing kisses on my neck. I wildly kicked, kicking him in the stomach in the process. He stopped. I waited a few moments, scared for his next move. I cringed as I felt his fist connect with my eye, then my cheek, then my lip, it continued and I lost count. He threw me on the floor.

"I told ya fucking ass that we could either do this the easy way or the hard way. I don't know why the fuck you playin' hard to get when you know you a hoe," he gritted in my ear. I felt him lift my dress up to my stomach. Even though I was in the worst pain ever, I tried to push him off of me. In return, I got another punch to the face. I felt my lip bust open as blood began to ooze out. He yanked my panties down and I heard the unbuckling of his belt. He lined himself up with me as tears spilled down my face.

Where's Meek? He said he would come lookin' for me.

Sorry this took so long, but this was a longer chapter than yesterday's. I should be updating tomorrow, possibly twice, it depends on how much time I have. Hope you enjoyed. Vote & comment! 😁 Thanks for reading 😘

IG: OmeekaOnline

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