Sex Before Love (Drarry)

By ryouta_raven

162K 5.4K 4.6K

A few years after the War of Hogwarts and the death of Lupin, Fred, and countless others, Draco and Harry run... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Pub Night (a.k.a Seamus and Harry's night)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
IMPORTANT!!! Author's Note

Chapter 4

13.2K 416 738
By ryouta_raven

Draco's POV:

Slowly opening his eyes, he tried his hardest to ignore the blinding sunlight coming from the only window in the room. He felt more refreshed than he had ever felt in his entire life. At the same time, he felt drained, as if someone had taken all his energy, and even more, leaving him completely stumped.

Letting the two emotions battle themselves out, he got up and walked around the room, trying to remember what had happened last night.

His morning-induced haze slowly dissipated, and the memories from last night washed over him.

Seeing Ginny with Seamus, Harry getting drunk off his arse, and them going upstairs...

Oh Merlin.

He'd had sex with Harry Potter.

And he topped.

He'd always thought of Potter as the top in relationships like that, but the night before had proved him wrong.

Oh, and there were another few details he remembered.

A:) Harry was sexy as all hell when he was riding him.

B:) Harry squealed.

C:) Harry switched to Parseltongue when he came.

He realized that Harry had been gone when he woke up, and sighed. Of course the Golden Boy, the Man-Who-Lived, the Man Who Killed Voldemort wouldn't want to stay when he realized he had been... fornicating with an ex-Death Eater.

What happened with Astoria might happen again. He couldn't let that happen.

When Astoria found out he was gay, immediately divorcing him wasn't the only thing she had done. She had threatened to go to the press with the story, and yelled some very... insulting things about his dick.

Getting back to happier topics, the sex last night had been the best sex that he had ever had in his life. That was saying a lot, I mean, he'd been with Blaise Zabini, for Christ's sake, and that boy was good!

Then he realized something.

Harry would never let him go near him again. Knowing him, he'd be scared to even look in his direction, let alone... well, yeah, fuck.

If only Ginny would do that more often. Draco felt awful for wishing that Harry's wife would cheat on him more often, but that was the only way Harry would ever look at him, see him as anything but a friend.

Yes, as he had said before, Draco was head over heels in love with Harry.

See, he had been brought up on stories of the "wonderful Harry Potter," even though he had practically killed his father's favorite pastime, and when he had seen him, he immediately admired him. Of course, then came the inevitable rejection, and Draco felt crushed. Yes, he was heartbroken. At age 11. Sue him.

As the years went by, and they both grew up, his feelings of heartbreak and admiration slowly turned into love.

Yes. Draco Malfoy, son of one of the most well-known Death Eaters, had been in love with Harry-freaking-Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the Boy Who was Destined to Kill Voldemort, for the past who-knows-how-many-number of years.

Once the Hogwarts War ended, Draco focused on shielding himself from the hate thrown at his family, and was eventually able to forget. Well, almost forget. He still saw Harry on a few trips to Diagon Alley, and twice a year at the train stop, but he always turned around and walked the other way.

Now those feelings were back, reinforced by the fact that Harry was good- no, Harry was amazing - in bed.

He was fucked. Royally fucked. That was certain.

--------------------------------page break--------------------------------

Harry's POV:

Days passed, and Harry was eventually able to forget what had happened. Well, like before, almost forget. He still had dreams about that night, and woke up panting, covered in sweat and something else.

Soon, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and it was time to pick up their kids from the platform again.

Walking calmly through the divider, he came out onto the same platform that had once been his transportation to his home. No matter how many years passed, he would always call Hogwarts his second home. Looking around the platform for Ron, he spotted a flash of white-blonde hair, and looked again. There was Draco, staring directly at him, with a distant look in his eyes. They both realized that they had been caught, and turned around, both blushing furiously.

"DAD!!" He heard. Looking up, he saw his three kids waving frantically. Pasting a smile on his face, he held his arms open, and they both ran to hug him. Lily clung to him like a sloth to a tree, and his smile slowly became real. Looking up, he saw Scorpius walk slowly over to Draco, and give him a stiff hug.

After the hug ended, Draco looked up at Harry again, with a searching expression.

Something inexplicable came over Harry, and he licked his lips and winked.

Watching as Draco's expression became incredulous, and his face turned the color of a Red Cap's hat, he felt a small sense of smug satisfaction, and he turned his attention back to his kids.

"Where's Mom?" James asked, a look of confusion taking over his features.

"Oh, she, uh, she had to go out with Aunt Hermione."

"Aunt Hermione's right over there, Dad."

Looking to see where his son was pointing, he mentally slapped himself. Of course she was. She and Ron were the perfect couple, faithful to the end. Unlike he and Ginny. It still hurt to realize that she was cheating on him. With Seamus, of all people. He isn't even that good-looking, and he has the cheapest job ever, what's so good about him? he found himself wondering.


Looking down again, he saw Lily staring at him with a scared look on her face. "Are you... okay? You look... angry."

Cursing himself, he rearranged his features, he smiled warmly down at her. "No, it's okay, I'm fine, I was just thinking."

"Okay." The usual bright smile reappeared, and she turned to wave at one of her friends.

"Let's go home to Mom, how 'bout it?" Harry asked the kids.

"Okay!" They answered immediately, huge grins appearing on their faces.

And so they left.

--------------------------------page break--------------------------------

Pulling into the driveway, Harry turned off the ignition and stepped out of the house. Ginny's car was missing from the driveway. There was a note on the kitchen table, that read;

Hi kids!

I'm really sorry I couldn't be there for your pick-up, but there was an emergency at work, and all of us had to stay in late. I'll probably be staying the night, just to figure this thing out.

Welcome home,


Harry immediately grabbed his cell phone (handy little things, those were), and called Seamus' house. His housemaid picked up, and said that he had been called in to work on urgent business.

So they were together. Suddenly, reality slapped Harry right in the face, and then punched him in the stomach for good measure.

He had had drunken sex with Draco, who, now that he thought about it, was completely sober the entire time.

Ginny was cheating on him.

The person that she was cheating on him with was one of his old schoolmates and friends.

She had the nerve to lie to him about it.

"Hey kids!" he called, getting the attention of the three. "You wanna go to Uncle Ron's house for a sleepover?"

"YEAH!" was the immediate reply.

"Okay, I'll be staying here, I have some things to do for work, grab some Floo powder, it's above the fireplace."

"Okay, Dad."

Rushing in, Lily enveloped Harry in one of her hugs. "Love you, daddy." she whispered.

Smiling, Harry wrapped his arms around her small frame. "Love you too, sweetheart. Now hurry, the boys are about to leave without you."

A chorused shout of "THE BURROW!" came from the living room, and Lily shrieked and ran back in.

Smiling after her, Harry waited until he heard the typical whoosh! of the fireplace returning to normal, and plunked himself down into a chair.

He needed something to take his mind off of reality for a while, and there was only one way. Draco.

He sure as hell wasn't going to go over there completely sober, however, so he debated between getting a tiny bit drunk (as he imagined Draco had that night), and acting the rest, or getting completely drunk again.

He found that something in him wanted to be sober when it happened, so he decided on the former.

--------------------------------page break (Change of POVs again) --------------------------------

Draco's POV:

Sitting at the main dining room table in Malfoy Manor, as Scorpius chatted excitedly with his housemates on the landline, Malfoy reviewed in his head, one more time, how impossible it would be for the same thing to happen again, if only to convince himself.

"Dad!" Scorpius ran back into the room, his face shining in happiness. "Can I go to my friend's house?"

"Which friend?"

"Daaad," he complained, the happiness fading. "Does it matter?"

No, Draco reasoned. It really doesn't. And, if he leaves, I could always invite Harry over. Who knows what might happen after a few bottles of-

"Sure," he said, cutting himself off. That was a dangerous path to travel down, especially when it was just about the most improbable thing in the world.

Scorpius' face immediately lit up again. "Thank you Dad!"

Running over, he enveloped Draco in a quick hug before running, whooping, into the living room, and grabbing the Floo powder off of the mantle.

After Draco heard the familiar "whoosh," he hung his head. Why was he so hung up on Harry? Why couldn't he just admit that it had been a one-time thing, a one night stand, and forget about it.

I mean, yes, Harry had looked incredibly sexy that night, and his Parseltongue moans and shrieks of pleasure had been the most arousing thing Draco had ever heard, and he was a good person- That really wasn't helping his case.

"Master?" he heard a shy voice say. Looking towards the source of the voice, he saw one of the family's house-elves standing shyly in the doorway. "Master Potter is standing at the door, should I in-invite him in?"

Draco did a double take. Harry was here? At the door?

Realizing that the elf was waiting for an answer, he hurriedly shook his head and cleared his throat.

"I'll get it, thank you."

"O-okay." With a slight pop, the elf disappeared, and Draco rushed to the door.

Restraining the urge to throw it open, he opened it slowly, and was still shocked to see that the elf hadn't been lying. Harry Potter was standing outside the door, eyes half closed, obviously intoxicated.

(Harry had, in fact, looked up how to act drunk right before he left, but Draco didn't need to know that little detail.)

"Ha-Harry?" Draco asked incredulously.

"Dracooo..." Harry groaned, and fell forward, Draco miraculously catching him right before he hit the ground.

"Ginny... gone... mrfumfluffymifesee..." His words trailed off, but it was enough for Draco to understand what had happened. Ginny had gone off with Seamus again, and Harry needed comfort. Hopefully sexual comfort. That, Draco would be happy to give him.

Harry seemed to be struggling to get up, so Draco loosened his grip, and watched as Harry lifted himself off of him, eyes dazed, and filled with an emotion so... vague... that it couldn't be put into words.

Seeing him slowly leaning forward again, Draco made a move to catch him, but was stopped when Harry's lips landed on his.

What... the... fuck... Draco thought to himself, as Harry's lips moved slowly over his.

Realizing that Draco wasn't responding, Harry groaned, and nipped at Draco's lips impatiently.

Snapping back into reality, Draco obediently opened his mouth a bit, and was rewarded with Harry's tongue meeting with his, massaging and caressing it.

Harry grabbed at Draco's ass and pulled upwards. Gasping, Draco jumped a little, but never reached the ground.

Confused, he looked down (Well, as much as you can while kissing someone), and saw that Harry was wrapping Draco's legs around himself with impressive dexterity.

Draco felt Harry move, but he didn't care, because Harry's tongue had just found the most wonderful spot on his neck, and he was too busy drowning in pleasure to care where they were going.

Soon, Draco felt the familiar feeling of his bed sheets hitting his back, and finally realized what was about to happen.

"Ha...rry..." Draco panted, trying to detach his arms from around his waist. "Don't- Ah!" Harry's hand had found his crotch, and was right now fondling him in ways no other man should. Then, Harry's teeth found that wonderful spot right below his ear, and Draco was lost to the world.

What do you people think of this chapter?

I know that there might be some of you who want to read the full sex scene, but I'm probably only going to write out the full scene when they're making love, not when they won't admit to their feelings, and need to act drunk. -_-

(Oh, and spoiler, that happens. :3)


*WARNING for next chapter: Graphic description of Ginny's sex-capades*

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