The Siren( boyxboy)

By Stories_with_Words

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Jaime always seemed to find himself helping his best friend with girls, which was ironic since he, himself, c... More

Chapter 2: Kiss
Chapter 3: Desire
Chapter 4: Answers
Chapter 5: Bonded
Chapter 6: Annoyance
Chapter 7: Irelance
Chapter 8: Visits
Chapter 9:

The First Meeting

13.2K 351 175
By Stories_with_Words

The sounds of everyone shifting through their lockers and chattering excitedly was tiring. I never pulled anything from my locker since I never kept much in it to begin with. I never had much use for textbooks and notebooks. My photographic memory saw to that. Which was why Havenbrook was the perfect place for me.

Havenbrook was a private school that specialized in geniuses. Whether they were academic or athletic, the school was ecstatic to have them. Also, since it was a proven fact that exercise improved academic ability and performance, the school required everyone to take an athletic class throughout their time at Havenbrook.

Although I couldn't stand exercise, I chose dance as my elective since it sounded pretty interesting. My father thought it was a girl's sport but it was a class I didn't automatically hate, so it's fine.

Now though, it was the middle of the day. I was waiting for Garrett, my partner in devious deeds, to get whatever he'd left in class, so we could head out for lunch.

I leaned against my locker, my eyes set at half mass as I lightly dozed, my hands tucked deep inside my jean pockets. I didn't say the cafeteria since we always ate out seeing as the lunch food was atrocious. Even though Havenbrook was a private school, they hadn't thought to hire a great chef. My parents were stingy when they gave me allowance, they only gave me a thousand dollars. But I used my money to buy lunch for Garrett and me.

The sudden outbreak of discontent that swept the crowd broke me from my daze.

" Oh no! Garrett's got that look in his eyes again." I blinked my eyes open once,to peek, and I groaned. The guy's were being abnormally perceptive today. Garrett was looking toward the entrance with a slightly cheesy grin lifting his lips and his eyes had a glazed look about them. Having known Garrett since we could move our bodies free of parental constraint, I knew that sparkling glint anywhere. He tended to get weird with girls he liked.

" Jaime do something, quick!" I scoffed, they should know by now that that look meant any attempt on my part would be driven into the ground and rendered useless. And that Garrett would get what he wanted. With his looks, which had fully emerged in eighth grade, any girl, no matter how tightly closed her legs were, would easily give in.

Now to explain the situation a bit, Garrett and I went way back, so far back that our first baby pictures featured us as cradle twins, fraternal twins that is. Although Garrett was only a week older than me, our looks were totally opposite, as much as our personalities.

Garrett sported the tanned skin and gold locks of a surfer, even his eyes were the complete copy of the sky before first light, a deep turbulent blue that bordered violet tones.

So you can imagine how his popularity skyrocketed with the girls populating our city. His personality didn't take to that attention very well though.

While Garrett is the athletic and handsome one, I garner more for my intelligence. It's my chosen selling point. With black unruly curls that chose to stay out of any rubber I managed to tie it into- my hair grew passed my shoulders- and dirty brown eyes, I wasn't much to look at although Garrett insisted I had had the cool rocker look going for me, I couldn't help but disagree.

I turned to analyze what had caught the twinkle of Garrett's eye. It was a girl, obviously, but she was really normal. Straight blonde without a hair out of place and watery blue eyes. The only thing remarkable about her was her breast size.

She stood at the edge of the hallway, right next to the office window, her girls' academy style clothes made her seem preppy. His type. Now I realized why she was so entrancing to him. I chuckled low under my breath, won't this be interesting?

The girl was average height at most, a lot shorter than my five-eight. Which is why I noticed the boy standing behind her. He was tall, way taller than me. Near the six feet range and, from the looks of him, he was still growing.

Standing behind her emphasized his height, but what truly captured your attention was his eyes. They were marginally larger than was normal and mixed colors. Literally, two colors swirling together, but never fully touching. Like water and oil. I noticed this although I could barely glimpse them through the shaggy mass of reddish orange hair that fell like a curtain that covered half his face in a heavy wave.

He seemed more the quiet type that stood in the background, but, unfortunately for him, his physical attributes canceled that hope immediately.

The girl glanced back at him and her mouth moved. I was too far away to decipher her words though. I glanced at Garrett, who was still gazing dreamily after her. He was leaning against the cluster of lockers opposite our own. So this was the one, huh, I thought, deciding it was time to start the process. I leaned out of my slouch and started for the couple.

You see, Garrett was a bit different from the norm, in terms of personality. While he looked the part of a leader that controlled the school with followers in every class, Garrett didn't possess a commanding bone in his body. He was more the sweet, gets-along-with-everyone, and gets shy with girls kinda guy. He never charged after a girl he liked, he simply got all moony and noodle tongued whenever said girl came around.

I couldn't just let my boy flounder around, not being able to say a word, much less start a conversation with a girl. It would backfire, leaving him heartbroken and her with the impression that Garrett was a babbling idiot. I couldn't stand back while that happen so... I stepped onto the field.

Usually, I played the matchmaker, introducing the two and watching them together. I made sure they were getting along and that she wasn't a snake in mouse clothing. Or, more simply put, that she wasn't a bitch trying to step on my brother. Because that was basically how the song and dance went.

He'd start liking a hottie, she turns on the flirt, and he falls- lock, snag and key- into the trap. I figure her out and send her ass out and on her way. But not before ruining her reputation with everyone in the school. Said girl would end up transferring out in two weeks.

Strangely enough, though, I never felt any feelings like that. With me, it was a simple bang, no fireworks, no shivers, no nothing, which was why I never got a girlfriend. They were all just flings. Garrett says its because I just hadn't found the right one, 'cept I've seen all the girls at my school, and none of them did a thing for me. So, I've given up on finding 'The One' and settled for having a hole to stick it in.

Anyway, I walked down the hall, watching the two converse in murmurs. I wondered what they were saying and if they were actually a couple and not just siblings. Because if they were in a relationship, I refused any part in breaking them up. Even if the girls called me heartless, I wasn't a Casanova throwback.

As I drew closer, I threw on a friendly smile, Garrett said it made my eyes melt like chocolate. I didn't know whether he was being earnest though. He had a habit of saying the most comforting things when I didn't need them.

I glanced from one face to the other and waited for them to take notice of me. I smiled wider when they did, her warily while the boy looked bored at the most.

" Hi. I'm Jaime Fieldbrook, are you guys new here?" I put on my most preppy school boy voice, and stared at them in a curious enfolding look that took them both in, feet to head.

The boy was outfitted in an all white ensemble. From his converse shoes to his silvery gray choker necklace that was fitted with a intricately designed, silver five point star, he was a vision. His skin was set aglow with an inner shine that made him hard to focus on. And the girl shared that quality. Now that I saw her closely, she wasn't as plain as I thought of her from my previous distance.

Her hair was more a gold than blonde and her eyes gleamed an entrancing sapphire. Her nose was pert and her lips were a cupid's bow.

" I'm Kristin. And this is Fallon, my younger brother." Her voice was a chilling breeze, it was so cold. Her eyes glinted a sharp hint of anger curbing her tone. Thankfully, those eyes glared at her brother and not me. I suspect my pride could handle a girl showing him the rough side of her tongue, though, and not in the pleasurable way.

" Well, what year are you guys in? My friend," I glanced behind me toward Garrett, who still had that same dazed look on his face, and waved him over." and I, are both sophmores this year, though we've been here since sixth grade." I smiled winningly at her, determined now to make her lose the anger she was directing toward Fallon.

When she noticed Garrett, her lips curled but it wasn't a smile. He tossed her a light wave but he ducked his head, that silly grin widening. Okay, now that was enough of that. He couldn't keep showing that dopey look on now that she'd seen him, he needed to be the cool kid I taught him to be.

I nudged him hard in the stomach, and turned a brilliant grin to them.

" Let's get to know each other, you guys can hang with us." I glanced at my studded wristwatch." We're going out to eat in a few minutes. Care to join us?"

Kristin shared a glance with Fallon, who shrugged mutely. She opened her mouth, her refusal in her eyes. I acted quickly, grabbing Fallon's arm and lacing mine with his. " Oh come on, please? I really want to know Fallon better!" I blurted, giving him a beaming glance and batting my eyes suggestively. I'm surprised he didn't pull away in disgust.

She sighed, admitting defeat and we headed for my BMW TRX Garrett flashed me a grateful smile, and I rolled my eyes and made a face. ' You owe me,' I mouthed before swinging my car door open and climbing in. The things I did for my friend.

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