Spiritual Networking

By goldie68

1.7M 9.9K 1K

Millie lives on the Internet. Her world is made up of binary numbers and Internet tabs. Paul is a Social Netw... More

Spiritual Networking - Prologue
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 1
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 2
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 3
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 4
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 5
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 6
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 7
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 8
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 9
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 10
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 11
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 12
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 13
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 14
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 15
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 16
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 17
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 18
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 19
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 20
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 21
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 23
Spiritual Networking - Chapter 24
Spiritual Networking - Epilogue

Spiritual Networking - Chapter 22

59.9K 292 10
By goldie68

Chapter 22

The next morning Millie called Alexis to give her the news. She told her sister everything, from the way Paul proposed last night through dinner at Aspen’s. She told Alexis how the ring had been in the family for several generations and how Paul’s great-great-great grandmother hid the ring to protect it during the Civil War when Sherman marched through Atlanta leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Millie could almost hear the strain of unshed tears as she told her sister that on the Thomas’ twenty-fifth wedding anniversary it is tradition for the senior Mr. Thomas to buy his wife an engagement ring to replace the one that will be put away until their son is engaged.

“So, this has been planned for awhile.” Alexis asked through quivering breaths. She had always been a sucker for a good love story.

“Well, Paul said he went up yesterday for the ring. But tradition has planned it for awhile, I guess just waiting on Paul to settle down.”

“Waiting on Paul to find YOU!” Then Alexis had an idea, “Millie too bad we did not know before the wedding invitations were sent out, we could have had a double wedding!”

“Oh no Lexi! I would never take from your special day. Besides, I know you couldn’t help it, but I will not have my reception at the club.”

“I know, and Mother will not let me see the final invitation list. I finally had to go over there and take invitations to let her mail them off. I know she is going to invite some of Daddy’s business associates, I just hope she leaves that horrible man off the list!”

“Lexi, you don’t think she would invite him do you?”

“I hope not!” Alexis took a deep breath, “I gotta go back on the air, can we meet for lunch?”

“Yeah!” Millie said, “Do you want Charles to come and I can ask Paul? Or do you want it just to be us?”

“Well, they might as well realize soon enough that we are a package deal. Bring Paul along and I will see if Charlie can get away from the office.”

“Sounds good Lexi. Love ya!”

“I love you too little sister. And Millie?”


“I am so happy you met Paul!”

“Me too Lexi, me too.”

Lunch at a local Mexican restaurant was just what everyone needed.  Millie and Alexis were giddy with wedding ideas and planning. Paul and Charles talked about sports and were male bonding, so to speak.  

Alexis took a bite of tortilla chips and asked, “So, when are you going to tell Mother and Daddy?”

“I don’t know. They really have not hidden how they feel about Paul. After learning that they were best friends with the Thomas’ when they were young, maybe that will change things.”

“I was thinking about that,” Paul said, “I mean, my parents know I am proposing, they just don’t know when. Only because I went to get the ring. Why don’t we invite our families out together to dinner, on neutral territory and announce it there. Some place public and by bringing our parents together, it might be a good way to tell them.”

“That is a really good idea. Telling Mother in public might help too,” Alexis offered.

“Where do we do it?” Millie asked.

Charlie spoke up, “I got it! Anyone like steak?” everyone just looked at him waiting for him to expound upon his idea. Finally he said, “The Brazilian Steakhouse!”

“Daddy does like that place,” Alexis added.

“Friday night?” Paul asked looking at Millie.

“The only way to find out is to ask,” Millie picked up her cell phone and dialed her mother’s number while Paul called his parents.

Friday night came and with determination not to allow the Anderson’s to rain on their good news, Millie and Paul prayed before they left the apartment for peace, understanding and for God to soften the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson towards Paul.

It was going to be a large party and with news of their engagement, Paul wanted to make the announcement early in the evening. Not only were both sets of parents going to be there, but also Alexis and Charles along with Charity and James. Faith had stayed home to babysit the younger children. That had been Paul’s request because he wasn’t quite sure how the Anderson’s would react.

Paul was also very aware that he broke the unspoken tradition in the south, good Southern gentlemen with a good up bringing always... ALWAYS ask the father for permission to marry their daughter. With the way Tom Anderson treated him, and some things Millie had said, Paul was pretty sure what Mr. Anderson’s reaction would be. So, he opted to skip tradition for love’s sake.

Tonight was their evening, Millie had decided. They were the first to arrive. Making sure everything was in order and ready, Millie took a deep breath as she noticed the first guests arrive. Happy to see Alexis and Charles walk through the door, Millie had so much love in her heart for her sister, her confidant, her best friend... well best friend other than Paul.

As Millie gave Alexis a hug, she said, “Lexi, there is one thing we did not think about when we picked this place.”

Whispering in hushed tones so the guys would not hear, Alexis said, “What’s that Millie?”

“The waiters walk around with huge swords of meat. I just hope Daddy doesn’t lose his cool and go after Paul with one of them!”

This caused both girls to laugh and Paul and Charles to look over at them and smile. About that time, both Paul’s parents and Charity and James walked in and greeted the group. Paul introduced them to Alexis and Charles and explained that in just a few short weeks, they would be getting married.

As soon as the introductions were completed, the Anderson’s arrived. Thomas enjoyed this restaurant and said so when Millie invited him. He looked eager to be there, then he spotted Peter and Susan and shock was on his face. Millie could tell that her mother had not shared the news with her father.

“Peter, what a surprise. I didn’t know...” Tom said, “Well, I guess I should have put the name together sooner, wow. My Millie is dating your son.”

Millie looked over at Paul and smiled. Maybe the long lost friendship would help smooth things over. Now that everyone had arrived and been seated, and the waiter had come to get their drink orders, Paul stood up to address the group. Millie stood beside him with their hands clasped tightly, taking this together good or bad.

They were both adults and did not need their parents approval, but they both wanted it dearly.

Paul cleared his throat. Millie could tell he was more nervous doing this than standing in front of hundreds of people on a Sunday morning. Even more nervous than when he proposed. She knew immediately, this was the moment he was dreading more than anything.

He began, “We have asked you here to help us celebrate.” He looked over at Millie with all the love in his heart, “The other night, I asked Millie to marry me and she said ‘Yes’ believe it or not. So, we would like our families blessing,” he looked at Tom Anderson, “whether we have it or not, does not change anything. But, it would mean a lot to us to know that you support our marriage.”

Susan and Peter were the first to jump up and go to the couple to hug them and congratulate them, “Of course you have our blessing. We already love Millie as a daughter,” Susan said as she hugged Millie. They were followed by Charity, Lexi, Charles and James all with words of congratulations.

Millie noticed her parents still sitting at the table. In her mind, she was prepared for this, yet in her heart, well in  all honesty, it was breaking.

Paul saw it too, he broke way from the congratulations and walked up to the reluctant couple, “Mr. Anderson, I know we have had our differences, and I know I didn’t come to ask your permission first. But, I do love Amelia more than anything. I will take care of her and respect her and love her until my dying breath. It would mean a lot to Millie if you and Mrs. Anderson will approve of our marriage.”

The Anderson’s sat there in silence for a moment. “Of course we will approve,” Mary Anderson finally said, “it just took us by surprise.”

Millie smiled at her parents, “Thank you Mother. Daddy?”

Tom Anderson nodded in agreement, but remained silent. Finally after what seemed like hours to the waiting couple, he finally said, “I just wish you would have come to me first son. We have a lot to discuss. But, yes you may marry my Millie if this is what she wants.”

“It is Daddy! Thank you!” Millie said as she flung her arms around her father. She lowered her voice so only he could hear her, “Daddy, he is really a great person and I do love him.”

“I know dear, that is why I am giving you my blessing.” Tom Anderson said with a smile. “However, I do have things to discuss with him that do not concern you. I will meet with him soon so we can get these things taken care of quickly.”

“Daddy?” Millie questioned.

“As I said, dear, they do not concern you,” Tom said with a smile. “Besides, tonight is a night of celebration.”

As everyone took their seats, the waiters began circulating with skewers of meat allowing everyone to be served what they wanted from roasted chicken, garlic sirloin and prime cuts of meat that were roasted over a spit and cooked to perfection. Along with the salad bar, everyone was guaranteed not to leave the restaurant hungry.

Susan and Mary conversed some about ‘Old Times’ and talked about growing up together. Playing dolls, living next door to each other from adolescence when Susan’s parents moved into the neighborhood. Millie and Alexis learned more about their mother’s childhood from that one conversation than they had ever heard before.

Millie knew from her talks with Susan, after it was discovered she was childhood friends with her mother, that Mary was from a normal middle-class upbringing. Which did not explain why she looked down on Paul. She had basically the same type of childhood, well minus the chickens and goats.

The parents reminisced about their childhood antics, like the time they ventured into downtown Atlanta and got lost trying to get to the Underground and the time where Peter and Tom rented gorilla costumes and tuxes for a formal dance.

“Daddy, you went to a dance as a gorilla?” Alexis said with a shocked look on her face. “I just can’t imagine it.”

“Oh honey, I think I have pictures of it somewhere at our house,” Susan laughed.

“Susie, we promised we would burn them,” Mary said in shock.

“The guys wanted us to burn them, we promised each other we wouldn’t,” Susan laughed, “you know, you said we might need them one day, to bribe them.”

As the walk down memory lane continued, Alexis leaned over to Millie and asked, “So, have you set a date yet?”

“No not really, although we were thinking of a fall wedding.”

“If your reception isn’t at the club, where will you have it?” Alexis questioned in a low voice.

“Well, Paul’s church just built this beautiful fellowship hall. We thought about having the reception there. I haven’t talked to Mother yet, but I know she is going to have a fit. But, I thought by having it there we could compromise and I would let her cater in whoever she wants to use. That way if she really wants food from the club, they could cater.”

“That is a good idea. But, somehow you have to let Mother think it was her idea.”

“I know, that is going to be the tough part. I refuse to have it at the club.”

“I know. I don’t blame you. I wish mine wasn’t there,” Alexis said looking down, “you know I really did try.”

Millie reached over and patted her sister’s hand, “I know Lexi. It will be OK. I will have to handle it! Besides, Paul will be there with me.”

“What are you girls whispering about?” Mary Anderson asked from the other side of the table.

“Just wedding stuff Mother.” Alexis said.

“Have you decided on colors or anything yet?” Charity asked from the other side of Paul.

“Not really, we are thinking of a fall wedding, so I am thinking fall colors, brown, russet red, and orange.”

“Fall? Darlin’ with Alexis and Charles getting married in July, don’t you think you should wait at least until next Spring?”

“No Mother I don’t,” Millie took a deep breath, “Why don’t we talk about this at a different time. After Paul and I discuss this and decide how we want our wedding.”

“That is a wonderful idea,” Susan said, “why don’t you girls come up to our house next weekend after Millie and Paul make some decisions and we can brainstorm some ideas to help them.”

“Thanks Susie, but Millie will just need to give me the date. We will have the reception at the club,” Mary said matter of factly.

“Actually Mother, that is something we have already decided, the reception will not be at the club. Paul’s church just built a new Fellowship Hall and we will be the first wedding in the facility.”

“Your reception in a church?” Mary questioned. “I don’t like that. What will everyone think?”

“That it is our wedding and we wanted a reception in the church,” Millie said. “But, I would love your suggestion for a good caterer, Mother.”

“Oh, well I have several you could use,” Mary said taking her mind off the fact that her daughter was having her reception in a church and not at the club. “We can even work up a wonderful menu.”

Millie smiled knowingly at Paul and then at Alexis, wondering if she had just won the argument of the location of the reception without even trying or if her mother was giving in for the moment only. Millie and Paul relaxed and enjoyed celebrating their future with their families, but Millie kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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