My Forbidden Crush

By _Americanbeauty__

9.5K 362 60

High school is full of drama and chaos but for 18 year old senior Madison things are getting a little more co... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Authors note
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Author's note
chapter 10
chapter 11
Author's Note
chapter 12
Author's note
chapter 13
chapter 14
Author's note
chapter 15
Author's Note
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20 part II
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Author's note
Author's note
Chapter 24
chapter 39
Author's note

chapter 25

213 9 0
By _Americanbeauty__

Maddison pov

My life has been pure hell for the last 2 weeks and I honestly do not know what to do about it. All I do is go to work and come home. I have actually been spending way more hours at the studio then I should but dancing is the only thing that keeps me sane. Carlos has been blowing me up but I can't talk to him right now. I'm so confused I want him but at the same time I don't. I just need time to get my head together then i'll go see him. MAYBE!! As for right now i'm going to just going to get pissy drunk and drown in all of my sorrows!

As I was heading to the kitchen to retrieve my second bottle of wine I could have sworn I heard something but I must be  tripping I have been drinking I thought and giggled to myself. Reaching in the cabinet I retrieved the bottle I was looking for and immediately opened it taking a big gulped. 

"Burrrrrpppppppp" Well excuse me that was very unlady like but whatever. I sat the wine bottle on the counter top and headed over to my pantry to get some chips. After I had my snacks and drink I headed back to the living room but before I could make it there I bumped into something hard. My first instinct was to run but then I heard the most beautiful and familiar voice, Carlos. At this point I was angry what in the hell was this man doing here and in my house at that. Damn I must have forgot to get my key back but still that gives him no right to just pop up like this.

" Here let me help you up babe." He said in the sexiest voice ever. Lawd this man was trying to temp me but it's going to work.

" I don't need your help niggah, what I need for you to do is get the fuck out of my house."

" and give me my fucking key back too."

" Maddison don't be like that, you weren't answering your phone and I had to make sure you were okay." He said in that same tone of voice making my lady parts drip if this man don't get out of here soon i'm going to fucking lose it.

" Well i'm okay , you can leave now." I said walking into the living room trying to get some space between us but of course he follows me instead of leaving out the door.

" Maddison, I want to talk"

" Well I don't"

"Come on baby girl--

"Don't call me that, i'm not your baby girl and why are you still here?" I questioned him flipping through the TV trying to ignoring the wetness of my underwear.

"You really want me to leave?" He asked. Hell nawl I don't I thought to myself.

"Yes" I said in a voice that didn't even convince me.

"Why you lying ma"

" Who's lying Carlos?" I asked playing dumb.

"Man, quit playing with me. I know you better than you know yourself I have been seeing the way you keep looking at me. Crossing and uncrossing your legs trying to hide your urges."

" Don't play me for a fool ma." He said right next to my ear making my body shiver.

" Carlosssss" I moaned. Fuck! This man still has that affect on me.

"Yes, baby girl"

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course" He said kissing me tenderly.

That night he made the sweetest love to me. It was filled with so much passion and heat he showed every part of my body special attention and the way the words I love you rolled off his tongue I knew he really meant it. But am I ready to take him back? That I don't know. 


Carlos pov

That night I went over to Maddison's house things didn't really go as planned. We didn't do much talking. I made sweet love to her all night and the next morning she had the nerve to put me out I was some hoe off the streets. I'm not tripping though because I know she felt the sparks between us. The way we made love i'll be surprised if she wasn't pregnant. She claims she needs more time to process things and she didn't mean for things to go that far but I think that's some straight bullshit. I'll give her some time but I'm not waiting forever. She like to stall and avoid situations because she's scared but when I feel like she has had enough time to come to a meaningful decision then I'm going to her but until then i'll keep myself busy with work. She better get to processing because in the end I plan on having a family and i'll be damn if she is not apart of it.


Maddison's pov

4 months later

"What does that one say?" I asked Ciarra

"It says positive too girl"


"Maybe we have been doing something wrong it can't be."

"Maddison you took 20 test and they all say the same thing."

"No, this can't be happening"

"I'm sorry but it is, you're pregnant." 

"Pregnant, how can I be pregnant."


"Don't answer that." I told Ciarra giving her a death glare.

"Don't look so sad babe, babies are blessings I can't imagine my life without my daughter." She said hugging me tight.

"You know you have to tell him right." 

"I know but how, I haven't spoken to him in months. He  doesn't want to see me. "

"I waited so long to get in contact with him, he has probably moved on." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Shhhhhhh, don't think like that. He loves you girl he calls almost every night to check on you, he bought you all of those wonderful gifts for Christmas and your birthday. He even got you a valentines gift."

" But that was last month all of those phone calls and gifts have stopped. I think I took to long to give him an answer so he gave up on me." I was bawling now. I know its crazy but I can't help it I was planning on talking to him but I was just to scared and now its too late.

"Girl hush that noise, okay so maybe he did give up but that doesn't give you the right to keep this pregnancy from him he has a right to know. So, what if you guys don't get back together this child still needs a father." Ciarra said.

" Okay, you're right me and Carlos may be done but we can still be good parents to our child I'll tell." I said wiping my face from tears.

"What's that face for?" Ciarra asked.

"I still love him, i'm still in love but I know he doesn't feel the same anymore look at what I have done to him. He made one mistake out of our whole relationship and I threw in the towel. I  already forgave him for lying but I was too scared to tell him. I was scared that something else would come up that there would be more lies and secrets because that's how it always goes with my relationships but I was wrong. He was nothing like the other men I dealt with he was one of the best things that happened to me. I have loved him since I was a teenager and that loves has amplified so much over the years but now I think its too late for us. He deserves better than me I'm spoiled and selfish for all the things I've done to him and if he never looked my way again I would not blame him. I dug this whole that we are in and now I have to live in it whether I want to or not."

"Girl now you got me crying." Ciarra said fanning her eyes.

"You need to tell him how you feel. You don't have to do everything all at once but tell him before its too late. Tomorrow is not promised baby-girl." She said helping me off the bathroom floor.

"Now lets go get something to eat, i'm starving."

"That's fine with me." I said laughing.


Hey loves hope you enjoy this chapter. one chapter left and this story will finally be over!!


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