Conflict of Interest

By RebeccaLorensAuthor

196K 9.1K 225

When Jackie Prescott's boss asks her to look after the dashing Dominick Tyrell's bank accounts, sparks fly. J... More

Part 1 - 100 Word Pitch.
Part 2 - Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

5.6K 343 4
By RebeccaLorensAuthor

"So how did it go with Philip?" Luke was eager to know all the details when Jackie got back to the office.

"Fine. It was a bit intimidating at first but I think we both have a good understanding of the business requirements going forward." Jackie still felt shaky after the encounter and had been thinking about what she was going to say to Luke all the way back to the branch. "He asked me about your promotion. I had to let him know and I didn't know whether you had told him yet or not."

"That's fine I had spoken to him this morning. Everything else is okay though?"

"Yes. He just wanted to know more about your new job and assure me that he would keep his accounts here in the mean time. Sorry, I hope that's okay?" Jackie knew that Luke would've wanted the accounts to go with him.

"That's fine. Whatever Philip Tyrell wants I'm happy with. I know you will be able to look after him. I can understand why he would want to keep his accounts here."

Panic suddenly filled Jackie as she imagined Philip divulging to Luke all the details of her relationship with Dom. She knew exactly why Philip Tyrell wanted to keep the accounts where they are. It was to either stop Jackie from being able to progress in her career, or to get her to break-up with Dom. "Really? I would have thought he would want to keep them with you?"

"No. He'll make the decision to transfer when he wants to and not feel forced to because I have progressed. He hates change and likes to feel in control of everything."

Including his son's life. Jackie thought. "He also wanted to invite me to the party he's throwing in Dom honor in a couple of months. He told me he had sent you an invite too."

"Yeah he has. Although, I wasn't sure if I would go. That scene can be pretty heavy but if you're going then maybe it won't be so bad. It'll be hard work Jackie."

"If we go together I think I can handle it."


Jackie felt exhilarated after the race meeting. The whole experience in the pit lane was an eye opener. The whole team had worked together as if they were morphed into one pulsating brain that had pin-point precision. It was amazing being able to watch how all the different parts of the team worked together to overcome the obstacles that the racetrack threw at them and achieve their best result so far. Dom had driven in three races and once again finished two races in the top 10 with a podium finish in the last race. He was ecstatic and rushed over to Jackie after the last race and almost hurled her over his shoulder as he lifted her up and hugged her in front of the whole crowd. She was euphoric at the thought that this declared to everyone that she was his.

Jackie hadn't revealed to Dom the true conversation that she had with his father yet. She wanted to wait until after the race meeting so that she didn't interfere with the complete and utter concentration that was required when he was racing. She knew he would be wild and waited until they were back at the hotel.

"Dom I need to confess something to you. The meeting with your father didn't go as well as I had told you."

Dom's brows scrunched together in annoyance. "What did he do now?"

"Well, you know how he said he wanted me to be there at the party that he is going to hold for you after the Auckland race."


"He's invited Luke as well. I guess he thinks that if Luke is there I won't be able to be with you, as your girlfriend." Jackie could see the color rising in Dom's cheeks and knew that he was angry. "I'm sorry Dom. I didn't want to spoil your mood but felt that you needed to know."

"That evil manipulative man!" Dom had risen from where he was sitting and started pacing around the room. He knew what game his father was playing, he had done it before. Dom knew that his father planned to expose their relationship in front of at least 300 guests that would be attending. That would ruin Jackie's career forever. She would never be able to get another job working for a bank.

"Dom." Jackie reached out and lightly touched his arm in comfort. "It will be okay. I have an idea that could make this work. It will mean that you would need to transfer your accounts with Luke to his new branch."

Dom looked up at Jackie and when he saw the confidence exude from her posture he calmed down. He was amazed by this woman. She had the ability to lighten his mood whenever it was needed and he loved her for that. He always felt so at ease around her, like he could achieve everything that he set his mind on. The love that was building between them was getting stronger with each second they spent together and he knew that he wanted to be hers forever. Placing his hand on hers he sat down on the bed beside her. With his other hand he stroked the chocolate velvet tresses with his fingers. Looking deep into her eyes he leaned in and kissed her. Not passionately this time but with a longing that revealed his true feelings towards her. He couldn't live without her and he was damned if he was going to let his father win.

"Let's go to dinner, and you can tell me your plan over a good Pinot."


"Jackie? I've just got off the phone with Dom Tyrell. He's just asked me if he can transfer his accounts with me to the new branch?" Luke was standing in the doorway of her office. Jackie could hear the concern in Luke's voice. "Did something happen?"

Jackie knew that now was the time to reveal everything. She had dreaded this moment from the instant that she realized she loved Dom. She knew she could never choose her job over him. "Luke. Can you come in and shut the door please. I have something I need to tell you."

Luke looked confused and Jackie could almost see the cogs in his brain circling as he tried to figure out what Jackie could possibly have to tell him. He closed the door and sat in the chair that Dom had sat in that first time she had met him.

"Luke, Dom has asked you to take his accounts with you because . . ." She had to stop and take a deep breath. She wasn't sure how Luke was going to react but was prepared to face whatever consequences would follow. "Well, Dom and I have been seeing each other – Outside of work."

"You mean . . ." Luke couldn't bring himself to actually say the words.

"Yes, I have been spending quite a bit of time in his company." Jackie parenthesized the word company with her fingers.

Luke's head dropped as the realization of what this meant hit him. "Jackie, you know what this means. This is totally out-of-character for you."

"There's more." Jackie could feel the angst tighten in the pit of her stomach and the tears well up in her eyes. "Philip Tyrell didn't invite me to the party because we look after his accounts, He knows that Dom and I are together and has invited me to the cocktail party to reveal our relationship in front of you. He is trying to make sure that Dom and I split up, and I guess he thinks that by forcing me into a situation where I have to choose, I would choose my job and not Dom." The tears had spilled over the dam and were streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry Luke, I know this has put you in a terrible position."

"So Dom wants me to take his accounts with me so that he can continue his relationship with you without jeopardizing your career. The valiant knight tries to save the day."

Jackie's heart sank at the sound of the word tries.

"I don't know what to do. I like you Jackie and I would have thought you would've had more sense than this."

"Luke, Please. I know I've stuffed up. But you can't stop your heart from loving someone your head knows you shouldn't. I tried to deny my feelings for him but I'm in love with him."

Luke could see that what she said was true. He was struggling with the same situation and thought that the move to the new branch might solve his problem too.

Luke understood that the feelings Jackie had for Dom, must be real for her to continue a relationship with him even though she could lose the career that he knew she loved. He had taken her under his wing and had helped her because he knew she had the right personality and character that this job commanded. He also knew that people do stuff up now and then. He knew that what he was about to do was against the rules and he could also be fired, but he was prepared to take the risk for Jackie "So what do you propose we do?"

"If Dom transferred his accounts to your branch, He wouldn't be my client any longer. Technically I wouldn't be breaking any rules. If it means I no longer stand a chance for promotion that is a decision I am happy to live with."

"But if his father doesn't want to transfer his accounts then you would still be in a conflict of interest as he would potentially be your father-in-law."

Jackie had stopped crying as she knew Luke was on her side. "Philip was only saying that he would keep the accounts here as he knew it would be a conflict and it would also force my hand. He doesn't actually want me to have anything to do with him or his son."

"I have an idea but I will need some time to look over a few things." Luke smiled at Jackie and held her hand in his across her desk. "I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen, and I still have every confidence in you to be a great manager Jackie. Leave Philip Tyrant, I mean Tyrell to me."

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