The Scarlet Dagger (The Red S...

By writekdjones

11K 600 11

The strength of Sloane’s heart is about to be put to the ultimate test. After the Eclipse – the night vampir... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 9

378 18 0
By writekdjones

Everything moved in slow motion. As I spun, my eyes widened, taking in what appeared to be a younger version of Martha Stewart. The woman had immaculately styled platinum blond hair, which was held back by a broad white head band, and a warm face with petite features.

Features I was seriously about to damage.

She was too close, and I couldn't stop. My jaw slowly dropped in horror as her smile vanished, replaced by alarm as she registered what I was about to do.

Oh God.

I tried pulling back, but it was too late.

Less than three inches until impact, Aden shoved the woman out of the way, and my fist firmly connected with his jaw. He stumbled from the blow and swore.

I cupped my hands over my mouth in horror, apologies streaming from my lips in a frantic blur.

Aden gave me an icy glare before the woman broke the awkward silence. "Hi, Sloane," she said, smiling sweetly, as if I hadn't just tried to deck her. Her voice was light and airy, as dainty as her appearance. "I'm Rose Knight, Aden's mother."

I blinked in surprise. Aden lived with his mom? A quick scan of her signature told me she was also a vampire. Staring at her, I saw where Aden had inherited his pale features.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," she said. "You've been all Aden could talk about."

"Mom," Aden groaned, sounding much more like a teenager.

I flushed, surprised, but kept my face impassive as she extended her hand and I tentatively shook it.

She smiled sheepishly. "I apologize for frightening you. You must have had a long day. No one can blame you for being a little, well, 'edgy.'"

I wanted to laugh. "Edgy" doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now.

I just nodded, not quite meeting her eyes, and she hastily ushered Aden forward. "Well, I'm sure you're tired. Aden, dear, won't you show Sloane to her room?" She took my hands and squeezed them. "Please treat our home as your own."

"Thanks," I mumbled, taken aback by her kindness.

Mrs. Knight looked at her son and shook her head. "I'll fetch you an ice pack and some aspirin." She smiled at me one last time before walking off.

"Well," Aden said. "That went well." The words sounded funny because he was trying to talk without moving his mouth much. He looked at me pointedly, and I crossed my arms, refusing to look at him as my face burned. He made what sounded like a low growl in his throat and then started up the stairs, motioning for me to follow.

The townhouse was much bigger than it looked from the outside – the interior stretched far into the earth, making it seem impossibly long compared to the tiny apartment you saw from the street. The stairwell curled into the expansive second floor, depositing us into a carpeted hallway lined with a few doors. Elaborate crystal sconces dotted the walls, lighting the way. As on the ground level, there weren't any hanging photographs, only paintings and other artwork. We passed a few doors before Aden threw one open, spilling warm, orange light into the hall.

"Your room's right across from the bathroom," he said, stepping aside. "Unfortunately, there's only one on this floor, so you'll be sharing it with me."

I walked past him into the room, and my jaw dropped.

It was huge. I wagered I could have fit my entire bedroom from back home and then some in it. The floor was covered in the same thick, white carpet as the other rooms, and the walls were painted a beautiful deep plum. The ceiling was comprised of fancy lacework tiles, and three amber-colored lamps of varying lengths dripped from the center, suspended on cables that resembled black ivy.

All the furniture was black, and everything in the room coordinated. On one wall was a massive king-sized bed with black and gold-flecked wrought iron railings. The comforter was quilted violet silk that dragged the floor, and a mountain of fancy pillows of different shapes was piled against the headboard. Directly across from the bed was a luxurious black leather couch, a coffee table, and on the parallel wall, the biggest flat-screen TV I had ever seen, complete with a Blue-ray player and a black mini-fridge. A desk and a bookcase sat in the corner beside a set of French doors I assumed was a closet. The thing that surprised me the most was the window, more of a decorative accent than for anything else. I mean really, what could you watch from it? The non-existent birds? It was fairly large, fitted with a bookshelf and a large window seat with plum colored upholstery. It looked like the perfect spot to curl up and read a book.

"Do you like it?" Aden asked, coming up beside me. He almost sounded nervous.

"It's beautiful," I breathed, and I meant it. It was the most gorgeous room I had ever seen.

"Cool," he replied awkwardly.

I giggled, and he quirked a brow. "What's so funny?"

I shook my head with a small smile. "Nothing. It's just kind of odd hearing you say something so..."


"Casual," I offered, studying him. "You feel at home here, like you can be yourself. I can tell you're more relaxed. You don't have to wear the Captain's mask around your mom."

He looked... stunned. We stared at each other for a few long seconds, tension tightening in the room, before he cleared his throat and looked away. "By the way, feel free to make it your own. My mom was taking a shot in the dark when she designed it for you."

"Your mom designed this?"

"Yeah, she's an interior designer. She used to work for a design agency."

Before she became a vampire, I finished. I looked around again, still unable to believe that all the beauty around me was mine.

"Oh, and check this out." Aden walked across the room to the French doors. "We got a few things for you to wear. My mom says she'll take you shopping sometime later when you're able to leave the apartment."

I opened the door and flipped on the light. At first, I thought it was the smallest closet ever. Then I looked to my right, and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. The closet ran behind the entire length of the TV wall, lined with racks, cubbies for shoes, and drawers. For the most part, the racks were empty, save for a few pairs of jeans and some plain shirts.

"All this" – I motioned around the room – "is for me?"

Aden nodded. "Yep. If you don't like the color –"

"It's amazing. I wouldn't change a thing."

Mrs. Knight's voice floated up the stairs. "Guess I'll go claim that aspirin," Aden said. "There are clean towels in the bathroom if you want to shower." He turned to leave.

"Hey," I said.

He paused, quirking a brow in that quizzical way of his.

"Sorry I punched you in the face," I mumbled, shifting my weight.

He tried to grin and then winced, touching his jaw. It was swollen, but I could tell it was already starting to heal. As he looked at me, something in his eyes shifted. "You can make it up to me."

My brows furrowed.

He walked back, stopping a few inches in front of me. "Go on a date with me."

I blinked in surprise. That wasn't what I had expected him to say. "I just punched you in the face, and you want to go out with me?"

"Eh, it's all relative. The way I see it, it's not every day I find a girl who can kick my ass. It's kind of hot." The non-bruised side of his face lifted into a wry smile.

I flushed. No one had ever called me "hot" before. My best friends were a bunch of guys, and they treated me like one of the boys. Then again, "hot" wasn't exactly a compliment in my book. It usually meant "bang-able," not exactly something a respectable girl wanted to be called.

"So what do you think?" he asked softly.



I firmly shook my head. "No way. Not in your wildest dreams."

The look on his face said he clearly wasn't used to being blown off. His eyes held mine as he reached up to cradle my cheek. "Then I guess I'll have to change your mind."

I swatted his hand away and turned around before he could see me blush anymore. He chuckled, and I was afraid he'd push the topic, but a few seconds later I heard the door close.

My heart beat wildly. What was the matter with me? This was the guy who ruined my life, so shouldn't I hate him? I tried to make sense of my feelings.

"All right, sure," I said to myself, pacing. "You're attracted to him. It's perfectly natural. He's handsome, he's surprisingly sweet, he's..."

He had been very kind to me, which was the exact opposite of the picture the government and my memories had painted for us. Vampires should be wild, feral creatures whose sole purpose was to prey on humans. But Aden and his mother, Paris, Rook and Angel, this place... they seemed normal, almost human, with the exception of the charming General Frost.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, more confused than when I'd started.

As much as I wanted to just plop down on the bed and crash, my desire to be clean was greater. I decided to rummage through the closet, selecting a pair of faded jeans and a black T-shirt before heading to the bathroom.

One thing was for certain: Mrs. Knight was amazing at her job. The bathroom was also massive, with his and her sinks, a shower, a rack for your clothes and wet towels, and a giant old fashioned, clawfoot bathtub. The walls were a cool ice blue, and the floor was covered in blue and white tiles. All the fixtures were silver, and a hanging lamp pooled light onto the tub. The countertops were marbleized grey. Someone had already laid out shampoo, conditioner, and a razor alongside a fluffy white towel. I snatched them up and turned on the hot water in the shower, wondering where they got their water supply from. They probably drilled into the surface sewage system, similar to how they leeched off our electricity.

I stripped out of the uniform and gingerly climbed into the shower. Maybe it was because I'd been through hell the past few days, but for whatever reason, it was the best shower I've ever had. I lingered in the steam, feeling my muscles begin to relax as the water poured over my body.

I didn't want to think. I didn't want to feel. For once since my life turned upside down, I just wanted to be alone and "not be." It was the only way I knew to keep myself glued together.

Water poured across my birthmark. I stood there, staring at it without blinking, lost in fractured memories. Every time I took a shower – every glimpse of that forget-me-not – made me think of Orion. I couldn't help it. It was always there, ready to remind me of my betrayal.

Hot tears stung my eyes, and I took a deep breath. Easy there, Sloane. You have to keep it together. You have to be strong for Leo.

I let out my breath, slowly, feeling myself calm down. "For Leo," I said with a nod.

I emerged from the shower a full forty-five minutes later. Heat radiated off my skin as I dressed and combed out my hair, feeling more relaxed than I had in days. It felt strange to wear normal clothes again. Since my mother had become Sovereign, my casual wear had consisted of a nice skirt or slacks and a blouse. The jeans and plain T-shirt were like precious gifts, and I relished the freedom I felt in them.

Someone knocked. "Come in," I called.

Aden poked his head in, wafting away steam. "Hey, my mom wanted me to ask if you'd like to join us for dinner."

Wonderful smells wafted through the door, and I licked my lips. "Sure. I'll be down in a second."

He left, and I hesitated, fussing with my hair. Some part of me didn't quite want to go downstairs, and I wasn't really sure why. Could it be my unspoken grudge against Aden? I didn't know, and I debated about whether or not I should just skip dinner and stay in my room. My stomach growled, and I glared at it. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until he had mentioned food, and after stalling for a few more minutes, I hauled myself downstairs.

Aden stepped around the corner the moment I cleared the stairwell. "There you are. Hey, come and eat. Mom's made steak tonight."

I followed him to the dining room, and my eyes bulged. There was enough food to feed a small army. Every inch of the dining room table was covered in plates piled high with buttered rolls, salad, vegetables, deserts, and a variety of appetizers. Three places were set, already bearing the biggest steaks I had ever seen. A pitcher of what appeared to be iced tea and lemon sat on the table.

"I hope you're hungry," Mrs. Knight said, tucking cotton napkins beneath our silverware.

"It looks great," I said half-heartedly. Though I was hungry, I wasn't able to muster much enthusiasm, and my nerves pulled at my resolve as I approached the table.

What the hell is wrong with me? It's just dinner, not like I'm going into the Red Sector all over again.

Aden pulled out a chair for me, and I gave him an odd look. "What are you, from the 1800's?"

"Actually, my mom and I have only been vampires for little under two years now." He took the seat beside mine and winked. "I just thought it might help my cause."

"Well, try all you like, but I'm not going to change my mind." I tried to unfold my napkin across my lap, but my fingers didn't seem to remember how to work when he was looking at me like that.

His mother sat across from me, at the other head of the table. She clasped her hands and bowed her head, at which I did the same. After she blessed the meal, we filled our plates with even more food. It smelled amazing and tasted as good as it looked. I wolfed it down like I hadn't eaten in months.

I was unable to keep my eyes from wandering toward Aden, not so much for his looks as for his sudden change in demeanor. He acted totally different around his mother, an enchanting stranger compared to the serious persona he portrayed as Captain Knight.

Mrs. Knight and Aden made light conversation, laughing and joking with one another. Their laughter was like a dagger cutting into my heart. Watching them reminded me too much of my father and my brother and how we used to have dinners like this when I was young.

Back before my mother and the Eclipse destroyed our lives.

"So Sloane," Mrs. Knight said, turning her attention to me. I gripped my crystal glass a little harder, bracing myself. "What grade are you in?"

"I'm a senior. Was a senior," I answered tightly.

She raised her brows, a small smile on her lips, and looked at Aden, who merely rolled his eyes. "The same grade level as Aden. That's nice."

I wasn't sure what that was supposed to mean, so I popped another forkful of salad into my mouth.

"Were you thinking about going to college?" she asked politely.

I nearly choked. College? She was joking, right? Judging from my current situation, I didn't see how that was going to be possible even if I did want to go, which I wasn't sure about to begin with. "What's the point in thinking about it now?"

Her fork froze midair. Aden watched me, a wary look on his face. "I mean, college isn't always the best choice for everyone," she said carefully, as if trying to calm a wild horse. "I know some would rather go to a technical school or just join the workforce."

I stared at my plate, my mouth a tight, thin line. "None of that matters anymore. I couldn't go to school even if I wanted to now."

"Not the case," Aden said. "There are vampires that live above the surface, blending in and going about their lives as if they were human. It's tricky, of course. Though we don't sparkle in sunlight" – he said this with a snort – "we can literally burst into flames if we're exposed to too much of it, so most vampires have to take graveyard shifts or go to night or online classes."

I set down my fork somewhat forcefully, dropping my eyes. "So what you're telling me is I'll never be able to lead a normal life."

Aden and his mother paused, uneasy. "You could lead one here. With us... with me," he said hopefully.

My head snapped up, flames blazing in my eyes. "I don't want you! I never asked for any of this!"

Hurt flashed across Aden's eyes, but his mother was the one who answered. "None of us wanted this," she said gently. "But we're managing the best we can. It's all we can do."

I turned on her. "You at least have each other" – I pointed between them – "which is more than I have." I rose from my seat, embarrassed at the way I was behaving but unable to stop myself. "Sorry, but I've lost my appetite."

"All right," Mrs. Knight said, her voice warbling as she stood. "I'll fix a tray up for you and send it up –"

"I don't want any more of your fucking courtesy!"

Aden flew out of his chair so hard it fell over. He jerked me by the arm. "You're done."

I didn't struggle as he led me from the room; I was too shocked from my behavior for that. Right before we turned the corner, I looked back, seeing tears welling in Mrs. Knight's eyes.

Aden didn't slow when we hit the stairs. I probably would have been dragged if I wasn't a vampire and could match his speed.

He threw open my door, shoving me inside. "What the hell is your problem?"

I was too ashamed to meet his eyes. Mrs. Knight had been nothing but kind to me. Why had I said something like that?

Because you're hurting, and you wanted her to hurt too.

"I don't know," I said weakly.

His hands were all over the place, gripping his jeans, his shirt, running through his hair. I wondered if I should be worried about him hitting me.

"I know what you're going through. Believe me, I've been there. But your life wasn't the only one that was shit on. Nobody is prepared to become a vampire. There aren't any guidebooks on it, no clues to help you out. But I'm here. My mother, Paris, Rook, Angel, we're all here to help you, which is a hell of a lot more than the rest of us had coming in. So stop acting like the world owes you something."

His words stung. Deep down, I knew he was right. "I'm sorry," I whispered, face burning. "I'm so terribly sorry for the things I said. I just –" I bit my tongue. Why was I apologizing to him, of all people? He ruined my life.

Still, you had no right saying those things to Mrs. Knight.

I felt terrible for that. My knees shook, and I started to crumple to the floor. But Aden caught me, lowering me until we were both on the carpet with his arms wrapped tightly around me.

I held back my tears. Crying never did me any good, and there was no way I was going to bawl like a baby in front of him. I wriggled out of his grasp and leaned against the couch. Something popped into my mind. "Why didn't you tell Frost about me? She's your commanding officer."

Aden looked startled by my question. Almost instantaneously, his Captain mask dropped back into place, cold and distant. "I didn't have time," he said simply, rising. He offered me his hand, and this time I took it, more questions dancing along my tongue.

I searched his eyes. "You're hiding something from me."

His mouth turned up into a sardonic smile. "Me, keep secrets? Never."

Then without another word, he walked out of theroom. 

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