To Be Mine (Editing)

By laurenejohnson

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Elizabeth Miller was hopeless when it came to love. Brett Smith had experience, and was the player type. Both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 23

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By laurenejohnson

Chapter 23

As I was enjoying the wonders of motherhood after Brett had to go back to college, I also had to juggle my own college. On one particular night I had an essay to write for my Art History class on Vincent Van Gogh, but Olivia just wanted attention.

She kept crying, and after I’d fed her, changed her and cuddled her she still wouldn’t stop. I finally had Kathy come and take her, and by the time I finished my essay it was after eleven.

After I went to check on Olivia asleep in her room, I texted Brett. I sent him another picture of our month old angel, as I had been everyday since he’d left.

I got ready for bed myself and read a few pages of a Nicholas Sparks book before finally falling asleep.


The arrangements for the wedding were all set, and all the final exams were taken when Brett finally got to come back to Chicago.

I no longer had to wake up every time Olivia cried during the night. Instead, Brett would take care of our baby for me. I got more sleep than I had been, and I actually had time to myself. I couldn’t wait to be married to the love of my life and in an apartment of our own, instead of being cramped up living with Kathy.

Brett and my parents both chipped in to buy us the apartment we’d wanted: a penthouse overlooking Chicago, with five large bedrooms and six bathrooms. Two would be for guests; Brett and I wanted at least one more kid.

We never spoke of Oliver. It hurt to much to think about, let alone talk. I couldn’t help but cry silent tears as I rocked Olivia to sleep every night, thinking about what I would be doing if I had to take care of her brother as well.

Besides that, our future was slowly falling into place, and it felt great.


Our wedding tied for the best day of my life, with Olivia’s birth.

It was a beautiful day. The wedding was held in Destin on the beach, and was more than I could have imagined.

I woke up at eight in the morning, and took a long, relaxing shower, and then met Ali and Kathy for breakfast. I ate light, not wanting to be bloated or get a stomach ache. After that, the girls took me to pick up my shoes. They were beautiful white Jimmy Choos, that would sadly be hidden by the dress, but at least I knew they were there.

Around noon, I met my hairdresser and makeup artist at Brett’s house, which had been used as the place everyone got ready. My future mother-in-law had put together three full length mirrors so I could look at myself in different angles.

Someone turned on relaxing music before I sat down in a vanity chair, closing my eyes as my hair and face were worked on. An hour later, I was allowed to look ay myself in the mirrors.

My cheeks were highlighted with a light blush; my eye shadow was perfect for my blue eyes. Lipstick stuck to my lips, making them look full. Mascara made my eyelashes look forever long. My skin had a glow to it.

My hair was curled in spirals. It was intricately pinned up, with random loose curls framing my face. Overall, I looked like I had just walked out of a Dolce and Gabbana ad, and that was just my features.

I quickly slipped into my shoes and dress, while Kathy and Ali put on their flowy yellow bridesmaid dresses. I grabbed my bouquet of white and yellow tulips as the ceremony started.

Ali walked down the aisle first, with one of Brett’s friends, Hunter, who I had apparently met long ago but I didn’t remember him. Kathy walked down a moment later, her arm hooked in Brennan’s arm, the Maid of Honor and the Best Man. I couldn’t help but smirk at the way Kathy was checking Brennan out.

Olivia had already been carried down the aisle by my mom, and she was wearing an adorable little yellow dress. At just three months, she was unable to be a true flower girl, so no flowers actually made their way on the crème carpet that had been laid down for the aisle, but with the white sand around it, the carpet was barely noticed.

I braced myself as I took a step, my arm looped through my father’s, as I neared my happy future with Brett.


Brett’s POV

The biggest smile in the world was plastered onto my face as I watched my very soon-to-be wife walk towards me, her smile just as big as mine.

She was absolutely stunning. Her white dress complimented her body, and it made me want to skip the ceremony and go straight to the wedding night. It was off the shoulder, and the train wasn’t too long, so no little kid was subjected to hold it. She held a bouquet of yellow tulips, her favorite.

Her pearly white teeth were showing the whole time. I knew she couldn’t have been happier; neither could I have been. As she walked, a blonde curl fell out, but it was just a short bang.

Her father gave her away to me, and I faced her, standing in front of the minister. I brushed away the curl I had seen and I placed my hands back in hers.

We listened as the minister said some stuff, but really I just couldn’t stop smiling at my girl. She would always be mine, no matter what. I wondered if she felt any different to be mine forever and always.

“Do you, Brett Matthew Smith, take Elizabeth Katherine Miller to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the minister asked.

“I do,” I said, my smile growing impossibly wider.

“Do you, Elizabeth Katherine Miller, take Brett Matthew Smith to be your lawfully wedded husband?” he asked Beth.

“I do,” she said. Her blue eyes twinkled.

“You may now kiss the bride,” the minister said. He didn’t have to tell me twice.

I leaned forward and swept my wife into a kiss. She opened her mouth for me as I deepened the kiss. Someone cleared their throat after a little while, and I remembered where we were.

I pulled back, my arm supporting her waist, and she pulled her hand out of my hair as a blush reddened her cheeks. I didn’t care if people had seen that, they should know how much I love my wife.

“I love you so much,” she whispered. My smile turned into a smirk. I swept her into another quick kiss, before we could get carried away. I prayed that my, uh, need for the night to come, wasn’t too noticeable.

I noticed the sun was beginning to set, meaning the night was soon ours, as we made our way off the beach with our family and friends. Not too many people had come, and Beth and I got into a limo that would take us to a five star hotel that was just half an hour away.

The whole car ride there, I kept making Beth giggle by kissing her neck, and all the way up and down her arm. I couldn’t wait to get her dress off of her, I really couldn’t.

Olivia was supposed to stay with my parents while we were on our honeymoon, which began the following day. We were to fly to the Bahamas for two weeks, where it would just be the two of us.

We finally arrived at the hotel, so I checked us in quickly, and then we rushed to our room. Beth had already taking off her shoes, which she completely adored, because they were Jimmy Who’s or something. I pretty much zoned out when she was planning the outfits for the wedding.

“I’m going to go freshen up,” Beth said, give me a sexy smile as she grabbed her bag and went into the bathroom while I locked our door. I had carried her over the threshold, which was as close as I could get until we were back in Chicago.

There was already flower petals sprinkled on top of the giant bed, and I found the candles that I’d had someone bring up, along with a lighter. It reminded me a little of when I proposed, as I scattered the candles around the room, dimming the lights.

I took off my suit jacket, throwing it on a chair, and unbuttoned some of the top buttons of my shirt. I took off my shoes, chucking them into the corner.

I heard the bathroom door open, and I turned to see Beth, looking sexy as hell.

Her hair was down, falling in curls around her shoulders and down her back. She was wearing a little corset thing, and these lace tight things that I couldn’t be bothered to look at closely. I just needed my wife.

Overall, it was the best damn wedding night ever.


Elizabeth’s POV

I woke up the day after the wedding, feeling my head rested on something hard. I felt the surface rise and fall softly. I tried not to move so I wouldn’t disturb Brett, but he was already awake.

“Beth?” he whispered. I tilted my head and got in a position on my stomach so I could look at him. I smiled.

“Hey,” I said.

“I could easily get used to this,” he said, smiling back at me. “Waking up everyday with you laying on me, naked.” I blushed and buried my face in his chest. “Almost a year after we met, and I can still make you blush with one sentence.”

I felt him move his hand as he began to trace patterns on my back, sending shocks through my body. I sighed in content, curling up onto his chest. He continued to trace designs on my skin, sending a shiver up my spine.

“When do we fly out?” I asked.

“A few hours,” he replied. “You’re all packed, right?”

“Yeah,” I said. After half an hour or so of just laying there, we finally got out of bed. I found a sun dress in my over night bag and slipped it on after taking a long, relaxing shower with Brett.

“You ready?” he asked. He held our duffle bag in one hand, his other hand in mine. He was wearing a short sleeve button down shirt, the first two buttons left undone, with khaki shorts. His brown hair was tousled, and I wished we could have just stayed in bed all day. He smirked at me. “I think if you can wait until we get there, we’ll do what you’re thinking.”

Damn. He really could read my mind.

“Perfect,” I said flirtily, smirking back at him.

The rest of the day breezed by, and before I knew it we were getting off our plane around midnight. We took some form of transportation to our resort, but I passed out in Brett’s arms before we got on.

I assumed he carried me, since he had already offered to carry me because I was so tired. When I woke up, we were in our resort.

There were two big open windows with white curtains being flown around, and a few feet from the foot of the bed I was in, there was French doors that led to the beach. The doors were open, and I saw a figure in the distance, at the edge of the water.

I sat up and stretched, noticing Brett had put my silk nightgown on for me. Bless him, I thought. I got up and quickly changed into a bikini, running out to meet Brett in the water.

It was crystal clear, I could see the bottom of the ocean even fifteen feet in front of me. It was the exact shade of Brett’s eyes, which made me smile. The water was also the perfect temperature, so I swam far out with my husband.

We found a sand bar, and boy did we get a good use out of it. After an hour or so, I realized I was hungry, so we walked for about ten or so minutes to the main area of the resort and we ate breakfast.

The rest of the day was spent at the beach, in the water, and towards the evening in our little room, in the huge, comfy bed. We had lunch and dinner delivered to us, since we didn’t want to keep our hands off of each other long enough to go in public…I chuckled to myself when I thought what the resort’s employees face’s would look like.

We had our own little oasis together, a perfect getaway.


It wasn’t until we had been in the Bahamas for a week and a half that they were finally able to reach us.

Brett had taken me out to a fancy dinner, when an employee asked for me.

“Mrs. Elizabeth Smith?” a very tan man asked.

“Yes?” I replied.

“A call for you,” he said, and I followed him to one of the few phones at the resort.

“Oh, okay,” I said, taking the phone from him. I absentmindedly started twisting the cord around my finger. “Hello?”

“Beth Smith?“ someone said.

“This is she,” I said, confused.

“I’m Sheriff Brown of Fort Walton Beach PD,” he introduced himself. “I regret to inform you that there was…an accident, last week. I would’ve called you sooner, but nobody knew where you were.”

“Wh- what kind of an accident?” I asked.

“A car accident,” he stated.

“Who was involved?” I questioned.

“Your mother and father,” he said. All of a sudden, my world was spinning. “Your father has a broken leg, and is in critical condition in the hospital, and you mother…she passed away, Elizabeth.”

I dropped the phone. I couldn’t think straight.

My…my mom was dead?

My knees gave out and I collapsed on the floor. I attempted to pull myself to sit on my knees, and I somehow successfully did.

I heard footsteps and Brett’s frantic voice, but the last thing I heard before I fainted was my husband calling my name.


Author's Note: YAY! They finally got married!:D Even I'm exited(; but tthen her mom died...that will be explained more nex chapter.

So, I uploaded my new book!! It's called Dating Hollywood's Bad Boy, please check it out!!!

<3 you guys!! Thanks for reading!!!

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