Autumn Panic

By ScottArroy

2.5K 565 410

When Autumn leaves Fawkner park after softball try outs she looks in her side mirror of her sporty VW Beetle... More

Authors Note
Gully Heights High
Herbie and the pool
Anzac Anxieties
Birthday Planning
Door knocking
Best Friends
The Party
The Sleepover
Softball Trials
Intervention Strategies
Anzac Day
The Barbeque
Mother's Day
Another Birthday to Plan
Yani Island
Another Sleepover


37 14 0
By ScottArroy

We had introduced several Yoga positions under the guise of stretching. When we started using the tree pose and eagle pose Winter exclaimed "this is similar to a Yoga."

"Really; don't really know much about Yoga" was all that Summer could come back with in response.

"Neither do I! You see Yoga is another of the banned activities of the Society."

"Is it dear? Why is that?" Mum queried

"It's a religion." Winter hesitantly spoke before continuing with "I think? I mean I don't really know!"

"It's used in the Hindu religion and augments with their culture and there is chanting and carry on combined with prayer is about as much as I know." Mum confidently submitted.

"I guess stretching is stretching. I've seen similar stuff in the Pilates class down at the local pool." Summer adds in not allowing the matter to drop.

"If Yoga is forbidden I'm sure it would be for the religious aspect and not for anything like what we are doing the physical aspects of the body. I'll just get my computer and Google it" I say quickly leaving the room.

"I'm not really allowed to do that" Winter says as I return to the room.

"Do what?"

"Use the internet?"

"Really; is that why you're not on Facebook." I cunningly throw.

"I guess it would be OK for me to find out though" I add not looking at her or wanting a reply; silently hoping she will not react to my clearly crossing a boundary.

"It says; Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual discipline originating 500 years BC and is used in Hinduism, Buddhism and a couple of other ism's I can't pronounce. Wow that's a really long time isn't it!" I continue

"I guess there is a possibility that some of these exercises may also be Yoga exercises. Perhaps if you pray to your God while doing these exercises that might make it Yoga. Have you been praying?"

Winter says "No!"

"I guess it's not Yoga then! It takes all three parts to make it Yoga. Anyway how can the improvements we have made to our bodies be in any way bad? Your pains are gone? Right?"

"I've never felt better." Winter boldly stated.

"Great lets finish off todays workout or we will be late for school." Summer said leaving no doubt we should discontinue our conversation and resume stretching.

At lunch we were discussing the English Assignment we had been given. We weren't getting anywhere with it mainly because Jasmine seemed to be stymieing our progress with constant red herrings.

"I know" she said "we should get Justin to help us after all he is the class ace". Without any further comment she upped and scurried off. Returning a few minutes later with Justin in tow.

Justin explained it all quite clearly with Jasmine nodding furiously in support throwing in the odd "yeah" and "told you so".

"Hang on; wasn't that what I was saying before and you said it was a ruse! Now Justin's here you've completely changed your arguments" Winter expressed completely frazzled by Jasmine's changed position.

"Winter; that's no way to talk to Jasmine when she was only trying to help clarify the matter for us" I say.

"I'm sorry Jasmine. I'm not sure what happened then. Thank you for getting Justin to help us resolve everything clearly." Winter expressed in her normal manufactured voice.

"What a cop out you two! Why are you cowering to Jasmine? She was clearly wrong and now you want to cover it over. What the F... It's Jasmine who should be apologising. Sure she got Justin here to come and sort it out for us but that's where it ends! She was originally mostly wrong although to be somewhat fair we weren't all exactly right or on the same page but Jasmine; sorry you were mostly wrong!" Summer most indignantly stated staring her down.

"Winter can you accept my apologies? I didn't mean to make you look bad. I was trying to cover up so I didn't look like the doofus I clearly am. I am sorry for making you alter you position by my boldness. Your views are as important as anyone else's."

Then I quickly added "I know Winter; I didn't mean to say your thoughts were any less important than Jasmine's. I guess I was a little surprised by your outspokenness to Jasmine but upon reflection it was I that overstepped. Your views were both correct and" now looking at Jasmine

"required; sorry Jasmine". 

"Perhaps we can agree I said them a little harshly." Winter proposed

"You're a strange lot." Justin commented before walking off saying "If you need further help just come and get me."

I speak out loudly in reply "Thanks" and then throw to the group "Well at least we all understand what it is we need to do now". 

Without more than a glimpse of a pause as if it was still me speaking Summer continues with.

"He is really a nice guy Jasmine do you think we could get him in our study group. He isn't nerdy or stuck up like the other over achievers".

"We didn't really give him a cohesive picture of our group though. Do you think he would want to work with us?" Winter proposes questioningly.

"He normally works with just Rod so we might have a chance. I'll ask!" says Jasmine.

When we were in Psychology class we discussed the fact that Winter was becoming noticeably more outspoken. We thought we had done a good job of getting her to react, retreat and then retake her stance on the English Assignment.

"Working with Rod and Justin was the next phase" said Jasmine.

"Why? And before I had finished asking it light bulbs went off internally. "Really?" I added with a suddenly knowing demeanour.

"Yeap" with a popped "P" said Jasmine.

"Who would have thought? How do you know?" Summer asks.

"Secrets! Spoilers!" is all Jasmine replies before our attention is drawn back to our class work.

Before heading home we stopped in to see Mr McIntosh he had agreed to see us today regarding the value of voting. He asked us as to why our sudden interest in voting. We felt truth was the best approach.

"Sir I am confident the school records will reflect that our good friend Winter is a member of the Society of The Everlasting Providence."

"Those records would be private Autumn and I couldn't comment on them." He professionally replied.

"Of course sir. Its just members of that Society do not regard voting as a concern. Frankly Sir they are a patriarchal society that discourages women to have thoughts or to exercise them. Our friend Winter will soon face either being shunned by her mother or having to shun her dad and all her friends. We simply want to create an environment where Winter can consider her own empowerment. We most definitely do not want to challenge her religious choices" I say.

"It's a very thin line you walk here ladies" he says espousing great wisdom.

"I certainly cannot condone any attack on a person's choice of religion" he continues.

"It is however my job to empower as you say all the students at this school. Voting Miss Roberts is something that my Grandfather died trying to ensure was the right and yet the responsibility of every person. It may seem strange but in a true democracy it is essential to force all people to vote to get the true will of the people. If only we could get the Americans to agree but they won't even ban guns so I don't see a lot of hope there but I digress. This is Australia and it's not our way to tolerate shirking of responsibility. We are not about to stand around and let people be brainwashed by others hiding behind religion. Don't repeat that I said that! Especially not blow in religions with a very questionable background but again I digress."

"In short Miss Roberts and Miss Adams I will find a way to involve your grade in helping define this empowerment. Leave it with me. Thank you for trusting me with the truth and not trying to spin me some yarn ladies. Most refreshing. Most refreshing indeed" he said as he ushered us out the door.


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