just a little bit of support...

By Just_a_wwe_freak

34.2K 633 61

17 year old Maria Kraler has been in the foster system since she was a year old when she 14 she went to a hom... More

just a little bit of support (jey uso love story)
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Note: Im back !! this story will be updated
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21

Chapter 10

1.5K 26 8
By Just_a_wwe_freak

It was Brie and Paige.

"Hey everything ok??" Brie asked

"Yeah everyone is super worried about you" Paige said

"Yeah im fine. Just pissed off at Joshua." Maria said 

"Trinity and Jon Fatu got josh good." Brie said

Maria laughed

"Josh did leave after that happened too" Paige stated " so you can come back to the pool if you want??"

"No, I think im just going to go to bed" Maria said "but thank you"

"Alright" Brie stated " you should call me tomorrow" 

"alright I will" Maria stated "thank you for caring"

"bye" they said

"bye" Maria stated while closing the door.

"You need to go to mommy and daddys room to check in with them"

"Why?? " Maria asked

"they told us earlier we just forgot to tell you you're supposed to when you got here" Rosa explained " sorry" 

"its ok I will go talk to them now i guess" Maria stated " I'll be right back" 

"Ok" The  girls said

Maria grabbed the key and Stephanie's cell phone and walked to Paul and Stephanie's room she knocked and Paul answered.

"Hey the girls told be they wanted me to check in" Maria said

" oh ok come on in" Paul said walking away from the door into the room and sitting on the couch. 

Maria walked in and stood by paul while stephanie was laying on the bed.

"How was swimming??" Paul said 

"Good" Maria lied

"Quit lying what happened??" Stephanie said

Maria said nothing

"Maria" Paul said stirnly

"A guy jumped on top of me after I went into the pool and before that he was a pig" Maria said quickly then ran and jumped over the bed and hid on the other side of the bed away from where stephanie paul was. Terrified of Paul's reaction

" Who did it??" Paul yelled " I want to know now Maria I am not playing any games" 

Flash back  (Flash backs are also going to be in italics but it will say flash backs by it)

"YOU STUPID WHORE CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT"  George said throwing the hot soup in her face "I SAID I WANTED TO HAVE LESS NOODLES IN IT THAN LAST TIME" Smacking her across the face

"Im sorry" Maria said

George took off his belt and smacked Maria's stomach with it.

End of flash back

Maria went into panic quickly crawled under the bed

"Paul calm down; you know how much big people scare her and yelling at her is just going to make her more scared." Stephanie said 

"Im not going to anything to her just the person that did it to her" Paul yelled 

" Do you think she knows that??" Stephanie asked " I doubt she ever had someone that wants to protect her."

"Its possible for other people to want to protect me??" Maria yelled  while crying from under the bed.

" Give me a minute" Paul walked out of the hotel room 

"You okay honey??" Stephanie said. 

Maria said nothing still crying

"Are you scared??" Stephanie asked

"yes" Maria yelled 

"He wasn't going to hurt you I can promise you that. He would never hurt you" Stephanie says " please get out" 

 Paul came back into the  room so she stayed there.

"Can I talk to you for a minute??" Paul asked " without stephanie here"

"No" Maria said tears still falling from her face

" Please Maria" Paul asked

" Let him Maria" Stephanie stated "for me"

"Fine but im staying here" Maria said crying

" Ok then" Paul said laying on the ground and facing maria.

Stephanie left the room.

"Im sorry I scared you Maria" Paul apologized " I will never hurt you Maria I Promise." 

Maria doesn't say anything.

"All I wanted to do was protect you" Paul said " People that care about you want to make sure you're safe and not hurting and I knew it hurt you so it hurt me" 

Maria said nothing 

" Im sorry Maria" Paul said " Please say something"

Maria said nothing

"If you're going to place this game then I am too" Paul said taking off his jacket and tye and laying back on the ground in the same position he was before.

After about 10 minutes Maria calmed down a little bit and stopped crying. They both hadn't moved at all. 

"I can't stand being yelled at it causes flashbacks from what happened" Maria stated quietly " And the only person that has ever protected me is me and I even fail at that" 

" See I had no idea" Paul said feeling bad " if i would've known that than i would've gone out in the hallway or something" 

Maria's back and stomach started to hurt from being the awkward way she was at.

"I'll talk more if you can help me get out of here please" Maria said 

"yeah" Paul said "Hold out your arms" 

Maria put her arms above her head and Paul pulled Maria out from under the bed. Maria stood up an sat on the bed Paul sat next to her.

"After everything that has happened to me i've never thought it was possible for someone to care. This is all new to me. Brie and Paige checking on me after what happened.You wanting to protect me and make sure im safe. " Maria said " i've never known something like this was possible so if you could please take it easy with me on the whole people caring thing---" Paul cut her off

" Im not going to stop caring. Within a day you have become family... none of us not even the girls was thinking that was going to happen" Paul said " but when and if something like this happens again I will calm down before talking to you again. We all care about a lot but we do understand you dont know what its like to have someone care about you."

"Yeah, I guess its going to take time for me to get used to it, but I will try really hard and try to get acclimated to this lifestyle." Maria said

"Yes this family has money but we arent all money the way we treat you besides the things that are bought has nothing to do with lifestyle this is the way everyone should treat you" Paul said

"I've never been treat like this a day in my life" Maria said " well i have now but prior to this"

"Im sorry for yelling at you" Paul said 

"it okay" Maria stated

" are you okay with what happened earlier at the pool with??" Paul asked

"the guy was Joshua Fatu and yes im fine. Dont need to be protective of me and hurt him." Maria said not caring about what happened earlier. 

"I will if I want" Paul said talking like a 3 year old.

Maria laughed 

"well im going to get some sleep" Maria said " Good night Paul" 

" ok you share a bed with Rosa" Paul said


Maria got out of the hotel room and went to her room she walked in and saw everyone watching sponge bob

"im going to bed goodnight girls and stephanie" Maria said giving everyone hugs and than falling asleep on the bed

~Next morning~

Maria woke up to Rosa's foot in her face and someone knocking on the door she looked through the peep hole and saw Jon and Trinity. Maria opened the door.

" Hello" Maria yawned

"Hey do you want to go to breakfast with us at Ihop" Trinity asked 

" I dont have any money"

"On us its the least we could do for what my brother did" Jon said. 

"Umm let me go ask Paul and Stephanie" Maria said grabbing the key to the room then walking to Paul and Stephanie's hotel room. She knocked Stephanie answered wearing her Pjs like she just rolled out of bed

"What Maria?" Stephanie asked

"Can I go to breakfast with Jon and Trinity??" Maria asked 

"yeah just let the girls know. here" Stephanie said handing Maria her phone "call me if you need me"

Maria walked back

"give me 5 minutes to get changed you can come in if you want" Maria said opening the door to the hotel room "be quiet the girls are sleeping" 

"ok"  they walked in and sat down on the couch.

Maria grabbed her clothes and walked into the bathroom. She changed into a pastel blue tank top and blue jeans with black converse and put her hair up into a ponytail. She walked out grabbed the phone and the room key.

"You ready??" Trinity asked

"Yeah let me tell the girls"

Maria told the girls and they went to Ihop. 

"Alright what can i get you to drink" Waitress asked

"water is fine" 

"coffee" Trinity and Jon both said. 

"alright i will bring that for you in a minute" 

Waitress left. Maria looked up and down the menu

I dont even know what half of these are 

"so what are you odering Maria??" Jon asked 

"I dont even now what half of these are. " Maria said

"you never had pancakes??" Jon asked


"then have those they are amazing??" Jon said

"The buttermilk ones??" 

"Yes" Jon said " im sorry about my brother by the way and for me for that fact"

" Dont worry about it" 

The waitress came back and put the drinks on the table

"what can i get to eat for you??" 

"Buttermilk pancakes" Maria said

"Make that 2" Jon said

"make that 3 actually" Trinity said 

"ok that will be right up for you" 

Waitress leaves

"So what are those scars from??" Jon asked

"I rather not talk about it" Maria said quickly so no images would get into her head.

"Oh ok" Jon said

"So what do you do for fun??" Trinity asked

"Umm well i started to workout yesterday and I am having a lot fun doing that for right now and sleep" Maria said.

"Thats fun. I heard Paul Heyman pisses you off??" Jon asked

"yes that is very true" 

then Josh walked up to them.

"What are you doing here??" Jon asked "you knew we were going to invite the kid you pissed off last night" 

"I thought I would have more fun by pissing her off some more" Josh said 

"not funny Josh get out of here" Trinity said

"I was kidding. Im here to apologize the kid" Josh said " Im sorry for messing around with you last night and that you can't take a joke" Josh laughed

"Stop being a ass Josh" Trinity said

"Just stay away from me. I have enough bullshit in my life without you here."  Maria said.

Josh frowned and walked away. 

"Your brother is a pig" Maria said

"usually i would defend him but he is being a ass to and i dont get why" Jon said

"yeah usually he doesn't act like this at all" Trinity said

They got their food and ate it quickly at went back to the hotel. Maria was sitting there in the hotel room and was thinking about school and traveling with the wwe and how cool it would be. She decided to talk to paul and stephanie about it. Maria walked to Paul and Stephanie's room and knocked. Stephanie opened it.

" Hey can I talk to you for a minute??" Maria asked

"yeah come in" Stephanie said walking to the couch and sitting on it while paul was on the bed on his laptop.

"Everything ok??" Paul asked

"Yes everything is fine" Maria said " but I have a question." 

"go ahead ask away" Stephanie said

"Well if this works out and because im supposed to be home schooled so I can work on my recovery and since Jordy has been willing to counsel me through facetime if this works out do you think i could travel with the wwe" Maria asked scared about the answer.

" we'd have to talk to Jordy and Steve about it but if they're okay with it and you keep up with your school than it would be fine with me how about you steph??" Paul said

"Yeah as long as its ok with Jordy and Steve than yeah fine with me" Stephanie said 

"Thank you" Maria said hugging Stephanie and than shaking Paul's hand.

"Now go get ready to workout" Paul said "we're working out in 20 minutes"

"Oh can I have that Protein shake now??" Maria asked  

"yeah give me a minute" Paul said and made Maria a protein shake and handed it to her.

"Alright see you in 20 minutes" Maria said drinking her protein shake.

Maria walked out of the hotel room and as she walk to the hotel room she was to busy drinking her shake and she bumped into someone and fell down when she look she saw....


Author's Note: I know I did not publish a chapter on Friday I just got too much homework. I will have 3 updates this week to make up for it. Im sorry. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment any ideas or people you want to add or you want to add yourself to this story. 


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