Chapter 10

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It was Brie and Paige.

"Hey everything ok??" Brie asked

"Yeah everyone is super worried about you" Paige said

"Yeah im fine. Just pissed off at Joshua." Maria said 

"Trinity and Jon Fatu got josh good." Brie said

Maria laughed

"Josh did leave after that happened too" Paige stated " so you can come back to the pool if you want??"

"No, I think im just going to go to bed" Maria said "but thank you"

"Alright" Brie stated " you should call me tomorrow" 

"alright I will" Maria stated "thank you for caring"

"bye" they said

"bye" Maria stated while closing the door.

"You need to go to mommy and daddys room to check in with them"

"Why?? " Maria asked

"they told us earlier we just forgot to tell you you're supposed to when you got here" Rosa explained " sorry" 

"its ok I will go talk to them now i guess" Maria stated " I'll be right back" 

"Ok" The  girls said

Maria grabbed the key and Stephanie's cell phone and walked to Paul and Stephanie's room she knocked and Paul answered.

"Hey the girls told be they wanted me to check in" Maria said

" oh ok come on in" Paul said walking away from the door into the room and sitting on the couch. 

Maria walked in and stood by paul while stephanie was laying on the bed.

"How was swimming??" Paul said 

"Good" Maria lied

"Quit lying what happened??" Stephanie said

Maria said nothing

"Maria" Paul said stirnly

"A guy jumped on top of me after I went into the pool and before that he was a pig" Maria said quickly then ran and jumped over the bed and hid on the other side of the bed away from where stephanie paul was. Terrified of Paul's reaction

" Who did it??" Paul yelled " I want to know now Maria I am not playing any games" 

Flash back  (Flash backs are also going to be in italics but it will say flash backs by it)

"YOU STUPID WHORE CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT"  George said throwing the hot soup in her face "I SAID I WANTED TO HAVE LESS NOODLES IN IT THAN LAST TIME" Smacking her across the face

"Im sorry" Maria said

George took off his belt and smacked Maria's stomach with it.

End of flash back

Maria went into panic quickly crawled under the bed

"Paul calm down; you know how much big people scare her and yelling at her is just going to make her more scared." Stephanie said 

"Im not going to anything to her just the person that did it to her" Paul yelled 

" Do you think she knows that??" Stephanie asked " I doubt she ever had someone that wants to protect her."

"Its possible for other people to want to protect me??" Maria yelled  while crying from under the bed.

" Give me a minute" Paul walked out of the hotel room 

just a little bit of support (jey uso love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें