Chapter 9

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Maria walks up to Brie's table. Brie was sitting next to Daniel Bryan no one else was sitting at the table at that time

"Hi Brie" Maria said shyly

" hey Maria!" Brie said excitedly "This is my husband Bryan, Bryan this is the girl i was telling you about Maria"

"Hey Maria nice too meet you!" Bryan said as he held out his hand 

"You too" Maria said shyly while shaking his hand and sitting down at the table

"Wait Brie I thought you said she is 17?!?!" Bryan said 

"I am." Maria said

"You do not look 17, you look at least 18-19" Bryan said 

" Is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing??" Maria asked " Im kind of new to this actually talking to people that are not foster family thing" 

"Depends on the person" Bryan said

"When are we leaving for the hotel??" Maria asked

"Once I am done with my food" Brie said pointing to her salad

"So I can get something to eat real quick??" Maria asks


Maria quickly got up and got some mac and cheese casserole thingy than quickly sat down and ate her food within 5 minutes.

"Damn you eat fast!!" Brie said 

" I know, I grew up in a foster home" 

"So Maria how do you like Raw??" Bryan said

" I wasn't expecting to like the show so much I thought it would bring up some unwelcoming memories in my head, but I actually really enjoyed the show; Except Paul Heyman he pissed me off" Maria said

"Did you ever watch WWE prior to being with Paul and Stephanie" Brie asked

" A  little my foster brother Jake would watch it but I never got into it until to night" Maria said

"Well I am done with my food lets go" Brie said

They got up and left the arena and went to Brie's hotel room to find a swimsuit for Maria. Brie found a normal black bikini (not like a string bikini but a normal black one with thicker straps oh and halter styled)  and threw at her.

" Go get changed in the bathroom" Brie said

Maria walked into the bathroom and changed into the bikini and just stared at the mirror. Maria just stared at the scars that were on her body caused by George

(Thoughts = Italics)

How can I go out there like this?? and in public too?? what if I get asked about what happened and they want to know more about what happened?? If I do im going to have a panic attack. 

Maria decided to call Paul/Stephanie 

~Phone Convo~

Paul: Hey Maria everything ok??

Maria: Can I talk to Stephanie??

Paul: If you can tell me that you're ok??

Maria: I dont know if you would call it ok... Stephanie can explain it to you 

Paul: Fine heres stephanie

Stephanie: Hey what wrong??

Maria: Bikini thats what wrong

Stephanie: Why?? Whats your problem with bikinies

Maria: I have a lot of scars that are from the bad things 

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