Chapter 17

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Maria walked into the performance center to see 4 wrestling rings through out a huge room. Maria didnt exactly know where to go and got a little scared when she saw a big dude with 3 piercings on his chin. He walked up to her. She instantly started shaking.
"Hey, Who are you and how may I help you??"
"Maria who??" The man asked
" Im t-t-triple h's adoptive daughter. I just had my last name changed to leavesque... when i got adopted"
"ohhh, Im Matt Bloom" the man said " A friend of your fathers" He held his hand for her to shake.
Maria sighed in relief and shaked his hand. She was still scared of him but less then she was before.
"Oh thank gosh" Maria said
" You're dad said you might be scared of me, but im the only person he trust that doesnt have to go into a meeting today" Matt said." Your dad is in a meeting. If you abosolutely need him he is in the door right next the ring i was in. If you want to talk to him his meeting should be done in 10 minutes until then you can do what you want within in following the rules he said. Your dad also wants you to call or facetime your mother because she is mad at you and him but he already got yelled at but he also said their wont be yelling"
"Ok i'll call steph" Maria said "Can i go outside to do that??"
"Yeah i'll tell your dad if he gets done with his meeting early" Matt said
Maria went outside and called stephanie
~Phone Convo~
Stephanie: hello Maria
Maria: hi Stephanie
Stephanie: what did I tell you to do every night before you go to bed no exceptions
Maria thought for a minute.
Maria:dammit I'm soooo sorry I can't believe I forgot. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
Stephanie: next time you do that then you are not traveling for a week. I'm only forgiving you this time.
Maria: ok I promise i'll call you tonight
Stephanie: ok i'll be waiting love you
Maria: alright bye
~ End of Phone Convo~
Maria sighed and sat down on the curb that creates the parking lot. She sat there for a few minutes until josh walked up to her and sat next to her.
"What now??" Maria groaned then flinched
"Nothing, I can't sit next to you??" Josh asked "is it against the law?"
"It's whatever. Just dont talk to me"
"Why not??" Josh asked "Im not an asshole despite what you think"
"Are you sure about that" Maria asked "Or are you heartbreaker who uses women and treats them like crap"
"Why would you think that?? We both know you haven't been in a relationship. I doubt you even know what its like to have your heartbroken" Josh said " I stole Trinity's phone and read her messages between you 2"
"You're right I havent because I haven't been in a home long enough to have one" Maria said snarled back then flinched "And then when I was I was too broken for anyone to give me chance. I have been twice of what you been through. And i was abandon by the person that was supposed to be my mom. My biological father decided that meth was more important than me and gave me up just so that he could feed his habit. My heart has been broken. Dont assume stuff. I have my reasons for not being in a relationship yet. But I do now what its like to have my heartbroken"
" I could say the same to you. Calling me a heartbreaker from the stuff the stuff you've read online and hear about me from divas. They dont know half of it. Excluding Trinity" Josh said " its a 2 way street"
Maria's thoughts: Omg i am just as bad as him. I assume just as i assumed he assumed which is partially true.
"Im sorry, for assuming that you are a heartbreaker" Maria said apologetically "So why does everyone say you are a heartbreaker ??"
" Because there was 3 girls that i went out within 2 weeks of breaking up with one" Josh said "It was a dark time a couple years ago I rather not talk about"
"So what you have a girlfriend or girl that you like a lot now??" Maria asked "if you dont mind me asking"
"No I dont have a girlfriend but i do have one I like a lot." Josh said " So can I ask you a question??"
"Depends on what it is??" Maria says
"What is your sexuality??" Josh said " I dont mean to offend you but everyone knows that your previous adoptive father did some damage to you so i dont know if that change you perspective on guys at all"
" I am straight" Maria said " And that is something that i am surprised more people havent asked. It hasnt changed who i am attracted to but it has changed my cautiousness of men but that is it"
" So we got out main assumptions out??" Josh asked
"You're still an ass"
"Really?? No i am not an ass"
"You've been an ass to me so you're an ass to me" Maria said
"Common I am trying to be nicer??" Josh said "give a guy some slack"
" You've been trying for like 5 minutes" Maria said with a smile "That doesnt give you bragging rights"
"Give me the right for me to invite you to come to Jon and Trinity's place for dinner and movie??" Josh said "Trinity wants to see you and the hotel is on my way to Jon and Trinity's place. They wanted me to invite you"
"Not a date" Maria said
"Not a date Just dinner and a movie with your best friend and her husband and his twin" Josh said calmly.
"I'll ask paul" Maria said
"Damn I keep forgetting you're a minor" Josh said "even if I wanted to it would still be illegal"
"That it would" A voice from behind them said. They turned around to see paul looking down on them
"How long have you been here??" Josh asked nervously
"Long enough to hear that you wanted to go to dinner with Maria"
"And Jon and Trinity. You like trinity and trust trinity" Josh said very carefully
"I dont know i'll think about it" Paul said
"Paul please paul" Maria said getting up and hugging him.
"I dont know"
"Pwease" Maria pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes
"damn how the heck did you learn how to do that so quickly?? Im blaming the girls on that one" Paul said looking down on maria's puppy dog eyes "I guess, just stop looking at me like that. Make sure you call stephanie tonight though"
"Ok i will thank you!!!!!" Maria said hugging Paul.
"Alright I'll pick you up at 8 Maria" Josh said about to walk away to avoid everything
"Oh yeah, dont I get to hit you for pissing off my daughter" Paul said
"dammit" Josh sighed "Yeah go ahead"
Paul punched Josh in the face. All of maria's friends have made various deals with paul if Maria were to get hurt. Maria saw the swelling around Josh's eye and mentally freaked out a bit. Josh could tell.
"Maria its fine. Its just a black eye" Josh said "Me and my brother would give each other black eyes to make each  look tougher"
"Oh yeah watch your hands with maria tonight Josh. If i here one word of you putting a finger on her i will knock you out" Paul said protectively
"Can you not do that one Paul??" Maria asked "Too soon"
"Ok I'll make you have 2 black eyes" Paul said "Better Maria??"
"yes, thank you" Maria said "did you get my pictures of my food that i sent you paul??"
"Ok sir. I'll let you talk to your daughter alone. I'll see you tonight Maria" Josh said and walked away.
"yes did. Did you get spandex??" Paul asked
"Yes, I have a pair under what im wearing now and Brie said i can pick up the rest of my stuff later" Maria said Grabbing the extra money out of  her pocket and holding it out for Paul to grab
" The rest of the money is your spending money for the week" Paul said
" you said you'll take it back when i am done shopping" Maria said
"I can grab it and then give it back to you as your spending money or you can just keep it and save me the hassel" Paul said
"you said you'll slowly introduce me to this though" Maria said
"I want you to have this money tonight though Maria" Paul said " If there was something to were to happen and you need to get a cab you can. If you want to help contribute to the food you can. If they dont have anything to drink that doesn't have alcohol in it you can get it. Please maria please.... Pwease" Paul said while doing a really bad puppy dog face.
"Fine, but getting a purse with the money then" Maria said.
"Oh Stephanie got you one i was supposed to give you yesterday and or this morning but I forgot.... Yeah stephanie yelled at me a lot. " Paul said with a smile "well i faced timed her while i was looking at them so she picked it out."
"Oh ok" Maria said "Can you read minds or something??"
"I cant but i think stephanie can" Paul jokes.
"Ok remind me to be careful around her" Maria whispers
"Why are you whispering??" paul whispered back
"I dont know why are you??" Maria said
" I dont know" Paul whispered back "We should probably stop"
"yeah" Maria said
"Common I have some big people i want you to meet"
"Why do they have to be big??" Maria whined then flinched
"Well one is big the rest of them are like shawn" Paul said
"Why does there have to be a big person??"
"Because he is one of my best friends and wasn't your goal to have a small conversation with a big guy you dont know. So this whey you can talk and have a conversation with a big guy and still talk to someone that I trust which makes them a little better right??" Paul said
"Yeah I guess, but you're going to stay there right??" Maria asked
"Yes and I will introduce everyone else to you and you wont have to say anythings else" Paul said trying to get her to be a little more confident about it.
"I guess" Maria said "At least you are going to be there; to make things better"

Maria walked in there and talked to the men they then went out to eat. Maria remanded quiet during the entire time pretty much.

Sorry for not updating last week it was homecoming at my school. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment any ideas or if you just like the story. I really appreciate any comments that are given and will try to incorporate all ideas given to me. Please vote. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading. 

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