A Barrel Racer

By JaynaGullic

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I finally got back home from the PBR(professional barrel racer). I got out of my truck and unloaded my horse... More

chapt 1- Coming Home
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- Shifting
Question Time!!
What Is That Amazing smell?!
Did You Call Me Pretty?
I Will Not Leave Your Side
Softball Game
Rapest(part two)
Royal Prankers
hear this.....
Aunt Caral
Because Its My Life
Volunteer Week(day one)
Volunteer Week (Day two)
Volunteer Day 3- (part 1)
Please read!!!2nd book!!!
Volunteer Day 3-(part 2)
Volunteer Day 4-

chapter 4- My Best friend Found Her Mate.

368 14 0
By JaynaGullic

Hey, Well the times I have using have been the actual time of day!! Lol!

*five days after Skylar shifted.*

Skylar's P.O.V.

I got up at 7:30 to do my chores. I was normally the only one awake. When I was done feeding and brushing the horses, I went to the side of the house to see the sunrise. I looked at my watch. It was 9:07 A.M. I almost forgot that Stacy shifted yesterday. We went on a trail ride yesterday.

I looked up and saw a black truck coming toward the driveway. My wolf growled. 'Intruders.' Neon said to me. For those of you who don't understand, Neon is my wolf.

They parked at the front. I stayed hidden in the bushes and watched. They were both males. The one that was driving was around 6'2, had brown hair with green eyes. The one in shotgun was at least 6'1 and had dirty blonde hair and sea blue eyes.

'Rouges. ' Neon growled again.

I watched as they walked up to the porch. "Okay, Steven we are asking to be in their pack. Okay? We both can't be Rouges our whole life." I heard the brown hair one say.

The blonde one who I am guessing is 'Steven' nodded. They were about to knock when I stepped on a twig.


I mentally cursed myself. They both snapped their head towards the direction I was in. "Is someone there?" The brown haired one asked calmly.

I cleared my throat before talking. "Yes. Now can I asked who is trespassing on my land?" I asked stepping out of the bushes. They looked at me shocked.

"Okay, what about your names?" "Steven." Duh, don't you think I heard you guys stupid. He said holding out his hand. I shook it and smiled genuinely.

I looked at the no name mut he was still staring at me. What the? I waved my hand in front of his face he snapped out of it.

"Sorry." He apologized. "Your name?"

"Well Leo and Steven it is nice to meet you I am Skylar. I am the alphas only daughter. Please wait here." I said walking inside.

I went up to my dad's office. "Dad, there are some rouges- "

"why didn't you get me sooner?" My dad asked panicked.

"No! Dad, they want to join the pack their names are Steven and Leo." He took at deep breath.

"Okay, bring them up." I nodded my head.

*after getting Steven and Leo and them talking to alpha.*

"So, are you staying" I asked. They had bright smiles.

"Yeah, your dad is kind of scary."

"Of course he is! Where do you think I got it from?" I said smiling and joking.

"Who in the hell are they Sky?!" Stacy asked panicked looking at them.

"Stacy this is Steven." I said pointing to Steven.

He waved. "Hello." He said childishly.

"And this is Le-"

"Mine." I just now realized Stacy stopped mid step and Leo was walking towards her. His eyes were now a black or dark brown. His wolf took over. Leo grabbed Stacy's waist and kissed her.

I grabbed Steven's hand and took him to the kitchen so Stacy and Leo could have some alone time.

"Well, that wasn't weird." Steven blurted out. I fell backward from laughing at his outburst.


So did ya'll like this chapter? This was short but was pretty good.






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