Daddy Avengers

By different_and_nerdy

224K 7.3K 4.4K

What the title says! Feel free to ask for requests and I will see what I can do! More

First Word
Bucky Catch up
First day of School
Talent Show.
He wont believe you, and you prove him wrong
Your Friend Disappears
They hear you sing
You save them
They hear you sing (Pietro)
They find out a secret Part 1
They Scare You
You're 16
You (temporarily) Die
You Come Back To Life
Tony, You Die
On Tour
I was tagged.
Tony, You come back
Sent Away (Pietro Only)

How it Happened

28.9K 653 788
By different_and_nerdy


Steve was walking along the street with the bags of food Tony told him to get. As he was walking he heard yelling. "That thing is a freak now let me shoot it!" Steve ran to the sound and saw a man holding a gun and pointing it to a baby. The mother was protecting it.

The guy shoots the mom and Steve bolts towards the man. He tackled him and quickly grabbed the baby. "Go on. Take it. She was born on (birth date) and I knew that the second it was born, it was a freak." Steve took the baby and grabbed the bags and quickly ran home.

The baby cooed and snuggled into Steve's chest. "I'm going to keep you." Steve said.


He was smiling along the streets as he walked proudly to Jane's home. He was excited to see her again. He bumped into a small form and she shoved something in his arms. She scurried away and he looked in his arms. He saw a sleeping baby in his arms. He didn't know what to do.

He looked at the blanket it was in and saw a note.

Dear stranger,
I don't want this freak of nature. She is just.... I don't even know. Maybe you can love her but I can't. This thing can somehow control weather, and water. She was born on the (b/d). Enjoy this ugly beast.

Thor was saddened that this women didn't like this baby. He thought the baby was absolutely sweet, and adorable. He craddles it and says,"I'm your new daddy little one."


Come on. We saw this one coming. At least the babys mom is Pepper. Tony was in the delivery room holding his new baby girl. "What are we naming her?" Pepper asked. "We did agree I name the boy and you name the girl." Pepper said. "(Y/n). I like that." Tony said. Pepper agreed and held her new child.

Tony smiled at his new baby. He thought he wasn't ready for this but now... He is. And he is already planning your ironman suit. "IronGirl! I can see it now!" Tony said. Pepper rolled her eyes. Then they saw something wrong. You began to do some weird breathing thing. "Her heart is malfunctioning!" Pepper began to cry and Tony was freaking out.

So now you have an Arc reactor like your daddy.

(Before we start, Clint doesn't have a wife or kids in this)

Clint always wanted a little girl. He never could. He was an Avenger so he didn't have time for the dad thing. He was currently on a mission looking for survivors. He heard a small cry.

He sprinted towards it. When he did he saw brown feathers everywhere. He clears away rocks and sees small brown wings around a wailing baby. He sees the mother a few feet away. "T-this was not how her birth was supposed to b-be." The mom said.

It was then Clint realized that you were a newborn. The mom died. He picked you up and looked around. He took you on the aircraft and smiled. He convinced Nick to let him keep you. "I'm you new daddy little bird." He said.


Bruce was in the lab doing his experiments. He got frustrated and decided a walk was due so he could clear his head. He sat down at a park bench and a women walked up to him. She held a pink blanket, that was around a baby, I'm her arms. She sat down and Bruce saw the sleeping babe.

"Aww. She's cute. How old is she?" Bruce said. The women looked at him and smiled. "She's 2 months old. She was born on (b/d)." She said. "Can you hold her for a minute, I need to use the restroom." Bruce nodded and held you. He saw the lady went to the restroom. When she walked out Bruce saw her and she looked at Bruce.

He made his way to her and she ran away. She abandoned her. Bruce thought. He was correct. He didn't know what to do. "I guess I will be your new dad, and hopefully you won't meet the other guy." Bruce said.


He was speeding around like usual. As he was a lady with the same powers shoved a baby in his arms and ran away. He was very confused and he stopped. He saw the baby asleep and saw a note. It basically said your birth date and why the lady didn't want you.

Pietro decided it was best he kept you, because he wouldn't rest easy if he gave you away to someone who might abuse you. "Vell little roadrunner... Meet your daddy."

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