
By ellabella201

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After remembering her missing summer Ela finally understands why the Circle has been hunting her down. She an... More

The List Keeps Shrinking
Back Home Blues
Rescue Attempt
Coming Home
Prisons, Shootings, and Mental Breakdowns
An Assassination, Then An Invasion, Now Both?
Escaping the Career Fair
The Untold Story Of Alex and Ela
Prison Break
Long Live The King
The Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?
I'm Trying To Fix It
And Everything Went Black
Code Black
Go Be Happy
It's You

Until We Meet Again

628 48 16
By ellabella201

I woke up to complete darkness. I knew I wasn't in my room because there would either be slivers of sunlight or moonlight peeking through the blinds. No, I was in the hospital. I heard the beeping of monitors and the light drip of liquids that were coursing through my body. I felt the needle in my hand. I didn't feel any pain, but it's probably got me doped up on morphine. I turned on the light on the nightstand next to me and the light burned my eyes. I closed them tight and opened them, hoping to find slight relief from the pain. I thought back to what had happened last night. I can't believe that Quinn had tried to kill me, again. I don't understand what she was talking about. How I came in and ruined everything. Then Agent West? He said he didn't want to have to kill me. Does that mean he wanted to capture me? To take me somewhere? To make me do something? I don't know. I don't understand anything anymore. I just don't understand. I don't get it. I don't understand what's the big deal with me? Why does everyone want me? I just want it all to stop. I just want to not be confused anymore. There is only one person who can give me the answers that I need. The answers that I've been trying to get for years. Mr. Greyson. He's the only one.

"You're awake." I heard a deep voice say. I turned and saw Jerry wiping his eyes. He was laying on the couch near the wall. "How are you feeling?" He asked yawning. "They brought food a little while ago." He added.

"Honestly? Like shit. But let's not tell anyone else. Our little secret okay?" I said trying to sit up but the pain coursed through my wound and I winced. He nodded. "What are you doing here?" I asked settling back in the laying down position. Jerry noticed my struggle and came over to me. He sat in the chair next to my bed. He moved the bed so that I was up a little bit. I smiled at him. I started eating.

"Well, Tyler and Alex where fighting over who would be in here. I knew the girls would start fighting too, so I told them to settle on a neutral party. Seeing as all we've been through together I figured that I would be the best person to be in here. I understand your boundaries and I wouldn't bother you too much. I mean, they are all very emotional when it comes to you Ela. Now I'm not saying that I'm not, because you're my best friend and I love you, but I just know you a little bit better than they do. We get each other. I knew what you needed, and they aren't it. You need calm, you need someone to confidently tell you everything is going to be okay without giving you false hope of certain things. You need the truth and to be completely honest they've all lied to you because they thought it's what you needed. I've always been honest with you, that's why our friendship works. We don't hide things from each other." He said looking at me and he was so right. That's exactly what I needed. I can't deal with the whole Tyler versus Alex situation. I couldn't deal with the questions and worries and concerns of my friends. I couldn't deal with all of that. I couldn't. I needed Jerry right now. I needed someone who was going to be real with me. I needed someone who I could trust would stay calm with me. I need that.

"I don't understand what's going on anymore Jerry. I don't understand what's happening. I don't understand my world. I don't. I'm so confused." I said shaking my head and looking at him. "This is the second time Quinn has tried to kill me and I don't know what I've ever done to Agent West. Apparently he didn't want to kill me. I mean he shot me, but it wasn't a kill shot. It's like he knew I would've shot him to kill him, but still he didn't want me dead. I can't tell who wants me dead and who wants me alive anymore. I don't know why everyone is after me. Why am I so special?" I asked tears pricking my eyes.

"I don't know what happened out there Ela, and you don't have to tell me unless you want to. All I know is that these are the questions we've been trying to figure out from the very beginning. I can't answer these questions Ela. I can't. Know this though, I won't stop looking. We won't stop looking. Wherever you go I'm right there with you. We're a team. So if you want to drag me back to some far corner of the world because you think we'll find these answers there, then I'll have a bag packed in five minutes ready to go. Whatever you want." He said looking at me intently.

"Are you saying that because the last time I was in the hospital I vanished in the middle of the night and plucked you out of your house in Paris to go and hunt down a secret spy organization?" I asked smirking.

"That might be part of the reason. I might also want to add that I lied before. I wouldn't have my bag packed in 5 minutes... it's already packed. And I might be able to get a plane ready for flight in under and hour with a single text message." He replied smiling. I laughed and shook my head.

"I might just take you up on the offer my friend. Let's see if I get this great epiphany in a couple hours, aye?" I said nodding at him.

"Let me know. I also have a box of our old passport and fake I.D's along with new ones. So... just know I'm prepared to leave at a moment's notice." He said before a knock interrupted us. He moved my finished food away from me.

"Come in." Jerry yelled. Reed peeked his head in before looking at both of us.

"Oh great two at once." Reed said before walking in.

"Hey Reed." I said smiling.

"What's up man?" Jerry said giving him a handshake.

"How are you Ela?" Reed asked giving me a concerned look.

"Alive. I'll be fine. Always am." I said shrugging.

"Great. I know you're strong. Anyways, I dropped by to say goodbye." He said looking down. "Mom wants me in D.C. and it's also kinda illegal to break out of a maximum security prison. But Agent Kingsley proved my innocence and is willing to vouch for me in front of the Supreme Court. So, I have to go settle some business and I have to take my finals so that I can graduate from high school and what not. I'll be back for your graduation though." He said smiling.

"Ok. Well I'll miss you while you're gone. Good luck while you're gone. I know everything will work out for you. The good guys always win." I said returning his warm smile.

"Yea, good luck man." Jerry added nodding.

"Well I have a flight to catch and a very emotional Jess to say bye to. So I will see you soon." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Bye Reed." Jerry and I said in unison before he walked out. I looked over at Jerry and raised my eyebrows.

"The Supreme Court?" I asked seriously.

"Be lucky you don't have to go in front of them as well. Reed refused to say who help him get him out of the prison and since you knocked out the security cameras they don't have any video proof." Jerry added.

"What about Adam? Didn't he tell?" I asked confused.

"He said masked guys came in and held a gun to his head. Couldn't make out the face." He replied.

"And Rick?" I asked.

"Same story." He replied simply. Wow. They had protected me. I held them hostage and yet they still protected me. I can't believe that. I shook my head in shock. My mother suddenly bursted in the room. Crying...

"Mom, what happened? Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"Mrs. White. What's wrong?" Jerry asked getting up to walk to her. He stopped midway when she shook her head.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is right. You're father was found. The Italian embassy. He's flying home. He's coming home." She said with a wide smile. My eyes widened to the size of golf balls.

"Wait what?" I asked in a mixture of pure shock and confusion.

"You're father is alive and he's coming home." She said letting out a squeal of joy. "There's so much I have to do. People to talk to. Business to handle. I just thought you should be the first to know. I have to go, but I'll be back soon. The next time I'll see you, you're dad will be here with me." She said kissing my forehead and dashing out of the room as suddenly as she had come in. The door slammed shut and I looked over at Jerry the same time he looked at me.

"He's coming back?" Jerry asked confused.

"His contract is up, but I thought he was staying. He said he'd think about it but that he was probably staying. Maybe he wanted to see me. Maybe he wanted to talk it over with mom." I said just as confused as him.

"Our mom's don't know that we've known for months. They don't know that we've worked for them. They don't know that our dads have been working for them. They don't know. We've been keeping this big secret from them for so long." He said seriously.

"Too long. And this whole situation has caused so much trouble." I said shaking my head.

"I know. This has to end." He said running his fingers through his hair. We heard another knock.

"Come in." Jerry snapped.

"Hey. Everything okay in here?" Alex said appearing in the doorfame and my heartbeat steadied.

"We're fine." I said nodding.

"I'll give you guys some privacy." Jerry said walking towards the door as Alex walked towards me. "And Ela, remember what said earlier. Less than an hour. I'll be outside." He said giving me a knowing look before walking out of the room. I was seriously considering taking him up on his offer.

"What was that about?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow.

"My med are coming around in about an hour." I said simply. Alex nodded before taking Jerry's seat.

"How you feeling baby?" He asked taking my hand.

"Good. The pain meds are working wonders." I said smiling.

"That's great babe." He said nodding.

"Yup." I said looking down.

"Honestly ela, I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I can't protect you and I've realized that a long time ago, but it's hard always being so close to loosing you. Multiple times in fact. And I realize that if we're going to be together, that's if you choose me, I'm going to have to get used to it, but I can't handle not being able to protect you. I'm supposed to be able to protect you. All I want is for you to be happy and safe." He said seriously.

"I know. I know. I don't know what to say either. I just need to figure out why all of this is happening and then it'll be okay." I said nodding and grabbing his hand.

"I know. Do whatever you need to do. You know I'm here if you need me." He said squeezing my hand.

"I know." I said smiling. "I know."

"Anyways, I just wanted to check in on you. You should be resting." He said standing up.

"Alright. I'll talk to you later." I said smiling up at him.

"I love you." He said holding my face. "Remember that." He added.

"I know." I said nodding. He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. Seconds later Tyler appeared.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Hello love." He said taking a seat next to me. "You gave me quite the scare." He said placing his hand over mine.

"I know. I'm sorry." I said biting my lip.

"Don't be. Crazy people will be crazy people. I'm just glad you're safe." He said rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"Yea. Me too." I said nodding.

"It'll be all over soon. You're completely done with the circle, so no more disappearing acts on me. No more searching . You're done. Everything fine now." He said and I bit my lip.

"Yup... all over." I said slowly.

"Ela..." Tyler said accusingly.

"It's not over. I don't have the answers that I need. It's not over." I said shaking my head.

"Don't you see how dangerous this search has been. You got everything you set out for. You found your dad. You found out what the Circle was planning. What else do you need? To actually get yourself killed?" Tyler asked angrily.

"Tyler!" I warned.

"No! This needs to end Ela. This has to stop." Tyler said seriously.

"This is why! This is why I disappear in the middle of the night and never tell you where I'm going. This is why. You don't understand. You don't get it! I can't sit here and do nothing when there is so much left to do. I can't sit here and wonder about things when I can go out there and get the answers. You don't understand!" I yelled at him.

"You're reckless and you're impulsive. I'm trying to protect you!" He yelled back at me.

"You can't protect me! With the amount of times I've been in danger, and gotten myself out of it, I thought you'd understand that by now. And I thought you'd trust me enough to make my own decisions and to protect myself Tyler!" I snapped.

"Yea and the amount of times I've almost seen you die you'd think you'd understand why I'd want to protect you!" He snapped back.

"Oh like I haven't sat up at night wondering if you were dead or alive. Like I haven't seen you almost die a plethora or times. Don't act like I'm the only one doing this Tyler. You scare me to death when you go off to missions but not once have I told you to stop doing it. Not once!" I said angrily. We sat staring at each other for a while before his stare softened up.

"You're right. I'm sorry. It's my emotions talking Ela. I'm just worried about you." He said grabbing my hand again.

"I know. It's ok. I know you want what's best for me. I know that." I said nodding.

"You need to rest." He said getting up. "Love you my big pain in the butt." He said poking me in the nose. I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to laugh. He kissed my cheek before leaving. He stopped and turned around. "I almost forget. They are transferring my dad to this 'unknown' location tonight at 8. Apparently they are going to separate him forever. After tonight we'll never be able to talk to him ever again. Not like I spoke to him before." He said shrugging and walking away. I need to get to him before he leaves. I need to get to him before he leave. Jerry walked back in.

"Jerry. I need you to take me to where they are keeping Mr. Greyson. Now!" I said seriously.

"Ok." He said before disappearing outside again. Within minutes he's back with a wheelchair and a nurse.

"Jerry here tells me you guys are going on a little walk? Need a little air?" She asked and I had never seen her before in my life, but I nodded.

"It's a bit cramped in here." I said looking around.

"It sure is." She said slipping out the IV. "Don't be too long. You need to rest." She said helping me in the wheelchair. I ignored the pain and continued.

"I'll keep her safe." Jerry said sweetly. "Just a quick walk in the garden and back to bed." He added.

"Of course. You guys have fun." She said smiling. Jerry pushed me out of the doctor's station slowly then when we were out of sight he started bolting down the empty halls. He almost lost hold of me multiple times. It was hilarious. Our loud laughter filled the hallways. It was nice to laugh for a change. We reached the elevators of the sublevel. The picture scanned us, opening the door and Jerry pressed the number 3. We both stuck out our fingers for a blood sample and our eyes were scanned. The elevator shot down to the third floor and we got out. I walked down and to the end of the hallway where he was being held. There were agents, armed agents, standing guard at the doors.

"Hello. I would like to speak to the prisoner please." I said politely.

"I'm sorry miss, we're not allowed to let anyone in to see him." The agent on the right said. Jerry moved to stand next to me.

"Ok listen here sir. That man, Mr. Greyson, used to be my boss. Yes I'm the one who escaped from Gallagher Academy, something I've done multiple times, and disappeared for 5 months. I have also apparently started world war III. I just pushed a crazy lady who was trying to kill me in front of a speeding car killing her and I got shot by an Agent that I actually kinda trusted, which is hard for me to do anymore. Oh and I also killed him too. So I have come too far to not speak to this man. I'm pretty sure if I really needed to Jerry and I could take both of you guys down in under a minute, we were trained to be assassins. Remember that fact before you say no to me again." I looked up at Jerry and he had a stern look on his face and nodded. The agents looked at each other before the one on the left opened the door for me.

"Thank you kindly." I said sweetly before I looked back at Jerry. He pushed me in and placed me in front of Mr. Greyson. He was intently watching me from the moment the door was opened.

"I'll be outside, whenever you're ready." Jerry said rubbing my shoulder and walking out of the room. The door was closed and we sat in silence for a little while.

"What a lovely surprise. I was not expecting you to come a pay me a visit." Mr. Greyson said smirking. His hands were handcuffed behind him and his legs were chained up.

"Why, did you expect me to be dead by now? Sent your little minions after me?" I asked crossing my arms.

"On the contrary. I had no idea they were coming after you. Quinn was always a bit mentally unstable. Quite ironic seeing as that she is a certified therapist. Agent West on the other hand... I have no idea what his motive was. All I can say is that he wasn't working for me. You're a very special girl, incredibly talented. Many people would kill to have you working for them. Literally kill." He said with a slight smirk.

"I have a question for you. Why did you do it? What's up with the whole world war III shit going on? I just don't understand the motive." I said shaking my head.

"Power. Glory. The ability to alter the course of the world forever. I basically did it because I knew I could. A couple a small things and I could change the world. Manipulate it in whatever way I wanted to." He said shrugging.

"There was no ulterior motive? Just because you could?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Imagine having the whole world at your finger tips. You can do whatever you want and no one can stop you." He said looking at e. "Everyone want that. Even if they won't admit it and even if they don't know it. Everyone wants it." He added looking at me.

"Ok. So you did it for power. I understand that. But what I really want to know is what the main purpose of the Circle. What was their goal in the very beginning?" I asked leaning forward a bit.

"The main purpose was, and still is, to eliminate rouge agents and other supreme threats to all countries. We handle the people who are threats, before the get too out of hand. You were doing that when you were with us. We haven't strayed too far from that central goal, but some of the previous leaders, including myself, have let the power to go our heads and everything got out of hand. Now, now is the chance for a true leader to take my place and fix everything that the previous leaders have destroyed. You have to get Alex to become the new leader. I left it in instructions in my office back at headquarters. I've already appointed him. I know they are going to catch Jesse if you don't get to him first. You guys have to find him and change his mind. You have to make him realize the error of his ways. And send him into hiding until it's safe for him again. Promise me." He said pleading.

"I will. I'll make sure Alex is leader and I'll make sure Jesse is found and talked to. I promise." I said nodding.

"So who are you going to choose?" He asked raising and eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Tyler or Alex." He said as if it was obvious, and it should've been.

"Oh... yea..." I said looking down.

"I know you love both of them." He said causing me to look. "I can see it. I know this has got to be hard for you to choose on of them." He added softly.

"It is. It really is. I can't decide. I love both of them. How am I supposed to choose one over the other?" I asked desperately.

"I can't tell you sweetie. I can't help you either. Tyler is my biological son, but Alex is like a son to me as well. Ok. I think we can work this out. We can work this out." He said nodding.

"Okay." I said biting my lip.

"Tyler... Tyler's noble, protective, honorable..." He looked at me to continue.

"He's charming and funny. He's a great spy. He's adorable and has an amazing smile." I said nodding.

"But he has serious trust issues, I can understand why. He has a hard time connecting, I can also understand why. He's incredibly stubborn. He's impulsive. When his ego or emotions fog his vision he can be destructive, to both himself and those around him." Mr. Greyson said slowly.

"He can also be overly protective and it seems like he views me as fragile which is annoying sometimes. And amen on him being stubborn. And it's funny because he called me impulsive today. And it's like he doesn't understand that I can take of myself. Like I'm not a damsel in distress and he of all people should understand this. And I hate how he keeps so much stuff from me. It's like he doesn't trust me, which plays back to the trust issue thing you mentioned earlier." I finished.

"Ok so summary of Tyler. Honorable, charming guy with serious trust issues." Mr. Greyson said and I nodded. "Ok, Alex. Great leader. He is also honorable, he's incredibly humble, he can admit when he's wrong..." Mr. Greyson looked at me to finish again.

"He's incredibly sweet and amazing. He's not as protective over me as Tyler is which I like. I understand that with his job he can get hurt or killed and vice versa. He has such a big heart. He has gorgeous eyes and just a warm comforting aura. And I'm kinda engaged to him..." I finished.

"Ok, so sometimes, like Tyler, his emotions can get the better of him. He's also a huge risk taker, which is incredibly dangerous. He also has some family issues going on with him." Mr. Greyson added.

"Yea. He's the risk taking can get a bit out of hand. He needs to tone that down. And let's not forget that I was his mission! He was meant to capture me. He lied to me for a while. A long while. I have some trust issues with him. Like he hasn't lied to me since then and he's shared everything with me, but still. That's something I can't just forget you know? Like for how long did he really want to capture and kill me before he fell in love? Also, he's been working for you guys for most of his life. How do I know he's not going to become super power hungry and try to take over the entire world?" I asked seriously.

"He won't. That's something I can assure you of." Mr. Greyson said shaking his head. "I've know Alex all of his life. I've practically raised him. There were so many times in his life that he could've grabbed up power... to become more powerful. He's never done it. He's not power hungry. That I know." He said seriously.

"Ok maybe not taking over the world, but everything else is serious business." I said looking at him and he nodded.

"It is. They both have their benefits and they both have their weaknesses. You just have to decide who you fit better with. Whose strengths are your weaknesses and whose weaknesses are your strengths. Who are you going to feel comfortable and happy with for the rest of your life?" He asked rhetorically.

"Yea... I know." I said nodding. "This was a nice chat Mr. Greyson, but I must be going before my nurses start wondering where I am." I said wheeling away from him.

"Before you go Daniela. I have a gift for you. It's on the table." He said nodding in the direction of a small table by the wall. I wheeled over to it and picked up the neatly wrapped rectangle. It was pink and white polka doted.

"You know pink isn't my color." I said smiling at him.

"Oh you know you secretly love that color. Go on, open it." He said smiling in anticipation. I excitedly unwrapped the box and behold...

"A copy of 'Spy School for Dummies'?" I said laughing.

"I heard it was your favorite. But his copy in particular is special. Extended copy. Open to the back." He said nodding at me. I opened to the back cover and noticed a sealed envelope addressed to Jesse. Then I started flipping through the pages and saw that it was not the words from the book. It was something else. I kept scrolling until I got to a page titled. Everything you wanted (needed) to know. Sincerely yours, Mr. Greyson. On the bottom of the page there was a little not. Refer to me if you ever need guidance or a reminder of who you really are. I flipped back further and found that the rest of the book up until that point was the actual book. I looked up at Mr. Greyson with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.

"Thank you. Thank you." I said as a tear slipped down my face.

"It's the least I could do for everything I have done. Despite what you may think I really care about you. Read it when you're ready." He said seriously. I wheeled to the door and knocked. It was opened and I looked back at him.

"Good Bye Mr. Greyson." I said wiping away a tear.

"Until we meet again Daniela." He said waving.  

I haven't added an author's note in a while. Only because the endings needed to be the end. I felt like I could, and should, say something about this. You guys might be wondering how she's so comfortable with Mr. Greyson when just a couple chapters ago she knocked his head in. You have to remember he was her boss for months and they did have an on and off friendly relationship. And Mr. Greyson actually really cares for her. And despite what you think, she does, and will always, have a soft spot for Mr. Greyson in her heart. Also I thought I'd tell you that the story is coming to an end soon. A couple more chapter and then the epilogues. I have a surprise for you guys when we come to the last chapter. 2 chapters left. I can't believe it's ending so soon. Anywho, I love you guys and I hope you guys have an amazing week. 


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