The Weird One.

By okaythenbruh

1K 47 4

Madi Morris is the nobody in the family compared to her brother Mathew Morris or well known as Matty B Raps... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chpater 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

15 1 0
By okaythenbruh

Madi ||

Justin and Pattie said their goodbyes, and Justin came over to me.

"Madi, are you sure your going to be okay?" He asked

"Yes Justin, I'll be fine" I said

"Okay Madi, don't loose contact with me" he said

"Promise" I said

"If you have any problems talk with me okay" he asked

"Yes Justin" I laughed.

"You do realize this is gonna be on the news" he said looking right into my eyes


"There is paparazzi every where here, your gonna be in the news" he said

"Oh no, this is bad" I said looking around "you probably don't wanna be seen with me. Bye Justin" I said and turned and started walking away.

Justin grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him and wrapped his arms around him.

He laughed. "Madi I want to be seen with you"

"Oh" I said

"I'm gonna miss you Madi, I'm a whole different person without you, when I'm not with you, that's what the media knows me as the guy who does drugs, parties, fucks whores, is a badass douchebag who hang with druggies. But when I'm with you I don't even think to do any of that, I want you to know you will probably here bad about me in the news, but please remember me as the person I am now, I'm a whole different person right now" he said staring in my eyes

"Okay Justin" I said

"Is this goodbye then" he sighed

"I guess so" I kissed his cheek.

"What was that" he said

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I want one of those , but here" he pointed to his lips

I rolled my eyes and kissed him, he pulled me against him and kept the kiss going.

"Your kisses never get old" he smiled

"Bye Justin" I smiled back

"Bye babe" he left for his flight.

I went to my car and drove back home.

I sat on the couch not sure what to do. Maybe some Netflix and some Oreos will do for today.

Monday //

I went to the studio at 9. It doesn't open till 10 but I took dads keys so yeah, oh shit, how is he gonna drive his car. I mean I took all his keys cause I didn't know which opened the studio.

I left dad a text letting him know i have his car keys .

I went in the dance studio and played the remix of songs for my most recent routine.

I practiced, I practiced hard.

Dancing was the only thing I knew to do that helps me think and let the stress off my shoulders, and to get all my worries out of my mind.

There was a part of the routine in the middle I was stumbling with.

I slowed it down and went over the steps then sped it up but always got it wrong.

It was frustrating. I got mad at myself I went over to my water-bottle to take a break and didn't even realize I started crying.

"Madi?" Mathew came in , my dance instructor (thew) Matthew Steffanina not my brother just to clarify.

I looked up at thew who was now standing in front of me as I sat against the wall.

"Madi what's wrong" thew asked

"I suck" I stood up

"Oh come on" he sighed and threw his arms back. "Madi your amazing, I don't even wanna here that, there's obviously something more going on" he said

"No, I'm terrible I can't get down the whole routine, I'm just horrible at life" I said

"MADI! STOP IT" he yelled and put his head in his hands.

"What" I asked wiping away my tears

"When I was your age I wasted all my years doing the same things you are , doubting myself, the only way I got here was i got yelled at , I got a reality check, I looked at the good instead of the bad, okay if you keep doubting your self you will get nowhere. And let me emphasize that YOU WILL GET NOWHERE!" Thew lectured

"Sorry" I said

"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to yourself" thew turned around and left the dance studio.

I stood there.


What a screw up I am, I just make everyone mad at me , thats they just wanna leave me.

That's what.

Luke was probably mad at me, I screwed it up, it wasn't his fault it was mine, oh god. Why am I so stupid.

I decided to practice the routine some more.


Today was state competition. If I win states I go to nationals , if I make it past that I make it to world competition.

"Thew I'm nervous, this is the biggest comp I've done" I said , I was up in two

"Trust me it will be the easiest thing you've ever done," he reassured me.

I was competing with the routine I was struggling with.

It was my turn.

I did my routine with ease.

"You were right , that wasn't so bad" I said to thew.

"Told you" he laughed.

We waited for the rest to perform.

"Hello competitors and audience, we will now be announcing winners for state dancing champions, the top three will move on to compete in nationals in Miami Florida. Third Place, Tyler Garge. Second Place Harley Garge " I Watched both their performances and there was no way I was better , so I'm not gonna be in first. My heart sank , I was really hoping to make states at least.

"First Place Madison Morris"

I looked at thew with wide eyes and he smirked.

I went up on stage and accepted the award. I got a trophy and a certificate.

The announcer left cause it was now over and people were leaving.

"To be honest I didn't think I was that good, I thought you were gonna get first" I said going up to Harley who got second.

"Yeah me too" she rolled her eyes and walked away.

I just stood there staring off, damn I do have a thing with people don't I.

"Sorry, she's a bitch, Harley's my sister" Tyler walked up to me, he got third place.

"Sister and brother? Dancing must be In your family" I said

"Yeah our parents were dancers, once we learned to walk we learned to dance." Tyler said

"Oh wow, I just learned I could dance this year" I said

"Damn, your doing really good for your first year" Tyler laughed so did I.

"Yeah, well, I have a pretty good instructor" I nodded over to thew.

"Matthew Steffanina is your instructor!" He almost yelled.

I nodded and laughed.

"Damn how did you get him" Tyler asked

"He semi works at the studio my dad owns" I said trying my best to not sound snobby

"So your dad owns a studio and Matthew Steffanina semi works there and you are just starting to dance this year?" He asked surprised

"Pretty much, but I think Matt only works there from spring to summer and then goes back to his studio in L.A from fall to winter" I explained

"I happened to notice your last name is Morris, you don't happen to be related to MattyBRaps or Matthew Morris at all are you?" He asked

I laughed "he's my brother"

"Damn" he laughed.

"TYLER LETS GO" Harley yelled at him from a distance far enough that people looked our way.

"Hey could I get your number by any chance, maybe we could meet up before nationals in two weeks" he suggested

"Sure" i said and he handed me his phone and I put my contact in his phone.

"Thanks, nice meeting you, and when we meet up lets go to your dads studio, it seems cool, plus I wanna meet your brother, bye" he laughed and left.

I went over to Thew.

"Oh Madi how many times will I tell you 'I told you'" he said and with that we left.

I got home, and was exhausted. I took a nap, of course.

I got up brushed my teeth brushed my hair and got my pjs on. I went downstairs and everyone was asleep. I grabbed the Oreos and some milk and headed back to my room.

I checked my phone ... 1:14 am

I had a message from a unknown number.

- hey it's Tyler, just letting you know

I replied

- sorry I'm responding so late, you'll probably get this in the morning but okay ☺️ it's Madi

In the matter of 2 minutes I got a text from Tyler

T- well it is technically morning now
M- why are you awake
T- I could ask you the same
M- but I asked you first
T- I just never went to sleep hbu
M- I took a nap and now I'm not tired
T- FaceTime?
M- sure

Tyler facetimed me and I answered.

"Hi" he said sweetly

"Hey" I laughed

"What" he asked

"You just are being really nice" I said still laughing, he made a weird face.

"So do you wanna hang out, If not it's fine" he asked

"What the fuck" I laughed "stop being nice, of course I want to, where do you live?"

"I live an hour from Atlanta" he said

"Oh okay I live in Atlanta" I said

"Okay well when do you wanna hang out" he asked

"Can you drive?" I asked

"Yes I'm 16 turning 17 in two days" he answered

"Oh okay, well what about tomorrow, I mean today since it's already 1 am?" I asked

"Really?" He asked surprised

"Yeah, but then I want to come to your house for your birthday" i said

"Fine with me he smiled, Ima go to sleep, I'll be there around 12 today, good night" he said emphasizing 'today'

"Goodnight" I hung up and checked my texts and realized I had one from Justin.

- Madi, hi
- hi?
- Madi
- you said you would keep touch with me Madi
- Madi
- ugh

I replied

- lol Justin chill, I was at state competition today

Justin answered immediately, what a dork

J- how did it go
M- could have been better
J- oh I'm sorry what happened
M- oh I just got first
J- congrats Madi,
M- good night Justin
J- but we just started taking
M- I'm tired and I have plans tomorrow, I gotta get ready for nationals in two weeks
J- ok baby, good night
M- goodnight

And with that I fell asleep

🌱 hi
✌🏻️ or
🎀 hey
👣 || Josie ||

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