Re-post: Always and Forever b...

By just_a_fangirl_2442

39.8K 862 196

Harry and Hermione start to feel attraction towards each other, even though Hermione is with Ron. One of the... More

1. A Midnight Hello
2. Reaching the Burrow
3. At the Ministry
4. Questions
5. Explosions Explained
6. A Stolen Kiss
7. Talking
8. Train Rides and Surprises
9. A Prophecy Unknown
10. Curses and Such
11. Loss of control
12. Frights
13. Why?
14. Getting Lost
15. Dancing
16. The Consequences of Firewhiskey
17. A Helping Hand
18. Some Secrets Revealed
19. The Break Up
21. Hermione's Return
22. Two Big To Hide
23. The Birth
24. Fights and Lights
25. Shadows in the Dark
26. A Stag of Light
27. The Battle Dedicated to Tired Eyes
28. Unraveling
29. The End of It All

20. Follow the Snouper

832 20 1
By just_a_fangirl_2442

DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are my own they all belong to the amazing, wonderful J.K Rowling. Also this plot isn't my own it belongs to Neiva.


Harry stirred by the window where he had been sleeping. He had stayed up until four that morning before sleep consumed him and he fell into a deep slumber.


"Harry wake up." Was that Ron's voice Harry was hearing or was it just a dream.

"Harry, would you be so kind as to join us this morning." Now that definitely had to be Dumbledore's voice. Harry opened his eyes and found the voice's in his head were not from his imagination.

"About time," Ron said with his arms crossed standing next to a tall, long, white bearded man.

"Whatsamatter," Harry said in a mumble. Still disoriented from his sleep, he fixed his glasses and stood up.

"I have something important I want to discuss with the both of you," Dumbledore said calmly.

Harry scratched his head. Why is it that every time Dumbledore has something to say, it isn't good.

"Go on."

"Miss Granger came to me in the wee hours of the night with disturbing news and demanding wishes."

At this point Harry was wide awake. He had completely forgotten the events from last night. Ron penetrated the circle that Harry and Dumbledore had created amongst themselves.

"Where is she, I need to apologise for what I said to her last night," Harry said pleadingly.

"Me too. I went off on her and said some things I regret now." Harry sighed. If Ron let his big fat mouth undone and told her off, she must be really depressed right now.

"Unfortunately she is neither here, nor within reach at this particular moment. She came to me last night with a tale of disturbing news and vocabulary I never thought to hear her say. Apparently you boys gave her a good telling last night, so much that she decided to leave Hogwarts," Dumbledore said.

"Lea-Leave Hogwarts? You let her go?" Harry said beginning to raise his voice.

"Where is she, will she come back," Ron said cutting Harry off.

"I did not let her go anywhere. She is of age and if wishes can discard her education here if she pleases. I could do nothing to stop her, but I did help her to find an acceptable means of continuing her schooling. She asked me not to disclose her whereabouts with you and I will obey her decision. She will be free to return when she pleases, and don't try and send her owls it won't work," Dumbledore said simply.

Oh no what have I done, Harry thought cementing his hands in his face.

"No, tell her we didn't mean what he said, tell her to come back," Ron said taking the words right out of Harry's mouth.

Dumbledore didn't say anything, he shook his head and turned to leave.

"Tell me where she is, I must speak with her," Harry said blocking the exit point.

"Harry, I cannot do more than inform you about her choice."

"That's not good enough," Harry said mightily. His impatience was uncontrollable, and he wasn't trying to push it down.

"Restrain yourself," Dumbledore said losing the calmness of his voice.

"Then tell me where she is."

Dumbledore's figure rose. Harry felt small when Dumbledore stood straight up. He didn't blink and neither did Harry. Ron found his way next Harry and imitated his posture. Both boys stayed blocking the exit.

"TAKE ME TO HER," Harry yelled. He didn't care if he had to duel with Dumbledore himself, he needed  to apologise to Hermione, in person.

"Remember this, it was not my fault she fled in the first place. Both you boys drove her away, so don't try and stand there blaming me for your predicaments. Your guilt is what is driving you to be compelled to seek her. I will execute her will, and you won't get any help from me in finding her." Dumbledore was furious, he hovered fear into hearts, they were seeing a side of him the had not before.

Dumbledore tipped his hat to leave, and encircled them. Harry wouldn't be left with his blood boiling. Leaving Ron he reached the Headmaster right before he left the common room and whispered in his ear.

"I will find her. I'll do it with your help or without, you know that. I won't rest until I see her again, don't doubt it." Harry gave Dumbledore a cold look and departed in front of him.

When his back was turned to him he sensed his eyes boring into the back of his head. Not only had he ticked off Hermione and Ron, but now the Headmaster. If Harry kept this up he was going to have a very lonely Christmas.

He walked, not sure how long he walked, until Ron came billowing to his side.

"What did he say, I didn't hear a word you told him."

"He didn't say anything," Harry slapping his hands at his side.

"Oh. Well I supposed we deserved that. What's your story?" Ron said eager for conversation. Harry wasn't even sure he was still friends with Ron, much less willing to talk to him. In the back of his head he knew Ron hadn't done anything wrong, but it didn't stop Harry from hating him then.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"She came into the Gryffindor common room and slap me you know," Ron sais feeling his cheek as if the hit was still fresh.

Harry resisted the urge to laugh, and swallowed his smile. Hopefully she did what Harry hoped she did.

"Then what happened," Harry said trying not to sound too anxious.

"I don't know Harry. I left your common room and got in a fight with Malfoy. McGonagall came and gave us both detentions for a week, but I was so mad that I didn't go to the Hospital Wing. Malfoy beat me up pretty badly, I hate to say it. The only reason you don't see any marks is because Luna found me and healed me-"

"Luna? You know she seems to be around a lot when you need her," Harry said trying to push ideas into Ron's head.

"I guess. Anyways, one minute I'm the happiest man alive, and the next I'm the angriest. She came in furious and told me she didn't want to be with me anymore much less marry me. I didn't know what to say or do. I was so heartbroken I took out my anger on her. I don't know what went wrong or why it-"

"Ron... can I... can I ask you something," Harry said cutting him off.

"Ask away."

"In the Great Hall... after the show, you weren't the one who did that for her so-"

"How did you know, it wasn't me," Ron said interrupting his abruptly.

"I... could tell. I could tell by the... that way you looked and the... song." Harry mumbled.

"Humph, was a bit obvious then." Ron asked questionably.

"Yeah it was. Well if it wasn't you who did that, why did you propose so quickly." Harry asked cautiously.

"That's easy, I was going to propose to her anyway. I don't know if you have heard but word had gotten to me that I wasn't the only one in love with 'Mione. When I saw this surprise and everyone thought it was me I... I went with it. I figured if I didn't pluck up the courage to do it then and there, someone else would and I would lose my chance. Mainly it was out of fear from losing her. After a nights rest I feel really stupid," Ron said dropping his gaze.

"Why's that?"

"Because even if someone was in love with her, I know she would never do anything behind my back. She's too honest and too... Hermione. So really I didn't have anything to worry about. I think... I think I scared her away. Last night she broke up with me. I called her names I promised I would never say, and accused her of being a slut."

No wonder she left, being accused of such things by one of your best friends is one thing. But being accused of it by both, when your not, is another. I fucked up and now I can't fix it, Harry thought guiltily.

"Harry did you hear me," Ron said waving his hand in front of Harry.

"Huh, no what did you say."

"I said, that she came in and told me I let out our secret. Remember when I told you, it had gotten a bit far that one night. I didn't mean for you to tell her, I told you. She asked me not to tell anyone and you sold me out," Ron said eyeing Harry.

"Well... what happened was-"

"I thought it was clear that it was just between us, not for you to go blabbing to her."

"She came in, in a fowl mood and started yelling at me. It was... over a stupid thing and... I asked her when things got serious with you and her. I thought it would calm her down but she started... ranting about how things weren't serious and..." Harry needed to come up with a lie and fast. He hoped Ron couldn't see the sweat that was coming from his forehead.

"She told you things weren't serious, I had just proposed to her," Ron said disbelievingly.

"That's what I said and it slipped. I said it casually without meaning to. She took it fine at first and then went crazy... I was already in a bad mood because... of Draco." Harry blinked many times and fidgeting with his thumbs.


"Malfoy, I meant Malfoy." Harry said inhaling a large amount of air.

"So you guys started arguing and then she came and took it out on me. It could have been worse for you, I didn't contain myself."

"I didn't either. When she started yelling I... tried to get her to calm down and then she called me names and I said them back. It got intense and the next thing I knew, I was saying before thinking and she went out the door. We screwed up big time, huh," Harry said with a sigh.

"More like ample, king sized mammoth, enormously screwed up. She's not going to come back, at least not for a while."

"Well have to see about that, won't we," Harry said steering towards the Great Hall.


Wet, sticky moisture was absorbing into Harry's skin. His jaw was flat against his desk with the feel of water leaving his lips. He brought his head up and massaged the part of his face he was laying on.

It was daytime, last he remembered, it was night. He was studying and must have fallen asleep. Quills, books, papers, parchment, his wand, potion supplies and a bag of crisps were scattered on the table.

Rubbing his eyes to wake up he put his glasses on properly and began to read where he left off. In the midst of studying he would occasionally, and by occasionally I mean a lot, would get side-tracked. It had been four months since he had last seen Hermione, and he had not given up the search to find her.

Instead of looking up the proper ingredients to his potions homework, he had taken to reading about animals. It had been on his research for the ingredients that he had landed on an animal that stuck his curiosity.

Having read so many things that let his heart down in the end, it did not keep him awake. Now however his attention was fully on the page before him:

Snoupers are a magical creature that are used to snuff out things. Having the body of a pig, wings of a bird, trunk of an elephant, and tube like ears, it is useful in many cases. This uncommon animal was often used in the sixteenth century by muggles to locate the whereabouts of escaped convicts. Unfortunately they became endangered and landed into the protection of the Ministry of Magic. They currently live in the Forbidden Forest, but are very hard to catch and are also illegal to kill or harm. Shy from humans because of their long absence of interaction they are easily frightened. They can smell things for miles around as well as hear, but it is so sensitive that precautions must be made. They are attracted...

What, where is the rest? How do I get hold of one? This is exactly what I have been looking for, Harry thought.

The rest of the page had been cut off, by someone...

Harry looked at his watch, it was two o'clock. He had missed a good part of his classes.

Who would know about animals, and could tell me how to attract one of the Snoupers... Hagrid of course, Harry thought.

He hadn't gone down to see Hagrid in ages, since he already missed his classes he didn't see any harm in going.

He didn't see anyone around the hut. Hagrid didn't have a class at this time, so he wouldn't be teaching. Harry knocked loudly, but only a dogs bark could be heard. There was many possibilities of where Hagrid could have gone.

"Who is it?" Harry's heart jumped.

"Um... it's me, Harry. Do you have a minute?"

The door slowly creaked open and Hagrid peered out. He stared at Harry for a couple of seconds and then proceeded to let him in.

"Only come round here when you need summin," Hagrid said under his breath, Harry heard every word.

"Sorry I haven't been to see you-"

"Nah I don't need company. I ain't part human or nothing."

"It's not like that-"

"Say Harry have you not been getting any sleep. You got bags under your eyes and you look worn out." Hagrid lost the rudeness in his voice.

"I've been overloaded," Harry said with a fake smile.

"Overloaded with what," Hagrid asked. Harry took a deep breath.

"With Quidditch practice, Head Boy and Girl duties because Hermione's gone. Homework, class work, studying for N.E.W.T's exams, private lessons with Dumbledore. Those haven't been going good, because I keep asking him for Hermione. We usually end up fighting and me storming out. I'd rather not go but I have to learn, I want to learn. Not to mention actually trying to find a way to find Hermione apart from all the rest of the things. Yes, I'm worn out, I'm tired and I'm exhausted."

"Get sum sleep, is all I can tell you," Hagrid said handing him a cup of tea.

"Do you know how I can attract a Snouper?"

Hagrid's eyes widened and he nearly spilled the tea pot.

"No, now how would I know." He was lying, Harry automatically knew.

"The truth please, don't make me loose more rest over this. I'll figure it out eventually, but with you it is much faster." Harry was telling the truth, he was going to find out so Hagrid might as well tell them.

"That is a matter 'tween you and Dumbledore. He don't want you to know so don't go sticking your nose where it don't belong. Siberian Tiger Lilies are a rare plant and you can only find it in my garden. that mixed with Daisy's would get every Snouper within a mile from here, but I don't plan on letting you have any."

Harry snorted at the carelessness Hagrid had sometimes. He just told him what to get and where to find it. Hagrid realised this three seconds after he stopped talking.

"I shouldn't have told you that. You know what, let's pretend this conversation never happened. Fact, I think you were just leaving. I hope you find Hermione soon," Hagrid said raising Harry from his seat.

"Alright thanks for the-"


"Help," Harry said to the door that was closed on him. Hagrid closed all his curtains and locked all his doors. Harry knew he was playing dumb. He went over to his garden and picked out the ingredients he needed.

It took an hour for a Snouper to actually appear behind the thick trees of the Forbidden Forest but Harry was ready. He froze the little animal and approached it cautiously. Looking around to see that no one was looking he bent low next to it and took a piece of Hermione's robe. He put it up to the snout of the animal and then dropped it in front of it. He pet the frozen creature a little to show trust and kindness.

Taking out his wand he said, "Occulous Visvito." It hit it straight in both eyes and glowed a purple colour before fading away.

He got up and went as far as he could without losing range. He unfroze the creature and turned his back on it. He didn't look back to it until he was sure it couldn't see him anymore. It was shocked at first but after a while it began to sniff on the robe that Harry had left on the floor. Instinct took over and it's first reaction was to follow the smell.

Harry watched it take flight and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He had exactly ten minutes to get up to his common room before the effects of the spell took place.

"Going for a walk." Harry turned around startled. It was only Draco. He relaxed his muscles, but only slightly.

"Something like that." Draco was slanting against the wall staring suspiciously at Harry.

"Have you found any word on Granger yet? I know she got lost or something," Draco said closing in on him.

"No, I haven't had any clues." Harry wondered why Draco would be so interested in Hermione's status.

"That's too bad. Anything I can do to help?" Draco said giving him a friendly smile. Something wasn't right, Harry's gut told him not to trust him. He had accepted Draco as a friend but for some reason, he was having a hard time shaking off the feeling.

"Nah, I don't need any help."

"I'll be here if you need me." Harry got dizzy, the spell was starting to take form. He blinked trying to keep his scenery in view.

"You alright," Draco said getting even closer to him.

"So how had Ginny been. I've noticed she's showing." Harry deliberately changed the subject.

"Great, people were shocked to find out that I was the father but other than that. Most of Slytherin was upset, but I don't give a damn." Harry was starting to see spots, he had to hurry or he would be temporarily blind.

"I have homework I need to do, talk to you later," Harry said running off before he could answer him.

He blinked, there was sky and he was flying. He shook his head and blinked again. The floor of the corridor he was running on was in front of him.

Clouds were forming, he almost fell when the creature did a nose dive and he wanted to follow it to the ground.

It was nearly complete, and he was only three feet away from the portrait door.

"Always and Forever," Harry said being cascaded into a world of air and space.

He felt his way through the door. His vision was no longer his own. The spell he did would make him see what the Snouper was seeing. The problem was he wouldn't be able to see what was happening in his own world. Feeling his way to the couch he sat down and tried to survey his view.

The spell allowed him to see though the eyes of the Snouper, and the advantage of this spell was that it doesn't start working until ten minutes after. The selected thing doesn't realise that you are there, but a human sometime may detect something strange.

Harry learned this spell in his advanced lessons with Dumbledore. The man had finally taken to teaching Harry complex spells, but warned him not to use them lightly.

So far all Harry was seeing was the same old shape of clouds, and nothingness. The little bugger flew fast, but then Hermione must have been far because Harry didn't start seeing some sort of land until about an hour of flying. Deep down in the depths of the ant-shaped things he noticed it was a village. It was familiar in all aspects but of the conscious mind. He hadn't visited it before but knew it well from text books and such. It was Godric's Hollow.

 The Snouper dove straight into a neighbourhood Harry didn't recognise. It flew over the houses in a confused manner. Back and forth it went and never reached a specific stopping point.

If Dumbledore hid her, he is her Secret Keeper. But now I know she is in Godric's Hollow, Harry thought.

The Snouper being thrown off the course many times went to leave, but as soon as it was far enough would turn back around towards the neighbourhood. Harry figured it sensed her but got confused at how it couldn't find her. It was to be expected, when Dumbledore was involved.

Harry kicked, not even sure what he kicked, but it hit a solid object. The Snouper continued with this same routine, moving its head back and forth searching frantically.

After a while it got tired and really left. Harry disabled the spell and watched his surroundings become into focus. Not a moment too soon in Harry's mind, Ron came in through the portrait door, accompanied with Neville, Seamus and Luna.

"Hey Harry, you weren't in any of our classes. Did you fall asleep late again?" Ron turned and whispered to Luna. She nodded and smiled before leaving.

"You need a break," Neville said placing a bag of Bertie Bott's every flavoured beans on the table.

"I have way too much crap to catch up with and-"

"Damn Harry you're not Hermione, you don't need to wear yourself down. You used to always try and make her stop studying because she worked too hard, why not try to take your own advise," Ron said sitting in a circle around Harry.

"Come on were going to have a bit of fun before you have to go to Quidditch practise," Seamus said.

"We have Quidditch practise today?"

"Yes we do, now we are not going to give up so give in," Ron said smiling encouragingly.

"Blast you."

"That's right. We're going to play a game; it's got to do with the beans. I'm going to pick one without looking and put it in your mouth. You have to eat or else we'll make you eat two really disgusting ones."

"Make me," Harry said thinking of the words. He doubted that even with all of them in the room they would be able to get them in his mouth. He didn't want to admit it but with all his training he was growing to be very powerful. But he wasn't a spoilsport, he would play along.

"We will stuff them down your throat, if we had to. After you eat it all, you tell us what you ate and pick a bean from the bag. Without looking you take it and put it in Neville's mouth. We will go clockwise; I'll go first with you."

"Figures you guys would make me go first," Harry said laughing.

He obliged and closed his eyes. A bean was placed in his mouth, Harry was almost afraid to start chewing.


"Lucky shot."

"Neville your next," Harry said itching to get his hands inside the bag. Harry closed his eyes and picked out a bean. Neville had his hands over his eyes and mouth open. Harry placed it in his mouth and watched with anticipation. Neville began chewing and got a sick look across his face.

"You have to eat it all, swallow, swallow," Seamus said patting him on his back. He swallowed hard.


"Ohhhhhhhhh." Everyone echoed in the room.

Seamus got grass and Ron got blueberry. On Harry's second round he got popcorn. They continued this way until Harry got rotten egg.

"I... I can't," Harry said holding in his desire to vomit.

"Eat it, swallow, swallow." Harry did, but that was a mistake. The disgust was multiplied by five and he threw up he content of his stomach on the floor. Neville and Seamus were worried but Ron started laughing.

"Some friend you are."

"Better friend than you. You should see yourself, you look pathetic on the floor. I can't believe you threw up, and you had already swallowed it," Ron said clutching his stomach from laughter.

"Sorry guys I'm out," Harry doubled the fill on the floor.

"Chicken shit," Ron said.

"Your turn Ron," Seamus said going to pick out a bean from the nearly empty bag.

"I'll show you how a real man plays this game," Ron said accepting the bean into his mouth. He chewed merrily and without consequence for a couple of seconds. His smile faded and his eyes widened.

"What did you get," Seamus asked.

"Rot-" He couldn't finish. His body was having a spasm in and attempt to get rid of the disgusting thing in his mouth.

"Rotten egg," Harry said wiping his mouth.

Ron nodded, now it was Harry's turn to laugh. It was the same one that Harry had gotten. He imitated Harry and threw up on the floor.

"Scourgify," Neville said trying not to look at the stuff on the floor.

"That's what you get for laughing so much, I got the rotten egg and I couldn't handle it."

"Whatever, let's go to Quidditch practice," Ron said with red ears.

"See you guys later."

"See you."



"I don't feel like going to practice today Ron, can I skip it," Harry said laying on the couch.

"No, this is our last practice, because tomorrow is our match against Slytherin."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Ok hurry up let's go," Harry said in a haste trying to wake himself up.

It was a brutal practice. Ron was yelling at everybody who dared make a mistake, or go off the planned routine.

"Harry you still haven't caught the snitch!" Ron yelled at him from ten feet above the ground.

"I'm working on it," Harry said rising up in the air. He started flying back and forth, the distance between him and the ground were becoming greater.

The wind was blowing his hair, and he had left his problems down on the ground. His eye lids were closing as he allowed for the air to hit his body. It was soothing to be flying, something he hadn't appreciated for a while.

His eye lids were getting heavy, but he was still flying. No this must be a dream, him flying, he wasn't on a broom. He was floating, not only was the wind billowing past the top of his head but his whole body. Nothing could stop him now.

"Harry." Hermione was saying his name. He loved to hear her say his name.

"Harry." The noise was getting closer, but it was distorted by the wind. Again with the wind, what was Harry doing around wind.

"GOT YOU!" Ron yelled. Harry was jerking awake and yanking violently by his robes.

He was doubled over a broom, a broom that Ron was flying. He was wide awake now, watching the ground get slowly nearer. It didn't take long to reach, they were only a few feet away.

"Bloody hell Harry are you trying to kill me, or were you trying to kill yourself," Ron said when they landed.

Harry was confused, what had just happened. His Firebolt landed a few feet away from him.

"I... I fell," Harry said scratching his head.

"You fell asleep more like it. Go inside already Harry, you too tired to play. You should have told me, you were that exhausted," Ron said with a scared look on his face.

"I did tell you."

"I didn't think you were to this point," Ron said handing Harry's broom to him.

"I haven't gotten much sleep, thanks for saving me... you did save me right," Harry said unsure of what happened.

"I saved you, got you ten feet before you hit the ground," Ron said shaking his head.


"It's alright, just go get some sleep, we have a game tomorrow and I don't want you falling off your broom then." Harry nodded and set off for he castle.

He fell of his broom, because he didn't get enough sleep. He let himself be tricked into resting, on his broom. He looked at his Firebolt like it was a traitor, and sighed.

The more time Hermione was gone the worse it was getting for him. Hopefully something good might happen, like tomorrow they would beat Slytherin.

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